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Bashar Transcripts - One Note

Bashar Talks About Tesla and

Free Energy
Thanks to one of my FB friends in the Bashar group for sharing this
transcript with me. :)
Questioner: Could you tell us a little bit about Nikola Tesla and who he
Bashar: He was Nikola Tesla. (AUD: laughter) And that individual simply
recognized the connection of the idea of the primal energy vibrations that
were inherent in your electromagnetic fields upon your planet. He
understood that they could always be channeled and transformed into
whatever type of energy was necessary for whatever your imagination so
Q: I recently watched a movie about his life and they put forth the idea
that he had developed a system whereby energy would be free
B: Yes.
Q: to everyone.
B: Yes.
Q: And you would merely need to put up an antennae.
B: Yes.
Q: So, is that available to us?
B: Of course.
Q: Okay.
B: Do you wish to build it?
Q: It sounds exciting.
B: Then go ahead. Rely upon the seven and one half cycles per second
Earth frequency; and recognize as that individual recognized, that a
transmission tower that would vibrate at that frequency would create a
wavelength that is radiating outwards from that tower in circular fashion,
exactly, coincidentally, the same as the diameter of your planet.

Therefore it would reach the equator, go to the other pole of the planet,
bounce back and create a set of vibrational harmonic resonances with the
entire planet, that would activate, crystallize and energize your entire
electromagnetic field.
Allowing you always, through any conductive material inserted within the
ground, to be able to draw upon that energy. It is like turning your entire
planet into a generator.
Q: A very interesting idea. Could you suggest where I might find reading
material please?
B: You will find it.
Q: Okay. And how tall are we talking about the tower being?
B: You will find out. Again draw from the wealth of information around you
and trust your own synchronicity. Also, do not forget that at this time, that
particular consciousness is also tapping into those who are tapping into
him, and will assist.
Q: Did he reincarnate again?
B: Not really.
Q: Could you explain the seven and one half cycles again?
B: Simply you will find that the circumference of a planet divided into what
you call the speed of light, will give the cycles per second in the frequency
of the world.
For it simply is the equational relationship to why the idea of any given
material body exhibits the frequency that it does. Because you create the
idea of the speed of light to be the representation of the primal energy
pulse within your third density vibration.
In other words, what you call one hundred and eighty-six thousand, three
hundred miles per second, divided by the twenty-five thousand miles
circumference, will give you seven and one half. Seven and one half cycles
per second.
Q: I see.
B: All right.
Q2: So, could we construct the tower on the Moon in the same way and
get all the energy we need by its frequency?
B: If you are on the Moon.
Q: Well, you know theyre always talking about how difficult it would be to
set up a life-station on the moon and

B: We understand what you are saying.

Q: Sure.
B: Yes, it is a good idea, in your terms. You can also, in your terms, convert
the energy, and beam it to your planet. You can utilize your Moon as a
generating station.
Q: Well, if we could have this idea on Earth, why would we need to do
B: In this way you may find, that because of the systems you have set up
upon your Earth now, the system we are now discussing would probably
disrupt them. Therefore, if you were to set it up upon your Moon, you
could convert it at your own leisure away from all the systems you now
have upon Earth, and simply convert it, and beam it to where you wish to.
Without burning out the systems you have.
Q: Sure. Okay, thanks.
B: Thank you!

Bashar Raise Your Frequency

Pasted from <>

I know December 21st 2012 has since passed and we are all
still alive, I believe what Bashar is telling us in this You Tube
video still applies to the year 2013 and beyond.
In a similar fashion to the idea on your planet, in your
technology, as when you created a bow shock.
And in your year 2012, this winter solstice Date of December
21 2012, represents the crossing of a threshold. The pushing
through of a boundary, of a bow shock wave.
So that before that time, even though youre world may
have been collectively a bit more negative than positive.
After that time of 2012, it will finally be for the first time, in a
long time, a bit more collectively positive than negative.
Now this does not mean that just because you have tipped
the scale in a positive direction that everything is going to
be as you say in your language, peaches and cream the very
next day.
But the idea is that you will begin to be able to create a
momentum. What you would call a snowball effect. You can
build upon that Positive Energy that you had tipped the
scales to create.

And you can build, build, build and amplify, and magnify that
energy from that point forward in the years to come. But it
will accelerate because positive energy is integrative,
collective, unifying and thus in that sense accelerative.
Whereas of course negative energy is segregative,
separating, de-unifying, deconstructing. And thus then by
unifying yourself, by crossing that threshold, youll create
more of a momentum and make it more available.
More capable of being tapped into, more accessible for more
people on your planet to tap into the positive vibration and
allow themselves to raise their frequencies and to be
representative of whom they truly are. More and more every
day from that point forward, and it doesnt mean you cant
do it now.
It doesnt mean you havent been doing it. The idea of this
transition from a slightly negative planet to slightly positive
planet. This has been going on for quite some time as many
of you know. And will continue for quite some time. But it will
as we say, begin to accelerate, so more synchronicity; more
of the symptoms of the idea of this transformation will begin
to top off in your lives.
Malleability in space and time, the idea of things just
popping into your life exactly when they need to be there,
the idea of living your dream in that sense, instead of just
dreaming about being alive.
The idea thus is therefore to take advantage of this wave, to
ride this wave, ride this crest forward, so that you can allow
yourself to be more conscious.

Its not about learning to manifest.

Its about manifesting the idea, the design, the experience,
the parallel reality that you prefer to manifest consciously,
and not allowing your reality to be attracted to you by your
unconscious beliefs. By your fears by your doubts, by your
hesitations, by your belief in lack of self-worth, which has no
place in the idea of a positive frame of reference.
You are all worthy, if you werent all worthy believe me, you
wouldnt exist. Because Creation does not make mistakes.
Thus if you exist, you belong, there is a reason why creation
is not complete without you.
Stop arguing with creation about your worth; take it at its
word. If you exist, you deserve to exist, and if you deserve to
exist, you deserve to be who you are as fully as you possibly
This is just simple logic
Again, if you didnt deserve to be worthy, you wouldnt exist,
for there would be no reason for your existence. And all that
is would be complete without you, but if you are here, it
knows that without you it is not complete.

So be in that vibration, live in that vibration, and know that

vibration is your birth-right. Its the right of you as a spirit, as
a soul, as a being that is eternal and infinite.
For youll always exist, you may change forms, but youll
always exist.
Because existence is the only quality that creation has on its
fundamental level. That which exists can never become that
which does not. Non-existence is a completely different idea
and all the things that never exist already fill up nonexistence and there is no room in non-existence for the
things that exist.
So you cannot go from one to another if you exist, thats
your basic quality, and youll always exist in some form.
Now, because this is a time of change, a time of
acceleration, a time of transformation. And the time also of
what we have termed the splitting prism. The idea is that
2012 is acting as a prism, to take certain ideas and now truly
start to break them into different frequencies that represent
different realities, truly, literally, different parallel realities.
Its important for you to be the vibration you truly prefer to
be, so that you can follow that path. That particular reality
line, that particular frequency, that particular train track if
you will. As it leaves the station and by being on the train
that you prefer to be on, you will then experience the things
you prefer to experience. Whereas, youll find that as these
tracks split up, you will then likely in the years to come be
less and less and less capable of actually going from one
train, one track, to another.
Pasted from <>

Some Notes from Bashar

Life Has No Meaning Life is Meaningless
Life has no meaning. Life and lifes circumstances have no inherent
meaning except the meaning that we give them.
Everything and I mean everything in our physical reality is neutral at its
I know I know, what you must be thinking. What happens when someone
is killed, or loses their home, their job or even worse.

The event is neutral, the props are neutral, the circumstances are neutral.
We assign meanings to events as a way of gauging what events mean to
us according to our values.
Ill give you an example. Lets say that you are a big Football fan and your
team loses in the Super Bowl. Now for you and the rest of the fans of your
team it might seem as though the world has ended. But what about the
fans of the team that won?
The opposing fans are jumping for joy, celebrating, cheering hooray to all.
So was it the event that decided how we felt, or is it the meaning that we
gave to the event?

Learned responses from childhood

We learn as children by modeling the behavior of adults around us. When
someone dies we wear black and look all sad and depressed. When
someone has a baby we get all bubbly and excited over the little bundle of
joy. When we have money we are happy and when we are broke we are
Once again, everything in the physical outside world is a neutral prop. It
just is, there isnt any built-in meaning to situations or circumstances. The
meaning is determined by how we see it.
If we decide a situation will have a positive affect on us than it will, if we
decide it will have a negative affect than it will. Its in our hands to decide
what meaning we will assign to circumstances that are inherently neutral.
In the world of spirit there is something called mechanical energy.
Mechanical energy comes in one of two ways. Positive and Negative. In a
mechanical sense these two opposing energies are in conflict. One brings
us together and the other pushes us apart.
Mechanical description of energy
Positive Energy:Integration, unification, bonding, oneness.
Negative Energy: Separation, segregation, isolates, disconnects.
Are you able to see where your energy alignment is when you are feeling
positive energy and when you are feeling negative energy? It is also in
these spiritual states that determines what we create in our world and how
we relate to other people.
You can also see why sites like FaceBook are so popular.
The Football example is actually positively aligned because of the inclusion
reason even though the real event is neutral.
Well then, what should we do about events or circumstances that are
negatively aligned? I am glad that you asked.

When a negative aligned situation happens something positive can be

brought in to make sure that it never happens again.
Did you ever see the movie The Pursuit Of Happyness? Chris Gardners
character played by Will Smith experienced what would be considered a
negative experience wouldnt you say? He was isolated, jobless,
segregated, no place to live ( remember he had to stay in the mens room
of the subway) and broke.
Yet that movie inspired millions of people to take action in their lives
because for Gardner, his circumstances didnt matter. Ultimately his spirit,
his being, who he really was conquered all perceived obstacles. Eventually
owning his own brokerage firm in spite of his circumstances.
In my opinion I believe that this is the crossroads where mankind is
standing as we speak. Even though overtly it seems that mankind is
displaying positive energy (Integration, Unification and so on), covertly
there are still powers that be that are trying to keep us negatively
aligned (separation, segregation).
Food for thought?
Ultimately You Are Fine
Everyone goes to heaven no matter what theyve done because that is the
only place there is. Everyone is fundamentally an internal infinite spirit/
We are created in unconditional love and that is the only place there is to
go back to. Individual beings will learn from their experiences and perhaps
they lived in a way that was more negatively oriented instead of positively
They will have a choice to do something about if they want to. Its entirely
up to them. There is a type of holding place where a spirit goes after it
has left its body. Its a place for reflection, contemplation and healing.

The Meaning of life The Purpose of Life

Remember that circumstances and life are meaningless, its what we do
with them that matters. We get to define the meaning but remember that
life is neutral and has no built in meaning.
Call To Action
Do you know why you are alive? To give voice and action and physicality to
Source/God. To become the grandest version of the greatest vision ever
you held about Who You Are. Everything else is beside the point.
If you are wanting to know what your purpose in life is click here and read
my post about Finding Your Purpose Exercise.

Feeling Lost in Life Q&A with

Feeling Lost in Life Q&A with Bashar.
How can people find themselves when they are feeling
completely lost in life?
Understand this principle very clearly. All feelings of every
type, all emotions of every type are a secondary step.
When you feel something you are thus then put in touch
with the fact that it would not be possible to feel what youre
feeling if you didnt believe or define something to be true
You cannot have a feeling of any kind without first believing
or defining something to be true. So if you have a feeling like
feeling lost, feeling angry, feeling sad, or something that you
say you dont prefer.
Ask the feeling; ask the question what are you showing me?
What belief would I have to buy into and what would I
have to believe is true about myself in relation to this
situation to feel what Im feeling?
What is the definition (belief) I am holding onto as true
because without that definition (belief) you cant have that
Feelings are like messengers knocking on your door telling
you when you have a particular belief that you may not be
consciously aware of.
So if you have a feeling of fear, a feeling of anger, a feeling
of sadness, a feeling of loss, that is a messenger knocking
on your door saying, hey Im bringing your attention to the
fact that you are flowing your energy through a belief
system thats out of alignment with your true self.
Find out what it is and then you can say, thank you feeling
for being my friend and bringing my attention to a belief I
didnt know was there.
Because you see anytime you flow your energy through a
belief system thats out of alignment with your true self
thats how you will feel it in what you call a negative way.
When you flow the same energy through beliefs that are in
alignment with your true core vibration you feel it in a

positive way, what you would call love, excitement,

happiness, joy, creativity, so on and so forth.
So the feeling lets you know when your belief systems are in
or out of alignment with your true frequency your core
So thank your feelings for being the messengers that will
help you get in touch with the fact that there is a belief you
didnt know about.
And once you identify, once you consciously identify a belief
that was heretofore unconscious and bring it to your
conscious attention thats out of alignment with your true
self, the moment you identify it consciously its gone.
That is not the beginning of the process of letting it go, this
is the end of the process of letting it go, unless you have a
belief that its not.
If you believe you still need to do something to let it go by
all means do it.
But Im simply telling you mechanically speaking once you
become aware of the belief it no longer holds any sway over
you what so ever because you have brought it into the light
of your consciousness
And you understand that once you see a belief that is
actually not in alignment with your true self it will
automatically by definition appear illogical and nonsensical
because it doesnt belong to you.
You will have picked it up from your parents, your friends,
your society, it doesnt belong to you. Thats why it feels out
of phase, out of alignment, out of whack as you say with
your core vibration.
And once you realize youve been carrying around a belief
that doesnt belong to you you will let it go because if you
dont then that will make you a belief thief.
Dont steal other peoples beliefs- let them go.
What tires you out is carrying around things that dont
belong to you. Nothing that belongs to you will ever tire you
Its all the things that dont belong to you that cause you to
be exhausted. Drop them, let them go, bring them into the
light, identify them, and then realize theyre not yours and
that you do not need them unless of course you insist that
you do and again thats your call.
Pasted from <>

Bashar Wholeness of Being

I love this video by Bashar where he explains the idea of money as a tool
of exchange.
Many people in the spiritual movement get caught up in the idea that
money is not spiritual, or even worse, they label money as evil.
The worst example I hear is when people say, You are supposed to be a
spiritual person, why dont you give it away for free. Or, Why are they
charging people for this information.
I see and hear this way too often when it comes to people earning money
for whatever they do.
Money is a neutral prop and is merely a tool to exchange value for value.
Money has no built in meaning except for the meaning we give it.

Bashar about money, information, exchange

We will take a moment to address one specific issue that we have been
asked to address which has a lot to do with the idea of functioning
And this is an issue on your planet now that has to do with the exchange
of information and the idea of its connection to money.
Many people on your planet are going through transformations having to
do with the concept of information.
Many people on your planet are hungry for information.
There have been expressions on your planet that all information ought to
be free.
The great secret is that all information is already free.
As we have said, information like fruit is already free if you pluck it directly
from the tree.
But if you ask another to perform the service of plucking it for you there is
nothing negative about those individuals asking for the idea of money in
exchange for the service.
Money is not an evil.
Many individuals have completely misunderstood us when we talk about
the idea of abundance simply being the ability to do what you need to do
when you need to do it.

This idea, while it opens the door to other ways that things can occur
synchronistically without necessarily involving money, does not in any way
shape or form exclude money as one of the ways in which abundance can
be expressed on your planet.
All of our tools and techniques are always inclusive never exclusive.
Some individuals even go so far as to attempt to convince other
individuals that there is something inherently wrong with money.
As if in and of itself it had some sort of negative vibration, it does not.
This is a complete misunderstanding and misinterpretation of everything
we have said.
Allow yourselves to understand you are changing, and there will come a
day when you may not require that particular symbol (money) of
abundance anymore.
However at this time, many of you are still functioning within a frame of
reference wherein what you call money is a valid form of exchange equal
to any other form of valid exchange with respect to the concept of
Do not discount it or you are discounting your own abundance and your
own ability to allow that form of abundance to come to you as easily as
any other form can come.
All must be equal to express the idea that one form of abundance should
be excluded and devalued over others as if that were more spiritual. Again
this is a complete misunderstanding of what your reality is about and what
you are learning, and again yes you will change in time.
But you require to create many other kinds of systems and many other
kinds of changes before you can allow certain forms of tool (money) on
your planet to truly fade away.
When you truly no longer need them.
Many individuals now who create an insistence that you must force
yourself to not use certain forms of exchange, certain forms of abundance,
otherwise you are not behaving spiritually again have completely missed
the point.
And not only that, such statements are absolutely disingenuous and
Because most of those people I guarantee you will still buy food, will still
want a paycheck for their job , will still pay rent, and yet they make
exceptions in certain areas for some arbitrary reason in their mind.
If anyone in that sense were even going to have the idea of a validation to
make such a claim that such a thing should be unnecessary they would

first thus then need to go to their places of employment, and go to their

respective bosses, and refuse to take any money for what they do.
They would also need to go to your grocery stores and explain to the
people that theyre going to walk out with groceries without paying for
If they themselves will allow themselves to abandon all intake of money,
and all outlay of money, they would at least have in their minds some true
justification from their perspective about talking about the ability to
function without that particular tool. But none of them do.
Therefore we simply suggests without judgment and with unconditional
love that you all understand that there are ways to work together.
Ways that are win-win situations for all, and to not move forward in fear
that you cannot access what you need for information is free.
And the tools we share with you give you the great capability as
permission slips (allowing yourself to receive what you want) to access
everything you need.
You do not need desperation or fear that you will not have what you need
as a tool just because you may not have money at a certain point to get it
to pay for the service of it being delivered to you.
But as long as you understand that all things are equal. That all of you can
work together, and find out ways of trading, of bargaining, of bartering, of
exchanging, of using money, of using synchronicity, of using gifting, of
using all the forms of abundance in ways that allow win-win situations for
But not at the discounting of any form of it, or you have discounted the
whole principle. That is all we will say about that (Money).

