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Submitted To:
Faculty of Management and Administration Sciences
Internship Report On:
Parwaz Engineering Company (pvt) limited
Master in Business Administration (3.5 years)
Submission Date:

(City Campus)

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Table of contents
Executive summary:


Background of the study:.......................................................................7


Scope of the study& internship:................................................................7


Target of the study:................................................................................... 7


Methodology:............................................................................................. 8

2Objectives of the study........................................................................................ 9

3 Overview of the Parwaz Fan
Brief History of a Parwaz

Development Phase................................................................................ 10


Unstable and difficult Phase....................................................................10


Present Position of Organization..............................................................10


Vision Statement..................................................................................... 11


Mission Statement................................................................................... 11


Variety of Parwaz Fans............................................................................ 12


Quality Policy.......................................................................................... 12


Nature of a Parwaz Fan............................................................................12

4Performance of Parwaz Fan................................................................................ 12


Performance in sales:.............................................................................. 13


Performance in local and export of fans..................................................13


Parwaz Fan Export Performances............................................................14

5Rewards and Achievements of a Parwaz Fan Company.....................................15

6 Product/Service lines of a Parwaz Fan
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Explanations of fan products............................................................16

7 PEST Analysis of a Parwaz Fan Company.........................................................17


Political Factors................................................................................. 17


Legal Factors..................................................................................... 17


Economic Factors.............................................................................. 17


Social and Cultural Factors................................................................17


Trade Policy....................................................................................... 17


Technological Factors........................................................................18


PEST ANALYSIS CONCLUSION............................................................18

8 Organizational Structure of Parwaz Engineering Company..............................19

8.1Organizational Hierarchal Chart......................................................................19
9 Number of Employees in Parwaz Fan...............................................................20
9.1Board of Director & Managers........................................................................20
10Key Management in shape of Committees......................................................21

Policy and budget making Committee ..........................................21


Human Resource Committee.........................................................21

10.3 Audit Committee..................................................................................... 21


Accounts Committee.........................................................................22

11Staff Strength of the Company........................................................................23

12 Dealers Strength of the Company...................................................................23
13 Location & Main
13.1Registered Office.................................................................................... 23
13.2Principal Office....................................................................................... 23
14Introduction of all departments of the Parwaz Fan...........................................24
14.1Finance Department............................................................................... 24
14.3Quality Control

Accounts Department ....................................................................24


Paint Department..........................................................................25
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14.6 Human Resource Department.................................................................25

14.8Research & Development Department.................................................25

Customer affairs DepartmentAssembling Department........................26

14.10Assembling Department.....................................................................26
14.11Operational Department.....................................................................26
14.12Shipping Department.............................................................................. 26
15Internee Work.................................................................................................. 27
15.1 Introduction of Internee working Place....................................................27
15.2 Description of weekly activities of all Departments................................28
16Internee Activities............................................................................................ 29
16.1 Market Survey......................................................................................... 29
16.2 Identification area of Market...................................................................29
16.3 Contacts made with Dealers & Distributors............................................29
16.4Market Selection for target....................................................................29

Targets of fan sales in Market .............................................................29

16.6Promotional Tools.......................................................................................... 30
16.7Forecasting of future demand of fan from Market.........................................30
16.8Marketing challenges for Parwaz Fan Company............................................30

Marketing Strategy of Parwaz Fan Company...........................................30

16.10 Other Marketing Perspective of Parwaz Company marketing mix...........31

16.11Marketing Penetration................................................................................. 31
16.12Promotional Strategy.................................................................................. 31
17Summary of Learning...................................................................................... 32
18.1General Observations about the sector of a Parwaz Fan............................33
19SWOT Analysis of a Parwaz Fan.......................................................................34
19.1 Strengths of a Parwaz Fan............................................................................34
19.2 Weaknesses of a Parwaz Fan...................................................................34
19.3 Opportunities of a Parwaz Fan.................................................................35
19.4 Threats of a Parwaz Fan..........................................................................35
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Conclusion of SWOT
References.......................................................................................................... 37

Start with the name of ALLAH, who is most beneficent and merciful.
First of all I am very thankful to ALLAH ALMIGHTY, who blessed me with
abilities, skills, health and guidance to complete this project in good manner.
Afterwards I also thankful to my parents and professors who give me their
assistance and guidance to complete this internship report in better way.
I would acknowledge the Mr. Irfan Haider who is Marketing and Sales
Manager Officer of this Parwaz fan company G.T road Gujrat. Heguides me in
different steps of making this internship report. His encouragement and
support is very vital for me to accomplish it in right way.
I am also thankful to all company management and valuable human resource
who give me all their support for making this report.

