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Hello, my name is SinghI take it you are interested in my service.

take off everything you are wearing and lay down he said warmly, pointing
to a VERY large massage table in the center of the room.

I was slightly caught off-guardI hadnt even introduced myself and he

already wanted me to get naked!

But something about Singh made me feel completely at ease, so I followed

his instructions.

As I removed my clothesincluding my bra and pantieshe explained that

his service is something called yoni massagea very special technique
that has been practiced in India (where Singh is from) for THOUSANDS of
yearsIt's rooted in ancient Tantra teachings, and is meant to promote good
health, inner peace, and restore balance of the body and mind

He also told me that yoni is a Sanskrit term for vagina. According to

ancient Tantric teachings, a womans pussy is a sacred place, which must
regularly be worshiped

So I knew right away this massage is JUST for girls;)

But I have to warn you, Singh added, yoni massage will cause you to have
a very POWERFULphysical reactionAnd you should be ready for
sensations you've never felt before.

OKAYhere comes the part of the story where youll want to pay close

Once I was on the table, Singh put a pillow under my ass to angle my pelvis
slightly upwards, and told me to breathe slowly and deeply

Then he asked me to spread my legslike this:Yoni3

Singh began the massage by gently stroking parts of my body--my

shoulders, arms, handsjust as any other masseuse would.

But all that changed when Singh ran his hands over my tits. It became clear
this this was NOT going to be your typical rubdown.

My NIPPLES instantly got hard, to which he responded by lightly tracing them

with his fingertips.

He then rubbed my legs, SLOWLY working his way up towards my yoni;) By

the time he got to my inner thighs, I was already WET and QUIVERING in
anticipationWas this complete stranger really going to massage my pussy?!
It was starting to look more and more likelyand I realized that, even though
Singh wasn't at all my type...I actually WANTED him to. BADLY.

Sure enough, Singh then took a tube of liquid lubricant (you NEVER use
regular massage oil on the yoni, he said), and squeezed a little bit on my
pubic bone, from where it slowly dripped down, over my outer labia, and into
my sliteven though I had already started to get very WET down there on my

Applying minimal pressure, Singh proceeded to slide his palm up and down
the outer lips of my pussy for several minutesthen, using his thumb and
index finger, lightly squeezed and tugged at one, then the other.Yoni1

When he sensed that my body was ready for the next step, he tenderly
parted my yoni and worked my INNER LABIA LIGHTLY holding each one
between two fingers, he stoked them up and downthen gently pulled them

My pussy looked like a blooming flower!

Then, it was clit-time. Id been so excited for him to touch it after all that
build-up, that when he finally did, it felt absolutely ELECTRIC.


With his fingers, Singh rubbed it in a circular motionvery slowly at firstbut

gradually building speed. The move almost brought me to orgasm, but just
before I came, Singh took his hand off my clit
When it returned just a few seconds later, he fondled my rosebud between
his thumb and index finger for a whilethen, went back to the circular rub
going in the opposite direction.
This time, I gave in to his touch, and let myself have, what proved to be, the
most EXPLOSIVE clitoral orgasm of my life
After I finished cumming, Singh retrained his focus from my clit to my hole.
He softly slid his middle finger inside me (palm-side up), and began to
rhythmically bend and straighten itthis put pressure directly on my G-spot.
He asked if I could handle another fingerI said YES. He continued
stimulating my G-spotnow using both his middle and index fingersWHILE
caressing my clit and labia with his other hand at the same time.
NowSingh warned me that Id be cumming HARD throughout this
procedure, but I definitely didnt expect what happened next
My ENTIRE body ERUPTED with pleasure. The orgasm may have started
from my G-spot, but the intense sensation quickly traveledit felt like every
INCH of me was cummingfrom my ears all the way to my toes!
Singh was delighted your massage is complete he saidbut told me to
lay still and relax for a few minutes before getting dressed. I was more than
happy to comply, because my pussy was STILL gushing, and I was STILL dizzy

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