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=~ ie Paes ia Astronauts’ Own ae a Te at cS 1 States te od ss oS ct alley ue ee cae oe Your Amazing Telephone Line a” Bell System engineers are finding that because it can carry your voice 30 well, W's good for a lot of other uses, too! Telephone Hines exrry both the deep tones ‘of men and the lighter tones of women wi Fidelity. This is why you ean always recognize «familiar voice over the phone. ‘Your telephone's wide tonal range offers other communications possibilities as well One of these is a portable unit which doc tors can use to transmit an onthespot clee- twocardiogram of the heart from a patients hhome phone. The “E-K-G” signals are con ‘verted to tones which are sent over the phone line to a hospital for study by a specialist. ‘The diagnosis can then be telephoned back tothe doctor. ‘Another probebiity te that somedsy you ‘may pay bills by phone, You will simply insert special plastic cards into a telephone set that ‘automatically, and then detail the dollars tnd cents by pushing numbered Touch-Tone® buttons. In this way you will ring your hhank’s computer, identify your account with ‘code number, and tell the computer whom to pay and how much. Your bank will do the ret. In fact, the things your phone ean do for you, just by basically being a phone, are till ot fall explored. ts ability to transmit the tomes essential to such data communications asthe “E-K-G" and. the bill payment suggests many remarkable new uses for your telephone line. ur engineers are working on them. As its {ature unfolds, day by day, your telephone line will rely become more personally Yours than itis even now... one of your most useful aids. Bell System ‘araoun Turns nt Tleaan Co. ‘sete Spans? A REPORT ABOUT PAIN RELIEF! 2 BAYER.ASPIRIN TABLETS=™ VS 2 BUFFERED TABLETS == BUFFERED PRODUCT, PAIN RELIEF SCORES ‘Based on a study published in The Journal ‘of The American Medical Association (sty wos pide bine U8 Both sets of numbers a ‘Tho Faderal Trade Commission. The rad num= 60 ‘bers are the pain-raliet scores trom people re- ceiving two tabets of Bayer Aspirin. The Diack ‘pumbers are pain~relet scores from peopte take ing two bullered tablats Although there are ni sSnifleant ciferonces inthe pain-raliot scares, this unbiasod roport shows clearly that Bayer ‘Aspirin Is unsurpassed by the butfres product {or pain rele. BAYER ASPIRIN IS PURE PAIN RELIEF ‘Tho only active pain relieving ingrediont in both products is aspirin. Bayer is puro aspitin. Pub 1.39 320: ss taps" 240 lished scientiic reports about people in pain slate thatthe adctiona ingredients in the but fered product do not make it more gent to the stomach and, in fact, oer sry detectable value whatsoever. But Bayer Aspirin fe pure Baepivin. Sayer Aspirin is pure pain roi! ao ge Vol. $8, Mo. 13 Apt 2 1965, CONTENTS 4 12 33 4 45 Bobby on Mt. Kennedy “6 toms in the News: a Washington Repert so 53 oa Operation Foll-a-Fox-Hunt az Braciey—Geod Man ana Tr 2 Francis 8. Sayre, Free-Swinging Cleric 125 saa Miscoltany 340 aN genes Hida EDITORS’ NOTE Bird-Wate at Cape Kennedy When we started covering the fist or weoithie, spare age in the late 105m, Cape Kenedy (Canaveea) wa a remote. hostile aml security Fidden place, The “birds” being launched fom the sandswept he eape were military, and government see tremely edgy when we showed up wi would ly was anyones guess—and the rin tne ay were the bartenders Attempting to cover an early lnuching of an Atlus esse, L Might of the bind, Within fn hue security police swooped dow tnd Marte was routed By the time the fist unmanned Mer= cony-Relstone was teal, two years lat- fr Mase hal ake his way Hock position jut half ile fom the pl. By the ‘as launched, Morse noe photograph ing for the sill picture pool whic ep reeats all neespapers nl magaxines, Tua persuaded NASA to allow him to remnte-contrlledemerason the zim to record Ham's entrance into shoot, Morte tioned up clo at Hangar the Aetronauts’ intial ap- pearance on fight day. Last week at ape Kennedy. as John Young and Gus tepped out ni launching. Morve was two feet away. snapping the proceedings two remote cameras. Jobm Young was relaxe ce encort dashed across Cap ‘wives who were hind tage point (ae picture p31) From fve tiles away to two feet away is quite a sgnieant im provement ia the