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Is your child an Indigo?

The term Indigo is a general name for The New Children who are born in ever increasing
numbers for the last 30-40 years. Many of the generation of the baby boomers are Scout
Indigos. The New Children are called, Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow or Star children, depending
on what psychics see in their auric field. They are all highly sensitive and posses unusual
Check List:

Does your child have an uncanny ability to sense dishonesty?


Does your child pick up thoughts and/or pains from you or others?


Does your child have an unusual sensitivity to the supernatural and/or

psychic skills?


Does your child need a lot of down time or feels happy when alone or
outside in nature or with pets?


Has your child been identified or suspected of being dyslexic, and/or having
ADD, ADHD or Autism?


Does your child feel that he/she is on the planet for an important purpose
(even if he/she does not know what it is)?


Does your child get frustrated with systems that are ritually-oriented and do
not require creative thought?


Does your child talk about light or colors around humans?


Does you child feel angst or anger about world issues such as pollution, war,
hunger, cruelty?

10.) Does your child frequently voice better ways of doing things at home or at
11.) Does your child have a lot of problems with absolute authority (authority
without explanation or choice) or with people who are not authentic?
12.) Does your child ever mention, or seem to know, what is going to happen
before it actually occurs, or seem to know what happened when he/she was
not present?
13.) Does your child have a strong sense of self-worth, a feeling of deserving to
be here or a sense of homesickness for where it came from?
14.) Does your child have allergic reactions and/or undiagnosable symptoms?

'Answer "Yes" to most of the questions? You may have an Indigo child.

Since the concept of the Indigo Child became well known many parents, teenagers, and
young adults have been able to really identify with the traits and characteristics. While
no one wants to label anyone, especially children, those who resonate with this concept
feel a deeper understanding, less alone, more empowered and have a sense of comfort
in not feeling as alienated and misunderstood.
The term Indigo Child was attributed to the color related to the third eye chakra which is
the predominant color of their aura. The third eye is associated with intuition, spiritual
insight, and enlightenment. Many Indigo children are gifted with being very intuitive,
highly perceptive, and spiritually awakened from a very early age. They can also be
highly empathic and easily pick up on what others are thinking and feeling. Until they
learn how to shield themselves they will have a tendency to absorb and take on the
energies that are around them. Many of these children are able to see angels, spirits, and
beyond the veil of usual human perception, thus many have disturbed sleep patterns.
Indigo Children are often referred to as wise beyond their years or old souls. From a very
young age they start communicating at an advanced level and amaze others with their
insight and knowledge. While it has nothing to do with IQ level or intelligence they just
have a natural awareness and acute perception. In fact, many are diagnosed with
ADD/ADHD, learning disabilities, dyslexia, Autism, Asperger's Syndrome and similar
conditions of this nature. They tend to learn in their own unique style and have a difficult
time being expected to conform to societies rigid standards. They require a variety of
teaching methods to accommodate their unique learning style that will assist them in
comprehension and retention since processing information takes place in a variety of
Indigos tend to be highly sensitive, lack impulse control, and social etiquette. They can
be very introverted, due to their sensitive nature, and tend to become over stimulated
easily due to sensory overload and will go inward to avoid harsh environments, negative
energy, and unpleasant experiences. On the flipside, they may be very extroverted since
they have such high energy, crave immediate gratification. They have a life purpose
which includes bringing a higher awareness to society to shift it away from the old,
outmoded paradigms that no longer work or benefit us into one that is more enlightened
and fair.
You can identify an Indigo by their charisma, charm, and keen wit and insight. It doesnt
matter if they are a toddler or a teen. I would like to say Indigos shine brightly, though
most cannot see their aura but we can easily sense it by how we feel being around them.
Their presence makes one feel good, brings happiness, and makes you just want to smile.
You can sense their originality, and feel they are very loving, warm, genuine beings.