Bashar Answer to Why We

Feel Overwhelmed When Things
Questioner: I Id like to have conversation about; you spoke about the
glacier (glacier meaning becoming frozen in a situation) and the
apprenticeship and how it relates to the discomfort and how I feel in my
body system?

Bashar: Alright, what do you feel?

Q: I feel uncomfortable.

B: In what way? Physically in specific terms, emotionally, energetically?

Q: I think physically and emotionally.

B: Alright can you be more specific about how the discomfort expresses

Q: Well for example when I was chosen to speak theres a lot of discomfort
in my system.

Bashar /Darryl Anka

Bashar /Darryl Anka
B: Where specifically solar plexus?

Q: Yeah I think so.

B: Thats the chakra of intention; what are your intentions in life what do
you intend for yourself?

Q: To travel lightly.

B: Travel lightly; do you mean so as not to disturb anything? Or do you

mean to be lighter?

Q: I think, yeah I guess Im heavy but I want to be lighter.

B: You want to be lighter alright. Well many times the path to

enlightenment is to simply start lightening up on yourself. Are you too
hard on yourself perhaps?

Q: Perhaps.

B: Perhaps in this case would probably mean yes.

Q: Okay okay.

B: Are you hedging, holding back?

Q: Yeah why, why would I choose to hold back?

B: You tell us, what are you afraid of? Its a similar question to what we
asked before. If you move fully forward in your joy whats the greatest
thing you are afraid will happen?

Q: I dont know.

B: Come on. You see many times it may seem difficult for you to
understand the idea from the positive side so we know you can
understand it from the negative side. If you have trouble finding out what
that belief is amplify it, magnify it give it full body, give it full force, give it
full voice.
Whats the most terrifying thing youre afraid will happen if you do move
in the direction of your joy, if you do become the self you prefer to be
what are you afraid will happen?
Dont worry it wont bite you just by saying it.

Q: I dont know.

B: Come on yes you do.

Q: Maybe its the responsibility.

B: Responsibility! Alright well whats your definition of responsibility?

Obviously not a positive one. Define responsibility?

Q: Addressing whats in front of you.

B: No, no, no. You said that you were afraid of the responsibility, thus then
how are you defining responsibility as being something to be afraid of?
Whats your definition of responsibility; does it contain the concept to
Or is it simply the positive definition which is simply the ability to respond?

Q: Yeah maybe thats it. I think sometimes I feel like Ill be overwhelmed.

B: Why would you be overwhelmed? You see you have a negative

definition of how you receive things. What youre saying is you dont trust
how your life unfolds. What point would it serve for you to receive more
than youre capable of handling?
Does that make sense?

Q: Right, right.

B: Then why not relax into the understanding that no matter how
challenging something may seem it cant be more than you can actually
The only reason it doesnt seem like you can handle it is because of the
negative definitions that you color the situation with.

But if you give them positive meaning, and see them in a positive way,
youll see that youre capable of handling it and that you havent been
given any more than you can handle.

Q: This goes back to your glacier analogy, and the discomfort or the
hesitation and the fear of responsibility in some way has been serving me
on some level.

B: On some level, but maybe now what youre telling us is its time to melt
a little because youre getting uncomfortable remaining frozen.
That tells you as we said initially that it may be time to change. Appreciate
the glacier, appreciate the state of ice, appreciate the apprenticeship, and
at the same time recognize there is appropriate timing to become the next

Q: And do you see that the core of that frozenness that it is has to do
with blame?

B: Some of it, maybe a little bit and a mix of other things.

Q: Blame of myself, or blame of others?

B: Well youre just not really sure that you know what youre doing.

Q: Why wouldnt I know what Im doing? (Aud laughing). Why would I

choose that?

B: You may have simply bought into other peoples belief systems that
when you get to a certain point as we already said you wont be able to
handle what youre given. Same thing as saying I dont know what Im
doing, but you do know what youre doing, so theres no reason to assume
that whatever point you arrive at, or whatever level you allow yourself to
go to, theres no reason to assume that you wont be able to handle it,
that you wont know what youre doing.
Make sense?

Q: How does one get to the forgetting stages?

B: I forget. (Aud laughing).

Q: Right, but its so familiar yet the hesitation and discomfort it seems like
that is such a fundamental orientation point.

B: Understand this. As we have explained previously every single belief

system has a certain structure to it. One of the primary structures in
beliefs is the ability of the belief to make it seem as if no other belief is
It has to be that way otherwise you cant have a full experience of that
particular belief. The only thing that unlocks you from that is the
overriding shall we say skeleton key belief that all beliefs can be
So as long as you allow yourself the opportunity to experience fully the
nature of a belief that says for this particular experience no other belief is
possible so that you can experience it fully.
As long as you know you will always be able to remember that you can
change that belief anytime you want, then in a sense youre free to
experience the idea of forgetfulness because you know you will always
Does that make sense?

Q: Kinda.

B: Kinda, alright.

Q: Is the melting a process of renegotiating?

B: It can be, but it can be at any rate you prefer it to be at.

Q: Can it be accelerated?

B: Of course it can and thats the process that we call the idea of the
threshold of believability. You can give yourself a threshold of
believability test and say, alright if there is someone I desire to be with
my present belief system how long do I actually believe it will take me to
become that person or experience that reality?
Lets just say arbitrarily you allow yourself to start way out in the future so
to speak and say well twenty years from now do I really think twenty years
is enough time for me to truly be the person I really prefer to be?
Well, yes thats a long time I have no doubt that I can become who I really
prefer to be in 20 years. Do I believe I can do it in 10? Yes thats long
enough. Do I believe I can do it in 5?
Well Im not sure.
As soon as you do the countdown the moment you hesitate to say, yes
absolutely the moment theres even a fraction of hesitation, thats how
long it will take with your current belief system.
So now you can examine the belief system what would I have to believe is
true in order for that process to take that amount of time?
When you find out what that belief is, and realize thats not what you
prefer, you can let that belief go and then take the test again.
Twenty years, no problem, ten years piece of cake, five years, absolutely
no hesitation whatsoever, three years yes, two years maybe. As soon as
you hesitate again thats how long that process will take on the current
belief system.
Go find the belief that makes it take that long.
As soon as you have eliminated all those beliefs, transformed all those
beliefs, whatever time is left is the time it really needs to take to be to
your best benefit for you to experience the process you really truly need to
So you can use that technique if you wish.
Does that help you?

Q: A little bit yes.

B: Alright.

Q: Can I have one follow up question? (Aud laughing).

B: A little bit with your current belief system.

Q: Somewhat unrelated and youve mentioned before that crossing the

threshold of 2012 that weve moved from a slightly negative paradigm to
a slightly more positive paradigm?

B: Yes you have.

Q: And so in relation to my question of this acceleration of belief system is

it happening faster now and in an exponential way?

B: Yes!

Q: Okay so I can buy into that.

B: If you wish, you dont have to, but you can and when you do you will
experience that. Because remember you cannot experience what youre
not the vibration of first.
Its not seeing is believing, its believing is seeing. You have it backwards.

Bashar People in Power A

Republic or a Democracy
Questioner: It seems like the political things that are happening on our
planet the few are moving us away from
Bashar: Do you believe those few have the power to determine what you
Q: Well, the problem is that the majority

B: The what!
Q: The challenge is
B: Thank You!
Q: The challenge is that the majority of the people on the planet do have
the belief system
B: But that isnt the challenge, that isnt the challenge because as we have
explained positive energy is integrative negative energy is segregative.
So, a hundred thousand people positively focused can actually outweigh
the energy of a million people negatively focused.
Because its integrative and thus then geometrically more powerful
because the million people negatively focused arent cohesive.
(There have been studies done where Peace Groups have gathered and
sent positive energy to certain troubled parts of the planet. As a result,
crimes had declined by over 50% or more when this has been done.)
Q: Okay, based on that being a truth, then how is it that we are in a
situation now where the majority of people on this planet do not want war,
do not want the things that were being led into yet its still being, its still
moving in that direction?
B: Because they are still holding on to the last vestiges of the idea that
you call power and they must change their definition of it. So that they
understand how to use the power of the illusion instead of falling under
the illusion of power.
Q: But thats a real challenge because I think that the way our system
works currently those who end up with power are actually ultimately
falling into the corruption.
B: We understand but as we have said many times you will realize that
one of the things thats happening on your planet now, and the reason you
may see what you call to be escalating negativity is because youre
getting it all up out of your system and onto the table so you can finally
decide when the right moment comes exactly which way you will choose
to go.
Q: So do you see us as moving out of being the Masters of Limitations
B: As we have said it is unlikely we would be having these conversations at
all if we did not see that you were generally going in that direction.
Soon is a relative term.
The idea is however again as we have said by taking the reading of energy
we perceive to exist on your planet now that it is highly likely the

systems you are referring to that you support because after all you are
your Governments.
Are you not?
Yes, is the answer.
Bashar Darryl Anka
Q: Well, Im trying to take that back.
B: You do not try to take it back. You are your Government.
Q: Well Im moving actively, that is my position.
B: Alright, then all you need to do is in a positive, constructive, and loving
way, act like it to the best of your ability which I know you are doing.
So the point simply is is the more of you that do that than those that
shall we say use the Manipulation System will no longer find themselves
with any footing eventually.
The old systems will just collapse but the new systems will be in place.
Its not about changing the old system its about having new systems in
place that represent what you prefer so that when the old systems
collapse the new systems will be ready to go.
Q: Well one alternative for new systems for anyone whos listening is True
Democracy and Real and the concept is real simple
for us to take back our Government
B: Not take back!
Q: For us to be our Government.
B: Thank you. That is all you need to do in any creative way that you deem
appropriate for the expression of who you are in truth.
Q: To restore Democracy.
B: Thats all you need to do. Remember, remember, you are not really
restoring Democracy youre just changing how you use it because youre
using Democracy to support what you say you dont want.
Q: No, but its not Democracy.
B: Yes it is, think about, yes it is. Because in actual fact you dont want
Democracy you want a Republic.
Q: No, personally I want a democracy.

B: No, you want a Republic. A Republic can use democratic methods but
you actually dont want a democracy, because when you have a
democracy this is what can happen.
Q: No, a Democracy is when the will of the majority is whats carried out.
B: Thats what youve been taught to believe. If you do a little more
research youll actually find thats not so.
Q: Thats what I feel a true democracy is that would be my definition.
B: Youre going off a definition, and I wont argue the definition with you.
But the point is your going off a definition that actually has been
misinterpreted. So just do a little more research and youll see what I
Q: Im really curious if you could elaborate on that a little bit?
B: No, do your research.

A Republic is where the power is shared among the people as where a

Democracy is where power is given away to elected officials who may or
may not serve in the best interests of the people.

B: See you later.

Bashar Emotional Pain

With the recent suicide of Robin Williams I decided to see what Bashar had
to say about emotional pain and suicide.
Questioner: Good day Bashar.
Bashar: And to you good day!
Q: Thank you for this opportunity.
B: Speak up, speak up!
Q: Thank you for this opportunity and without getting too dark I have
experienced a lot of emotional pain and suicidal feelings in my life.
B: How exciting.
Q: Quite a rubber band.
B: Yes. You do remember what weve said about pain?

Q: Please elaborate.
B: All pain is resistance to the natural self. The longer you resist the true
natural you, the more pain youll suffer.
And in suffering that much pain when you reach a certain point to many
humans it seems the only way to truly get back to their natural self is to
lose the body altogether.
But if you understand that the only reason the pain exists is because you
have belief systems that make you choose to resist your natural self, then
perhaps what you will actually kill are those beliefs instead.
Q: Yes and that is exciting.
B: It is exciting.
Q: Yes.
B: Thus then by going into the deepest darkness do you give yourself the
opportunity as you say through the rubber band analogy to spring into
the brightest light. And that makes you a master.
Q: Great and is this something that I or a theme that I chose to explore?
B: Would you like the simple answer?
Q: Sure.
B: Duhhhh! What do you think?
Q: I think youre right.
B: Because if it wasnt a theme you chose to explore youd be exploring
something else wouldnt you?
Q: Yes.
B: What did we say about letting things be obvious?
Q: Its a good idea.
B: Thank you. It will really make things much simpler in your life if you
would just allow things to be more obvious.
Q: Great, so its becoming obvious to me that I might be finished with that
particular theme would that be correct?
B: Alright if you say so.
Q: Great thats all thank you.
B: Thank you.

Bashar Evil, Domination &

Questioner: How about people who choose to be evil in this life?
Bashar: Again understand first of all the concept of evil is quite subjective.
We prefer the idea of negative energy.
From our perspective the idea youre calling evil, we call negative energy
and that simply is a mechanical description of whats being done.
Positive energy is that which integrates, binds, unifies, makes whole.
Negative energy is that which segregates, separates, diversifies in that
sense and breaks apart and thus doesnt allow communication to occur in
a harmonious way.
But is discordant, rough, jarring, jagged, do you follow me?
This is a description of the actual energy involved in terms of what youre
calling evil, but the only reason those beings would choose to exhibit
that kind of behavior as we said, is because they themselves have been
subjected to it somewhere along the line and had been taught that thats
the only way to communicate, that thats the only way to relate to all that
They are in fear deep, deep, deep, fear and they feel powerless and
disconnected from spirit.
And in feeling powerless and experiencing the idea of powerlessness It
isnt that they are powerless, but in experiencing the idea of
powerlessness they then resort to the only thing they havent had and that
is physical control, domination.
They feel they are losing control, losing their grip, going down the drain
they are dying, they feel like they are dying and believe me, you dont
want to die alone.
So youll take as many people with you as you can and if that means
through the only way you know how through negative behavior, negative
action, well youll lash out and youll do that.
Because its an attempt to reconnect, but in the only way theyve been
taught how; negatively.
Thats what domination is, an attempt to reconnect with no positive tools.

They dont know how, they only have negative tools thats how they
were brought up.
But its still attempt to reconnect.
If you understand that and can find that space in the being that can be
reached, that can be loved unconditionally, that can be shown they are a
valid piece of creation as anyone, then maybe theyll be willing to let go of
the fear, let go of the need for domination and transform themselves from
negative to positive, as you would say in your colloquial language, they
will give up the job of being evil because its simply no longer necessary.
Here is the secret that people dont understand, that many people on your
planet dont understand.
When they feel like they are powerless and are trying to dominate in order
to gain a sense of power the issue really is of course is that simply is an
expression of powerlessness.
Bashar Darryl Anka
Because the greatest power requires the lightest touch.
If you truly have power you hardly have to do anything to make things
The people that have to strain at it, where you have to force others,
dominate others are actually saying, I have no power at all, so I have to
force everything to work instead of allowing it to work.
Which it already does.
Allowing is the key, and unconditional love is the key, and teaching them
that they are powerful aspects of creation. Though they dont have to be
in fear and terror and feel disconnected and thus feel like the only way to
reconnect is to dominate everything in their reach.
Q: On a more personal level, first of all when you first came through I
totally choked up and I dont know why.
B: Thats alright, many people have that reaction in fact some people will
fall dead asleep. Sometimes the frequency that we give off is better
processed in other ways. Sometimes it will actually bring things up within
you that you may just barely be ready to look at.
We exist in a certain kind of frequency domain that induces others to rise
to that level.
This is one of the reasons why we dont physically land on your planet yet.
If we did and you were literally exposed to us for the first time it might
actually cause many of you to go into psychotic shock.