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Executive Summary
Internship is in factTraining Programmefrom a particular company to gain the
practical work knowledge, inner environment, culture, working conditions
and particular unique skills with working permanent staff in the organization.
I learnmany internal operations of Perwaz Fan through internship and how to
perform their working activities. I will be like to join the fan company after
my master in business administration. This is the era of competition between
Fan companies sector. Therefore it was useful to me doing internship in Fan
Company to enhance my knowledge about the practical activities. I worked
in different departments of company and knew about how they perform their
activities. This training enhances the inner capabilities of oneself.
The purpose of internship, which I already mention above that for gain of
practical work knowledge of activities. I think that it is not possible to get all
the information of different activities by doing job. Internship is only way by
which we can get better knowledge about allthe departments of company.
The scope of my study is that now I can understand all the activities of
departments. The scope of internship is that to tell newcomers in the
company to do better jobs in better way. So performance of the company
departments is easily understood during internship.
The objective of this training in shape of internship is that getting practical
work knowledge about all the departments which are exit in the parwaz fan. I
knew that how professional human resource work and how this profession
enhances my inner capabilities when I start my job in this company and I
also learn a lot of information about working conditions of departments
inside of company and how the workers are coordinated to each other in the
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Only internship is that type of training by which we learn different business

matters and activities. Without the proper professional knowledge, it is not
possible to understand business skills.
So that is the reason of choosing this fan company because I want to learn all
those practical work things which we cant understand without doing
internship in the parwaz fan. Therefore, my choice prove that Ireally learn
different departmental activities and tasks while doing my internship six
weeks inside the parwaz engineering fan company and now hopeful that in
future I will utilize and act upon all learn activities, tasks and skills during
doing my job in the company.

1. Introduction:
There are different objectives of this report. The primary and first objective is
to fulfill the requirements of internship report. Internship is a course which
offered to me after my completing four semesters and it requires 6 weeks for
internship report. It is necessary in Master business administration. The
second purpose is that to apply the theoretical knowledge into practical work
and increases own understanding about different departments tasks.
I learn about many operational and departmental activities during doing
For this purpose, I joined in this fan company and worked with valuable
human resource in 6 weeks internship. So I explained all the learning
activities in report according to internship format requirement.

1.1Background of study:
University of Gujrat suggests us that you do the internship in any
organization according to your will and gives us the report on internship so I
do the internship at Parwaz Fan Company G.T road. I am doing MBA
(Marketing), so I am interested in sales and marketing operations of Parwaz
fan company. Parwaz Fan Company has got the popularity in all their dealers
and customers as well by providing quality fan products.

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1.2Scope of the study and internship:

Fan companies have many operations from production to delivery. Therefore I
tried to learn these operations and focus on many departments for enhance
practical work knowledge. During internship I learn many operations of inside
the fan company. The scope of industrial sector is very wide and every fan
company plays its role in the progress of industrial sector and hopeful to
achieve future and estimated targets.
Govt should pay attentions on this industry because during internship I
observe many problems in the country industrial sector and make necessary
steps also require for industry progress.Every investor should make
investment in this sector because doing this our exports of fans rate can be
increased and also will provide the more jobs for the new coming workers.

1.3Target of the study:

The basic target of my internship is that to learn as much as more about
different department activities and their coordination between each other
and how experience persons handle different tasks in complex situation.
Internship training enable to us for doing different tasks ourselves as
employees of the company and seeking how to overcome business hurdles
by using business skills.
So internship is useful for gaining
practical knowledge for future job and getting the target of learn business
skills and application of business knowledge into practical way from these
types of industries.

The methodology reported for collection of data is primary as well as
secondary data. The biggest source of information is my personal
observation while working with staff and having discussion with them.
Formally arranged interviews and discussions also helped me in this regards

A) Primary data:
Primary data include Personal observation and Interviews of the Staff
members and employees.

b) Secondary data:
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Secondary data consist of Manuals, prospectuses, magazines, Annual

Reports and Internet.

2. Objectives of studying and doing internship for

the Parwaz Fan Company:
There are many objectives of studying and doing internship in the parwaz fan
company. Because its all are vital for me to doing my future job and also
developing the business skills and business language into myself. These
objectives are given below as:

To develop and improve the own personality for future job.

To analyze the different departments activities.
To assess the company financial position.
To increase the professional knowledge.
Enhance and improve understanding about internal operations.
Monitor the production to delivery activities.
Learn the company supply chain structure.
Get the knowledge about business activities of company.
For the application of theoretical knowledge into Practical work.
How to with deal with dealers and distributors.
How to handle complaints about delivery of fans on time
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Learn the company deals with new distributors and dealers

How to satisfy customers and convince for salesof fans in aspect of

3. Overview of the Parwaz Fan Company:

3.1Brief History of a Parwaz Fan
Parwaz Fans Company was established in 1967. Parwaz fans is offering wide
range of home appliances of international quality by combining with risk free
guarantee and providing superior customer satisfaction. These qualities are
the basic foundation of customer satisfaction and their trust on company

3.2Development Phase
After establishment of 1967, parwaz fans company start to making progress
but changing in politicians in the Govt & Marshall laws, their trade policies
and budgets for industry also changed. Therefore, company attained up and
downs in its progress until early 1990s. In the Nawaz Sharif tenure of Govt,
industrial sector made rapid progress because he was the businessman and
really know the conditions of the business and attached with it problems. So
all tenures of their Govt. industrial made rapid progress and exported the
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fans in the international markets. In that period material cost is very low and
custom duties are also less. This is the development phase when Parwaz
Company achieves their target and gets healthy profit from this development
of industrial sector and for other areas of industry as well.

