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Computer Quiz
1.A process known as ____________ is used by large retailers to study trends.
A. data mining
B. data selection
D. data conversion
E.None of these
2. ____________terminals (formerly known as cash registers) are often connected to
complex inventory and sales computer systems.
A. Data
B. Point-of-sale (POS)
C. Sales
D. Query
E.None of these
3. A (n) ____________ system is a small, wireless handheld computer that scans an
items tag and pulls up the current price (and any special offers) as you shop.
C. inventory
D. data mining
E.None of these
4. ____________ tags, when placed on an animal, can be used to record and track in
a database all of the animals movements.
E.None of these
5.Technology no longer protected by copyright, available to everyone, is considered
to be:
A. proprietary.
B. open.
C. experimental.
D. in the public domain.
E.None of these
6.Computers process data into information by working exclusively with:

A. multimedia.
B. words.
C. characters.
D. numbers.
E.None of these
7. DSL is an example of a(n) ____________ connection.
A. network
B. wireless
C. slow
D. broadband
E.None of these
8.Which language is most suited for commercial applications?
A. Fortran
B. Cobol
C. Basic
D. Prolog
E. None of these
9.How many margins are on a page?
A. Two (header and footer)
B. Four (top, bottom, right, left)
C. Two (landscape and portrait)
D. Two (top and bottom)
E. None of these
10.Nibble describes a bits combination of?
A. 5 bits
B. 6 bits
C. 7 bits
D. 4 bits
E. None of these
11.The ________ becomes different shapes depending on the task you are
A. Active tab
B. Insertion point
C. Mouse pointer
D. Ribbon
E. None of these

12.A key that will erase information from the computers memory and characters on
the screen
A. Edit
B. Delete key
C. Dummy out
D. Trust key
E. None of these
13.Screen that comes on when you turn on your computer that shows all the icons
A. Desktop
B. Face to face
C. Viewer
D. View space
E. None of these
14.End means ?
A. Logical end of a program
B. Physical end of a program
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Binary program
E. None of these
15. A byte can hold one ____________ of data.
A. bit
B. binary digit
C. character
D. kilobyte
E. None of these

Computer Quiz for SBI Mains
1. ______ is an OOP principle.
a. Structured programming
b. Procedural programming
c. Inheritance
d. Linking
e. None
2. Unwanted repetitious messages, such as unsolicited bulk e-mail is known as
a. Spam
b. Trash
c. Calibri
d. Courier
e. None
3. ______ translates and executes program at run time line by line
a. Compiler
b. Interpreter
c. Linker
d. Loader
e. None
4. The father of Modern Computer is _________.
a. Charles Babbage
b. Von-neumann
c. Danies Ritchel
d. Blaise Pascal
e. None
5. Information travels between components on the mother board through
a. Flash memory
c. Bays
d. Buses
e. Peripherals

6. How many options does a BINARY choice offer?

a. None
b. One
c. Two
d. it depends on the amount of memory on the computer
e. It depends on the speed of the computer's processor
7. What is the full form of USB as used in computer related activities?
a. Universal Security Block
b. Ultra Serial Block
c. United Service Block
d. Universal Serial Bus
e. None of these
8. A program written in machine language is called?
a. Assembler
b. Object
c. Computer
d. Machine
e. None
9. The 16 bit Microprocessor means that it has?
a. 16 address lines
b. 16 Buses
c. 16 Data lines
d. 16 routes
e. None
10. The lowest form of Computer language is called __________.
c. Machine Language
e. None
11. Which of the following is also known as brain of computer?
a. Control unit
b. Central Processing unit
c. Arithmetic and language unit
d. Monitor
e. None

12. A collection of program that controls how your computer system runs and
processes information is called _________.
a. Operating System
b. Computer
c. Office
d. Compiler
e. Interpreter
13. CAD stands for __________.
a. Computer aided design
b. Computer algorithm for design
c. Computer application in design
d. All of the above
e. None
14. The Word FTP stands for?
a. File Translate Protocol
b. File Transit Protocol
c. File Transfer protocol
d. file typing protocol
e. None
15. How are data organized in a spreadsheet?
a. Lines & spaces
b. Layers & Planes
c. Height & Width
d. Rows & Columns
e. None
1. c
2. a
3. b
4. b
5. d
6. c
7. d
8. a
9. c
10. c
11. b
12. a
13. a