Because it would actually force issue you may not be ready to look at to
the surface of your consciousness and you would actually be terrified of
yourself and not us.
Terrified of yourself and run screaming.
There have been three occasions when people have asked us, Bashar, Im
totally ready to meet you face-to-face if you land your ship, tell me where,
tell me when I promise I will be there Im so ready to meet you.
Three times we have said, Okay. Be at this place, at this time one this
I guarantee you all three times as soon as they perceived were about to
land they ran screaming.
Youre not ready for our full frequency.
This is why you must understand the difference between the world you
have created and the world you can create.
What it really means to have heaven on earth, the frequency, the energy
is so intense when you are living on that level that we must be cautious
when we encounter beings that are not living on that level so that we do
not burn them out.
So we start slow with these kinds of interactions yet some of our energy
still leaks through. Now I will tell you that again please none of this is
bragging, none of this judgment.
Im simply discussing the mechanics of the physics of the energy.
What you are experiencing right now is about one percent of our energy
and thats it.
We are linearly if we were to put an overlay of our reality onto your
reality just in terms of space time linearity our reality vibrationally
would be about 300 years ahead of your reality, but culturally we are 3000
years ahead of you.
Now it doesnt mean that its going to take you 3000 years to get where
we are because you live in a world of great acceleration.
The point of Earth is to accelerate from the dark to the light more rapidly
than almost any other world.
This is why we use what we call the rubber band analogy to describe your
planet. You all know that when you take a rubber band on your planet
the farther you pull it back the farther it will go when you let it go.
The idea on Earth is darkness, the reason you have experienced so much
depth of darkness and limitation youve pulled your rubber band so far
back into darkness that when you finally decide to let go of all the

darkness you will snap that much faster and that much farther into the
Thats what youre doing thats the way youre doing it.
You are very strong very brave beings for doing this and we thank you
because you are teaching many other planets valuable lessons of how to
overcome almost anything.
Euphemistically speaking they look at you and what youve been capable
of overcoming and transforming and say, If they can do that, this is
Do you follow me? Does this help?
Q: Yes, Thank You!

Bashar: Take Action End of

The idea of changing is never that you will change anyone else, never that
you will change the world, not even in the sense that you actually change
It is simply that you shift to a reality whose vibration is already reflective
of the reality vibration you now prefer.
And start looking with your consciousness through the eyes of the version
of you that already exists in a reality reflective of what that version of you
So you never changed anyone, never changed the world.
The world that you used to look through the eyes of still exists, always will
and will always experience itself as it is.
But you can experience a new Earth, a new reality depending upon your
vibration and thats why we say all you have to do to change the world is
change yourself.
Because you will never actually change the world you will only change
from one perspective to another. But that will appear and feel and be
experienced as a new world.
And all the individuals who have representations in that world you will
experience. Individuals who do not have representations in that world you
will not experience.
It is as simple as that.

For a while you may continue to experience the idea of people who have
representational vibrations that are not necessarily fully aligned with the
world that you prefer.
But thats also because you are not fully aligned yet with the world that
you prefer.
And so there will be as you say, a potpourri, a mixed bag for a while, and
you will still for a while be capable of experiencing people who do not
necessarily vibrate in accord with you.
But thats still for the purpose of giving you the option to reflect off of
them what you are by seeing what you are not.
For many of you still understand what you are in that way. But the more
and more you understand who you are for its own sake without necessarily
needing to see a counter offer of what you are not (via other people who
are not a vibrational match for you).
More and more of you who do not need that will no longer see that.
You will simply find yourself one day interacting pretty much only with the
individuals who are similar in nature, similar in vibration with you.
And you scratch your heads and wonder where all the other people went.
(You changed; therefore the people who are attracted into your life will
change too.)
But they will still be in the world that you no longer look through, and then
they will still be living their lives as they wish to as they have chosen to
and its as simple as that.
And neither in terms of validity is more important or better or right or
wrong than the other.
They are all part and parcel of the infinite choices within all that is.
Allow them to all be valid, allow all to make the choices that they need to
Then by doing so it will be that much easier for you to allow yourself to
experience the reality that you prefer.
As we read the energy now many things are changing, many things are
shifting, and this is what we perceive at the moment.

Economic Breakdowns and New Money Systems

You have begun to experience the breakdown of some of your economic
systems. You have begun to experience some shifting in your political
world and this will continue.

And again as we have always said the idea is not to change the old
systems, but to have new systems in place ready to go when the old
systems fall apart.
That will be part and parcel of taking action in the new world in the new
way creating the vibration that is representative of the reality you wish
to take yourself to.
So that when you shift, and in that shift experience the old ideas falling
away, falling apart, crumbling all around. You will have the capacity to
attract to yourself new systems either invented by you or others that you
will attract yourself to.
To be able to facilitate the new idea of the new perspectives, the new ways
of doing things in the new reality you will have shifted to which can then
be implemented rapidly.
Now, as it stands in this moment what you are doing with your economic
structure may carry you for about five of your years, and then there will be
what you call another collapse. (This Bashar video was recorded in
But then at that time in five years (2013) there will be other systems that
can rapidly replace what has then been washed away.
So, do not fear. Never approach these things with fear for that will
determine what reality you experience.
So obviously what we are perceiving and what we are sharing with you is
part and parcel of the reality of the vibration of your preferred reality.
Which does not mean there will not be change, sometimes even very
dramatic change, but remember as we said, an event is not an event
until you have responded to it.
So the idea is not so much exactly what happens, but how you respond to
it that makes it the event you will experience it to be.
So respond well to all these things and they will serve you well in the new
reality. Respond negatively and thats the reality you will remain in.
So in five years (2013) you will see most likely the opportunity to reinvent
some very fundamental economic principles on your planet that will begin
to take you not right away but will begin to take you toward an
understanding of the true works and the true value of the individual
members of your society, which will ultimately lead to an economy
actually based on the actual skills and talents of the individuals in a
Which will be in that context uncorruptable.
The idea in that sense will be that as you approach the concept of a global
organization it will be one that allows borders and barriers to be crossed
and to be dissolved, because it will be the skills and talents of individuals

that will cross those borders to be of service to others who need their
And as you begin finding more and more teams of individuals being sent
around the world to aid and assist those that require their assistance you
will suddenly begin to see the threads being woven of the tapestry of a
new economy.
And bit by bit within a few decades you will realize that no longer will you
require an artificial symbol (money) to represent the idea of value and
The exchange between people will be sufficient and the reason that this
will work is because it will also go hand-in-hand with the idea that within
the next two or three decades you will also create the idea of absolute
unlimited free energy.
And once you achieve that you will find that almost nothing stands in your
way of becoming a unified society.

Bashar Were Jesus, Krishna,

Buddha of Extraterrestrial
Questioner: my second question is you have come to us in this forum
because you want us to follow the message
Bashar: No! I do not want you to follow the message; I want you to do
what makes you happy. We simply suggest certain things that could help
and assist you in this endeavor, but we do not want you to do anything
except for you to be you.
So its up to you to determine what you would like to do.
Q: Okay, then let me rephrase that.
B: Thank you it helps to be specific
Q: The point here is the message that you are suggesting for us is more
important than the messenger?
B: Absolutely, because experience is the only reality not the things in it.
Q: Exactly, so you have come to us

Bashar Darryl Anka

B: By invitation
Q: By invitation in this form as a channel
B: At this time as a channel and the entity channeling through the
channel. And in time, members of our society including myself will actually
have the opportunity to meet many of you physically face-to-face.
But right now this is a telepathic contact between myself and my past self
so to speak. (Bashar tells us that the channel Darryl Anka is his past self).
Q: We have had teachers so to speak that have come to us in physical
form that we perceived as human because they were in physical form. My
question is Jesus, the Buddha, and Mohammed
B: Yes, yes, Krishna, Wovoka, all of them.
Q: Were they extraterrestrial beings?
B: There is some extraterrestrial connection to some of them, but the way
you mean it NO.
Some of them have in their physical form genetic alterations that are
connected to extraterrestrial genetics that allow them to function in the
way that they did, but the idea in the way you mean it is no, they are not
literally extraterrestrial.
But they are representative of beings who are capable of expressing what
we refer to as your World Spirit your collective whole spirit and soul of
your world.
Q: Were they then hybridized?
B: Some of them.
Q: You dont want to say which ones.
B: The Christ body was hybridized, the Buddha body was hybridized, the
Krishna body was hybridized, and the Wovoka body was hybridized.
Did I mention all of them?
Q: My last question is do you accept volunteers to come back with you?
B: Many of you paid visits to our reality in your out-of-body dream state all
the time, you just dont remember.
Q: So there is an open invitation for us to join you wherever you are?
B: Absolutely, and we leave it up to you to figure out right now how to get
there. In time, it will be possible on our ships, but right now many of you
are preparing the way and getting used to the idea by visiting us in your
dream state and some of you sometimes even take on temporary bodily

forms of members of our society and walk among us, but then when you
wake up you disappear.

Bashar Q & A about the

Questioner: Lets touch on ancient extraterrestrial visitation on this planet?
There are paintings on cave walls that seem to depict flying craft and
descriptions in the bible of what suggest flying craft. And in 1897 a 300
foot long air machine was reported doing cattle mutilations.
So it would seem that Earth has been visited for a great many years,
millennia at least.

Bashar: Millions of years actually.

Questioner: Were the flying machines described in the bible of

extraterrestrial origin?

Bashar: Some, Yes.

Questioner: Let me ask a few more questions here?

Was Moses led by an extraterrestrial craft?
Did an extraterrestrial craft part the red sea?
Was the manna that fell to the Israelites dropped by an extraterrestrial
Was the wheel within the wheel that was described by Ezekiel an
extraterrestrial craft?

Bashar: Yes, Yes, Yes, and Yes is the short answer.

Questioner: So did the extraterrestrials actually interact with humans

during those periods?

Bashar: More than they do today. Being different than the extraterrestrials
interacting and observing today. Being more what you call the
progenitors or what has been referred to as Annunaki.
Those that gave of their genetic material to create the humanoids on
earth to begin with.
In that sense your true forefathers and foremothers.
They had a different bond with humans in that sense and could interact in
a different way than we can interact with you at this point in your

Questioner: How was that bond different and why could they interact?

Bashar: Because in that sense you were literally their children at that time,
you are not in that sense our children per se. (The Annunaki are human in
appearance as where Bashar considers himself a hybrid/future human who
resembles more the Gray ETs.
We do not have the same kind of relationship with you and are coming into
interaction with you later on in your evolutionary period when it is
obviously important to have more of a hands-off policy to allow you to
make your own choices and evolve without absolute interference.

Questioner: And in certain respects since you are hybrids based on human
DNA, you are our children in some sense.

Bashar: Yes

Questioner: Im wondering for planet earth now theres the freak out
factor where humans might freak out if they saw extraterrestrials and
obviously they do in some cases and our government fears that.
Was this freaking out factor really not part of the ancient civilizations with
whom the Annunaki interacted?

Bashar: It depends on how far back you go. Early on no, not at all.

They were used to seeing these beings all the time, and again remember
that in that sense being off-shoots of their genetic material the Annunaki
looked very much like you or you looked very much like them.
There were some differences, but not so much that you would as you say
in your language freak out.
They are (Annunaki) what is referred to however in some of your ancient
literature as the giants of those days, men of renown.
Questioner: So they looked a lot like humans, but a whole lot bigger?

Bashar: Somewhat bigger, sometimes even having what you would call
bluish casts to their skin and now and then some other different tones or
casts to their skin, but in that sense still relatively what you would
recognize as your own kind.

Questioner: Okay well Im trying to get a sense of their size are we

talking about basketball player size?

Bashar: As we understand that term, yes. Seven to eight feet was not
uncommon. Although also to some degree a little bit larger in stature as

Questioner: Okay broader.

Bashar: Yes.

Questioner: And what gave rise to the blue color of their skin.

Bashar: Simply the idea of some addition in their blood matrix of copper
and other elements.

Questioner: Okay so it would be an oxidation of copper?

Bashar: Yes.

Bashar Reincarnation
Questioner: I have a few questions in my mind that Ive been thinking
about today and actually before but, Ill start off with the first question.
How do we determine or what really happens to us as human beings when
we leave our physical form when we actually die and
Bashar: You become more of who you actually are. You wake up in much
the same way that you as a physical being wake up from a dream and go,
Oh, that seemed very real while I was dreaming it, but now that Im
awake I know this is who I really am.
Its very much like that.
Physical reality suddenly seems like a dream youre waking up from and
this is who you really are.
Q: Do we retain our consciousness?
B: You do because everything is conscious.
Q: Do we retain our memories?
B: You do and actually you have more access to more of them.
Q: Do we reappear in another physical form?
B: You can but its not reappearance. Remember, all things exist
simultaneously there is no such thing exactly literally as reincarnation. It
is multiple simultaneous incarnations all existing at the same time.
So you are always you. You never become another version another
version another life is them. But you both coexist and are connected to the
same what might euphemistically be called Oversoul.
Each of those lives is a simultaneously coexisting extension of the same
You are one extension, another life is another extension, and both lives
exists as discrete, indistinct persons coexisting at the same time with their
own experience of themselves as the you that youre talking about.
Each person no matter how much they expand always experiences the
expansion as themselves.

So even if someone were to become the idea of All That Is they would
experience the idea of blending with all that is as themselves being All
That Is.
And thats the same for every one of you.
Q: How can we remember if we were say right now physically me
being here how do I know that I havent existed in the past or why cant I
remember my past existence or my past parallel universe?
B: Alright, now again youre speaking linearly. When you make a
connection to another life it isnt actually that its your past-life. You are
cross connecting to that life for a particular reason from the present.
Youre cross connecting and have so-called memories because the
connection brings the information from that life in a way that you need it
to apply it in this life even as youre doing the same for them and they are
bringing memories and experiences from your life to their life
simultaneously from what they might call a future life. But thats an
But youre creating that connection now from here.
So anything that you find most attractive that youre most magnetized to
in terms of that kind of Historical Era so-to-speak, there might be an
indication there that you are making that connection for a reason and
thats why youre attracted to wonder about that particular so-called past
or future life, but they all exist at the same time.
Its not really a past life.
Q: I understand that, Im just trying to think how can I.
B: Youre getting that information all the time. You dont always need to
know where its coming from and sometimes knowing actually slows you
Its just that sometimes when you have an inspiration that might be based
on an experience that another life is having. But you dont need to know
that because knowing that would be too much information for you to use
the experience.
The point is you just need to use that information and not have to stop and
go, Gee, I wonder where that comes from and what that persons life is all
about, and then by then you would have forgotten what the information
So when you need to know it youll know it.
But many times you have that information cross connecting and Leaking
so to speak from life to life without necessarily knowing that a random
thought you had may in fact be coming from an experience in another life.

Q: Another curiosity is that our human species we are constantly if we

are evolving.
B: You are.
Q: Then we are going to eventually change into another form I mean like
for yourself
B: To some degree you are. Youre going to remain somewhat human in
the sense of your continued human evolution, but at the same time when
you Move On so to speak you will find that you may not necessarily feel
like being human anymore.
But its up to you.
Q: What is the other choice when you say, Not being human is that
another physical form?
B: It can be. But again remember all these things are happening
simultaneously, although you can create the experience that you are
choosing this linearly and thats what youre actually referring to.
What kind of an experience can I have in terms of choosing another kind
of physical experience and you can do that if you wish.
You can become something similar to human you can become
completely nonhuman in terms of physical beings that exist within the
Or you can remain so to speak as energy, as spirit, as consciousness, a
higher dimensional being, a trans- dimensional being, a trans-temporal
being you can become many different kinds of consciousness expression.
Bashar Darryl Anka
Q: When you say, Follow your highest excitement to me my highest
excitement is raising my vibration or being extremely consciously aware of
myself my physical being to where I can accelerate this whole process
and skip
B: There is no skipping. There is no skipping by your own choice. I will tell
you a secret, its really this simple will you do us a favor?
Q: Yeah.
B: Lie down on the floor. Lie down on the floor.
Q: Belly down?
B: On your back if you wish. Lie down on the floor right now. Tell me when
youre comfortable, are you comfortable?
Q: Yeah.

B: Alright, close your eyes. Are your eyes closed?