3.3Unstable and difficult Phase

Industrial sector face many problems during early 1970s.In this era, industry
condition is so worse that investors hesitate to investment in new
establishing fan firms. Law and order situation is not good that every
business person cannot want to invest. Industrial sector is going down and it
faces many problems. Govt policies also affect the industry progress and
detract the way of their targets. Industries start to boom up and then Govt
change, progress is become stopped. This is the difficult phase of industry in
which companies face many problems and difficulties. Companies survive in
this era very difficult and face instable situations. Industries face many
hurdles from govt unfavorable steps and negative trade policies towards the
fan industry. So govt should make favorable steps for up grading industry
and also trade policies as well.

3.4Present Position of Organization

Today the industrial sector and parwaz fan company also facing many
problems of energy shortage and high cost of raw material and heavy
custom duties payments.So every company in industrial sector face many
problems and they want to solution of them in such way that they will be
able to meet the demand of fans of the market.Now companies are using
latest machineries and making investment so that they meet the demand of
the dealers and customers on right time. So every company compels to
purchase new machineries for survival in the markets. Every company wants
to get their market share and improve the market growth in the fan industry
Govt should make steps for the betterment of the industry sector because it
can be prove vital for the gaining foreign investment and also overcoming
the problems of investors regarding to the custom duties and decreasing
cost of raw material. So now new Govt of Nawaz Sharif insures that they will
do for the betterment of industry particular for manufacturing industry.
Industrials are hoping that they do good steps for their betterment and their
fans can be sent to all around the world for increasing the foreign exchange
and also came back the foreign investment inside the country. Industry can
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make contract with other foreign countries and can start training
programmes for upgrading their workers and employees skills and
knowledge as well about latest technology usage as well. Inspite of all these
problems, Fan Company survive its self and looking good future for achieving
their aims and objectives by overcoming these problems.

3.5Vision Statement
Parwaz Engineering Company designer and manufacturer of home
appliances providing best possible solutions to their customers. The spirit of
innovations exists as Parwaz Fan seeks in ideas and takes in action for
producing products. We always put customers first and understand that this
is the only route to the successful future. We listen the opinions and ideas to
closely to make the improvements in the products for the customers usage.

3.6Mission Statement
We are committed to providebest and quality fansto their customers and
making possible also in future to provide better qualityother home
appliances in such a way that customers make reliability and trust on usage
of our products and also inform about fans to other people as well.

3.7Variety of Parwaz Fans

Parwaz Fans offers the products to match to any decor. Parwaz products
excel in beauty and style and are built to last. Exclusive finishes and unique
light making fixtures the products and light combinations limitless. The result
is one of the most impressive selections of home appliances anywhere. There
is not better match than for any room without Parwaz Fans products.

3.8Quality Policy
Parwaz Engineering Company is committed to that they never compromiseon
quality of their fans products. This is the reason of quality reliability on
customers thatParwaz fans is Certified under ISO 9001:2000. Company is
hopeful to maintain their fans quality in the future by improving more their
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quality control standards for getting much customers attention and full filling
customer satisfaction for seek of profit in return.Quality policy is very neceeary
for the dealers making interest. Quality policy insures that dealers of fans easily can
trust on fan products and other things.

3.9Nature of a Parwaz Fan

Basically it is a manufacturing company of fans. So it lies in the industrial
sector where different components of fans are made locally and then
assembled all these for making final product fan for customers and dealers
as well. So it is registered and certified by quality standards. The Fan
Companyoperates in different segments of business, which are given below:
Fan products
Washing Machines
Other home appliances
Fan making components etc.

4. Performance of Parwaz Fan:

Performance of Parwaz can be measured by given below historical statistics
in shape of tables from 1998 to now on wards:

4.1Performance in sales:


Production Quantity

Sales Quantity

(Data from company source)

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Here this table shows the performance of parwaz fan by passing the time
becoming well and trustful sign for the dealers and distributors.

4.2Performance in local and export of fans:



Local Sales

Export Quality

Total Quality



(Data from company source)

4.3Parwaz Fan Export Performances:


Export sales U.S


So:Here is given the performance of parwaz fan company achieved by the

passing years. Now hopeful for betterment in future by the company.
(Note*above values given in tables are assumption based.)