14. c
15. d
1. A switch in a network is used to ?
A. It is used to connect systems on network
B. It is used to stop hacking
C. It is used to stop viruses
D. It is used to boot systems remotely
E. None of these
2. Which among following is not a logical gate ?
E. None of these
3.Direct Access Storage Device is also referred as ?
E. None of above
4. BIND full form is ?
A. Berkely Internet Name Domain
B. Binary Internet Domain
C. Bonafied Internet Name Domain
D. Basic Internet Name Domain
E. None of above
5. What is unit of speed of Super Computer ?
E. None of these
6. An on-line commercial site such as is an example of a(n) ________ .
A. single-user database application
B. multiuser database application

C. e-commerce database application

D. data mining database application
E. None of these
7.Whose trademark is the operating system UNIX?
A. Motorola
B. Microsoft
C. BELL Laboratories
D. AshtonTate
E. None of these
8.What is the primary requisite of a good computer programmer?
A. Mathematical mind
B. Artistic mind
C. Logical mind
D. Scientific knowledge
E. None of these
9.The first movie released in 1982 with terrific computer animation and graphics
A. Star wars
B. Tron
C. Forbidden planet
D. Dark star
E. None of these
10. Graphic interfaces were first used in a xerox product is called
A. Ethernet
B. Inter LISP
C. Small talk
D. Zeta LISP
E. None of these
ANSWER KEY : 1- ( A),2- ( D), 3- ( C), 4- ( A),5- (D),6- ( C), 7( C),8- ( C),9- (C),10- ( A)
Computer Quiz
1. A device operating at the physical layer is called a
1) Bridge
2) Router
3) Repeater
4) All of the above

5) None of these
2. For separating channels in FDM, it is necessary to use
1) Time slots
2) Bandpass filters
3) Differentiation
4) All of the above
5) None of these
3. Encryption and decryption are functions of
1) Transport layer
2) Session layer
3) Presentation layer
4) All of the above
5) None of these
4. Which of the following computer language is a mathematically oriented languages
used for scientific problems?
5. ________ is when the more power-hungry components, such as the monitor and
the hard drive, are put in idle.
1) Hibernation
2) Power down
3) Standby mode
4) The shutdown procedure
5) None of these
6. Hard disk drives are considered ________ storage.
1) flash
2) non-volatile
3) temporary
4) nonpermanent
5) None of these
7. The ________ key and the ________ key can be used in combination with other
keys to perform shortcuts and special tasks.
1) Control, Alt

2) Function, toggle
3) Delete, Insert
4) Caps Lock, Num Lock
5) None of these
8. The most common input devices are the ________ and the ________.
1) microphone, printer
2) scanner, monitor
3) digital camera, speakers
4) keyboard, mouse
5) None of these
9. To save an existing file with a new name or to a new location, you should use the
________ command.
1) Save
2) Save and Replace
3) Save As
4) New File
5) None of these
10. A(n) ________ is a combination of hardware and software that facilitates the
sharing of information between computing devices.
1) network
2) peripheral
3) expansion board
4) digital device
5) None of these
11. The term bit is short for ________
1) megabyte
2) binary language
3) binary digit
4) binary number
5) None of these
12. Computers gather data, which means that they allow users to ________ data.
1) present
2) input
3) output
4) store
5) None of these

