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A prefix is a syllable placed in front of a word to add or to change its meaning.

Prefix -- Meaning Example

1) anti -- against, opposite -- anti-fungal, antidepressant
2) auto -- self -- autograph, automobile
3) bi -- two -- bicycle, bivalve
4) con -- with -- contact, conform,converse
5) un -- not -- unconvincing, unnatural, unprepared
6) re -- again -- revisit, reenter
7) a, an -- not, without -- amoral, anesthetic, apolitical, asocial
8) ab -- away from -- abduction, abstain, abnormal
9) ambi -- both -- ambidextrous, ambivalent
10) centro, centri -- around, center -- concentric, centrifugal
11 dis -- apart, not -- disengage, discord, discomfort
prefixes such as mis, anti, de, un
- misunderstood, misrepresent,misconstrue
antidepressant, unbelief, undeniable
pre - predetermine, preset, premix
Example sentences for intercontinental
He estimates that some five billion songbirds take the intercontinental trips each year.
Intercontinental ballistic missiles depend on rocketry.
The failure to scrap barriers to foreign ownership has meant there are no intercontinental mergers.
But so too, not that long ago, did rapid and routine intercontinental air travel.
After all, to export sneakers or sweatshirts, companies need an intercontinental supply chain.
Intercontinental shipping and airplanes would face insurmountable obstacles.
But that few percent at the bottom of the curve represents a quantum leap in intercontinental and
intercultural communication.
Long distant intercontinental maglev trains could replace much of air travel.
He knew right away he was seeing the beginning of a beautiful intercontinental friendship.
Intercontinental differences in resource use reveal the importance of mutualisms in fire ant invasions.
Bibliography Sentence Examples
HH pursuing an idea of an annotated bibliography to help put the content of IS work into the context
of the subject.
Bibliography at the end that may be of interest to students at various levels.
Assessment will be by means of the production of a detailed research proposal accompanied by
Most of the reading is accessible and enjoyable I hope, but see the Annotated bibliography for further
Bibliography revision 1.6 ( by nodine ) Added the year to the citation strings.

Bibliography of publications of documents Russian archives which will be put on the Web.
Bibliographyincluding bibliographies, will be provided in advance in such cases.
Bibliography selected books have extensive bibliographies which will guide the advanced student
for further study.
Bibliographyalso links to three useful annotated bibliographies of articles and books about virtual
The Center for Drug Information and Pharmacy Practice, ABDA, compiles a bibliography of
pharmaceutical care papers Request a copy.
In addition, there is a searchable bibliography of over 11,000 references.
Bibliography APPENDICES I. Participants at the RWH Seminar, 19 th 21 st July 2000 II.
Bibliography of gray literature, the first time this body of data has been made available singly.
These word limits include notes and appendices, but exclude bibliography.
This website provides a course outline and a selected bibliography.
Bibliography of further reading.
A few references are given, mainly ones which contain an extensive bibliography.
An outline of the intended essay, together with indicative bibliography will be submitted by the end
of the Autumn Term.
After the entire process, one can then generate bibliography.
It also includes the most comprehensive bibliography of published clinical trials.
Credible Sentence Examples
Such intolerance is scarcely credible in the second half of the twentieth Century.
What sort of knowledge of Greek is needed to make Acts credible?
Credible deterrent.
The reason is because such an enterprise normally requires more planning and thus is deemed
more credible.
Credible in the eyes of the disputants.
In our opinion a study so narrowly based cannot of course be scientifically credible.
Credible deterrence.
An author who seems quite credible may be utterly unreliable.
This would be an extraordinary proposal in normal times; in today's context, it is barely credible.
Credible contender to provide infrastructure for wireless applications.
The tourist threat is often couched in high sounding good intentions which may well
appear credible even laudable to the average person.
They are in no position to judge whether Borat or his movie is remotely credible or fair.
Credible witness to present the tape to the waiting world, thus exposing a security agency run wild.
If the SNP is to remain credible, this is a challenge it will have to face eventually.
It seems hardly credible that we are already more than two months into 2006!
Credible threat of force, Saddam will not disarm.
To sound credible, you should believe in the authentic intentions of your client.
We're pleased to offer our services to such a highly credible interactive TV show.
Credible challengers to Tory dominance in local politics.
But America needs to look at a more serious aspect of its China policy which has becomes
less credible with the passing of time.
Example sentences for inscription
But the simplicity of the typeface would not have mattered much if the inscription itself had been longwinded.
But there's been little discussion to date of how a fake inscription might impact the claims to that area where mosques
now stand.
Cards are blank inside for your personal inscription.
The word tablet used to refer to a flat slab for bearing an inscription.
If you insist on forcing your taste onto someone else by giving them a book, please do not personalize it with
an inscription.
Its inscription is a self-conscious statement for posterity.
The two are quite similar, differing mostly in the inscription.
The inscription depicted the software's source code, the original programming instructions.
Those who do will get a silver ring with a biblical inscription, which they then give to their beloved on their wedding
Our little theory of relativity inscription is, relatively speaking, brand-new.
It's a different story when someone gives you an offprint of a journal article, complete with a sweetinscription.