Q: Yes.
B: Repeat after me,
I am done with this life, I am ready to leave.
Q: I am done with this life, I am ready to leave.
B: Alright now, just hold and breathe for just a few seconds. Alright now,
Can you open your eyes?
Q: Yes.
B: Then youre not done. You may stand up.
This is what we are saying, you have planned this out according to your
own reasons, and your own choices and your own experiences, for your
own exploration of the themes you wish to explore and if you were
actually done you would be gone.
And it would be that simple.
You would say, Im done, I would lie down close my eyes Im gone. And
you would be gone.
You would not be able to wake up if you can wake up youre not done
because you would leave if you were really done.
Q: Why do we have that, why can we not have that choice if we are god
within ourselves
B: It is a choice, thats what youre missing. You made the choice to
continue to explore something thats why you opened your eyes and stood
Because you made a choice to explore something that requires a little
more time and thats part of your acceleration in the way you chose to
have it.
Q: So in other words I have to leave.
B: You dont have to.
Q: But my choice
B: This is what you chose.
Q: But my choice will if I do take that choice then Im not able to open
my eyes back up again.

B: Correct! But the point is if you are able to open your eyes up then you
must have already chosen to incorporate the idea of your acceleration by
further activity in physical reality and thats the way you actually wanted
to do it otherwise you would have left.
It really is that simple.
Even when someone dies physically, you are actually still given a choice to
continue the physical life.
Many of you have actually died, but have chosen to continue to live that
physical life.
Sometimes you dont know it, you dont remember it, because it doesnt
serve you to remember that moment of choice.
Sometimes you create for yourself the idea of what you call a, Close
Call. Ooh, I dont know how I got out of that alive, but I seemingly did.
Well the truth is you may not have.
You may have actually died, but then the Guides may have said, Are
you sure you really want to go on, or did you want to continue the life in a
parallel reality to make it seem as if you want to explore something in that
life thats still going on, but you know its a parallel reality and you said,
So then you will simply wake up and go, Wow that was a close one.
Maybe not even remembering that you actually died and were given a
choice to go on or come back.
So the point is youre always in control of whats going on so if you are
still here if you can still open your eyes you must have made a choice
that says that continuing to experience this physical reality in the way
youre experience it is actually part of the way you wanted to evolve.
Theres something thats going to happen that will add to you in a way
that simply going into the non-physical wont give you.
Otherwise you would leave.
There is something here youre excited about doing otherwise you would
leave because it actually is that easy.
You have to learn to trust that.
You have to learn that there will be surprises and if you leave now they
wont happen.

And when you get there youll go, Aw shucks, I was gonna surprise myself
and now I have forced myself to leave and now I dont have that surprise I
wanted so I guess now Ill do it again.
And again and again and again and again and again and again and again
or not.
Its all up to you.
But the point is if youre here you want to be even though you dont
know it. You want to be here you, have to trust that your life will show you
what it is you wanted to be here for.
Q: Very Interesting.

Bashar Talks about Judgment

Bashar: We are not saying that there are not people who may not judge,
but the point is you cant experience the effect of that judgment if you
dont accept it as true.
You see if someone walks up to you on the street what you would call a
stranger and they say something to you like, oh I really hate your neon
green jacket, and youre not wearing a neon green jacket you would
simply look at them and go, that has nothing to do with me.
Why should I judge myself and accept their judgment of hate because I
understand that it has nothing to do with me and its obviously their issue
and not mine.
And Im acting as a reflection for them and thus I am being of service to
them, but Im not accepting what they have to say about me as true
because I know what is true.
Do you understand?
Accepting the judgments of others in a negative way is creating that
energy in your own reality.
You see, thats actually what the phrase Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged
means. It means that as you lower yourself lower your vibration to the
vibration of the judgment that they are offering you and match the
frequency of that judgment you judge yourself.
You create the vibration the negative vibration within your own being
within your own consciousness within your own body you accept the
judgment you judge yourself and thus create a reflection.
But you see the idea of these people coming up even if they do keeping
the idea of judgments upon you is simply an offering to decide whether or
not you prefer to believe what they have to say is true or not.

Its a gift its an opportunity to decide how to define yourself because

many times we know that because of how you have been brought up and
the way youve been taught to think sometimes its easier for you to get
an understanding of who you are by seeing so many reflections of who you
are not.
Thus eliminating all the vibrations very clearly that you know you are not
and thus being left with the only thing there is left the vibration of who
you actually are.
So if you accept judgments of others as gifts and opportunities to
eliminate that vibration from your definition of yourself you can thank
them with unconditional love for showing you more and more clearly who
you are by giving you a reflection very clearly of who you are not.
And thats how to use that in a positive way and lighten up on yourself.
Because the pressure you feel and the pain you feel is simply you
keeping that pressure and judgment upon yourself by accepting it as true
just because someone wishes to reflect that to you.
Youre using it in a negative way instead of using it in a positive way.
Youre buying into their point of view instead of buying into your own
about yourself.
Does that make sense?

Questioner: Yes.

B: Is this helping you feel a little bit lighter?

Q: A little bit.

B: Alright well remember many times the path to truly enlightenment is

to simply lighten up on yourself.
You understand?

Q: Yes.

B: So, is there some other aspect of this you wish to explore if you do not
feel yet or know yet that you are making this concept truly your own?
Do you need any more assistance with anchoring this into your belief

Q: I guess Im wondering is the belief system connected to the

consumption of other physical or what I consume in my body and thats
also related to the physical pain.

B: Yes! Anytime you create what feels like a hole in your being youll do
anything possible to fill that hole. But the idea is that it needs to be filled
with a different kind of energy.
It is only the ability to fulfill yourself that will fill that hole.
Do you understand?

Q: Yes.

B: Nothing else will fill it does that make sense?

Q: Absolutely.

B: Alright now are you willing to do that?

Q: Yes.

B: Are you sure?

Q: Yes.

B: All right then allow yourself to know that the more you are willing to
let belief systems within you come up to your conscious mind and again
we will be talking about this idea a little bit more clearly tomorrow night at
your time in terms of exactly what the relationship is in terms of
unconscious mind, and sub conscious mind, and conscious mind and oversoul and higher-self and higher-mind and all these things.
We will be talking about these in more detail so that you can really
understand what the relationship of all these levels of consciousness are
within you, and learn really how to work with them in a very energetic and
very harmonious way.
So that you can see very clearly what the structure is that youre dealing
with and how to use that structure in a positive reinforcing way for
yourself to make transformations that you prefer to make.
But the idea fundamentally is that you need to deal with the belief
systems you need to find out you need to identify them for only
through identification can you understand consciously what it is you need
to work with, and what it is you need to let go of.
And we will reinforce the idea of letting go of these things in Sundays
transmission about attraction and repulsion.
All these things together will work together to make it very, very, very
clear and very obvious as a tool as a mechanism as a permission slip
about how to get in touch with the idea of beliefs. About how to
understand the nature and structure of them very clearly and how to use
the understanding of the laws of attraction and repulsive to let go and
transform things very rapidly
Does that help you?

Q: Yes.

B: Alright -well thank you for your sharing.

Bashar Major Shift is Happening

A questioner in the audience is asking Bashar about the money system
and the powers that be. In order to change the current reality, individually
as well as collectively we have to change ourselves. We have to redefine

who we prefer to be, and we have to choose the reality we prefer to live in
collectively as well.
This begins with the simple acknowledgement of; I create my reality, then
we create our reality. The challenge we face is for too long we have given
our power away to so-called Authority Figures and as a result we gave
away the pen and paper to write our own lives to people that dont have
our best interests at heart.
The new reality is changing as we speak.
Questioner: Hi Bashar, thank you so much for being here with us.
Bashar: To you good day.
Q: Thank you. I want to speak about whats going on in the world right
now specifically the economy.
B: Which world are you talking about, which parallel reality?
Q: This crazy planet Earth we are on.
B: Crazy planet Earth?
Well as we have often said the idea is that as each and every one of you
recognize that you prefer a different reality, and you make the shift within
yourself vibrationally, you will then experience the idea of creating
opportunities to create new systems.
And that as you create those new understandings, new directions, new
approaches, and new systems, you will then have something to replace
the old systems with when they start to crumble and fall away because
your consciousness is no longer willing to support them.
So this is all youre doing, its all part and parcel of making a shift.
Again it just depends on the whether or not you are doing this by
harboring old negative belief systems that are out of alignment with your
truth as to whether you experience this in a negative way or a positive
If you understand that these shifts of old things falling away is an exciting
thing to have happen, because it means new systems that are more in
alignment with what you prefer them to be are coming in, because youre
shifting to a parallel reality thats more representative of those new
systems, then the idea of watching these all systems crumble and fall
away is cause for celebration.
Q: Yes, absolutely thats what I wanted to talk about. Thank you for saying
all that because thats exactly where Im coming from. I see the old
crumbling away and the new coming in; its extremely exciting, and its
very very exciting and I dont think the new can come about until the old
goes away.

B: Well of course not, you can only have one reality at a time.
Q: Right, right, so I see it crumbling before my eyes actually and
specifically the economy. So I was wondering are you familiar with David
Icke and his writings?
B: Yes, yes.
Q: Do you find them accurate?
B: Again, whatever vibration you create within yourself will determine how
you experience the shift. A shift is happening; it can be experienced in a
negative or a positive way depending upon the vibration of your choice
and your belief systems. That is how we will address that question.
Q: Okay, okay thats fair enough.
B: It is.
Q: So, well I um
B: Yes.
Q: Hes talking about the lawful rebellion and I was just wondering what
B: What do you wish to buy into! You just brought up the issue of the
economy. What do you wish to buy into!
Q: I wish to buy into letting the old crumble away because it doesnt work
anymore, and going in for the equality, and the love, and the peace, and
the way this planet should be.
B: Than add to that energy by the choices you make of how you choose to
see reality and do not be afraid.
Q: Regarding David Icke and he speaks about the Reptilians being the
Illuminati descendants?
B:Stop! It is not that such beings in one context do not exist, but the idea
for most individuals is that what they are perceiving and giving form to is
the idea of their own fears projected from the reptilian center of your
Q: Can you say that again?
B: The reptilian center of your brain is where your survival mode kicks in.
And when certain fears come up and bubble up from the reptilian Center
of your brain, many individuals because of their fears will project and cloak
other dimensional energy in a form thats representative of their own fear.
It may not even be what that being actually looks like, but humans will
often see them in certain ways that are representative symbolically of

where the fear center of your brain is that your own scientists have
labeled the reptilian brain.
And thats what most of you are seeing when you talk about the idea of
encountering negative reptilian beings.
Now we are not saying that beings dont exist that do look like that, but
they are not what you think.
They are not what has fallen into your mythology and therefore again we
suggest the idea is to stop paying, paying or buying into the ideas that
dont resonate with the reality you prefer.
Stop giving them credence.
Appreciate, appreciate your chosen vibration and allow the vibrations that
are not aligned with you to depreciate.
Then you will have the economy you prefer.
Q: Okay, do you see that happening?
B: Do you?
Q: Do you?
B: Its your planet. Now I will only give you a hint, but I will not remove the
responsibility from you in giving you this hint because the responsibility is
still in your hands and you can still change things for positive or negative
anytime you wish.
The only hint we will give you is this.
Were things on your planet not improving, were you not shifting to a
parallel reality that is more representative of what you prefer, we would in
all likelihood not be having these conversations with you because it would
be pointless wouldnt it?
Q: Yes, okay.
B: So what does that tell you?
Q: Thats good.
B: Now because I have said that does not absolve you of the responsibility
of creating that reality. Its not going to happen without you just because
we perceive the collective energy may be on a roll right now right.
You can still go the other direction if you want, but if you dont prefer to
dont give credence to the things that are out of alignment with what you

Q: Okay, well let me ask you this then?

B: Oh Ill let you.
Q: Say for instance we head down the wrong road?
B: Wrong?
Q: Okay not wrong.
B: Just negative.
Q: Very, very negative and destructive.
B: Yes, so what, so what, so what, so what. Do you understand that you
are an eternal being?
Q: Yes.
B: Then so what. Do you not understand that you have parallel lives in
parallel realities where earth has completely and utterly destroyed itself?
Q: Yes.
B: So what, here you are. Now I understand that may be not what you
prefer, but thats all there is to it. If its not what you prefer dont do it in
this reality. Youve already done it in other realities anyway.
Q: Well thats a matter of collective consciousness.
B: So, its a matter of you deciding what part of the collective to agree
with and agreeing with the collective of another reality that is more the
resonance you prefer.
Its not a matter of what the collective consciousness believes when its
out of alignment with your preferred vibration.
You have the ability generally to experience a reality that you prefer
regardless of what the collective is deciding, because the idea in general is
thats part of the collective agreement.
The collective agreement says that any individual can experience any
collective it wants.
You understand?
Q: Right, yes.
B: So choose the collective you prefer.
Q: Okay.
B: Does that help you?

Q: Sure thats good; its all good, thanks!

Bashar Life after Death

Questioner: Heres my question its regarding the idea of death on this
planet. Not only would I like to talk about what choices do we have after
death, but what do we do over there, where do we go?
Bashar: Whatever you want.
Q: Okay, okay Id like to discuss that and then of course you know on this
planet when someone dies its probably the worst fear we have.
B: Yes, one of them and in actual fact I believe fear of public speaking is
worse on a list of phobias of humanity.
Q: Well I conquered that one, Im sitting here.
B: Obviously!
Q: Id like to know what is it about our attitude that we fear death and
instead of looking at it as just a transformation into the next we grieve,
we have such ceremony and what do you do on your planet when you die?
B: Celebrate.
Q: Do you celebrate okay?
B: And also please remember we are still in communication with that
Q: Yes.
B: We understand there really is no disconnection, we understand that is
just a transition and we also have the ability to continue to communicate
with them in their different state.
So do you of course.
But because of thousands of years of ritualization and the experience of
disconnection not real disconnection but the creation of the experience
of disconnection the personality structure assumes that death means
And so you mourn the idea you are afraid in general of the idea
because you think its the end of your identity when in fact its actually
expansion into more of yourself.
You become more of who you are in death.

Physical reality in a sense is more like death then death is because you
place so many limitations on yourself. And from the spirit point of view
again not judgmentally physical reality is the more dead like state.
So the idea is is that most of the grieving while you may have it if you
wish Im not going to take anything away from you if that feels
appropriate than allow yourself to do so.
But generally it comes from feeling like you are being left behind.
Youre actually mourning for yourself because you understand innately
somewhere that the other being that has died has gone on to a more
expanded state and you also yearn for that as well.
Yearn to remember that yearn to remember thats who you are and in
that sense feel that death has reminded you that you have placed
limitations on yourself and so the grieving is actually for you.
Nevertheless you are getting to a point where you are beginning to
understand that the concept of physical-death is just a transition you
dont have to lose touch with anybody at all and as you begin to
understand that more and more you will be able to continue to
communicate with those beings in a very clear manner.
You understand?
Q: Yes.
Bashar Darryl Anka
B: Now upon the idea of expansion into death most individuals on your
planet will feel it or experience it in general as if they are waking up from
a dream.
Because that is the real reality as far as they are concerned and the idea
of the physical-life doesnt carry the same degree of importance per se.
It literally is the way you feel when you wake up from a dream and say,
Oh this is my real reality and then the dream just sort of fades off accept
whatever pieces may remain that you feel are important for you to
Death is like that with regard to physical reality.
You wake up and suddenly remember who you are and that you were
having this physical dream.
You understand?
Q: Yes.

B: And thats why most individuals dont really actually shall we say,
hang around and try to make contact because physical reality again is
not so real from that point of view anymore.
They understand they still may have loved-ones in physical reality and
they can communicate and often do, but the overwhelming feeling is that
youre actually waking up into your true reality and the idea of physical
reality becomes to some degree, with a few exceptions, all of sudden a
secondary concern that isnt as real.
Does that make sense?
Q: That makes great sense.
B: From that point there forward you have the ability to recognize that
there are different gradations of non-physical reality in which you can still
experience many things according to your consciousness that feel like
physical experiences even though you may no longer be physical.
You can actually create cities, houses, all sorts of landscapes that seem
very tangible and can be experienced in a very tangible way.
But the difference would be is that there really isnt the same idea of
space/time and so in that reality what you imagine, what you think, is
almost instantaneously created.
You understand?
Q: Yes.
B: So you can actually still have many kinds of experiences in the nonphysical reality that are very similar to the idea of physical reality and
there are people in non-physical reality who even form neighborhoods,
communities, cities all sorts of things because they gravitate toward each
other because of their vibration.
Does that make sense?
Q: Yes it does.
B: You can also function as a Guide (Spirit Guide) if you wish, you can go
on to other realities if you wish, you can explore other dimensions if you
It really is up to you and in fact its even up to you to return in a sense to
the life you just left and continue on from where you left off.
When you die you still have a choice to keep on living until you make the
choice to actually go all the way into non-physical reality.
You actually are given the choice to simply go back and pick up where you
left off and in a sense forget that you actually died, or maybe remember it
as a dream or just some funny kind of glitch in your reality that you dont

quite understand how you made it alive through that accident, but
obviously you did well in fact actually you didnt.
But when you died you were still given the opportunity, Would you like to
go back and continue? Yes, thank you, please. Alright there you go,
and you pick up from where you left off on the other side of the accident
wondering and scratching your head how you possibly could have made it
out of that alive.
Well again, you didnt.
Many of you have died many times you just dont remember.
But you are given an opportunity and a choice even then to pick up the life
and keep on going.
Now in a sense what youre actually doing is youre creating another
parallel reality, but youre creating a sense of continuity to such a degree
that it seems like its the same life that youre continuing it doesnt
matter in effect.
You can still have the same ideas, the same goals, the same friends, same
feelings, all of it.
Although of course theres usually something left behind that makes you
feel suddenly a little bit different than you did before when you go through
an experience like that.
You follow me?
Q: Yes.
B: Is this answering your question sufficiently?
Q: Yes, yes, very helpful Thank You.
B: Yes, and of course thats just the beginning.

