Pre-Assessment of Vibration Analysis

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1) Which parameter is best for evaluating a problem causing vibration at a

frequency of 600,000 CPM (10,000 Hz)?

a) Velocity
b) Acceleration
c) Displacement

2) What would be the Period (sec/cycle) for a frequency of 1,200 CPM (20 Hz)?
a) 0.05 sec/cycle
b) 0.50 sec/cycle
c) 5.0 sec/cycle

3) Vibration Phase can best be described as:

a) An amplitude measurement.
b) The motion of the shaft at a particular location.
c) Measure of the vibration motion at one location relative to the vibration motion at
another location at a particular frequency.
4) What is the phase difference between signals A & B?

a) 180
b) 90
c) 0

5) Which is not an example of a forcing frequency?

a) A structural natural frequency
b) Blade pass frequency
c) Gear mesh frequency

6) On a belt-driven fan, a phase difference of 180 or 0 between the horizontal

and the vertical directions on the fan bearing cap would likely indicate:
a) Couple unbalance
b) Misalignment
c) An eccentric pulley

7) What is the blade pass frequency (BPF) of a direct coupled horizontal

centrifugal pump with rolling element bearings and a 5 blade impeller? The
operating speed is 1749 RPM and the name plate speed is 1780 RPM.
a) 8900 CPM (148.3 Hz)
b) 8745 CPM (145.8 Hz)
c) 7425 CPM (123.8 Hz)

8) Which accelerometer mounting method gives the widest frequency

a) Magnet mount
b) Stud mount
c) Quick connect

9) Resonance is shown by:

a) A 180 phase change at the point where the forcing frequency coincides with a
natural frequency, and approaches a full 360 phase change when the machine passes
through the natural frequency (depending on the amount of damping present)
b) A 90 phase change at the point where the forcing frequency coincides with a
natural frequency, and approaches a full 180 phase change when the machine passes
through the natural frequency (depending on the amount of damping present)
c) A 180 phase change at the point where the forcing frequency coincides with a
natural frequency, and an additional 90 phase change when the machine passes
through the natural frequency (depending on the amount of damping present)
10) Parallel (offset) misalignment will usually show:
a) 180 radial phase difference across the coupling of a direct coupled machine
b) A higher than normal 2X operating speed peak in the FFT spectrum
c) All of the above

11) Stator problems in AC induction motors are often indicated by the presence
a) Any detectable amplitude at 2X Electrical Line Frequency
b) High amplitude at Electrical Line Frequency
c) High amplitude at 2X Electrical Line Frequency

12) Cracked or broken rotor bars in AC induction motors are often indicated by
the presence of:
a) Pole pass frequency sidebands around 1X RPM peak and its harmonics
b) High amplitude at 2X Electrical Line Frequency
c) High amplitude at Rotor Bar Pass Frequency (RBPF)

13) What is the belt frequency for a pulley having a 38.1 cm pitch diameter
turning at 1782 RPM and driving a belt of 536 cm length?
a) 1104 RPM (18.40 Hz)
b) 901 RPM (15.02 Hz)
c) 398 RPM (6.63 Hz)

14) Given a frequency span of 72,000 CPM and 800 lines of resolution, what is
the frequency resolution?
a) 90 CPM/line (1.5 Hz/line)
b) 120 CPM/line (2.0 Hz/line)
c) 160 CPM/line (2.67 Hz/line)

15) Acceleration is
a) The rate of change of velocity (or speed)
b) The rate of change of displacement (or distance)
c) The speed of a moving body

16) Calculate the Pole Pass Frequency for a 100 HP AC induction motor based
on the following information.
Electrical Line Frequency = 60 Hz
4-pole motor
Actual running speed = 1784 RPM
a) 16 CPM
b) 32 CPM
c) 64 CPM

17) Given the following information, how many rolling elements are in the
BPFO = 4.01
BPFI = 5.99

FTF = 0.40
BSF = 2.32
a) 10
b) 9
c) 8

18) An Fmax of
is recommended to monitor the condition of gears.
a) 180,000 CPM (3,000 Hz)
b) 1X Gear Mesh Frequency (GMF)
c) 3.25X Gear Mesh Frequency (GMF)

19) Ultrasonic energy such as that detected by HFE (Acceleration Enveloping,

Spike Energy, PeakVue, etc.)
a) Travels through the machine for greater distances than does lower frequency
b) Dissipates rapidly and is very localized
c) Is boosted by material interfaces

20) Which of the following is the most reliable indicator of gear tooth wear?
a) An amplitude increase at the Gear Mesh Frequency (GMF)
b) An amplitude increase at the harmonics of Gear Mesh Frequency (GMF) and an
increase in the number of sideband families
c) An amplitude increase at the gear RPM

surrounding the Gear Mesh Frequency

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