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A Scientific Perspective of Reiki

As we have seen that Reiki means Universal Life Force energy. In this section
let us see what science has to say about Life Force Energy (LFE).

What is Life Force Energy (LFE)?

LFE is an auto-energizing force which forms the substratum of the Universe,

both to maintain, and to destroy for further creation. It permeates each
individual as well as the Universe at all levels. It acts as physical energy, mental
energy, where the mind gathers information; and as intellectual energy, where
information is examined and filtered. All that vibrates in this Universe is LFE:
heat, light, gravity, magnetism, vigour, power, vitality, electricity & life are all
forms of LFE. It is the cosmic personality, potent in all beings and non-beings. It
is the prime mover of all activity. It is the wealth of life. This self-energizing force
is the principle of life and consciousness.

Life Force Energy is the ultimate building block of the universe. All matter in the
universe is ultimately made up of atoms which in turn is made up of sub-atomic
particles protons, neutrons and electrons. These are ultimately made up of
Super- Strings.

According to Superstring Theory (A Theory of Everything) - Each string is

unimaginably small, about 10^20, or 100 billion billion times smaller than a
proton, and can vibrate only in a space-time consisting of higher dimensions.

Reiki works on multiple dimensions similar to that of the Superstrings. It

makes healing happen by restructuring and organising the inconsistencies in the
pattern of the superstring that leads to various dis-ease. Reiki has innate
intelligence that makes this possible. Thus establishing health and harmony by
working at the level of the Super Strings that exist at higher dimensions (ten
dimensions - according to the Superstring Theory).

Brief and Straightforward Guide: What is Superstring Theory?

Superstring Theory, sometimes called the Theory of Everything, is thought

by some to be the unifying field theory Einstein sought before his death. String

theory is the first mathematically sound theory that reconciles the world of the
infinitesimally small, with the world we know at large. It unites Einstein's Theory
of Relativity with quantum physics and offers a potential explanation for the Big

Prior to string theory, subatomic particles were envisioned as tiny balls or

points of energy. String theory works on the premise that the tiniest subatomic
bits that make up the elements of atoms actually behave like vibrating strings.
The strings of string theory are so small that physicist Brian Greene has
analogized that if a single atom were enlarged to occupy the footprint of our
solar system, a string would still be no larger than a tree.

Because these tiny vibrating strings are responsible for the properties of all
matter, the cosmos has been likened to a cosmic symphony of superstrings.
While poetically appealing, the strength of string theory is that it accounts for all
four known forces in one elegant theory. These fundamental forces are gravity;
the strong and weak nuclear forces; and electromagnetism.

One of the surprising elements of string theory is that it requires extra

dimensions to be free of mathematical anomalies. Scientists added an extra six
dimensions, initially, for a total of ten. The six dimensions were predicted to be
contained in tiny curled up formations at every point within our threedimensional space.

But there was a problem: string theorists came up with several theories
that all seemed to be correct. Ultimately scientists found that adding an eleventh
dimension mathematically explained all of the seemingly different string theories
as different aspects of the same theory. The one theory to rule them all is known
as M-theory.

The eleventh dimension of string theory predicts a new kind of string,

stretched infinitely long to create what is termed a floating membrane, or brane.
According to string theory, infinite branes exist that each supports a separate but
parallel universe. In this wildly exotic neighborhood the problematic force of
gravity was also explained.
While the Standard Model of physics had already united three of the known
forces, gravity remained elusive. Part of the problem was that gravity was such a
weak force relative to the others. String theory mathematically predicts that
gravity is weak because it is only leaking here from a parallel universe. How is
this possible?

String theorists explain that strings can be open or closed. Open-ended

strings have one endpoint attached to the brane on which they reside, keeping

matter contained within that brane. Our bodies are believed to be made from
open-ended strings. This explains why we can't reach into or interact with other
dimensions. Close-ended strings, however, are like tiny rings, unattached to their
brane, able to leak away from it; which brings us to gravity.

Gravity is thought to be transferred via massless, hypothetical particles

called gravitons. If gravitons were made from close-ended strings, scientists
theorized, gravity might be leaking off our brane. It sounded good but it didn't
work mathematically. However, the opposite hypothetical did work. Gravity
appears, according to string theory, to be leaking to our brane from a parallel
universe. Fantastically, this notion is mathematically sound.

Finally, string theory offers a possible explanation for the Big Bang. It had
long bothered scientists that although they could plot the stages of the Big Bang
backwards to the singularity, the initial cause for the event was without
explanation. Now string theorists believe that two branes colliding could have
caused the Big Bang event.

String theory's biggest challenge is that much of it is not provable.

Scientists can't test other dimensions, study migrating gravitons, or peek
between the curtains of floating branes to witness a Big Bang event. For this
reason string theory has many detractors and critics. Some scientists believe
that without the ability to prove the theory, it is not true science at all.
Nevertheless, proponents of string theory seem confident that proof of various
sorts will come with technological progress and time. As many string theorists
have quipped, "Something this elegant can't be wrong!"

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