Bashar Ultimately Everyone is

Just Fine
Questioner: Hello Bashar.

Bashar: And to you Good Day!

Q: I know that I have chosen to suffer this weekend.

B: Oh, alright, and why did you choose that?

Q: I have been experiencing a challenge to my faith.

B: Yes.

Q: And this weekend has brought me from despair and anger to hope, and
I was listening to what youve been saying and Im getting closer back to
faith but I was

B: Are you going beyond faith to knowing as well?

Q: No and I was wondering if there is anything more that you would like to
tell me to bring me to a stronger faith and towards a

B: I am not attempting to bring you to a stronger faith. Im attempting to

bring you beyond faith to Knowing. Did you do the I am exercise?

Q: I did.

B: Do you understand that when you say I am that thats an absolute


Q: I do.

B: Then you know its that simple. Did you not believe us when we said it
was that simple? Is that part of the challenge?

Q: The challenge for me is when you say circumstances dont matter.

Thats my challenge.

B: You want me to explain that?

Q: I want to know how I can believe that and demonstrate it.

B: Ah, thank you. We often have said, though we understand how this first
sounds in your language, we dont mean it negatively, that the greatest
gift Creation has given is that life is meaningless.
There is no built-in meaning to situations or circumstances, theyre just
neutral props.
Ill put it another way.
You are aware to some degree as we demonstrated earlier than any given
situation can actually produce even opposite results Yes?
Or even opposite perceptions Yes?

Q: Yes.

B: You can look at any situation and you could see a positive outcome or
you can see a negative outcome of the same situation yes? Well that
shows you that no situational meaning is actually built-in, its determined
by how you see it.
So if you decide that a situation will have a positive effect on you thats
the effect it will have.
If you decide it will have a negative effect on you thats the effect it will
The situation doesnt come with a built-in parameter that says its going to
affect you positively or negatively.
Thats in your hands to determine.
So nothing has built-in meaning and therefore thats why we say that
circumstances dont actually matter.

Its the state of being that matters because its the state of being that
allows you to determine what meaning you will assign to those
circumstances that are fundamentally neutral.
Does that make sense?
Q: But if someone is in harms way, how can you look at that in a positive

B: Alright thank you. There is a difference between observing that

something is mechanically negative or mechanically positive.
Positive being integrated in that sense, the negative being segregated the
positive being integrative you understand?

Q: No.

B: Alright, when we talk about positive and negative were not talking
about subjective good and bad.
Were talking about an actual mechanical description of energy. That
which is negative in that sense is that which segregates, separates shall
we say isolates, disconnects, forms experiences of disconnection.
That which is positive forms experiences of integration, unification,
bonding, oneness. Do you follow that?

Q: Yes.

B: The idea being that if you operate on a fear based definitional system,
more often than not you will experience more emotions of disconnection
and greater fear.
Thus you are seeing that the mechanism is simply generating an
expanded version of itself by perpetuating more doubt, more
disconnection, more fear.
Does that make sense?
More misalignment within your belief systems from your core. The fear
itself is the expression of negatively aligned belief systems.
Does that make sense?

Q: Yes.

B: The idea being when you see somebody operating in a negative way or
when you see a situation that you are saying someone is being harmed in.
You can recognize the mechanisms that might be involved may be
negatively based, nevertheless you can also recognize as you can in many
situations in life that that being, that person, while not necessarily
excusing the negative behavior, might also allow others to learn
something positive from it or might give someone else a positive effect.
Ill put a very simple example before you.
We understand that it is negative when someone abuses another person.
Thats a negative act perpetuated by negative beliefs.
It is segregative, it is isolating, it is disruptive, it is disconnective.
Nevertheless if you came upon a situation where youre seeing someone
being abused, and you come to their assistance, and help them, then you
are putting positive energy into it, and if you say, In seeing this I am now
inspired passionately to do what it takes to make sure this doesnt happen
again on our planet anywhere, then you are going to generate a positive
effect out of what essentially started as a negative experience.
Do you follow that?

Q: Yes.

B: So its how you use it, and thats why we simply say circumstances
dont matter.
Not to discount them, but to let you know its what meaning you decide to
give them that determines what effect you can extract from them and
apply to your reality.
Remember, everyone that is having an experience is fundamentally an
eternal, infinite spirit. Do you follow me?
Ultimately everyone everyone is just fine.
Everyone, Ill put in colloquially, everyone goes to heaven no matter what
theyve done because thats the only place there is.

The idea is, is that you are created in unconditional love and thats the
only place there is to go back to unconditional love.
Now individual beings may learn that they didnt necessarily want to
operate in a certain way because it may have created an experience for
them that is more negatively oriented then positively oriented, and they
may learn to do something about that from that experience.
Thats up to them.
But the point is, is that when we say circumstances dont matter were
simply attempting to let you know that they are fundamentally neutral and
that you can decide how they will actually effect your reality, what you will
do with that experience.
Just because the experience may start negatively doesnt mean that the
only experience you can get from it is a negative one.
You can actually use it to learn a lesson and actually create a very positive
reality from that negative experience.
Does that make sense?

Q: Yes.

B: Also when we say circumstances dont matter, but only states of being
do, we are making a play on words of the term Matter.
Circumstances arent what materialize your reality. Its your state of being
that materializes reality experience for you.
The circumstances are simply neutral props that allow you to decide
whether you are by reflection in alignment or not.
Does that help?

Q: Very much.

B: Thank You!

Bashar The Best Explanation

of the Higher-Self
Bashar: Now, we are going to cover more of the ideas Im
about to speak about in what you call tomorrows
transmission as well, but were going to lay some
foundations here and now for that.
The next thing we would like to bring up in connection in
conjunction with this idea of permission slips is how to
allow this concept to sink in more deeply.
And how to form a relationship more clearly and more
consciously with what many of you for a long time have
called your higher-self this mysterious Higher-Self.
Where is it dont know, is he up there is she over there
dont know, how high, this high, this high dont know?
What is the Higher-Self -thank you lets address this?
So you have some definitions to work with which again are
nothing but what permission slips?
Thats all were delivering here everything we say,
everything we deliver to you is nothing but another form of
permission slip.
Take which one works for you the ones that dont work for
you let them be.
Now lets go into a little bit more detail Higher-Self alright.
Most if you are familiar with the idea that you have a
physical consciousness, a personality as a physical being
that you relate to as yourself so to speak.
But then there is this mysterious idea of the Higher-Self
simply put most of you understand or at least intuit it that
the so-called Higher-self well its relatively non-physical.
Even more simply put you could say that there is a
vibrational frequency just above physical reality, just beyond
physical reality in which resides what you might refer to as a
template for physical reality or upon which you construct
your physical experience.
It is in that template level just beyond the physical threshold
that the Higher-Self exists.
Now please do not confuse the idea of Higher-Self with
oversoul or spirit or what have you.

Higher Self is a specific idea that is like a version of the

person you are in physical reality, but a version that has a
broader perspective a broader point of view.
Its like having a twin standing on a mountaintop while one is
also standing in the valley and they can communicate with
each other.
And the Higher-Self can say, I see you walking down the
road, and I see that there is well a little bit of a ditch up
ahead so if you walk this way and walk that way youll avoid
it, and the one in the valley going, oh thank you very
This is very simply put the relationship between the two.
It is you with the higher perspective, a broader perspective,
a bigger picture without the complications that can arise
from the personality constructs belief system.
So the higher self is like a guiding principal, a governing
principle so to speak that is a part of your complex as a
person, but is the non-physical component that acts as the
conduit to even higher versions of your soul, of your being,
of your spirit, but also acts as the intermediary between
those higher levels and the physical personality construct.
And can distill information from the higher-spirit and soul,
oversoul levels in a way that your personality can
So the Higher-Self functions like a translator taking the
information from higher levels and bringing it down to Earth
in a way that can communicate to the personality effectively.
However because of some of the belief systems that exist
within the personality structure on your planet there has
been confusion as to exactly how to form a clear
communication line to the Higher-Self.
So lets make something very, very clear. This may sound a
little bit surprising but thats alright surprises are good.
There are 3 levels here in this idea.
It might surprise you to know as personality
constructs, as physical-minds you do not conceive of
any ideas.
What do I mean?
The personality does not conceive of concepts, it perceives
concepts it does not conceive them.
Here are the three levels.
1 The Higher Self conceives.
2 The physical brain receives.

3 The personality mind perceives.

Thats all it does. Any idea, any inspiration, any imagination
you have ever had doesnt come from the physical-mind
portion of you; it comes from the Higher-Self portion of you.
The receiver, the brain and is translated by the brain into a
vibration that the physical-mind then perceives as a
reflected reality.
One more time because this is crucial to understand.
You dont conceive of any ideas as a physical-mind thats
not what the physical mind is designed to do it cannot create
ideas it can only perceive the result of an idea from the
Now this may sound at first somewhat limiting, but in fact
its very, very freeing because you can all stop thinking, you
can all stop thinking youre in charge, you can all stop
thinking you have to think of everything, you can all stop
thinking that youre the one guiding the ship.
Youre not; you are just looking at the road.
Youre just experiencing the path that you, the whole you is
creating, but the reason you get into trouble, the reason you
feel stuck as a physical-mind is because youve been taught
to believe that the physical-mind is the one coming up with
all this stuff and its not.
So when you try to manipulate it it doesnt work because
the physical-mind is not designed to actually create those
concepts. It is only designed to perceive the effect of the
creation of those concepts through the receiver the
Now, heres also what happens and again this is an
important distinction.
Physical-mind cannot perceive how something
happens; it can only perceive how something
One more time its a very important distinction and Ill
Physical-mind does not have the capacity to perceive how
something happens; it can only perceive how something
But because the physical-mind thinks its coming up with
these things it then takes what happened and assumes that
thats how things happen and its not.
Its only what happened that time.

And it thinks, Well if I do that again I can make this happen,

I can make that happen.
No you might get some degree of repetition, of success with
that philosophy, but it will never go beyond the parameters
of what you observed in that particular happenstance.
Because what happened was designed to allow that
particular thing to happen, and that particular thing doesnt
necessarily require the same ingredients as something else.
So when you may want something else to happen when
you may want to expand on what happened you cannot use
the same ingredients that made that happen, because then
all you do is repeat the cycle and wonder why youre not
getting anywhere.
You have to allow the connection to your own Higher-Self to
be the one that will allow you to experience the reality that
comes from the Higher-Self, because the Higher-Self is the
only part of you that actually knows how things happen
because its on the mountaintop, it has the broader
perspective, it can see whats coming, it can orchestrate.
Youre in the valley as a physical being from the physical
perspective, your view is somewhat limited, but the idea is it
doesnt matter.
As we will discuss and point out and as many of you have
heard in the Secret all you really need to do to use the
analogy they use of driving your car is to see the road just a
few hundred feet ahead you dont have to see the road all
the way from youre beginning to your destination thats the
higher selves point of view.
So you dont have to know exactly how youre going to get
there, all you need to know as the physical side of the
personality-mind is where youre at right now.
The Higher Self will tell you keep going, turn left, turn right,
youre going to get there quicker this way, youre gonna get
there quicker that way, you need to stop for now, you need
to take a rest, you need to take a bathroom break, then get
back in your car and keep going.
That comes from the Higher-Self portion of the total being
that you are as a person, as a persona, but the physicalmind aspect of the personality does not have the capacity to
understand how things happen.
So stop trying to figure it out because you never will as a
physical person only as a Higher-Self expression when you
are in communication and allowing that communication to
occur will you then be able to take advantage of knowing

how its going to happen, but the physical-mind will not

know how its going to happen.
This is using the invisible to your advantage and this is why
you talk about such things as, Well you just have to take it
on faith, no you dont.
Its really about knowing and understanding the nature of
your actual existence, understanding the structure of the
relationship, understanding how it is you have arranged
yourself as a consciousness and then simply using it in the
same way that you use a telephone, a light switch, or any
other device.
Its simply a matter of understanding the nature of it, and
then taking advantage of using the nature of it and using the
power of the invisible because its very, very solid.
Just because your physical-mind cant perceive it, it cant
perceive the how of it and how all of this is happening
doesnt mean it cannot receive the benefit of how its all
But in order to really do that as fully as you possibly can you
must drop the assertion and the assumption that the
physical-mind needs to know how everything works.
Because it never, ever will its not designed to.
And this allows you to lighten up your load, stop carrying so
much baggage, stop trying to do your Higher-Selfs job and
just do your own. Thats why so many of you are so tired
when you are trying to do certain things in a certain way its
because youre trying to do a job you werent designed to do
Thats exhausting!
Stop, you were not hired to do that job your Higher-Self
already has the job and its working for you perfectly.
Work with it, work with it not against it by trying to do the
job it was designed to do.
Just do the job you were designed to do which is perceive
what has happened and allow yourself to know, to know
what has happened can be used by you to your advantage
by maintaining positive meaning from your belief system
into it.
Allowing yourself to do that as physical-mind is what will
keep the communication lines open, acting on your passion,
acting on your excitement, always putting positive meaning
into whatever happens is what will keep the lines open to
your Higher-Self to receive the communication to know that
you can take the next step and the next step and the next
step and the next step.

Because whatever it is that does happen will always allow

you to take the next step no matter what it is, as long as you
relate to it in the appropriate way as a physical-mind and
dont attempt to relate to it in an inappropriate way as a
Higher-Mind yourself.
Let the higher-mind come through you and relate to it, but
dont try to do the higher-minds job for it.
It will always, always be difficult for you to do because
youre not designed to do that.
So again Higher-Self conceives -physical brain
receives physical mind perceives.

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Bashar - Prime Radiant & Tachyon energy

Questioner: I recently discovered the idea know as tachyons.
Bashar: Yes.
Q: Can you give us, from your perspective, the relationship of the breaking down of the
different energies that are involved in this paradigm? The paradigm that I've been looking
at has the tachyon at the 7th level and then it breaks it down into different segments from
there, with the 8th being sort of an overall void; the idea of being out of the whole concept
itself. Is there some kind of order of solidification that you can give us in the sense of
energy, in the way...
B: Yes! This has again, directly to do with the relationship between the etheric level and
what you call your physical / material level. This relationship, again, is a matter of degree,
a matter of /frequency,/ but it is all based on the concept of the Prime Radiant. You have
heard us discuss the concept of the Prime Radiant?
Q: I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that.
B: All right. Prime Radiant is the understanding that, we'll have to use
the terminology that you understand in your language -- particle, you understand,
subatomic particle? Yes, you understand these terms?