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5. Rewards and Achievements of a Parwaz Fan Company:

The human resource and management of perwaz fan is so hard working and
efficient that they won many awards and achievements, which describe
below as:
Parwaz Fan Company got the different awards and achievements from Gujrat
Chamber and Commerce Industry.
Parwaz Fan Company also certified from international standards under
ISO9001:2000 certified as well and providing better quality fans to their
Parwaz Fan Company also got many export awards from other countries and
also the certifications as well.
Parwaz Fan Company is also approved from international certification.
Parwaz Fan Company is also approved from UKAS Quality Management.
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6. Product/Service lines of a Parwaz Fan Company:

All kind of electrical fans including home appliances are made by the Parwaz
Engineering Company. Product line is given below as:

Ceiling fans
Pedestal fans
Wall bracket fans
Exhausts fans
Table fans
Circomatic fans
Washing machines
Electric iron stabilizers energy savers
Other home appliances

6.1Explanations of fan products

Parwaz Fan Company is focusing the more sales of the deluxe series of fans
because from to it company gets much profit. Company is less proffering on
lead series. Because it giving less revenue than previous one.
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Parwaz Fan Company is providing fans to their customers choices of different

colors. No any other company is not providing these types of fans in different
colors. The company provides different color schemes to their customers and
fulfilling their needs and wants.
Parwaz Fan Company has 100 dealers and indirect 350 dealers all the
country. With the help of dealers,
Company is expanding their fan products in other areas of the countries for
increasing their revenue and also getting new customers.
Parwaz Fan Company is giving prefer to elite class for getting much revenue.
So that is the reason that company focusing on this thing as well.

7. PEST Analysis of a Parwaz Fan Company:

This analysis describes about those factors which affect on Perwaz Company
like political, economic, social & cultural and technological factors. This
analysis is given below as:

7.1Political Factors
Political factors for Parwaz fan company is not good so because change in
politicians in the Govt change their policies which can not good for the
company. Because trade policies are different in every Govt and they make
hurdles in the way of industry progress and development. So political factor
mainly damage the progress of country industry.

7.2Legal Factors
There are many legal factors that affect on the parwaz fan company. In our
country law and order situation is not good. In the same way, there are also
legal hurdles are in the way of progress of fan industry. Because there are
some limitations and barriers made from Govt towards the fan industry.
So fan company facing many legal complications in doing business in new
areas of country and other countries as well.
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7.3Economic Factors
The cost of raising raw material is not favorable for the Fan Company and
high custom duties for the import of latest technology from other countries is
also not good step for the industry progress. So Govt should maintain the
currency value and avoid it from devaluing. Loads shedding and energy crisis
also make hurdles in the progress of fan industrial sector and also for making
increase in employment as well.

7.4Social and Cultural Factors

Parwaz fan company also affect by cultural differences. In Europe, there are
trend of usage of fancy fans but low speed. But most fans used in Dubai,
Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh etc. lack of trust and reliability from customer
for using fans also make affect on company newly design fan products. So
these factors affect the parwaz fan company.

7.5Trade Policy:
When Govt Changes, the trade policy for the industrial sector also changes.
So this is making the big impact on the company production fans and
meeting the demand of customers. Trade policies can increase the cost of
the raw material and can be decrease the cost. In the same way custom duty
on imports can be decrease or increase as well. So trade policy also affects
the parwaz fan company future estimations of demand of fans and their
supply on right time.

7.6Technological Factors
Technological factors also affect the parwaz fan company performance
because if competitors having latest high tech machines, so then they will
grab the all demand of fans from customers. In this situation, parwaz fan also
compelled to install this type of latest technology. Die casting machine,
injection molding machines, progressing stamping pressing,
automaticarmature winding machines that high tech technology machines
are used in this company.So this factor can also affect the company fans
demand and competition increase between the fan companies.


That is the pest analysis of parwaz engineering Fan Company which tells us
how different factors are affecting his fans production performances and
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detract the balance between the demand and supply of fans and different
factors harmful for their survival as in negative point of view.

8. Organizational Structure of Parwaz Engineering


8.1 Organizational Hierarchal Chart:

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sales &
Incharge Admin.


Inchage Die




Foreman Cooper
wire plant
Incharge Eletric
(W.M &

(W.M &

Sales &
(W.M &

(Structure from Top to Bottom in


9. Number of Employees in Parwaz Fan:

9.1Board of Directors &Managers

Mr. Hafiz Ashfaq Anwar (Chief Executive Officer)

Mr. Ali Usman
Mr. Irfan Haider

(Finance Director)
(Marketing& Sales Manager)
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Other Directors:
(Technical Director)
(Shipping Manager)
(Accounts Manager)
(Quality Control Manager)
(Purchase Store Manager)
(Human Resource Manager)

Other Management members, workers, employees& security guards as well
in serving company.

10. Key Management in shape of Committees:

Committee are different types which are doing their tasks and activities
regarding to any problem exit in the matters and hiring, firing and purchase
of latest technologies as well. So committees are made. These are given
below and their activities, tasks & action plans as well.