The plaque with the above inscription sits on a cylindrical urn which contains the ashes.
What sets the newfound cup apart is its inscription, which is still sharply etched but so far impossible to understand.
About the present state of this inscription nothing is known.
There are only two things wrong with the inscription.
Then, on the back of the panel, is the explanatory inscription.
The same is confirmed by the inscription of his first epistle.
Edge-incused inscription positions vary with each coin.
Because of the special design and historical uniform significance, no emblem of belief or additionalinscription may be
All inscription work will be done in a dedicated area away from gravesites within the cemetery property.
Example sentences for retrospect
But in retrospect, maybe he fixed his sights a little too rigidly on an arbitrary calendar date.
However harmless they are in retrospect, they never fail to startle, always causing me to pause and look around.
Our cars and factories had clearly triggered a worldwide reaction, which in retrospect shouldn't surprise us.
In retrospect, he viewed this journey as a dedicated work of art and forswore himself to only creating art from his
Again, this is not law but in retrospect it might have been sensible.
First, in retrospect, it's probably a bad idea to use an art museum for any kind of all-you-can-drink event.
In retrospect, maybe the dearth of scientific references in this article should have hinted as to its status.
The procedure was used-and in retrospect greatly overused-as a treatment for a wide range of psychiatric disorders.
Retrospect will be a safer basis of judgment than promises.
Head was a movie that had nowhere to go except down, but in retrospect, doesn't seem all that bad.
They are sharply defined only in retrospect, when the process is complete.
In retrospect, my critique of modern psychiatry was probably too mild.
In retrospect, the enthusiastic response was unsurprising, given the depth of need.
In retrospect it wasn't much of a story to begin with.
But in retrospect, it is clear how time-consuming that work was.
In retrospect, my campus performance seems a subconscious plea.
In retrospect, it may have been wise to wait until you had it in writing.
My bitterness, in retrospect, was justified--it was a nasty situation.
In retrospect, it was a mistake to have referred to one of my old mentors statistics as an example.
It also is one of those experiences that, in retrospect, defines us and brings meaning to our lives.
In retrospect, they probably never should have approved my topic.
The small steps may seem unimportant in retrospect, in light of the larger achievement.
In retrospect, your appeal to emotion was also shameless.
In retrospect, it is clear that not even one of those companies could have been successful.
However in retrospect there does seem to have been a lot of disagreement between the various parties as to which
way to proceed.
In retrospect it is difficult to imagine why the invention of the railroad took so long.
In retrospect, there were warning signs that this was coming.
Yet, in retrospect, rarely has an explosion anywhere in the world been so inevitable.
And it's always easy in retrospect to make the winning campaign out to be geniuses, the losers hapless bumblers.
The process is so slow that in retrospect it seems unremarkable-as if it were natural and easy.
In retrospect, any changes in his blood count may have been a reaction to the drugs he was taking.
In retrospect it is amazing how much skepticism greeted these suggestions.
In retrospect, there was a glaring logical flaw in community action.
In retrospect, he understood that they were measuring wind speed and direction.
In retrospect, it is astounding how short the period of the revolution's great achievements was.
It seems to me, in retrospect, that there was much to be said for their suggestion.
In retrospect, it was a sort of hubristic moment in the economics profession.

In retrospect though, perhaps this isn't surprising.

In retrospect, the real question isn't why lobotomy died, but why it survived for so long.
In retrospect it was one of those moments that make me really treasure my science education.
The result, in retrospect, seems entirely predictable.
In retrospect, the deck seems to have been stacked in his favor to a thoroughly implausible degree.
We have the luxury in retrospect to see their system was flawed, but they would have suggested it was simply
It seemed, in retrospect, to happen quickly or right away.
But they're usually recognized in retrospect, when it's too late for anything but regret.
In retrospect, that was a scary, destabilizing misstep.
And late in his college career, he came to cryptography, a discovery that in retrospect seems inevitable.
In retrospect, the interim consequences can be confusing.
In retrospect, it is clear that this was almost inevitable.
In retrospect, working this way was one of the livelier art ideas of the decade.
In retrospect, the tribal invasion seems to have spoiled everything.
What at the time was a simple exercise in entertaining a charity audience acquired in retrospect the weight of an
omen or a hex.
In retrospect, he says he lost the case long before the trial even began.
In retrospect, this was a balancing act that was almost destined to fail.
It sounds obvious in retrospect, but at the time, that was an original idea.
Some of the hopes attached to foreign investors were, in retrospect, excessive.
It was criticised for this, but in retrospect was justified.
In retrospect, though, it might be more useful as a warning case.
These two events can be seen, in retrospect, as the beginning of modern astronomy.
In retrospect it is clear the country was living in a bubble of hubris and unearned kudos.
In retrospect, these reservations seem more justified.
In retrospect, home prices were clearly in a speculative bubble.
In retrospect, the copyright balancing act has survived only because of the imperfections of earlier copying methods.
The change of scene should not, in retrospect, be surprising.
In retrospect, writing off the dollar was premature.
Looking back and ahead, in retrospect and towards the future, enjoy the company.
In retrospect, he always had been looking any clue that might help explain the chaos of his life.
Incredulous Sentence Examples
She was incredulous that any living thing could be so flimsy.
She used an incredulous tone with me once I told her I wanted a homebirth.
This is absolutely incredulous, requiring one to connect with ancient astronaut theories or Atlantis myths.
They felt incredulous that local people were 'on the dole' for many years.
This brutality seems rather incredulous to the modern reader.
They gave incredulous looks, possibly wondering if they were being paid enough.
She is almost incredulous at how her circumstances have changed.
They are often incredulous at the sums that the poorest children and pensioners have received.
The incredulous response stifled his capacity to preach and to heal.
I'm still incredulous at the idea that oil had nothing to do with this political problem in the Middle East.
Their incredulous stares were followed by a raft of objections and interpretations.
Monochromatic Sentence Examples
Monochromatic radiation leaving the exit slit is focussed onto the sample by a toroidal mirror.
He uses a wide intensity of colors, alternating between saturated hues and muted, almost monochromaticeffects.
Monochromatic x-ray beam.
But I have a very monochromatic style of making films and these are plot colors, like the bright neon colors in