Q: Yes.
B: It is not really a particle as you think of these things and your scientists know that. But
to use the term just to illustrate the point, let us just speak of a Prime Particle, a
subatomic particle out of which everything is made in physical/material reality. You follow
me so far?
Q: Yes.
B: The idea of the Prime Radiant is that everything that you understand to be an infinite
number of particles is actually the same one particle interacting with itself in the following
way: just imagine now that you have one particle, just imagine it in your mind's eye, just
for the purpose of illustrating the point. Even though we understand this is not /absolutely,
literally/ representative of the reality, just now imagine one particle, one little tiny point,
dot, if you wish. And, imagine that this particle can move at infinite speed. Now what this
would mean is is that this particle, in being able to move at infinite speed, would be
everywhere at once. It would not be perceived as moving, it would just be perceived as
But let us start with the idea that this particle really has no /substance/, in your
terminology; it is not perceivable, per se, and can only be perceived by you in your
physical reality when it /reinforces itself/ by overlapping itself in the path that it takes, in
moving in infinite speed and tracing a line of particular geometric pattern over and over
and over and over again, with slight variation. Here and there it will cross itself, and as it
crosses itself over and over again it will reinforce itself and thus appear to be more and
more and more /solid./ The less it crosses itself the less solid it will appear. This gives
rise to the idea of the very densest physical reality, where the particle crosses itself as
many times as it possibly can, through the higher more rarified etheric realms where it
does not cross it's own path that many times, to the void in space where it contains, what
you call, virtual particles which simply come into existence /briefly/ and flicker out. But
you know that the void is contained and is full of many, many different potential particles,
potential realities, potential dimensionalities and so forth, and then on up the scale.
The idea simply is that this particle, in moving at infinite speed and being everywhere at
once, means that it is interacting with itself. What you perceive to be this particle here,
and that particle there, held together by an apparent force, be it a strong force or the
electric force or gravity or whatever you which to call it, it is not really being held together
by a force, it is not really being attracted to any thing. Gravitation, in that sense, is not an
attracted force, there really are no forces, per se, as your society thinks of them.
As such the idea is that when this particle is moving at infinite speed, being everywhere
at once, it /appears/ next to itself a number of times and you think, from your perspective,
that /this/ is one particle, /that/ is another particle, but it is the same particle interacting
with itself, in a sense. And the /force/ that apparently draws them together is simply the
geometry of the path that it is taking in that this particle here and this particle there are
simply representative of where the lines of that path cross each other, very close to each
other. And thus, there is no other place that those particles can be at that moment but
next to each other. But it is because of the description of the geometry of the path that
they are taking, not because there is actually a force interacting between them. You follow
me so far?
Q: Yes.

B: Now, the concept again of this applying to tachyon energy or what your society has
labeled /tachyons,/ is that simply in the entire array of geometric patterns that this one
particle is taking, you have overlaps and arrays of different kinds of radiating pattern side
effects. If you were to imagine a very complicated geometric pattern, you would see that
there are many places that the lines cross over and over and over and over and over
again, and where they cross as if you have, lets say a spiral going this way and a spiral
going that way. You would see certain points where lines cross, and it would appear to
your eye that there was a line being described by where those points cross, but it would
be in your terms an illusion. You understand?
Q: Yes.
B: There would not really be a line there, but where the points cross, in the succession in
which they cross, would give the semblance of the illusion of a path. One of those paths
would be called the speed of light. One of those paths would be called the tachyon
existence, the tachyon dimension, and all other dimensions and all other levels therein, all
within the infinite speed of the Prime Radiant, the Prime Particle.
So it is simply a matter of degree and of tachyons representing the etheric manifestation,
the almost mass-less manifestation on the other side of what you call the speed of light.
Which is simply one of those lines describing the border of your particular physiological
universe, the tachyon being the material of the etheric universe, so to speak. Not having
been crystallized, not having been overlapping enough in the geometric pattern to be
physicalized, per se, but forming, nonetheless, the underling template for physical reality
where those lines all cross sufficiently. Thus going from the tachyon level to the physical
level, what you call physical matter, from etheric matter and all the other higher forms of
matter of the Prime Radiant, expressions of the Prime Radiant, of light, of energy and so
on and so forth.
So all those ideas: light and energy, and matter and tachyons, and etheric reality are all
different forms, different expressions of the one Prime Radiant just by virtue of the fact of
how many times it interacts or reflects with itself. Does that make some sense to you?
Q: Yes, I understand the Prime Radiant now.
B: All right. Therefore, with regard to the way in which the tachyon concept is being
utilized in your society at this time, in that we take your meaning of certain kinds of
products and so on and so forth that are made to have associations with the concept of
tachyon, understand that what is simply being done is that your consciousness is being
directed to the underlying template which is representative of the tachyon level of the
Prime Radiant. It isn't that that material is actually infused, per se, with tachyons, but that
there is a level within all material that is the tachyon level, and when you attune your
vibrational thoughts to that level then you can extract a different kind of energy, a different
kind of relationship, a different kind of focus from that layer, that tachyon layer, which
exists within all material objects. Because it is more like the template level of the material
object that you are holding in your hand, and it is simply the idea of focusing on that level
that makes it have the effect that it has, because you there are changing your frequency
to match its own. Does this make some sense to you?
Q: Yes. And, are there different material substances that can, let us say...
B: Represent the level or, perhaps, allow the concept to be transmitted more easily to
your level.
Q: Transfused.

B: Yes, there are. There are, perhaps, certain kinds of variations of metals, one of the
ones that actually has one of the highest degrees of transferring tachyon energy is,
surprising as this may seem, would be the substance called amber. For understand that
trees are very, very good at transforming tachyon energy into physical matter, back and
forth, they are transmuters of life and many different high levels of energy. So there, sap,
which solidified into what you now recognize as amber, contains a matrix that is
particularly receptive to the transformative use of etheric / tachyon energies into physical
materiality reception. You understand?
Q: Yes.
B: So amber is one of the strongest transducers, transmuters of tachyon energy into
physical energy and vice versa.
Q: And the Japanese are using a technology in which they use silicon beads.
B: Yes, silicon is another. The idea of your quartz crystals is also a very good transmuter
of tachyon energy. All right?
Q: OK.
B: Thank you.
Q: Thank you.
Q: Could you elaborate a little further on trees as a method of generating energy, or
transmuting stuff from the etheric to the physical?
B: Look at your planet this way, if you would -- it is in a sense a type of capacitor and if
you understand the idea that it is a /storage/ battery of energy, a giant storage battery of
energy and a transmuter of energy from one form to another, to another form, so on and
so forth. Understand that the trees are like antennas jutting out from the surface and they
get very, very fine. And these are like receptors for higher levels of energies which are
then drawn into, so to speak, are representative of the /finer/ energies, the /finer/ more
/rarified/ or less materialized levels of energy that then, bit by bit, are transmuted through
the structure into the form of physical reality; and then given off by the trees, transmuted
by the trees, into what you call /oxygen,/ which is the Prime /transmuter/ of your physical
reality, your physical dimension. So it is a direct transformation of etheric energy into
oxygen, into crystallization in that way. You understand?
Q: Yes.
B: Now you may see that the concept of carbon dioxide is involved, but this is only as a
catalyst. This allows it to function as a gateway. This is why there is this apparent
opposite kind of life form in physical reality, where /you/ take in the idea of the oxygen and
give off the carbon dioxide, while it takes in the carbon dioxide, gives off the oxygen. This
exchange allows you to understand its role as the transmuter, so that all that needs to be
sustained in physical realty can partake of the crystallization, so to speak, the
physicalization of the etheric energy in the form called oxygen -- so that you may sustain
yourself in your physical dimension. It transcends that dimension, has a physical
component, but /trees/ extend literally into other dimensions, and act as bridges to
transmute that rarified level of energy into more dense physical materialized energy, and
vice versa. They can also be very good for transmuting dense physical energy into more
rarified energy, thus they are very good at accelerating or uplifting your own vibration. So
spending time with them, allowing them to, shall we say, rub off on you, will allow you to
feel more transmutive yourself, more light, more /energized/ and more in /communion/

with the entire matrix of the whole concept of inter- dimensional transmutation. Make
Q: Yes.
B: It will also allow you more opportunities to sustain yourselves directly, more directly
from the etheric energy levels yourselves, in much the same way that the trees do.
Although, not the same way but closer than you do, for you have that capacity.
Q: OK.
B: Does that help you?
Q: Yes, thank you.
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Q: Yes, do you believe there is a dark side, an evil force? And if so

what form do you think it takes?
B: Thank you very much. There is always positive and negative energy
mechanically speaking--positive energy is that which integrates, that
which unites, which unifies and by definition--mechanically
speaking--positive energy is that which integrates, that which unites,
which unifies and functions as a whole, which blends, which harmonizes.
Negative energy is that which separates, segregates. It is, in your
terms, discordant. Seeks externalized control, because it does not
believe the control comes from within. Seeks manipulation, domination,
because it is only perceives power as being expressed in externalize
terms. That is positive and negative energy.
The reason that we hesitate to use your terminology of right and wrong
and good and evil is not because we do not understand what they mean,
in that sense. Nor are we saying that more often than not your terms
don't apply to the idea of positive and negative. Usually they do.
Usually when we perceive you saying right and wrong and good and evil,
you usually do mean positive and negative energy. However, the terms
good and evil and right and wrong are extremely subjective value
judgment labels, and don't always tell you whether an energy really is
mechanically positive or mechanically negative.
All of you, if you stop and think about it for a moment, will realize
that there can be individuals doing things that are very positive and
unifying and yet there can be individuals who say, "that's wrong;
that's evil. And yet there are individuals who can be doing things
very negative, very segregative, very dominating, and someone can say,
"that's good; that's right."
So saying it's good or bad or evil or right or wrong doesn't really
tell you very much about what is actually happening on a physics
level. However--yes there is consciousness in many different levels
that express the idea both of positive intention and negative intention.
However, most of the idea of negative intention can only be expressed
on what you would call lower levels of vibratory state, such as
physical levels and a few of the levels of the astral realm just above
it. Beyond that it is almost impossible to express negative energy,

because by definition those other levels are integrated energies.

And to be existing on that level in a conscious format, you must be an
integrated being, which means you will generally not express
yourselves in a negative sense.
Now what you generally call a manifestation of directed evil, or what
you call the devil, or what you call Satan in your world is the
polarized idea of your collective consciousness, supported by your
fears and your doubts and your hate, and given life. It is, in a
sense, a consciousness unto itself; but it only gathers its strength
from you, from your fears.
You can deflate it by not believing in it, by not buying into it, by
not fearing it. The vibration of fear itself is what that
consciousness would want you to have -- because fear is what feeds it,
what sustains it as an entity unto itself.
In a sense, speaking biblically as you say, the negative combined
collective consciousness of your entire planet is what you call
Lucifer. It is the negative polarity of the Christ consciousness.
That is why the idea of the scenario that was created for you
biblically of, quote/unquote, Christ being tempted by the devil, is
simply a metaphor, an analogy, for the idea of the Christ
consciousness recognizing within itself the potential to give in to
the negative side, but recognizing that that is not the positive idea
it is, or chose to be.
And so recognizing that there is the positive side, the negative side,
and then what you would call the in-between state, the balanced point,
you can understand that creation, in a sense, is actually slightly
biased to the positive side. Because the center point is a point of
balance, and balance is inherently positive. Understand? Yes.
So the idea basically is that again remember you are aspects of the
Infinite. What you imagine to be real, you actually give life to. So
the idea of what you may call a negative entity: they can have lives
of their own, they can have existence and self-awareness; but the only
way you can interact with any negative consciousness is by being of
that frequency and attracting it. And one of the easiest ways to be of
that frequency and attract it is to buy into the idea that you have to
fear it. Because you really believe it's more powerful than you are.
It isn't. It would like you to think so, because that's what generates
the fear it needs to feed off of. But you aren't less powerful.
Whatever you decide is what you are, and whatever you are is what you
attract. And if you know you decide to be a reflection of the positive
manifestation, then you may be able to be aware of the fact that there
may be negative manifestations, but they can never interact with you
in an effectual way. You will become, literally, invisible to them.
Q: Yes.
B: Does this assist you?

Q: Yes, thank you.

B: Well, thank you very much.
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You Exist As a Multitude of Expressions You can exist as an infinite range of

different ideas, including different beings, times, and places, but you
cannot not exist. You are a freewill entity and you operate as various
perspectives on various levels. This Physical incarnation is an example of
just one of the possible expressions out of an infinite sea of possible
expressions that you can choose to exist as. The idea that you are a mind
in a body is a limited perspective that you have temporarily chosen to take on for
your own specific reasons. Even in this incarnation, you are far more than a mind and
body, you are actually the complete reality that you are experiencing. Yes, it is true that
this physical incarnation will end and that is called death, but that does not mean your
consciousness that you really are dies. Physical death is the transition from the limited
focus of this particular physical incarnation to a broader focus of the oversoul that you
also are. Being born is a transition into a narrower focus that you achieve by incarnating
into an individual soul from the oversoul. Either way you always exist, you are just looking
through different filters that provide different perspectives. As you go through the process
of shifting your perspectives and expanding, all that you will ever uncover is more of
yourself. This is the purpose of existence, to know yourself
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Bashar Talks About The End of The Age of

Questioner: I dont understand why there is so much suffering and why we
have to choose that kind of stuff right now.
Bashar: Because you have chosen to experience limitation.
The idea of suffering goes along with that definition. Simply, there is no
need to create a more profound reason other than the fact that you can do
Because you want to experience every single corner of what is possible in
All That Is, and your society as a whole has chosen to experience to great,
great degrees, the complete and total exploration of physical limitation
and forgetfulness.
Understand something: it is a statement and a belief that you are strong
enough to do so, that has allowed you choose and experience all that you
have called suffering.
But now you have experienced those ideas for many tens of thousands of
years. You are now at the end of that cycle and that is why your civilization
is beginning to get an understanding that it does not need to suffer any
more and that is why you are considering all these alternatives.

That should let you know that this transformational life is the life in which
every single individual that is upon your planet at this time can, for him or
herself, have the revelation and the realization that they do not need to
suffer any more.
If all the suffering that they have created has been their creation then that
degree of control is what lets them know that they have the control to
create no more suffering.
Do you follow me?
Q: Hhmm.
B: It has been an experience, because you could experience it. Do not
forget that it is only your ego that judges the idea. To the Higher Self, the
Oversoul, every experience is a learning experience and is taken as a part
of the spiritual growth.
Suffering, to the Higher Self, is not seen as intrinsically bad. It is seen as
a choice, as an experience. Because the soul wants to experience all that
it can of All That Is.
Polarity positive and negative are parts of all existence.
So, in your strength you have chosen to have known that you are strong
enough to have experienced tens of thousands of years of suffering. You
are eternal anyway what difference does it make ultimately?
Q: Yes, what difference does it make? What is the point of it all?
B: The point is that you are the creator. You are the one looking for a
purpose but recognize this: that idea of needing a specific purpose in that
way, having a point to it all, is only a third density, Piscean point of view.
Understand the idea that existence existed before the idea of purpose
came along. That which existed before the idea of purpose came along,
does not need a purpose to continue to exist. It exists simply because it
And it will do what it wants to simply because it can. The purpose of it all
Q: Its stupid.
B: If you choose to look at it as stupid, that is your choice. But understand
that you can also look at it as: the purpose of it all, is to simply do, is to
simply be, is to create, because you are a creator.
You can look at it as being stupid, or you can look at it as being an infinite
creation of ecstasy that is the whole point, to everything for you to
create whatever point to it you want there to be, and experience it, simply
because you can because you are the creator.
That is the point Creation creates.

Life is the only process necessary to create more life to live. Creation is
eternal; you are only experiencing this idea of pointlessness because you
are looking at this idea from within a linear time-frame. Once you allow
yourself the recognition that all times are now, it will not seem pointless in
that sense, because it will not seem that things drag on. You will view
everything as being right now and view any possible reality as a choice
you can have, right now.
So understand everything is only one point. Only now one eternal
moment and because you are the creator, in that way, you have the ability
to view things as more than just now. And that is the point to this reality.
To experience all the separation, limitation and forgetfulness that was
possible in this particular modality to experience.
Because you want to enrich the overall understanding of what All That Is,
YOU, you, ALL of you, are all the different ways All That Is has of looking at
itself, of realizing itself, of self-creating. That is the point, because creation
is eternal and infinite. It is up to you whether you view the eternalness
within ecstasy or within negativity.
Q: Well, why is it that it seems like there is no choice?
B: Because as we have said: the choice of choosing limitation is the choice
of choosing that you forget you created it.
That is why it seems that way but that is the experience you wanted.
Otherwise, if you did not forget that you created it, you would not be able
to experience some of the limited viewpoints you have experienced on this
The purpose was to experience limitation. If you cannot forget you are the
creator, you cannot experience limitation.
But the idea what you would call in your civilization a Catch 22, is that
the choosing of that limitation brings with it a scenario that in your terms
makes it difficult to remember you created it.
Now you are remembering. These are the very beginnings, the
awakenings, the birth of a new idea of your TOTAL mass consciousness. It
is waking up and remembering that it created the idea to begin with.
Q: Isnt it true that we get trapped in physicality?
B: Only in a sense. But you hold the key. You have always held the key. The
trap is in forgetting that you held the key. Now you are remembering so
you are not trapped.
And to look at physical reality as a trap, is what makes it so. Physical
reality is just as valid as any other level of existence, just as beautiful, just
as creative.

If you choose to look at physical reality as a trap, it is no wonder that

many of you get caught and caught up, in victimhood.
If you choose to view physical reality as one of the expressions of All That
Is in beauty and harmony and synchronistic vibration with everything else,
then your physical reality will become Heaven on Earth.
Do you follow me?
Q: Yes.
B: Thank you Pleasant dreams.
Q: Thank you.