Committees are:

Policy and Budget making Committee.

Human Resource Committee.
Audit Committee.
Accounts Committee.
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10.1Policy and budget making Committee

This committee makes the budgets for the production of fans and also their
policies about workers activities as well. The committee check the no of the
production of fans and according to it they estimations of the demand of fans
in future. Committee also makes policies about how much worker pay
maintain and time as well. So company top management opinions also kept
in view and workers demand also put in front of them and after the making
the agree opinion, policies are maintained. Due to it, any type of dispute
exists between the company and its workers as well are resolved by doing
this practice.

10.2Human Resource Committee

This committee resolves the issues of hiring and firing matters of employees
on the performance base or any other as well. This committee handles all
type of problems for recruitment and derecruitment of the employees on
working activities. Committee members are from the middle management
and sometimes top management also plays the part.Every employee
performance is checked on daily basis and according to it their future job is
decided and also the pay as employee scale and job status by the human
resource management. This committee filters poor working workers from
excellent workers. This committee also resolves the working matters with
labour unions and other workers forces as well.

10.3Audit Committee
This is very important committee of the fan company which check the
important documents and records of all the departments and regarding to
them makes questions from the employees and then gets answers of
questions from them. This committee makes the report about how fair
running the company activities and where is something wrong. So this
committee points out the all the hidden frauds and corruption matters and
ask the top management to rectify them make the necessary steps form
avoid risks as well. Audit committees continually do their activities. This
audit has no any type of influence from the external forces outside the
company which can make damage to them and create alarming situation
also. So this audit committee works independently and having the power of
checking every type of the company documents and records without any
person influence inside the fan company.
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10.4Accounts Committee
This committee checks the accounts of the Parwez Company and point out
any type of error from to the documents and requires justifications about
errors and false statements also from the accountants. All the computer
record is weekly check by the committee members. They also the tax
payments figures also from the documents. Committee gives its suggestions
about these accounts department activities to the top management of the
fan company. After it, the decisions are made about the job of accountant for
the future. Corruption may be exit and point out by the company made
committee as well.

These are all the committees of Fan Company that do their work actively and
justifying company inside the entire problems on the spot. And make
suggestion towards top management to rectify the existing problems.

11. Staff Strength of the Company:

Number of Employees, workers, labour and other persons are 1000 in the
parwaz engineering fan company. In the future there may increase and
decrease in their numbers can be expected according to that time business,
Govt trade policies, energy matters, law & order situations and financial
position as well.

12. Dealers Strength of the Company:

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There are the numbers of Fan Company dealers are about 100 till now and
distributors and sub distributors are indirectly 350. This statics show that the
company have wide network of dealers and distributors as well.

13. Location &Main Offices:

13.1Registered Office
Parwaz Engineering Company (pvt) limited 6km G.T road Gujrat (Pakistan).

13.2Principal Office
Parwaz Engineering Company (pvt) limited 6km G.T road Gujrat.
Phone No: 0092533 521971
0092533521972Fax No:
0092533 523307

14. Introduction of all departments of the Parwaz Fan:

There are many departments of perwaz fan, which are contributing their part
in manufacturing fan products. Every one participate their experience, skills
and provide quality fan products finally, which insure that they never
compromise in their quality products and wants to maintain also their quality
in future fan products for fulfilling Dealers and customers needs as well.
These departments are mentioned above on next section in many numbers
and their activities:

14.1Finance Department
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In finance department, finance officers are making calculation for in which

they invest revenue in different investments like purchase of new machines
and in the stock market shares for the purpose of getting return. They give
advices to top management where investment should be fruit full and also
invest in purchase of foreign currency to make payments to other companies
for purchase of new latest machines. All the financial matters are dealt in this

14.2Production Department
Production of fans and other home appliances are done in this department.
Production is made with latest equipment and machinery for the purpose of
fulfilling demand of fans and others things on right time in such a way that
meet the demand of dealers. In production department, very costly
machines are kept and their take care is making possible with the helpful
skills workers so that these machines spend working production of fans for
long period. Production is monitored as regular basis by company engineers .

14.3Quality Control Department

Quality of fans is checked in this department under quality control standards
and quality systems. That is the reason of this;Fan Company is certified
under ISO 9001:2000. In this department quality of fans is regularly
monitored in shape of reducing errors, faults and making sure that every
component is finely assembled in fan product and never compromise on
quality by the company. Quality control officers actively check fans quality
and prevent all the faults during measuring of quality in the quality control

14.4Accounts Department
In this department, company accounts are maintained by accountants. For
this purpose, accounts manager and his management make entries
oftransactions about orders and vouchers in different registers and inside the
computers. All the tax paymentsare calculated in this department and all
previous records of tax payments are kept here. Company Net profit or loss
also calculated here. All the financial matters are solved here by the
accounts officer and with the help of its management.