When an Indigo becomes angry and frustrated with the system whether at home or in
school they will challenge authority. If it doesnt go along with what they perceive as
being valid, fair, and productive they will become defiant. They have no problem
speaking out, taking charge, and causing waves if they feel that their viewpoint is not
being understood. Once they become adamant against doing something it is nearly
impossible to change their mind if they feel it is unjust or goes against their set of ethics
and values. They are all about authenticity and if what they are seeing isnt in alignment
with what they think is right they will lash out!
They are also highly creative, active people who need an outlet for their energy. They
need to be challenged, inspired, and stimulated in a way that teaches them to channel
their energy more productively. What an Indigo can create and conceptualize is filled with
unlimited potential when nurtured in an environment that is conducive for learning and
creative expression. The environment at both home and school needs to be a structured,
loving place with a strict set of rules with rewards and consequences that are clearly
stated and easily defined. There needs to be consistency, follow through, and a routine in
their daily schedule but room for thinking outside of the box, an outlet for them to vent
their immense amount of energy, and a channel for them to create whether through
music, dance, art, creative writing, etc.
As I mentioned before Indigos are highly sensitive beings. They tend to have many
allergies or asthma and develop skin irritations such as rashes and eczema. Food
sensitivities may be prevalent as well to such ingredients as dyes, sugar, processed food,
wheat, gluten, and caseins. They also tend to be very emotional and can easily get their
feelings hurt. Since they are so empathic they have a tendency to absorb the energy of
others and take on their mood and attitude.
I dont believe in labeling anyone or placing more or less importance on anyone or
anything. The consciousness of our planet is shifting and therefore the souls that have
elected to come here have a higher consciousness whether you call them Indigo or
otherwise since there are many lineages with slightly varying attributes and
characteristics but with the life purpose of raising awareness in one way or another.
Those of past generations have had to work on themselves to release old thought forms,
patterns and ways of doing things, which were passed down to them through their family,
ancestors, and society. The children and young adults of today already have a higher
understanding of how to make this planet a better place. We have to release the old
ways in order to conceive of and implement true and lasting changes in our world. The
Indigos have come to guide us into a new way of being but first we need to properly and
effectively raise and educate them!

Indigo Checklist


Have a strong sense of self

Do not like to be clothed, if they have to wear clothing, get soft, natural
Strong desire to help others, especially other kids
Have large eyes
Prefer vegetarian meals
Have strong imaginations and given to fantasy play
Like to play with rocks, and crystals
Have healing abilities
Show love and respect for nature, at a young age
Independent at a young age
Have a strong sense of direction and a feeling they are here for a purpose
Strong spiritual connection
May be behind in their development of speech (start talking around 3 or 4)
due to their telepathic abilities
They create their own sign language to get their point across as well as
using telepathy with the parent
Easily forgiving
Philosophical at a young age
Show strong leadership capabilities
Often ends up taking a parental role with friends (mother hen)
Solve problems creatively
Very creative typically in the arts, music most of all
Show strong psychic abilities ~ telepathy, clairvoyance, able to see different
dimensions, and astral project
Is more of an abstract thinker than a concrete one (I.e. a concrete thinker
would see things for what they are, an abstract thinker would think beyond
just what is laid before them)
Strongly empathetic to the people around them
Feel a strong sense of love for everyone around them, even those we
consider bad or evil
Highly intelligent although in different areas than academics
Have a spiritual intelligence that doesnt come from experience (I.e. a 6
year old saying good and evil are the same without the subject having ever
been brought to their attention)
They often develop food allergies of some sort

It has been noted that there is a considerable increase in the number of children being
diagnosed as Autistic and Asperger's Syndrome. There are theories that it is due to a
negative reaction to the immunizations required today. Others believe it could be the
increase in toxic substances and environmental causes. Many have prophesized that the
new children coming to this planet have unique characteristics to aid planet Earth in its
ascension process. These children have been termed the Crystal Children.

What are the major attributes of the Crystal's?

The name "Crystal Children" is derived from the chakra that these children mainly
operate from which is the Crown Chakra. The color associated with the Crown Chakra is a
pure white or deep purple and its function is the direct connection to Source. Therefore,
the Crystal children are completely aligned with God. This explains the fact that the
Crystal's are highly evolved spiritual beings caught between the third, fourth and fifth
dimension. The ones labeled autistic are hovering in the fourth and fifth dimension and
can hardly relate to the third. The Crystal children, the same as the Indigo's, are highly
intuitive and psychic. However, the Crystal's take it one step further by possessing an
innate ability for telepathy, performing hands on miracle healings, and telekinetics. Their
spiritual abilities and development is on a deep and profound level. Is it any wonder they
cannot relate to us mere humans?!
You will know you have met a Crystal child just by looking into their large, dreamy,
intense eyes. They emit a calm, loving presence. You can sense as they read you
energetically and size you up. If you pass their authenticity test, you will begin to feel
them slowly warm up to you. Don't rush it. If you come on too strong they will
immediately retreat. If you sit back and wait, you will feel them open up to you and can
enjoy their lovely, jovial personality. It makes you feel warm inside just being in a Crystal
child's presence. People, especially other children, will flock to them to bask in their
The Crystal children are wired in a unique way. They are so sensitive that they cannot
assimilate fully into the dense harsh world of our planet and society. Many times they
become burdened and over stimulated by loud noises or angry words. They will retreat
further into themselves if they perceive that the world is unsafe. They have enhanced
senses, utilizing all of them and may develop strong sensitivities to foods, sounds, dense
energies, environmental stimulations, chemicals and scents. If they are out of balance or
if their aura is too strong they have a tendency to short out electric equipment such as
computers, cell phones, radios, lights, etc. They absorb energies of those around them. It
is necessary for them to learn psychic hygiene at a young age.