Bashar The Oversoul

10/28/2013 by Justin Mazza

Bashar: So the idea is to simply know that this is natural, it is one of the
valid ways that All That Is has of expressing itself. It is one of the ways
that the Oversoul differentiates and reflects and diversifies and crystallizes
itself to have certain kinds of experiences.
You can look at each and every one of your lives as the Oversoul deciding
to go deep sea diving.
It places upon itself the idea that it requires certain equipment to
experience physical reality in the same way that you require certain
equipment to breathe underwater under the ocean.
Being freer in the air like the Oversoul is free in non-physical reality it
imposes upon itself the mask, the breather, the tank, and goes diving
deep, deep, down into the sea the deep blue sea of physical reality.
There is always a connection to the surface, but the idea to understand is
that when you are in the deep blue sea the deeper you go it is a little
difficult to see that much farther in front of you.
But being on the surface and above the surface, the Higher-Mind and the
Oversoul together can work to lay out the course to say, That we can see
to the horizon and beyond.
We will guide you, we will guide you if you will simply follow that light,
follow that frequency, follow that sound, follow that knowledge, follow that
vibration of being yourself of your joy your excitement.
Then you will not go astray, and whatever you encounter down there in
the deep blue sea, youll be able to learn from it, to absorb it, to apply it
into your life in a positive, and constructive, and creative way.

And one day when you thus then rise back to the surface, take off your
mask, take off the breather, take off your tanks and free yourself once
again and wake up into spirit.
You will have a better understanding and a clearer connection to the idea
of the Higher-Mind and the Oversoul that has always been there guiding
you like a beacon.
But you could also have a stronger sense of that connection now in
physical reality because this is the age of transformation on your planet,
on your little ball floating through space.
This is what you are now creating for yourself; this is the time that the
Oversoul knew it would experience in your reality of awakening to what it
is to what its parts are to the parts awakening to the greater sum that
they compose.
This is an exciting time upon your planet to experience more of yourself
and as you do to awaken to the different strata within your consciousness
that takes you all the way to the vibration of the Oversoul.
And to the connection of all other Oversouls to whatever degree, in
whatever way you so desire to whatever way you wish to apply this
connection in your life.
You are one family.
A family of Oversouls you are all the children all the Oversouls in that
sense you are one family, and we are in a sense your cousins and we see
in that sense are having with you a wonderful family reunion.
And as you discover more and more and more of yourself you will also
have your own family reunions of consciousness so that you can everyday
in every way act as the greater you forming that partnership, that
relationship between Physical Mind and Higher-Mind.
So that you can function as a Whole person and allow yourself to reap
the fruits and the benefits of moving through life in that way through your
actions, through your applications, through your awareness, through your
love, through your creativity, through your willingness to be more of who
you are.
And your willingness to give that vibration to the world with every
heartbeat so that you put out into the world that frequency, so that you
are all immersed in that sea.
And in that sea of interconnected heart-energy that vibrational bubble
that races out from each and every one of your hearts at the speed of
light, and engulfs your entire planet at the speed of light, and that
immerses you all in that energy at the speed of light.
Thus then do all those bubbles coalesce and overlap, and the Oversouls
vibrate with that beautiful overall vibrational frequency and send that back

to you and amplify it, and you send it out again and they send it back and
amplify it and you send out again.
And back and forth building and building and building and building until
you expressed more and more and more of your true being in light.
So that the Oversoul receives the totality of the experience and savors the
totality of the experience of the unique expression of the Oversoul that
each and every one of you are.
Take a deep breath and let it out, take a deep breath and let it out, take a
deep and let it out into the world
And know that you are sculpting the atmosphere of your reality with every
breath to be sweeter, to be more supportive, to be lighter, to be freer, to
be energized so that again you move through life as life moves through
you in one balanced point effortlessly, easily, beautifully, artistically,
creatively, fluently, musically.

Bashar How to Remember

08/22/2013 by Justin Mazza
Bashar: For quite some time your planet with respect to our civilizations
the extra-terrestrial civilizations that are here to assist you in your
Your planet in the sense has been in a kind of hands-off policy, a noninterference directive I believe you call it, so that you may be allowed to
receive information, but not in such a manner that really affects the way in
which you wish to apply that information.
So weve been holding back, keeping ourselves at a distance to not force
you to believe in us or anything we have to say.
We have kept this hands off policy to allow you to evolve in your own way
according to your own choices.
I believe that in many of your science fiction scenarios this is referred to as
the prime directive.
Do not interfere with the society that is not ready to face a space faring
society, a holistic society
Let them get to a point where they are ready for such contact before you
engage them more fully.
But as of that date (2012), that quarantine, that hands off policy is at an

So the idea of contact from that point forward will not be based on our
It will be solely based on your worlds expression of readiness for more
open contact.
Nothing will prevent us from making that contact on our end after that
date, it is thus then only in your hands after that date.
Now again it doesnt mean that the next day theyre going to be ships
landing all over your planet.
It simply means that it is up to the collective consciousness of your world
and certain bubble reality groups within it to determine the rate in which
you accelerate toward timing where you allow contact to occur.
Most importantly of course in that allowing would be the agreed upon
recognition that there is actually somebody out here to contact.
Because most of your people put in positions to be responsible for you
deny our existence.
So, even though most of the people on your planet know we exist, the
people that you put in place in what you call your governments are
relatively reluctant to allow that knowledge to come out.
You have to determine why that may be so and allow yourself to know You
Are Your Governments and when you express a true unified desire to
interact with the life that is out here, we will not hesitate to interact with
you in more open ways.
(Bashar states that if at any time you want to see one of his space crafts,
just name the time, and place and they will appear to you. Believing is
But until such time we are leaving it up to you to let us know when that
time is.
Is it now?
Let me again refresh your memory.
Back to your year of 1997 and the incident known as the Phoenix lights.
Ten thousand plus witnesses saw a large craft pass over your state of
How many people in your society still dont know that event even
How many of your news broadcasters still dont talk about it?
How many people still dont discuss it openly and still question whether it
even happened at all?

To this day we would say youre not ready.

Questioner in the audience: Yes, but isnt this due to, that our corporate
media is heavily controlled?
Bashar: Controlled by who?
Questioner: By the heads of the corporations.
Bashar: Which are what?
Q: The elite governing body.
Bashar: They are people like you; do not make them they, and you
You are all they; you are all us. Be your governments, express what
you truly prefer.
If you wish to make changes then UNIFY and make them. If you wish to
express what you prefer your governments to do then express it.
As we said last night in your time, when the people lead the leaders will
follow So lead the way!
There is no us and them except as an illusion you have created in your
Dont succumb to the idea of giving your power away to others. Take your
power back in a positive and constructive and loving way, and let those
people know that you recognize they are only acting out of the fear they
have inherited from all of you.
They are expressing the fear that such contact would be detrimental to
your society.
Educate them as you educate yourself.
Work together, form new partnerships, teach them that it can be a very
positive, expanding, constructive thing for everyone.
Teach them there is no such thing as lack; teach them that there is enough
for everyone so they will not have to operate out of fear.
Teach them that change can be positive.
If you know all these things to be true do not sit back, be those people,
be they, be us.

Bashar Major Shift is Happening

12/23/2013 by Justin Mazza

A questioner in the audience is asking Bashar about the money system
and the powers that be. In order to change the current reality, individually
as well as collectively we have to change ourselves.
We have to redefine who we prefer to be, and we have to choose the
reality we prefer to live in collectively as well.
This begins with the simple acknowledgement of; I create my reality, then
we create our reality. The challenge we face is for too long we have given
our power away to so-called Authority Figures and as a result we gave
away the pen and paper to write our own lives to people that dont have
our best interests at heart.
The new reality is changing as we speak.
Questioner: Hi Bashar, thank you so much for being here with us.
Bashar: To you good day.
Q: Thank you. I want to speak about whats going on in the world right
now specifically the economy.
B: Which world are you talking about, which parallel reality?
Q: This crazy planet Earth we are on.
B: Crazy planet Earth?
Well as we have often said the idea is that as each and every one of you
recognize that you prefer a different reality, and you make the shift within
yourself vibrationally, you will then experience the idea of creating
opportunities to create new systems.
And that as you create those new understandings, new directions, new
approaches, and new systems, you will then have something to replace
the old systems with when they start to crumble and fall away because
your consciousness is no longer willing to support them.
So this is all youre doing, its all part and parcel of making a shift.
Again it just depends on the whether or not you are doing this by
harboring old negative belief systems that are out of alignment with your
truth as to whether you experience this in a negative way or a positive
If you understand that these shifts of old things falling away is an exciting
thing to have happen, because it means new systems that are more in
alignment with what you prefer them to be are coming in, because youre
shifting to a parallel reality thats more representative of those new
systems, then the idea of watching these all systems crumble and fall
away is cause for celebration.

Q: Yes, absolutely thats what I wanted to talk about. Thank you for saying
all that because thats exactly where Im coming from. I see the old
crumbling away and the new coming in; its extremely exciting, and its
very very exciting and I dont think the new can come about until the old
goes away.
B: Well of course not, you can only have one reality at a time.
Q: Right, right, so I see it crumbling before my eyes actually and
specifically the economy. So I was wondering are you familiar with David
Icke and his writings?
B: Yes, yes.
Q: Do you find them accurate?
B: Again, whatever vibration you create within yourself will determine how
you experience the shift. A shift is happening; it can be experienced in a
negative or a positive way depending upon the vibration of your choice
and your belief systems. That is how we will address that question.
Q: Okay, okay thats fair enough.
B: It is.
Q: So, well I um
B: Yes.
Q: Hes talking about the lawful rebellion and I was just wondering what
B: What do you wish to buy into! You just brought up the issue of the
economy. What do you wish to buy into!
Q: I wish to buy into letting the old crumble away because it doesnt work
anymore, and going in for the equality, and the love, and the peace, and
the way this planet should be.
B: Than add to that energy by the choices you make of how you choose to
see reality and do not be afraid.
Q: Regarding David Icke and he speaks about the Reptilians being the
Illuminati descendants?
B:Stop! It is not that such beings in one context do not exist, but the idea
for most individuals is that what they are perceiving and giving form to is
the idea of their own fears projected from the reptilian center of your
Q: Can you say that again?

B: The reptilian center of your brain is where your survival mode kicks in.
And when certain fears come up and bubble up from the reptilian Center
of your brain, many individuals because of their fears will project and cloak
other dimensional energy in a form thats representative of their own fear.
It may not even be what that being actually looks like, but humans will
often see them in certain ways that are representative symbolically of
where the fear center of your brain is that your own scientists have
labeled the reptilian brain.
And thats what most of you are seeing when you talk about the idea of
encountering negative reptilian beings.
Now we are not saying that beings dont exist that do look like that, but
they are not what you think.
They are not what has fallen into your mythology and therefore again we
suggest the idea is to stop paying, paying or buying into the ideas that
dont resonate with the reality you prefer.
Stop giving them credence.
Appreciate, appreciate your chosen vibration and allow the vibrations that
are not aligned with you to depreciate.
Then you will have the economy you prefer.
Q: Okay, do you see that happening?
B: Do you?
Q: Do you?
B: Its your planet. Now I will only give you a hint, but I will not remove the
responsibility from you in giving you this hint because the responsibility is
still in your hands and you can still change things for positive or negative
anytime you wish.
The only hint we will give you is this.
Were things on your planet not improving, were you not shifting to a
parallel reality that is more representative of what you prefer, we would in
all likelihood not be having these conversations with you because it would
be pointless wouldnt it?
Q: Yes, okay.
B: So what does that tell you?
Q: Thats good.

B: Now because I have said that does not absolve you of the responsibility
of creating that reality. Its not going to happen without you just because
we perceive the collective energy may be on a roll right now right.
You can still go the other direction if you want, but if you dont prefer to
dont give credence to the things that are out of alignment with what you
Q: Okay, well let me ask you this then?
B: Oh Ill let you.
Q: Say for instance we head down the wrong road?
B: Wrong?
Q: Okay not wrong.
B: Just negative.
Q: Very, very negative and destructive.
B: Yes, so what, so what, so what, so what. Do you understand that you
are an eternal being?
Q: Yes.
B: Then so what. Do you not understand that you have parallel lives in
parallel realities where earth has completely and utterly destroyed itself?
Q: Yes.
B: So what, here you are. Now I understand that may be not what you
prefer, but thats all there is to it. If its not what you prefer dont do it in
this reality. Youve already done it in other realities anyway.
Q: Well thats a matter of collective consciousness.
B: So, its a matter of you deciding what part of the collective to agree
with and agreeing with the collective of another reality that is more the
resonance you prefer.
Its not a matter of what the collective consciousness believes when its
out of alignment with your preferred vibration.
You have the ability generally to experience a reality that you prefer
regardless of what the collective is deciding, because the idea in general is
thats part of the collective agreement.
The collective agreement says that any individual can experience any
collective it wants.

You understand?
Q: Right, yes.
B: So choose the collective you prefer.
Q: Okay.
B: Does that help you?
Q: Sure thats good; its all good, thanks!

Bashar Take Action End of Money

05/11/2013 by Justin Mazza

Bashar: The idea of changing is never that you will change anyone else,
never that you will change the world, not even in the sense that you
actually change yourself.
It is simply that you shift to a reality whose vibration is already reflective
of the reality vibration you now prefer.
And start looking with your consciousness through the eyes of the version
of you that already exists in a reality reflective of what that version of you
So you never changed anyone, never changed the world.
The world that you used to look through the eyes of still exists, always will
and will always experience itself as it is.
But you can experience a new Earth, a new reality depending upon your
vibration and thats why we say all you have to do to change the world is
change yourself.
Because you will never actually change the world you will only change
from one perspective to another. But that will appear and feel and be
experienced as a new world.
And all the individuals who have representations in that world you will
experience. Individuals who do not have representations in that world you
will not experience.
It is as simple as that.
For a while you may continue to experience the idea of people who have
representational vibrations that are not necessarily fully aligned with the
world that you prefer.

But thats also because you are not fully aligned yet with the world that
you prefer.
And so there will be as you say, a potpourri, a mixed bag for a while, and
you will still for a while be capable of experiencing people who do not
necessarily vibrate in accord with you.
But thats still for the purpose of giving you the option to reflect off of
them what you are by seeing what you are not.
For many of you still understand what you are in that way. But the more
and more you understand who you are for its own sake without necessarily
needing to see a counter offer of what you are not (via other people who
are not a vibrational match for you).
More and more of you who do not need that will no longer see that.
You will simply find yourself one day interacting pretty much only with the
individuals who are similar in nature, similar in vibration with you.
And you scratch your heads and wonder where all the other people went.
(You changed; therefore the people who are attracted into your life will
change too.)
But they will still be in the world that you no longer look through, and then
they will still be living their lives as they wish to as they have chosen to
and its as simple as that.
And neither in terms of validity is more important or better or right or
wrong than the other.
They are all part and parcel of the infinite choices within all that is.
Allow them to all be valid, allow all to make the choices that they need to
Then by doing so it will be that much easier for you to allow yourself to
experience the reality that you prefer.
As we read the energy now many things are changing, many things are
shifting, and this is what we perceive at the moment.

Economic Breakdowns and New Money Systems

You have begun to experience the breakdown of some of your economic
systems. You have begun to experience some shifting in your political
world and this will continue.
And again as we have always said the idea is not to change the old
systems, but to have new systems in place ready to go when the old
systems fall apart.

That will be part and parcel of taking action in the new world in the new
way creating the vibration that is representative of the reality you wish
to take yourself to.
So that when you shift, and in that shift experience the old ideas falling
away, falling apart, crumbling all around. You will have the capacity to
attract to yourself new systems either invented by you or others that you
will attract yourself to.
To be able to facilitate the new idea of the new perspectives, the new ways
of doing things in the new reality you will have shifted to which can then
be implemented rapidly.
Now, as it stands in this moment what you are doing with your economic
structure may carry you for about five of your years, and then there will be
what you call another collapse. (This Bashar video was recorded in
But then at that time in five years (2013) there will be other systems that
can rapidly replace what has then been washed away.
So, do not fear. Never approach these things with fear for that will
determine what reality you experience.
So obviously what we are perceiving and what we are sharing with you is
part and parcel of the reality of the vibration of your preferred reality.
Which does not mean there will not be change, sometimes even very
dramatic change, but remember as we said, an event is not an event
until you have responded to it.
So the idea is not so much exactly what happens, but how you respond to
it that makes it the event you will experience it to be.
So respond well to all these things and they will serve you well in the new
reality. Respond negatively and thats the reality you will remain in.
So in five years (2013) you will see most likely the opportunity to reinvent
some very fundamental economic principles on your planet that will begin
to take you not right away but will begin to take you toward an
understanding of the true works and the true value of the individual
members of your society, which will ultimately lead to an economy
actually based on the actual skills and talents of the individuals in a
Which will be in that context uncorruptable.
The idea in that sense will be that as you approach the concept of a global
organization it will be one that allows borders and barriers to be crossed
and to be dissolved, because it will be the skills and talents of individuals
that will cross those borders to be of service to others who need their

And as you begin finding more and more teams of individuals being sent
around the world to aid and assist those that require their assistance you
will suddenly begin to see the threads being woven of the tapestry of a
new economy.
And bit by bit within a few decades you will realize that no longer will you
require an artificial symbol (money) to represent the idea of value and
The exchange between people will be sufficient and the reason that this
will work is because it will also go hand-in-hand with the idea that within
the next two or three decades you will also create the idea of absolute
unlimited free energy.
And once you achieve that you will find that almost nothing stands in your
way of becoming a unified society.