14.5Paint Department
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In this department, different color paint is used for made and manufactured
fans colorful. Different type of designs also now days are also made on them
for the purpose of making stylish and good looking for customers. Everything
during this process is monitored and also checked by inspection officers of
Parwaz Company as well. So this department also play vital role in
manufacturing and finishing good looking, colorful touch fan product.

14.6Human Resource Department

In this department, management and labour is hired and fired by human
resource officers. Human resource officers check every employee
performance and then make their future job decisions. Hiring and firing is
based on performance and loyalty to company. Human resource officers are
also responsible for giving training to their employees and up grading their
skills for the betterment of the the company and also for new coming fresh
employees as well.

14.7Marketing Department
In this department, marketing officers get orders from dealers and
distributors. After that marketing officers make delivery towards them with
the help of their supply chain and sales force. Marketing officers send their
sales force in market for convincing and telling new dealers about company
fan products.Company can give attractions to their dealers t in shape of
incentives, discounts and different prizes. Due to it, target can achieved
which I observe in the marketing department.
About the
incentives marketing officer and sales force tell the dealers of existing and
new dealers also.
Marketing officer seek the favorable commitments about the targets of fans
and get into the one thing that is achieve target in fast on right time without
delay. Marketing department performs all these activities and get the target
of sale out fans for the betterment of the company.

14.8Research & Development Department

Parwaz fan research & development is always busy in improving own quality
control standards and introducing new products with the help of latest
computer technology which have state of art design. As the phase of life is
changing at a stuning rate. Parwaz Engineering Company is looking the new
ways for making new products.
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14.9Customer affairs Department

In this department, customers, dealers and distributors complaints are dealt.
Company officers convince new dealers & distributors about their fan
products quality, features, variety and reliability. They reply all the answers
of their questions and give back necessary information about their fan
products. They also handle all type of supply hurdles of fans products
towards dealers and distributors as well.

14.10Assembling Department
In this department, different components of fan like cooper wire etc are
assembled with the help of state of art machines and human resource. Every
component is checked and under inspection of inspection officers. This is
necessary for company to reduce errors as much as possible during
assembling process and providing superior fan products to customers in the

14.11Operational Department
All type of operations is monitored in this department. Operations about
delivery of fans toward dealers and distributors are conducted. Supply of
fans from stores and warehouses to
Dealers are kept in view by operational officers andthey are also responsible
to deliver fans through their supply chain to dealers at the right
timeaccording to their demand.

14.12Shipping Department
In this department, the entire fan making material and different components
are kept. In the need of time, all the fan making material send to production
and assembling departments. In these both departments, further working is
done and at last fans are made for ready to deliver towards distributors and
direct customers.

These are all the departments that participate in the production of finally
made fans towards the customers and dealers as well.

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15. Internee Work:

15.1Introduction of Internee working Place
My internship working place is parwaz engineering (fan) company G, T road
Gujrat (Pakistan), where I got the many business skills and marketing tools. I
worked with the marketing officer and their sales force as well. I observe how
the different sales targets of fans are given to dealers and distributors. I also
learn the skills for convincing new dealers about the company fans. Orders of
fans and their vouchers including all activities are recorded into the company
In marketing department,I observe that documents which are made on
contacts with dealers and distributorsand how to make deals and targets are
given to them. I also observe how to sales force its abilities and skills for
convincing others as well.
The company location is very good and green environment for everyone and
also for the workers when they on break between company activities.
Company place is also important for no of reasons which are given below as
in the points shape as well:

Good location of existence with main G.T road.

Large good looking building.
Healthy green environment.
Availability of canteen and Small Park.
Availability of emergency hospital service for the employees.

These are the some good things related to my internship working place
which I observe there as well.

15.2Description of weekly activities of all Departments

All the departments are coordinate with each other for manufacturing the fan
products and other home appliances. Departments from production to
delivery process play their part and made quality fans to fulfill customers
needs and wants as well. Every department is participating in this production
process and also connected with each other. Assembling of fan components
to the delivery of fans to dealers, every worker utilize their energies and try
to meet the demand of the customers which is growing day by day.Every
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department requirements fulfill by the company on the time so that every

department can meet the orders of fans demand from dealers and also
listening their complaints and opinions what they want to change in fan
products. So company with the help of departments meet the demand and
supply of fans on right time and deliver by their operational and marketing
and sales forces as well and also boost up their strength and use their
revenue into other starting new businesses like production of new home
appliances and mainly washing machines as well. So these are weekly
activities conduct by different departments of the parwaz engineering Fan
CompanyFor the production of the fans.

16. Internee Activities:

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As internee, I performed activities in market perspective. I also learn many

skills of convincing and dealing techniques from marketing department. I
perform marketing activities during my internship are given below as:

16.1Market Survey
Firstly, I enter into Gujrat market and its surroundings with Parwaz marketing
officer and sales force for gathering information about the demand of fans
from public and which type of competition exit between the fan companies in
aspect of price, quality, features and variety before entering in new area of
city. It is necessary for any company to conduct survey and research before
bringing product in the new place of market.