bind-watehing business, Ax Monse ses it, there's tnahere to go from nov am but up. None of a wow to se Ralph disappear into the capsule etling clocr to the bind every year Gayle tar cx P. Hut, Managing Editor iiiigoonna = EDITORIALS Students: Mostly on Target This year's epidemic of college demon: stations cannot be dieminsed a» spring fever. Theeampus natives ar restless anal ave been geting oo for several years. If tot all the matives, then certainly the iste that sonal bot. interesting suhoulture ofthe college community that supplies the bodies and placard for agi- tations both on and off campus, ‘Their ‘eases range from Selma and Vietnam to the negleet of good teaching and the com. ppteriation of grades. They join new lef ‘ah organizations with new tacticn, se ss the Students for Demorratie Society thas roan Marx. \etiviem is laa a way out of the iden tity isin” that seem to uliet so mn tundergraduates: they ean match wit ‘out iaking the painful deivon on which para eke en represent ‘Buell Gallagher, president of the City College, New Vor detcets « "take-over tnemtality” i some otudent group that hae fears may signal “the end of academic Ince andthe begining of the rigs of ‘unreason." In a lees alarmist spit et ae arly one familiar yardatick of judgment fn some of the recent demonstrations, the yardstick that relates enda and means Are the announced goals of the agitators reasonable and the tacticn wellaited t0 hieve ther? In the ease of the University of Cal: orn rots in Berkeley. which sparked x0 sonable demands last year but these bal- ome) with the administrative retreats and mistakes they fed one Moreover the [osceative taetion of mascve sit-ins were cout of all proportion to the limited de- ‘mands. The latest revival of disocder at Berkeley in the form of a “Flay Spocels ovement” (Lare, March 19), though disarmed hy the FSM. wna an imanely logical extension of ite demands a tac tir ‘The FSM. has forced a wholesale seifexamination ofthe University of Cal- fora which may have some good eewuls slong with the bad, but it fas elonded rather than clarified the free speech isu. "Whe sicin asthe University of Kanaan thowgh far lat ominoun, wat ae inden: ‘les Kansas a htegrated university (about theve percent Negro) but ite fe tells and croton te not. So TIS ttodergraduates and ce teacher +4 for two days outside the chanel’ ace ote this and ot themes ret 4 Tho were way off targets Neither the tciveraty bor thee partir faeries hhaveany role o policy against integra srw rl one The eter te color blindness with some acta Negroteubera, But do mate aretta bring sat quiet act any clover? In contrast to thee, the roeent pl ‘at Yale was a model of saber marks hip. Two hundred students protest 1 faculty committee's failure to pro- Lire, Jan. 2) of dogma anther fore a marty tothe m ’ ‘4 reconsideration of the Ber tin ease, This failed to eave Bernstein, Inu shat President Brewster termed “the Siew and Ree aatrations at the Univer: sity of Michigan and at Furligh Dickin- so in New Jerey have so far heen orderly fd lave led to some improvement in ve- Tations among the students, the faculty and the administration, “That teemed to he happening ako St John’s University in New York, the largest Catholic university inthe U3. (1 000 sttaents) and ove of the mont pater= nasi. St, Johns has had almost mo st eat political activity, 0 controversial ‘otaide npeakers heasily censoted publ cations. But when some faculty menbers by a euddem stodent rally that booed the ation (hitherto. comailered a+ fred) and demanded rights of paliical Other faculty ‘rere emboldened tam further eriicicms ("What ci St. Thomas none about The Pil") ad a iemow trying to resolve the uproar Ire Aiets not s© much the spirit of Rerkeley 1s of Pope John XXIIs effort to make hole thought more relevant t modern ttndergeadinte, Sorely. involvement point. Commitment. for sake can absea irrational. That is the element of danger in these revolts, But the generous idealism ‘of their motives ix impressive and so are the taste, sence and order most of the tetiviet students have been showing. rot the whole Gias: Nobody’s Mistake but L.B.J.s Nowlethal gas may indoed be as humane 2m the Pentagon clans, but its wwe in Viet= 1 wan « political blunder, Even more tower the aereptitions wy fa whe aries Rusk and Meamara had to weigh