Monochromatic light.
Here we have a typically monochromatic view of the whole situation - all or nothing.
Monochromatic lights sources for use in a wide range of experiments.
This is possible provided that nearly monochromatic light source is used.
Monochromatic image.
The laser 'light ' to emerge from a source has the characteristics of being highly directional and
essentiallymonochromatic ( single wavelength ).
Monochromatic world.
His paintings, largely monochromatic, are executed with the expressive strokes of a palette knife.
Audiovisual Sentence Examples
Audiovisual archives across the UK.
Audiovisual aid for the illustration of political lessons.
Audiovisual arena?
Audiovisual equipment, often used by politics staff.
Audiovisual presentation introducing a new initiative from the Strategic Forum for Construction.
Audiovisual translation has been dealt with in depth by a number of studies in the last few years.
Inversion Sentence Examples
Inversion of 33 matrices.
We then perform an inversion with respect to the cage.
The concept of the world is generated by direct inversion of the characteristics of ordinary experience.
Inversion ami.
Secondly, it decreases the open flux by increasing the length of the polarity inversion line where flux cancelation
Inversion of the truth.
For example, when a planar fragment is fitted to an almost planar fragment one fit may involve inversion of the nonplanar fragment.
This table allows for total inversion, where most high street inversion tables restrict you to having to use the
attached belt.
Inversion mapping task.
Research data from the Woodland Wildflower project will be used to enhance the results from the
topsoilinversion pilot projects.
For example the vertical spread of the plume may be inhibited by a strong inversion.
Inversion scenario is imaginable.
This process, known as waveform inversion, has been shown to give very dependable results.
Failure to degauss can lead to colors becoming sickly, or in extreme cases, complete color inversion.
Inversion layers are ruled out by total low cloud cover.
The set of linear equations is then solved by means of a matrix inversion.
Inversion algorithms can be used to reconstruct 2D or 3D images of the subsurface.
In itself, a temperature inversion is a simple effect.
Inversion recovery curve.
Further suppose that spectrum inversion does not in fact occur.
Example sentences for contradiction
It also speaks to the supposed contradiction of the bird singing in the midst of its struggle.
Be careful not to let amiable discussion turn into contradiction and argument.
It is not for the diffusion of truth, but for the spreading of contradiction.
But this contradiction increasingly defines the conditions of our lives beyond the virtual world.
There's a contradiction to my relations with my small community here.
Nor was he especially complex, unless you happen to view instant contradiction of utterance as deep.
So far, they see no contradiction between their political beliefs and their national pride.

One can see another contradiction in the proposals of theory of relativity.

It is a triviality of logic that any theory which deuces contradiction is an inconsistent theory and it proves anything.
And it invites contradiction, orderly to the ear, fodder for modern choreographers to play with and tweak.
There's no contradiction in the choice of subject matter, by the way.
First there's the inherently ridiculous contradiction-the recognition of absurdity is often funny.
More importantly that theory is tested to try to find a contradiction and from there new theories are created.
The trumpets of alarm will continue to sound, even in direct contradiction to any and all available facts.
The notion of patient autonomy is a contradiction and an oxymoron.
Their resistance to it always had at its core a contradiction.
There is a clear contradiction between these two policies, and we're trying to have it both ways.
All along this rally has been dogged by a contradiction.
Even so, the complaining foreigner poses something of a logical contradiction.
Buttonwood is really straining here to uncover a contradiction.
Started as a joke on those whose beliefs were in direct contradiction to reality.
They know more and their knowledge is above contradiction.
So this kind of answer is about the cosmological non-contradiction of the second law, not its reason why.
Scientists occasionally ridicule what contradicts known facts, but that is different from thecontradiction of accepted
Where military intelligence is not a contradiction in terms.
It's an odd contradiction: an excelling company being reviled in a country that embraces the profit motive.
It's not a contradiction for an artist who's committed to working outside to work inside.
One final contradiction may lie beneath all the others.
It is its own contradiction, parody and apotheosis, especially in its architecture.
None see any contradiction between doing good work and making money-preferably lots of it.

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