How Food Digestion Process Occurs in The Alimentary Canal?

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How Food Digestion Process occurs in the Alimentary

1. In the Mouth

Salivary amylase starts the hydrolysis of s

into malyose.
The chewed food rolled into a mass called
b.. .
The bolus moves down along the oesophagus by
p.. .
When the cardium s.. relaxes, food enters the

2. In the Stomach



The digestion of p................ starts in the stomach.

The stomach produces gastric juice. Gastric juice
contains enzyme p and rennin,
h... acid and mucus.
Functions of hydrochloric acid :
Creates an a. medium which is optimal for
the action of e.. in the stomach. (pH 1.5 2.0)
Stops the activity of s amylase.
Helps to kill b. in foods.
The semi fluid content of the stomach is called chime
which then enters the duodenum when the p.
spincter relaxes.

3. In the Small Intestine


The small intestine consists of the d,

jejunum and the i. .
Duodenum receives pancreatic juice from the
p.. and bile from the l..




Bile is produced by the liver cells and stored in the

g.. b.. It contains a mixture of
....salt which reduces the surface tension of fat
globules and e them in to
droplets, thus increases the surface area for afficient
digestion by the enzyme lipase.
The pancreas produces a variety of e.. that are
poured into the duodenum via the p duct.
They include :
P.. amylase to convert starch to
Lipase to convert lipids to fatty acids and
T. to convert polypeptides to
The diagram below shows position of the stomach,
duodenum, pancreas and liver.
Label the organs
Name parts of the liver involved in the secretions of

4. In the Ileum
(a) The end products of digestion are as follows :
Carbohydrates Mono.
(b) Protein A. a
(c) L. Fatty acid and glycerol
(d) Vitamins and minerals Need not be digested
(e) Dietary fibre cannot be d as the enzyme
cellulose is not produced.

The Digestive System of Ruminants

1. Ruminants and rodents feed on p which contain a

high percentage of c..
2. Ruminants obtain most of their energy from the breakdown
of cellulose into simple sugar by the enzyme
3. Ruminants like c. and g. have stomachs
which are divided into four chambers ;
P:......., Q:.. R: Omasum and S:.....
4. The flow of food in a ruminants follows this sequence:
5. This adaptation enables ruminants to carry out r.,
the process of regurgitating food and r.. it.
6. Chambers of rumen and r. have b and
protozoa which are able to secretes c. to digeat

The Digestive System of Rodents

1. In rodents like rabbits and rats, the c. and a.....
are enlarged store cellulose producing b.
2. The nreakdown products pass throught the alimentary canal
t.. The faeces in the f. batch produced at
n. is watery and s. They are
e. again to a the product of bacterial
breakdown. The second batch of faeces of faeces become
drier and h...



Learning Outcomes
Identify the parts of the digestive system involved in the
absorotion if digested food.
Explain the adaptive characteristics of the digestive system
related to absorption.
Draw and label the structure of a villus.
Explain the process of absorption in the villus.
Make an analogy on the process of absorption in the small
Explain the absorption of water and minerals.
Describe the transport of nutrients by the circulatory system for
Explain the main functions of the liver and describe the process
of assimilation.
Absorption of Digested Food
l.. is the major site of nutrient absorption. To absorb
effectively, the ileum has a large surface area which is achieved

Being almost 6m long

Being highly ..
Having finger-like projections called v.. over
its surface
Having a minute projections called m.. over
the surface of the villi

Complete and label the structure of a villus below. Your label

should include: epithelial cell, lacteal and blood capillary.

How do villi improve the affciency of the ileum?

