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Dear Constituent,

As your state representative, Im tasked with being your eyes, ears and voice at the
Ohio Statehouse.
This honor is a responsibility that I take very seriously, especially when providing
you with high quality and responsive constituent service, which is my top priority.
Im your advocate at the Statehouse, and I want to hear from you.
Every day, my staff and I talk with constituents who call my office asking questions
or seeking help.
Providing assistance to someone affected by crime or helping a constituent with an
insurance problem or getting someone the required paperwork to apply for job
training is all in a days work for me.
The questions and problems vary, but my staff and I are always ready to help. A call
to my office will help you cut through the red tape to help get the assistance you
need and deserve.
My door is always open to hear directly from you and I welcome you to schedule a
time to meet me in the Statehouse to discuss questions or concerns.
Or, if you prefer, meet me during community office hours which I hold every week
throughout our neighborhoods. You can find out when Ill be at a library, community
center or coffee house near you by visiting my website:

Community Office
Friday, May 8th
Parsons Library
845 Parsons Avenue
10:30 AM11:30 AM
Thursday, May 14th
Hilltop Library
511 S Hague Avenue
9:00 AM10:00 AM
Monday, May 18th
Starbucks in Bexley
2450 E Main Street
5:30 PM7:00 PM
Tuesday, May 28th
Grandview Hts. Library
1685 W First Avenue
5:30 PM6:30 PM

In addition, since I first took office in 2011, I have participated in more than fifty
Town Hall meetings to help inform constituents about important issues being
discussed at the Statehouse that will impact them and to personally hear about your
concerns. These are great opportunities for me to hear directly from constituents
about the issues important to them.
To hear directly from small business owners about what I can to en22hance Ohios
business climate, I also convene meetings of my Small Business Advisory Council,
made up primarily of small business leaders, to listen to the concerns of the business
Remember, when you have a problem, question or concern, or anytime I can be of
service, call me at 614-466-1896 or e-mail me at and I will
do everything I can to help.
Im at the Statehouse working for you.
Also, please visit my Statehouse website often to learn more about my work to
improve life in our community:

In This Issue
Honoring our Countrys Fallen Heroes: Memorial Day is a time for remembrance
Over the years, Memorial Day has seemed to fade into the shadows. What
was once a much venerated time of remembrance, has now been watered
down to another day off from work and the time to begin wearing white.
As Ohioans, it is important that we not forget the countless men and
women who gave the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country.
Click here to read more

Stinziano Receives Award from Columbus Coalition of the Homeless

Representative Stinziano received the Marsha Donner
Humanitarian Award from the Columbus Coalition for the
Homeless in recognition of his work in prioritizing the
needs of homeless persons in dedication towards improving
the communitys quality of life at the organizations annual
Click here to read more

Organ Donors are Heroes in Ohio

How many chances will any of us have to be a hero in our
Odds are most of us will never leap tall buildings in a single
bound, or be in the position to save someone from a
burning building or a raging river. But each of us can still be
a hero with the single word yes.
Click here to read more

When you need help,

State Representative
Michael Stinziano

77 South High Street

Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 466-1896 Phone
(614) 719-6964 Fax
Send me an e-mail:
On the Web:

If you no longer wish to receive our eNewsletters, please send an email to this address: with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

2015 State Representative Michael Stinziano

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