13. Which of the following terms is just the connection of networks that can be
joined together ?
1) virtual private network
2) internet
3) intranet
4) extranet
5) None of these
14. ________ is a form of permanent memory that holds all the instructions the
computer needs to start up and does not get erased when the power is turned off.
1) The Network Interface Card (NIC)
2) The CPU
3) RAM
4) ROM
5) None of these
15. Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to
a ________
1) network
2) mainframe
3) supercomputer
4) client
5) None of these
1. 3
2. 2
3. 3
4. 1
5. 3
6. 2
7. 1
8. 4
9. 3
10. 1
11. 3
12. 2
13. 2
14. 4
15. 1
1. __________________ applications refers to those applications in which
text, sound, graphics, motion video and animation are all combined.
a.) Animation

b.) Multimedia
c.) Maxmedia
d.) Flash
e.) None of these
2. A language that refers to the way people think mathematically is called
as __________
a.) Functional language
b.) Cross-platform language
c.) Event driven programming language
d.) None of these
3. When you are typing the text in a document, you would need to hit the
enter key at the end of every ____________.
a.) Line
b.) Sentence
c.) Paragraph
d.) Word
e.) File
4. ___________________ is a set of rules that tell the computer what to do.
a.) Procedural language
b.) Natural language
c.) Command language
d.) Programming language
e.) Instructions
5. The programs and data processed by the CPU are stored in
a.) Internal Memory
b.) External Memory
c.) Mass Memory
d.) Non-volatile memory
e.) None of these
6. _____________ refers to a set of characters of a particular design.
a.) Calligraph
b.) Typeface
c.) Keyface
d.) Formation
e.) None of these

7. ___________ is the detailed written description of the programming

cycle and the program accompanied by the test results and a printout of
the program.
a.) Output
b.) Spec Sheets
c.) Documentation
d.) Report
e.) Detail sheet
8. In a slide presentation, a typical slide does not have ___________
a.) Photo images, charts, graphs
b.) Clip arts
c.) Audio Clips
d.) Content
e.) Full motion video
9. In ____________, a file is transferred from another computer to your
a.) Copy
b.) Upload
c.) Download
d.) Upgrade
e.) RSS
10. ____________ in a computer is used for calculation and comparison.
a.) ALU
b.) ROM
c.) CPU
d.) Control Unit
e.) None of these
11. _____________ is a talk that can be automatically downloaded over the
Internet and is available in Digital Format.
a.) Wiki
b.) Show
c.) Podcast
d.) Blog
e.) Movie
12. _____________ displays each slide of the PPT as a thumbnail and is
used to re-arrange them.
a.) Slide Show
b.) Slide Display

c.) Slide Design

d.) Slide Layout
e.) Slide Sorter
13. _____________ are the parallel electrical conducting lines that link
different components on the mother board.
a.) Buses
b.) Conductors
c.) Assemblies
d.) Connectors
e.) None of these
14. The mirror image of the whole hard disk including the OS,
applications, files and data is created by a ______________________.
a.) Utility program
b.) Driver
c.) Backup software
d.) OS
e.) None of these.
15. _______________ is a point and draw device.
a.) Scanner
b.) Printer
c.) Mouse
d.) Keyboard
e.) CD- ROM
16. Which of the following deals with data organised in rows and columns?
a.) Matrix
b.) Spreadsheet
c.) Word document
d.) PPT
e.) MS Paint
17. If you want to find the Paste Special option, you would use the
Clipboard group on the tab of PowerPoint _____________.
a.) Home
b.) Slideshow
c.) Page Layout
d.) Design
e.) Insert
18. _________ are usually downloaded into the folder carrying Temporary

Internet Files and are written into the computer by the websites you visit.
a.) Anonymous Files
b.) Cookies
c.) Banner Ads
d.) Images
e.) History
19. _______________ refers to the letter and number of the intersecting
column and row.
a.) Cell address
b.) Cell location
c.) Cell position
d.) Cell column
e.) Cell row
20. In a pull down menu if you see that a command appears faded, it
means that ____________
a.) the command is not applicable to this document.
b.) the command is not accessible at the moment.
c.) there are no keystrokes equivalent to those commands.
d.) None of these
e.) All of these
3. C
4. D
5. D
7. B
10. A
14. C
16. B
17. B

1.A packet switching network that was sponsored by the Commission of
the EEC and became operational in 1979 is
B. Broadband network
C. Star network
D. Euronet
E. None of the above
2.What is the standard code the computer industry created to represent
3.A sizeable geographical area with communication based on the telephone
system is though as
A. Local area network
B. Wide area network
C. Modulator-Demodulator
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
4. A Winchester disk is a
A. Disk Stack
B. Removable disk
C. Flexible disk
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
5.Which one of the following is the first second-generation computer?
A. IBM 7090
B. IBM 801
C. IBM 7070
D. IBM 650
E. None of the above
6. Which of the following is not a factor affecting the processing capability
or performance of a PC system?
A. The clock sped of the microprocessor