Structure / Characteristic
1. have microvilli
2. have thin walls: only onecell thick
3. have a rich supply of blood
4. have l..
5. are numerous

Increase the s..
a for absorption
Digested food can be
a.. rapid
To transport and absorb
d food away
For absorbing fatty acids and
Increasing the surface area for

The Process of Absorption in the Villus

1. Nutrients absorption involve both d and a
2. G., a.. a.., vitamin B, C and
m.. initiafly diffuse the epithelial cells into the blood
capillaries. All blood capillaries converge into h.
portal vein which leads to the l.. & are transported to all
parts of the
3. Glycerol, f acids and Vitamins A, D, E, K enter the
epithelial call and then into the l.. The lacteals
converge into large vessels of the lymph system. Fat enters
blood steam from lymphatic system.
The remaining of glucose and amino acids are distributed to
all parts of the body
Assimilation of Digested Food
1. The products of digestion (glucose, amino acid, glycerol &
fatty acids) are brought directly to the . The liver
cintrols the amount of n.. released into the blood
circulatory system.

2. Aaaimilation takes place in the cells where the nutrients are

used to from c. compounds.

The Process of Assimilation in the Liver

Function of the Liver

1. Maintenance of a steady blood glucose l. under the
influence of insulin and glucagons.
2. Manufacture of
(a) Plasme protein such as f and
(b) Bile :
A mixture of bile pigments and bile satls
An accumulation of bile p................. results in jaundice
Bile salt emulsifies into tiny droplets
3. Storage of nutrients such as fat-soluble vitamins (A&D), B12,
f... copper and potassium.
4. Detoxification of poisonous substances such as
a., drugs, toxins pesticides, c. and
poisons by removing and metabolizing them.
5. D of amino acids.
Excess amino acids are broken down into urea
6. Produce h.


Learning Outcomes
Identify the part of the digestive system where thw formation of
faeces takes place

Describe the formation of faeces and problems related to

Explain the role of microorganisms in the colon and the effect of
antibiotics on them
Explain defaecation and the importance of high fibre diets


Learning Outcomes
Ralate eating habits with health problems
Evaluate critically whether a particular eating habit is good or

Good Eating Habits

Good eating habits mean taking food in the correct q...
at the correct t

Poor Eating Habits

Poor eating habits are associated with various health problems
such as :
1. Gastritis

(a) If food is not taken at regular times, the absence of food in

the stomach will result in the acidic g
j................. acting on the e.. lining of the
stomach wall and becomes i.. .
l. and damaged to the stomach lining
can also be caused by excessive a.. consumption,
(c) Treatment involves taking medication such as antacids :
s bicarbonate and magnesium hydroxide which can
neutralize the hydrochloric acid in gastric juice.
2. Obesity
(a) Obesity is defined as the excessive atorage of energy in
between food intake and energy e.
Factors which lead to obesity include eating
e.., eating too much f.. and oily foods as
well as a lack of exercise.
(c) An obese person is predisposed to a number of diseases:
c diseases, h and
diabetes mellitus.
Obesity can be overcome by practicing a
b.. d and eating not more than what
is required by the body.
3. Anorexia nervosa
(a) People with anorexia nervosa experienced an intense fear
of gaining w.. persistently concerned about their
body shape and weight.
They have a distorted body image which convinces
them that they are fat.
(c) They d themselves of food which causes a
loss in both fat and muscle and this eventually leads to a
disruoption of the functions of the heart, e...
system and reproductive system
Treatment includes :

Gradual r.. of body mass through

C... to help patients correct any distorted
belief and overcome emotional stress
4. Bulimia
(a)Victime of bulimia may have a normal mass. They usually
consume h.. amounts of food in a short period of
time, feel out of control and are unable stop eating during
a binge.
The victim will then feel g., ashamed,
disgusted or depressed following a binge. This is following
immediately by purging through self-induced v...
or misuse of laxatives or diuretice.
(c)Repeated purging results in serious injury to the digestive
tract and can cause an imbalance of m salts in
the blood. The victims will experience d. and
irregular periods.
Symptoms are malnutrition, hormonal imbalance,
increased risk of diseases such as i., kidney
and cardiovascular problems and liver diseases.
Nutrient content in food

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