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Training is a planned programme designed to improve performance and bring about measurable
changes in knowledge, skills, attitude and social behavior of employees


Apeejay Stya University focuses at nurturing of essential skills in the students and educate them
in their respective area of choice. Apeejay Stya University is dedicated to its societal
responsibility for transforming every student into a Total Human and by igniting the invisible
sun in their minds. The 'core values' of this University is derived from its engagements in high
quality teaching and excellence in research. In order to achieve its goals it needs well trained
teachers and other staff members.


.It strives to see students glitter with the radiance of knowledge. It intends to sharpen students
observations and help in developing objective minds, sensitive hearts, with good command over
languages and thereby exhibiting enormous strength to stand by truth. Its liberal arts approach in
teaching and learning provides students the most vital edge over others to be the world class
professionals in their own fields.
It emphasize on the purpose of education, the essence of education, and provide an integrated
approach with socio-cultural ethos. Its only possible if it has adequate supply of well trained,
highly skilled and learned teaching staffs that can be both effective and influential.

Job requires teaching students and grooming them with knowledge in specific areas. Jobs requires
working for 7 hours a day and at most 6 days a week. One teacher may or may not have multiple subjects
associated with them at any given point in time. Teaching staff should be able to teach and perform up to
certain teaching standards that involve excellent communication, teaching and social skills.
The person is required to be analyzed by reviewing their performance data and work samplings so that
appropriate trainings can be arranged for the person this may include by taking feedback (survey) from
respective students that are associated with the teachers or via personal interview by a higher authority
that is suitable for it. Questionnaires are another important way of analysing the person so that a suitable
training program can be devised for the person


Knowledge - In this teachers need to be acquainted with the knowledge that they require for the
particular tasks that they are assigned.
Technical skills Teachers are required to be trained technically in their respective areas so that
they can pass on their skills to their students
Social skills- Training in this skill is required especially to understand students phycology and
be able to work with other teachers when required in wide variety of tasks that a teacher may be
assigned with.
Skills training: here certain basic skills like reading, writing, computing, speaking, listening,
problem solving etc. are taught
Refresher training: here the focus is on short term courses that would help teachers learn about
latest developments in their respective fields
Cross functional training: this helps teaching staff to perform in areas other than their assigned
Team training: this is concerned with how team members should communicate with each other,
how they should cooperate to get ahead, how they should handle conflictual situations, how to
find their way using collective wisdom etc.
Creativity training: this helps teachers to think unconventionally, break the rules, go out of the
box and develop unexpected ways of teaching
Diversity training: it aims to create better cross cultural sensitivity with the aim of fostering
more harmonious and fruitful working relationships.
Mentoring: The use of an experienced person to teach and train someone with less knowledge
and experience in a given area is known as mentoring. The mentor nurtures, supports and guides
the efforts of young persons by giving appropriate information, feedback and encouragement
whenever required. Thus teachers are required to be mentored by experienced persons in their
respective areas.
Conference or discussion method: In this method the trainer delivers a lecture and involves the
trainees in a discussion so that the doubts about the job to be undertaken gets clarified.

The systematic way of performing the gap analysis is to extrude the difference between the predetermined teaching standards of teachers and actual teaching standards of the teachers that they

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