Bashar Society and Conditioning

09/26/2014 by Justin Mazza

Bashar: But again as you are growing up, as you become physicalized, as
you solidify yourself, as you lower the frequency of your consciousness
and become crystallized or frozen if you will into physical reality.
You begin a process of slow crystallization as well as the rapid
crystallization of your physical form.
This slow crystallization takes place over many years. Approximately the
first 3 to 7 years of physical life.
Within this slow crystallization you begin to absorb and adopt the beliefs,
attitudes, and viewpoints of the physical reality and the society that you
have chosen to be born into.
You begin to adopt the attitudes of your parents, of your friends, of your
peers, of your governments, of your power authority systems.
All the things that you know as a very young child intuitively that you must
begin to absorb at least on some level otherwise you will not be able to
survive as a physical being.
You have to begin to buy into the reality system that you have chosen to
be born into or you will not be a part of it, it will not be able to sustain you,
the beings within it will not be able to understand you, or nurture you, or
communicate with you, nor you with them.
So for the sake of being able to communicate and be sustained by the
reality you chose to be born into, you begin to accept the belief systems of
that reality for the purpose of forming that link, that bridge, that
Now this in and of itself is not a negative thing.

However because of the way your society has been steeped for many
thousands of years in certain limiting and negative belief systems many
of those ideas are still residual within many, many of you.
And unbeknownst very often to you, many of those belief systems are
transmitted to the children in your society unconsciously, telepathically
the fears, the doubts, the hesitations, the self-failures, the notions of lack
of deservability, lack of competence.
All of these notions are encoded within your energy field, within the
consciousness that you are.
And very, very often will be imparted to the child on a telepathic level.
And because they are so open, so willing to be crystallized into the reality
into which they are born -they will soak it all in for the most part.
Generally speaking only a child, only a spirit that has been able to stabilize
itself to a certain degree will have any degree of ability at all to refuse to
absorb certain negative limitations or belief systems that your society
imparts upon that child while it is growing up.
Now this is happening more and more as more and more beings that are
reincarnated on your planet at this time are passing through what we
generally call The Arcturus Gate.
And this Arcturus Gate is an energy field, a consciousness field, a
consciousness realm through which your consciousness can pass and be
assisted in its alignment so that when it chooses to be born again into
your physical reality it comes in more strong, more centered, more
focused, more already crystallized and finds that the old belief systems
now can bounce off and not be soaked up by that young, young child.
But still for now many children absorb these ideas because they are so
open, so loving, so willing to believe that the reality they have been born
into supplies them with all the love, the unconditional love with which they
were supplied in non- physical reality.
Although again more and more children are remembering who they were
and thus are not as affected by the idea of the negative beliefs that might
go along with the positive ones.
But this brings us to understand that as you are growing up any time at
all anything that is contradictory to the unconditional love you know you
are made of is presented to you anytime you are forced by a situation to
limit yourself, to cut yourself off from that unlimited being that you are
anytime you are in any way, shape, or form coerced into not being allowed
to express the totality of your being anytime that this occurs you then
choose to diminish your awareness of yourself just a little bit more, just a
little bit more, just a little bit more.
Fit into this mold, that mold, do it this way, this is the way its done. You
must fit, you must fit, you must fit.

You dont want to be thought of as strange or unusual. You dont want to

be looked at as crazy and locked up.
You must fit you, you must belong, you must be one of us.
Alright, Ill diminish myself a little bit more and a little bit more and a little
bit more because I want you to love me.
I am missing the love, where is the love, is this the way to get it, to accept
what you are saying, to buy into your belief, if I believe as you do if I limit
myself will you love me?
Alright Ill limit myself.
But then after you are so good at doing that, thinking that you are doing it
because thats the way youre going to get the love that somehow isnt
there that somehow isnt unconditional all of a sudden you begin to
realize you been doing it long enough that now you dont know any other
way to attract love other than to continue to limit yourself.
And so this is the process that you are now going through to break that
chain of limitation of self limitation so that you can understand that you
deserve unconditional love anyway no matter what just because you exist.
There are no specific parameters that must exist to define you to say that
you must be this way in order to deserve the unconditional love that
comes from all that is.
That is your natural state of being.
But between the years of 3 to 7 you have learned the lesson of limitation
so well that you now almost do not know any other way to be.
And sometimes it takes a real SHOCK to the system to break you out of
that cycle, to break you out of that self-limitation and complacency, the
complacency of accepting yourself as a limited being.
Well yes this is who I am this is the way it is.
You cant do this and you cant do that everyone knows that thats the way
it is. Ill do the best I can Ill try as hard as I can Ill try and try and Ill do
my best, but well you know it may not happen and thats the way it is and
thats okay Ill accept that because Im a limited being.
Because I have learned to accept my limitations so that I will be loved for
my limitation.
You all have seen it many times you all have seen it.
Why is it that the individual who excels very often is hated and feared by
those around them?

Why was your expression of the Christ Consciousness crucified on the

Because of the fear that this was a being expressing the innate
unlimitedness within each and every one of you.
And the fear that if you express that unlimitedness you would not be
You would lose the love you have.
The love of your friends, the love of your parents, the love of your peers.
So right there you see that the cycle, the pattern, the repetition is: do not
To excel means you lose the love.
Or what you think is the love that has been given to you in your life.
Dont be such a smart aleck, dont be such a smarty pants, mind your Ps
and Qs, know your place.
All these things, all these notions drummed into you over and over and
over again just so you will learn that if you want to be loved or receive any
semblance of it all stay with the status quo.
Stay, be a good boy, be a good girl, stay good boy, good girl heres your
reward, stay good boy, good girl now I love you now I love you, oh oh
oh oh, dont exceed that parameter, bad boy bad girl, no reward, stay,
stay, stay, stay, stay, good boy, good girl , heres your reward alright.

Bashar Being a Whole Person

08/31/2014 by Justin Mazza

Bashar: The idea of the ego structure is basically this.

It is simply for the purpose its really only job is simply for the purpose of
keeping you focused as a physical personality in your physical reality
experience thats its job.
Its just to focus you in physical reality.
Ego in a sense is like the diving mask that gives you the ability to have a
clear view under water so that things are not too murky.
So that you can see sort of at least to some degree what is ahead of
you where you are going.

It brings things of the physical reality into focus so that you can
concentrate on them so you can focus on them so you can have a
physical reality experience.
It creates the idea and reinforces the idea of the belief systems that are
part and parcel of the template of your consciousness of your personality
structure that you have created reinforces them so that those beliefs can
be experienced as fully as possible.
Thats why every single belief is self-reinforcing.
Because the egos job is to add energy to it to add focus to that belief
to make it seem as if no other belief is possible in order for you to focus on
the belief strongly enough to actually have the physicalized manifestation
and the experience that goes hand in hand with that particular belief you
are holding to be true at any given moment.
So the egos job is to amplify those beliefs to keep you focused in physical
reality -to keep you focused in that experience.
But when there is a degree of forgetting that exists to the extent that it
has in your reality, very often because of that sense of disconnection
because of that experience of disconnection not that youre ever really
disconnected because you cannot be but you can create the experience
of disconnection to such a degree that the physical personality structure
the ego structure can forget that its not actually the one in charge.
Can forget that it has a helpmate in the template reality called the higher
Can forget that it is not doing this alone and in suddenly finding itself in
the experience of being alone it starts to build up the idea of fear.
It starts to reinforce belief systems in a way that perpetuates its existence
beyond the necessary level that it is actually required to generate for its
continued existence.
It starts to think that if it is all there is than its in charge of everything
the burden and the weight of the world is on its shoulders the
responsibility for everything that happens in your physical reality is up to
the ego structure and it starts to take on that job when it is not built for
that job!
It starts to burden itself stress itself and in that way it starts to break
It starts to do wildly in congress, wildly irrational things to strengthen itself
-strengthen itself and strengthen itself under the feeling that it is
crumbling under the weight.
And by constantly reinforcing and strengthening itself in a way it was not
designed to do it can become extremely dense extremely crystallized

and very difficult then to allow to expand back out into its more relaxed
state its more relaxed focus.
And when it gets that concentrated the amount of energy the ego puts
into belief systems that are generally fear-based are going to be almost
Because it is taking on this burden from a perspective of fear most of its
energy most of its reinforcement is going to be fear-based.
Its going to choose those things that are based on survival mode.
Its going to reinforce itself with the idea that it must survive at all costs at
this concentrated level otherwise your life will end it will be annihilated
the personality will dissolve!
So the ego structure does everything it can to take on this tremendous
Lets all give the poor little ego a break, before the ego breaks down.
Therefore, in this day and age even in that concentration of ego physical
personality structure even in that degree of density look you have still,
still felt that little seed that little urge that calls you back to the Higher Self
back to that frequency back to the light even from that deep degree of
murky darkness you still were capable of sensing somewhere that there
must be some kind of higher vibration that calls to you that tugs at you
that pulls at your heart that allows you to feel to know there is some
level of reality wherein the ego is free the personality is free to be what
it was designed originally to be.
And that there is no need for the stress and strife and struggle and dire
consequences and dire experiences that the ego has for thousands of
years on your planet sought to perpetuate in generation after generation
after generation constantly being reinforced and reinforced from
generation to generation to generation.
Now is the timing that you have finally gotten to the point where the light
is bright enough where enough of you are seeking that light within
yourselves that you are adding that to the collective reality and giving
each other better opportunities with your collective momentum to know
that there is a level of reality a level of yourselves a level of your whole
being that is more than capable of reconnecting with you.
That you deserve to reconnect with and deserve to lighten your load to
lighten up on yourselves take the load off drop the baggage and get on
your way through life in any easy and effortless, creative manner.
And this is the time and the age on your planet where you are now
realizing that so congratulations. (Audience Cheering).

Bashar extract...on simultaneous time

We do not introduce this concept simply for philosophical discussion, but

to point out very clearlyvery strongly, to each and every one of you, that
shifting, as you sayback and forth, popping, if you willinto different
parallel realities is what you do all the time, every momentevery
moment. In fact, the very fact that you experience one moment to be
different from the next,
is the very product of shifting into a different parallel reality. That's how
you experience movementmotion, in your physiological dimension of
Look at it this way, by analogy, if you will, imagine that every possible
reality already existswhich it does, already simultaneously co-exists,
every possible move you could make, every possible direction you could
go in, every possible thought you could have
already exists, and there is for each and every one of those directions and
thoughts a probable youalready thinking and moving in that direction, a
representational image of yourself in some dimensional reality that is
already representative of that ideathat
Your overall consciousnessthe consciousness that you are, flickers, if you
will, to use an analogy, flickers from moment to moment, embodying itself
in all of these different frames of yourself, statues of yourself in different
probable positions, and decidesmoment to moment, which position shall
be the next position it will take to add to its illusion of continuous
movementof continuity, of historyof evolutionof progression.
All realities exist nowyou as a total consciousness are experiencing all
probably infinite universes simultaneously, but from the physiological
point of view, you seem to experience these moments one after the other,
a beginning, a middle, and an end. This
idea only exists because it is your linear perspectiveyour linear version
of the idea of experiencing more than one reality at a time. Because
physical reality, by definition, cannot allow two different things to occupy
the apparent same spacethe apparent same time, you do it linearlyit is
one of the magnificent creations within the concept of physical reality that
you can do this. But
this is what you are doing, you are literally, popping, if you willfrom
version A to version B to version C to version Done moment to the next.
Now, we point this out, again, not just to get into some abstract
philosophical discussion, but to really remind you how truly unrestrained
and unlimited you are as a consciousness, for you can utilize this
knowledge to make instantaneous and effective,
impactful changes in your life. For if you know that at any given moment
you really are truly, a different person in a different realitycompletely
and totally, you can really allow yourself to make rapid change by knowing
that any apparent attachment you may have to a so-called historyto a
so-called inertia, to a so-called urge for this or that or any kind of habit or
that you may think you contain is only an illusion.

Because as soon as you change your idea of yourself, you really are a
different person in a different reality all together, and the only way that
you maintain some concept of continuity to a past self is through your
belief system that such a continuity exists.
By beginning to dissolve that concept of continuity, not all the wayfor if
you did it all the way you would no longer be focused in physical reality,
but just a little bit can aid and assist your species greatly in accelerating
forward in the direction that you prefer
to accelerate.
Because you can know that since you are experiencing the multitudinous,
simultaneous realities of yourself anyway, from the physical point of view,
you can then choose which of those realities you prefer to exist in and
experience in a linear fashion.
The idea is simply to have more awareness that you are always, truly a
different person, from moment to moment, no matter what you think you
look like in the mirror, you are really a different person even the
continuity of the similarity of your face from moment to momentis just
an illusion, that you are creatingthat you yourself are perpetuating,
regardless of everything you understand about physiological reality and
genetics and chemistry and biology, all of those are simply exteriorized
reflections of your idea of what it is to be a physical being.
Because rememberyou do not exist in physical reality, physical reality
exists within youas a concept. Everything that you experience physical
reality to be is actually a reflection of your consciousness, literally made
out of your consciousness.
So, to use another analogy, the concept of your body, the concept of the
room that you may be in, the concept of the chair you may be sitting
upon, these are all projections of your state of consciousness, and your
consciousness takes the form, the reflective form it needs toto represent
that idea of you.
The next moment you change your idea of yourself, you are literally a
different person and a different reality, a different universal parallel reality,
a different time track history, everything totallyeverything is different.
The more you know that, the less encumbered and chained you will be to
anything that you assume your history to be, and the more rapid the
changes are that can be made in the direction of your preference.
Now, we can get a little bit more into these ideas, as you say, but let us
apply them generally and specifically to the things that you would like to
understand and explore in your day to day reality. Knowing, in each
exploration we shall undertake, that underlying that exploration,
underlying your day to day experience of desiring to do this and desiring
to do that, lies this fundamental keythis fundamental understanding:
that at every momentyou are someone new, and therefore can be and
do anything, anything you wish to be and do.
You are totally unlimitedunrestrained, made in the image of the Infinite,
That is what you are learning on your planet now, in this transformational
age upon your world, you are learning what it really means to be made in
the image of the Multi-dimensional Creator you are a Multi-dimensional
Creator, too. Nothing that we ever share with your species is something

that you do not know, but as a species since you decided to also include in
your reality, "the game of forgetting", we're more than happy to help you
now play "the game of remembering", because you yourselves have set
the pace, set the tonemade the agreementsmade the arrangements,
and we are keeping our appointment with you, to help you remember
more and more of who you are, we are teaching you nothing new, just
helping you remember what it is you have chosen to forget.
Why do you forget? Because it is one of the things that can be done, it is
one of the ways to explore the Infinite, and since the Infinite, by definition,
must contain every concept possibleforgetting is one of the valid
experiences that you can have in
expressing your Creatorhood. It is simply that, by forgetting, you gave
yourself the capability of focusing to a great degree in the reality that you
created to the exclusion of any other reality, so that any other reality
would not bleed through would not
interfere, so that your experience could be pure and refined in only one
linear direction at a time. At the time you as a consciousness decided to
explore that concept, it sounded like the most exotic thing you could
imagine Now you have been through all the cycles of forgetfulness and
are beginning now to come back to the point of remembering, now you
have been through it. But the reason you did it is really no more
mysterious than that because simplyit was available and you could, and
it enticed you to explore the idea of being able to experience a reality
singularly, one reality alone one moment at a time. It is a valid
experience that you now can put, as you say, under your spiritual beltto
add to your soul's growth. And as you now expand with that experience
within you, it will enrich the total tapestry of your consciousness, as you
now move to other levels of Creation.

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