inate with a fefense of the decision whieh tounded like a pest hee cationaleatin, eating chemical agents played to breeh ep rite m the US. ond leewlere. Their tise im battle, bonevers tecalls their antecedents, World War I gene and star gases, giving then 2 symbolic importance out of proportion te thie conaperativelyinnetonen charac: tarthe uso of ga. isin for Vietnam appears 10 Ihave been reached without adequate cn White House sielaime seaponsbiy: Press Seeretary Reedy says it ix “not the sort of thing that comes up for high level approval Ax Co ef of the Nrme Forces, the President sof course respoms- Ie for any act undertaken by the mil ether oF hi, it aol have been Vietnam. Such ztined cught not be disipated to such small purpose, especialy without plenty ‘of corions thought on the part of our Pres rt about the political ransequeners You don't tuck a Wildcat V-8 into just any cage. New clink Grn Sport. Scuffing a hulking engine onto a set of wheels is 2 long way from making a Skylark Gran Spore. Oh, we have a big bore engine, all right; 4e0-cn. in. of Wildcat V-8, to be exact. And it does come on like gangbusters, But you get a lot moze for your Gran Sport money. ‘A heavy-duty frame, with suspension to match, for instance. The kind of tough, reliable brakes Buick's been building for years. Steering and handling that keep che reins in your hands. And a ride that makes you think you're driving a big limousine, instead of an eager Skylark. Obviously, Skylark GS is a car designed for fun—and the sort of safety that lets you enjoy st. So wouldn't you really rather have a Buick? One of the new Gran Sports from Buick 4 Styles change! But Nabisco Shredded Wheat has been too good to change for over 60 years! So we made the only change possible: our package. Nabisco takes nature's own nutritious wheat and turn it into a breakfast ‘cereal to good to improve. Crisp. Nutlke- Jun plain astisiying. We ‘woulda’ change I, You wouldet let vs, Bul we'e aye conscious, so we did change our drs. Now, is sinny-morning yellow. mide the box, though, $s the same Shree that for 0 years. I's ‘s Investors’ Page INFORMATION FROM MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE How “rich’ are investors? many own stocks listed on the N.Y. Stock Exchange?...what to discuss first with your broker...4 steps to wise investing. ‘This year, i is likely that more than one rillion Americans will become shareown- rs for the first time in their lives. If you're one of them, you'll be joining a group estimated at more than 17 million. Would it surprise you to know that there fare more shareowners in this country than labor union members, or college students, or farmers? How “rich” are investors? An Exchange study indicates the median income of shareowning families is $8,600, and about half are in the $5,000-t0-$10,000 bracket. ‘More women than men own stocks—and, by occupation, housewives lead ‘number. An estimated 11 mil- lion men and women own stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange. I investing is on your mind, you may be wondering: “How 0 1 berin?” We reeom- ‘mend the folowing four stepsto wiselnvestng. First, make a get-acquainted call on a repistered representative of a member firm of the Exchange. There are some 3,400 offices and you'll usually find “Members New York Stock Exchange” on their doors and windows. Both the firm and its registered representatives have bad to ‘meet Exchange qualifications and are sub- ject to Exchange rules. (One regulation is Uhat registered representatives. must be full-time brokers.) Slart by discussing your investment goo!. Do you want dividends to bolster your req- lar income? Or long-term groicth in the tale of your stock? Or bonds, perhaps, for ‘the greater sajety of principal and stability of income they often provide? Second, how much should you invest? Nothing, untilyou have provided for emer- sgencies and for the usual expenses that ‘most people have. Generally, i's a sensi- ble rule to invest only funds that you don't ‘expect to need in the foreseeable future. ‘Third, what to buy? And how to buy? Certainly not on unsupported rumors or fragments of news. Ask your registered representative for the most factual ac- count he can give you ofa company that seems to hold promise for you—the trend of earnings, the dividend record, its finan- cial condition, announced plans for growth, possibly news about management. Ask for his judgment to season your own. Finally, remember that stock prices go uupand down for many reasons, and neither facts nor the coolest judgment can elimi- nate the risk and wrong ways to go about it (Oxn your share of American business Members New York Stock Exchange When you make an electric shaver that costs a bit more, you'd better have a lot of answers ready. 