In addition, the Crystal children are very creative, loving, and affectionate and filled with
wonder and awe. They have a million questions and tons of new ways of doing things in
various and innovative ways. If the children feel you are authentic, loving, kind and filled
with integrity they will open up to you like a flower. They will welcome you into their
private world and share their uniqueness with you. The Crystal's become very interested
in specific topics of interest and will learn as much information as they can and will
eagerly discuss it with anyone interested.
However, if a Crystal finds you or their environment to be too harsh or negative they will
rebel in a harsh and furious way. They will either retreat into their private world or
become violent and volatile. Finding ways to keep them balanced and content is
extremely important. They have a tendency to relate better to adults or children older
than they are, rather than to their peers. They will connect with peers if they find others
on the same frequency.
The Indigo child's mission is to shake things up with their refusal to conform to societies
standards by being outspoken and rebellious so that the old system is destroyed and a
new Earth is created filled with peace, balance and integrity The Crystal's purpose on the
planet is to realign balance to our planet. They are directly aligned with Source that they
can tap into the Divine resources.
Our role as parent, teacher or role model is to create an environment where these
children can flourish. Being a public school teacher I must admit that it is a challenge to
understand children that seem so removed from the norm. We are being challenged to
change our perceptions of our role as educators. Teachers needed to be educated to the
needs of our new children. The children require the sacredness to be their authentic
selves and have room to explore their essence.
We can change the world only one soul at a time. The change begins with us. We, as
parents and educators need to start with ourselves. We need to clear out the clutter and
chaos from our heads and hearts. These children look directly inside of us and can tap
into what is there. The children have amazing healing abilities and communication
techniques, which are authentic only if they are directly from heart to heart or mind to
We can in turn heal our children of imbalances by going directly to Source and linking our
hearts to be healed and filled with Divine love and light. We then take the love that is
filling our essence and transmit it to our children. It is the perfect gift to our children and
to all of life.
If you are feeling disconnected from your child strengthen your connection with Source
through prayer (where you speak to God) and meditation (where you listen to God).
During meditation go directly into your heart and call on the name of Source, ask for all
the places and spaces in and around you to be filled with Divine love and light and for
your energy centers to be repaired, aligned, balanced and strengthened. Feel as the light
and love flow freely into your being. Once your connection is strengthened with Source

and you are aligned, begin by going into your heart; listen to what it is telling you. Travel
up through your heart to your higher self, then travel across to your child's higher self
and continue up to Source, bring it back down into your heart. Begin by communicating
directly from your higher selves to your child's higher self where a true connection can be
aligned and you may truly do the work of your higher purpose.
The Crystal child has an important role on this planet in creating a New Earth. You, as
parent and/or educator have a Divine role as well, you were chosen to guide these
children into adulthood. Through compassion, understanding, love and authentic bonding
you will fulfill your mission as an Angel on Earth.

Crystal Checklist


Have a strong sense of self

Independent at a young age
Have a strong sense of direction and a feeling they are here for a purpose
Strong spiritual connection
Have difficulties in taking instruction and following orders
Has issues with authority figures and discipline
Have no patience whatsoever
Get bored by routine and work that does not let them express themselves
May have symptoms of ADD (inability to focus)
Show strong leadership capabilities
Take decisive action and do not hesitate on making decisions
Often ends up taking a parental role with friends (mother hen)
Solve problems creatively
Often see a better way of doing things both at school and home
Are not typically moved by guilt trips and want good solid reasoning
Very creative typically in the arts, can sometimes be seen as melodramatic
Show strong psychic abilities ~ They can sense when someone is lying,
Is more of an abstract thinker than a concrete one (I.e. a concrete thinker
would see things for what they are, an abstract thinker would think beyond
just what is laid before them)
With indigos it goes one of two ways either they are strongly empathetic to
people around them or not at all there is no middle ground.
Highly intelligent although in different areas than academics (they are just
to boring)
Have a spiritual intelligence that doesnt come from experience (I.e. a 6
year old saying good and evil are the same without the subject having ever
been brought to their attention)


Indigos will let you know when they are angry they do not typically
internalize but in fact may have an issue with rage
They often develop food allergies of some sort
Can be seen as stubborn
Have a strong sense of right, wrong and justice
Show concern politically at a young age (my little sister is a great example
of this she is now 16 but at 11 was very politically involved and loved to
express her views at the dinner table and whenever anyone would give an
ear! Although neither myself or mom are political in the least)

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