16.2Identification area of Market

Proper identification of entering in new area of Gujrat market is our task.
Because before starting conduct fans supply deals and getting orders from
dealers, we got the exact demand of fans in that area from customers and
also what they want new in fan products.

16.3 Contacts made with Dealers & Distributors

Before new area of market (Gujrat) selection, I come to know that how
company sale force with marketing officer make contacts with new dealers
and distributors how get information about their total investment which they
want to invest and how to take orders from them for fans. All the matters
between our company and dealers are settled.

16.4Market Selection for target

After settling all the matters, we get orders from dealers and distributors of
selected new area of Gujrat and make them supply of fans on their demand.
Sales force actively keeps in contact with new and existing dealers about the
availability of their demand and made supply of fans possible on time.

16.5Targets of fan sales in Market

I also learn that which type of Targets Company give their dealers and
distributors and on them company give discounts on maintained limit of
sales for company fans. Targets are given to dealers through using sale force.
Dealers try to achieve them to make their own profits and for company also
as well. Targets of sales can be set for weekly and monthly by the company
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desire. Getting targets on time is task for dealers that prove to make it
possible for their active business skills

16.6Promotional Tools
I observe during my internship that company give sign boards to distributors
and dealers with their own names written on them. Company also gives
different type of things for their promotions like dairies, key chains and wall
clock etc. Company also make advertisement by fixing bill boards near to
dealers and distributors shops on the roads in the entire city of Gujrat and
other areas as well.

16.7Forecasting of future demand of fan from Market

During my internship, I also observe that marketing officer and their sale
force also make forecasting of future demand of fans from Gujrat market.
They make estimation of future demand expected from distributors and
especially in summer season. Estimation of future demand of fans keeps
company on track and it avoids from making extra fans to the company to
taking any type of risk. Marketing officer and its management kept in view all
the matters about future demand of fans.

16.8Marketing challenges for Parwaz Fan Company

Some challenges which I observe to require overcome are given below as:

Entrant of new fan company in Gujrat market.

Threat of launching new designs of fans.
Superior supply chain and networks of sales force of other competitors.
Market strategies require changing according to changing conditions.
Professional marketers required for marketing.
Lack of strong and healthy relationships with dealers & distributors.

16.9Marketing Strategy of Parwaz Fan Company

Parwaz Fan Company using push strategy because I observe that company
wants to sell out as much as their fan products to customers. Parwaz Fan
Company is continually search new are of dealers and customers in such a
way that fulfill their demand and also increase their revenue. So company
appliesthe push strategy for the fans products. For this purpose new latest
machinery is used for the production and expanding the selling of fans in
new areas of the country.
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16.10. Other Marketing Perspective of Parwaz Fans

Engineering Company
Marketing Mix
Parwaz Fan Company uses marketing mix of everything which is useful to
influence the demand of their fan product. There are four Ps of marketing
mix in shape of price, place, product and promotion for parwaz fans.

16.11Marketing Penetration
Parwaz Fan Company is producing the fans for already exit market of Gujrat.
They are gaining revenue by employing this strategy. Because here in Gujrat
market, there are many opportunities to grab the revenue from meeting
demand of fans of customers. So this is the reason to pursue this type of the

16.12Promotional Strategy
Parwaz Fan Company uses sales promotions strategy because the company
wants to increase their sales of fans getting revenue to other businesses.
Parwaz Fans Company is doing many promotional activities to promote by
internet websites and also bill boards as well. So parwaz Fan Company is
done these tasks by the sales force with the help of marketing department.

These are all the marketing perspectives and marketing environment I
observe there and learned many things during my internship of the parwaz
engineering Fan Company (Pvt) limited in Gujrat Pakistan.

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17. Summary of Learning:

I learned so many things during my internship. I got practical knowledge
from different departments and well informed about how to running and
extending business by utilizing learned skills. I also learn how to deal with
customers and how to satisfy them. I gain market knowledge and how to
maintain own fan product position during in my six weeks internship. So this
practical work knowledge gained from working with company staff is useful
for me to attach with class room knowledge and also vital for doing future
job. I also observe that good relationships with dealers and distributors are
also important for the of marketer company business as putting myself in
shape of marketer during my internship. One good thing is that strong supply
chain of fans between company and its dealers etc. one of the drawback is
that there is not proper arrangement for safety of labour and workers and
not enough security cameras in side of the fan company.