B. The revolutions per minute of the printer disk

C. The primary storage capacity of the processor
D. The built-in instruction set available to the microprocessor
E. None of the above
7.Condensing output data to exhibit specific information is
A. Calculating
B. Recording
C. Merging
D. Summarising
E. None of the above
8.Which of the following is used for manufacturing chips?
A. control bus
B. control unit
C. parity unit
D. semiconductor
E. None of the above
9.Which of the following terms applies to communication between
separate computer systems?
A. Computer literacy
B. Power supply
C. Applications software
D. Connectivity
E. None of the above
10.Output hardware is often categorized according to whether it:
A. is expensive
B. requires a large amount of electricity to work
C. produces hardcopy or softcopy
D. can fit on a desktop
E. None of the above
11.The original ASCII code used _____ bits of each byte, reserving that
last bit for error checking.
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
E. 4
12.Which of the following terms is the most closely related to main

A. nonvolatile
B. permanent
C. control unit
D. temporary
E. None of the above
13.The computer industry uses prefixes of Greek origin to measure large
amounts of data. Which term describes 1024 bytes.
A. Kilobyte
B. Megabyte
C. Gigabyte
D. Terabyte
E. None of the above
14.Which kind of storage device can be carried around?
A. Floppy disk
B. Hard disk
C. System cabinet
D. Hard disk drive
E. Floppy disk drive
15.One nibble is equal to
A. 4 bits
B. 8 bits
C. 6 bits
D. 16 bits
E. None of the above

1. An input device that converts data punched into paper lape into a
binary format is
A. Page reader
B. Paper tape punch
C. Paper tape reader
D. Card punch
E. None of the above
2. A computer will function only if it
A. has a control unit
B. is given input data
C. has a program in its memory
D. has software package
E. None of the above
3. A memory in which the information is stored last is on top & is retrieved
first is known as
B. Buffer
C. Stack
E. None of the above
4. Regarding a VDU, which statement is more correct?
A. It is an output device
B. It is an input device
C. It is a peripheral device
D. It is a hardware item
E. None of the above
5. Plotter accuracy is measured in terms of repeatability and
A. buffer size
B. resolution
C. vertical dimension
D. intelligence
E. None of the above
6. The minimum time delay required between the initiation of two
successive memory operations is known as
A. memory cycle time

B. memory access time

C. transmission time
D. waiting time
E. None of the above
7. Which of the following terms describe 1024 kilobytes?
A. Kilobyte
B. Megabyte
C. Gigabyte
D. Terabyte
E. None of the above
8. The flow and timing to data to and from the microprocessor is regulated
A. control pins
B. address pins
C. data pins
D. power pins
E. None of the above
9. The total number of messages handled by a computerized telephone
system on a daily basis is an example of:
A. Frequency
B. Updating
C. Volume
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
10. An internal storage consisting of arrays of small rings of magnetic
material called ferrite is
A. Magnetic tape
B. Magnetic core
C. Magnetic disk
D. Optical mark reader
E. None of the above
11. In the language of the computer profession, one thousand position of
main storage is represented with the letter
A. K
B. L
C. M
D. C
E. None of the above

12. Which of the following processor is software that accepts user ideas,
manipulates and reorganises them in user-specified ways and then
produces a refined model of those thoughts.
A. Distribute
B. Out-line
C. Multi
D. On-line
E. None of the above
13. The word 'Computer' usually refers to the Central Processor Unit plus
A. External memory
B. Internal memory
C. Input devices
D. Output devices
E. None of the above
14. The control of the jobs running within a system is
A. Job monitoring
B. Job stream
C. Job min
D. Job step
E. None of the above
15. Communication using a modulated carrier to apply a data signal to a
transmission medium in analog form is
A. Local area network
B. Modem
C. Base band networking
D. Broad band networking
E. None of the above


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