The Honest Woodcutter

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The Honest Woodcutter

Hans lived in the forest. He chopped wood with his

axe. He sold the wood at the market to buy food for his
One day, Hans went deep into the forest. He found a tall tree besides the river. Hans
took out his axe and started to cut the tree. Chop chopchop Hans chopped the tree. It was
hard work.
Then Hans saw a little monkey sitting on a rock. The monkey was watching Hans. The
monkey made a funny face. Hans laughed. He laughed harder and harder. The monkey jumped.
He also jumped. But his axe slipped out of his hand.
Oooooops! The axe fell into the river. SPLASH! Oh no! said Hans. What will I do now?
The river was deep. Hans could not swim. Without my axe, I cannot cut wood. How will I buy
food for my family? Hans started to cry.
Why are you crying? said a voice. Hans looked up. A beautiful fairy was floating over
the river. I lost my axe in the river, cried Hans. I can help, said the fairy. Wait here. The
fairy disappeared into the water. She came back holding three new axes: a bronze axe, a silver
axe, and a gold axe.
Which one is yours? asked the fairy. Hans shook his head. None of them. The fairy
disappeared into the water again. She came back holding a dirty old axe. Is this your axe?
asked the fairy. Yes! cried Hans. Thank you!
The fairy smiled. You are a very honest boy, said the fairy. I will reward you. You can
keep all the axes. Wow! Thank you! said Hans.

Moral of the story: Do not trick other people. Be honest.

Name:_______________________________ Day:____________Date:__________
Answer the questions below.
1) Where did the woodcutter live?
a) In the park
b) In the forest
c) In the river

2) Where did the woodcutter get

3) What was the woodcutter doing?

a) He was daydreaming
b) He was resting on a

4) What

branch of tree
c) He was cutting trees for

his wood?
a) In the market
b) In the river
c) In the forest
happened to him?
He dropped his axe
He had cut enough wood
He fell from the tree

5) What animal did the woodcutter
a) Monkey
b) Elephant
c) Lion

7) The fairy awarded him the

following except
a) A gold axe
b) A bronze axe
c) An old axe

9) Did the woodcutter found his axe

at last?
a) Yes
b) No

6) Why did the woodcutter cry?

a) He lost his axe
b) He fell from the tree
c) He was hungry

8) Why did the fairy reward him?

1) For his patience
2) For his honesty
3) For his bravery

10) What is the moral of the story?

a) Be greedy
b) Do not be tricky
Be brave

Name:_________________________ Day:______________ Date:_____________

Class the words with phonemes /m/ and /n/.















Name:_________________________ Day:______________ Date:_____________

Fill in the blank spaces based on the story. Refer to the text in the textbook.

One day, __________ sat ____ a ________.

__________ wore a ________ _____________.
______, the cat saw ___________.

_______ quickly put ____ a ____________ suit.

He walked towards ___________.

______ I sit here with you?


Molly saw a ____________ in Nats hand.

Yes, I have ___________ at ____________. Follow

Can I have ___________, please?



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