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18. Conclusion:
During my internship, I learn a lot of things about parwaz engineering
company departments and its activities which we cannot observe without
doing internship. Because internship training make able to us that how the
different activities from production to deliver at last final fan product are
done. I observe many good things like quality control systems and company
ISO certifications. There are some back draws as well that there are some
people In the management who have not professional degrees and there
need to fresh professional degree holders who know much better new
techniques of doing business and also they use proper business language in
good way with the customers. I also observe that good relationships with
dealers and distributors are also important for the of marketer company
business as putting myself in shapeof marketer during my internship. One
good thing is that strong supply chain of fans between company and its
dealers etc. one of the drawback is that there is not proper arrangement for
safety of labour and workers and not enough security cameras in side of the
fan company.
Finally, I conclude that parwaz engineering (fan) company is doing good
business activities but there is need of some steps of doing for workers life
safety during production activities of fans and should make stable policies
about all activitiesthat are favorable for the company.

18.1General Observations about the sector of a Parwaz

The sector of Fan Company is the industrial sector. My observations are
that company should make steps for betterment of their employees.
They should given them training and up grading their skills for the
purpose of set achieve targets and also for their betterment of using
latest machines in the future as well. Parwaz fan should make better
relations with distributors and dealers.
The company should make the future estimations of demand of fans. It
should must make balance between supply and demand of fans as
well. So doing it they can avoid any type of risk and loss which not
good for the company.

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These are the general observations about the parwaz fan engineering
company and its industrial sector as well.

19. SWOT Analysis of a Parwaz Fan:

19.1Strengths of a Parwaz Fan
Parwaz Fan Company has latest high tech machinery and equipment.
Parwaz Fan Company is giving job opportunities to many persons who
are degree holder.
Parwaz Fan Company is producing excellent quality fan products.
Parwaz Fan Company is now making other home appliances.
Parwaz Fan Company has good relations with dealers and distributors
as well.
Parwaz Fan Company has better skills employees.
Parwaz Fan Company has good and strong network of distributors and
Parwaz has made trust and reliability of fan products among

These are all the strengths that are used by the fan company to improve
their market position and hopeful to get leadership in the market.

19.2Weaknesses of a Parwaz Fan

Lacking of new and latest version of machines and equipment.

Lack of usage that machines workers.
Lack of investment and revenue of the company.
Limited budget for starting manufacturing of other things.
Facing difficulty in custom duties payments and high taxes.
Limited experience of new employees of the company.
Limited international market access.
Politics inside of the management.
Limited financial loans from banks in need of time.


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These are the some weaknesses which are found in the parwaz fan company
activities and they should be overcome by exploiting opportunities to reduce
the effects of weaknesses on production of fans.

19.3Opportunities of a Parwaz Fan

Parwaz can increase its export of fans by doing contract with foreign
Parwaz fan can exploit opportunity to making other home appliances
as well.
Parwaz fan can give jobs for new professional who have better skills.
Parwaz fan can make own outlets in big cities in start.
Parwaz Fan can purchase latest technological machines for getting
above demand margin.
Parwaz fan should change policies according to changing in Govt in
such a way those they already easily forecast about their gain of profit
and loss in tenure of that Govt.

These are all the opportunities which are available to Parwaz Fan Company
and it should avail them by exploiting them. Then the company will be able
to increase their revenues and also can start other businesses as well.

19.4Threats of a Parwaz Fan

Threats of corruption in management and operational levels.
High cost of raw material using in making fans.
Continues improvement in quality of the fan product.
Threat of change in Govt Trade Policies.
Threat of new strong competitors.
Production in bulk form of fan products for meeting the domestic and
international demand as well.
Competition with strong countries producing quality fans.
Threat of unstable law and order situation.

These are all the threats, which are face by parwaz Fan Company and he
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should overcome by his strength of financial and technical knowhow of

new fresh business professionals hiring.

19.5Conclusion of SWOT Analysis:

Parwaz Fan Company should utilize its strength and opportunities for the
purpose of overcoming weaknesses and also avoid from the threats as well in
the future of fan industry business.

20. Recommendations:
Parwaz Fan Company should get the help from new fresh business
Parwaz fan should make those policies which are favorable for the
workers and employees as well.
Parwaz fan must make political connections in such a way that they
can explain their problems toward them.
Parwaz fan should participate in every conference of fan companies.
Parwaz fan must do safety of health steps for their workers as well.
Parwaz fan should make better relations with distributors and dealers.
Parwaz fan should take steps to reach those areas of country where
they cannot go till now.
Parwaz fan should make contract with foreign countries for making
investment in their fans production.
Parwaz fan should make availability of security cameras for their
Parwaz fan should high better transport service for supply of their fan
Parwaz fan must make hospital for their workers a d also school for
their children. Due to it workers become hard worker.
Parwaz fan should make donations for charity.
Parwaz can also make sponsorship for the progress of sports.
Parwaz should do all the things which are necessary for the betterment
of company like elimination of corruption.
These are my recommendations that I feel to act upon by the company
and also for betterment of the company.

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Prospectus of Parwaz fan Engineering Company (Private) Limited.
Mr. Irfan Haider (Marketing & Sales Manager) of Parwaz fan
Engineering Company, G.T road Gujrat (Pakistan).

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