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Unlike ordinary "one. way" air conditioners that leave war pockets around a single, chilly blast—when Cycle Aire is “on” angled discs spin and change direction of air low. You'll enjoy perfectly uniform, cool comfort and crisp, clean air. For maxim cooling power, the new Admiral Arctie Window tilts out ats touch . tilts in to ft flash with sath and draperies, Wah grain panel blends with and enhances any decorating scheme. Admiral Thermostatic Climate Control lets you select exaet coolness you like. Squirrol-cage fan moves more air than ori nary air conditioner fans, yet i's whisperquiet. 21 quality Adinical models, 4,500 through 29,000 BTU*. There's nothing “finer ot any price. Admiral ait conditioners start as low as #9985! nook REVIEW Comic Journey to a Tragic Destination by WILLIAM EASTLAE (Simon & Scher) 85.85 Tha tine of war Paloouer, the dark fae tn shor, this ea contradiction joss henley troop Clear of becky. nt cme vo ertaly ty, Elk, Anfesjack andthe reat done hat the contraictioes otalre {0 the ascent nate atthe edge of eather than cane! one another, GeapeityecdeInpeneibeCeiin) Oath rape to « tae desigh ‘de Mnldorabs tcappalled: His visors Ranlabe's Gute cther Me oes represeat every man type. and response 40 a guided tour throgh AMereore fe Wael. ad he has never one of those iitation east Amer ‘llowedliletopenerate is walls Bat Sean illonaive neve onl of throw ‘hey brah in aide cud'emter, and ing up at thee of the 10h Cen teteatter the Cm Wea t mak can never ceane iy. A fst yon cat belles your yeaa thay stoklbam of reper telly edie tate allowed ton from the ravage of a war that isin hia oseu merely mowentary Bat itiswo ue, ot daring of te dean an thes to admiration forthe nerve sifeistakeu ae it takes to make ie i then, Ire Un beth the a ten Vet all dhe site, nth 4 new Leculadee f why such mot toon The sophia ou S11 i mech render nal bn eaaly ecacpugere mincrjane Rearapuchalioasoe et eareal teas tcety Mba te we ie gteon Seale abe ‘hecandern ety the Comat’ ogres a ptred ve eloped hy and ok errata patk Wy the Kin of ingerate Levittown om bi font Lo gree that alo them ar infinitely more inter catch on exer ete in proervng the nearby shore Tose than ia prveriag the ease nos you boul not AMV of them care mare for thi 0- judge oy ite tome, Willis ment than they dor te whole stn Fartabs ie fst non witha aye of history tet hes Kel tho Toa allright, at's een fnter The alae, halal his ee pastiche Earopean eras ‘pli ile ale's conventions jn Europe foun 1912 Hhogh the symbolic (Gaale may ba European in Atencio aah ram lt Americen faeces uli nian, Bat thor ic mor eve than Racy toch tiqu. Eastlake hae git or creating be cheno ‘rlbetd comes crits sed bly Tes ‘outlined yet subtly shaded come efie ccd fin Lenny Thos eb cheetah end Meo a ‘ies she vest the rymibolicexulefineat competitom in the probeat- iy be symbols to, but they ate ing pence of the comie novel. More leecopaizable American Glo ght- important, he docs ot lowe sight of ‘in an ewes beleeable netor tne fart=an it would have bow ey Work! War The An {wud withso much goingon tha the Try the new dishwashing discovery with rose petal softness for nani Today, let your hands discover new Rose Loti brings you newsoftness—rose petal softn grease in seconds. Try it for dishes and feel rose petal softness for your hands. More news: push-pull sef-sealing cap ends the mess of drippy, gooey bottles. Thoughtful little touch. Try it! el. Save 7¢ with this special coupon EACH FOR THE BOTTLE WITH THE ROSE Y, fe of? CORN FLAKERS Judge s Americo ornus: Me en. He thinks I’m a natural... I know it’s my Hi-Fi Make-up. I love the feel of it, the dewy, soft look of it, the easy way it goes on. He loves it too. But he thinks it’s all me. _ So when he calls me _aborn beauty I don’t argue. | I just keep the Hi-Fi close by! Hi-Fi? Fluid Make-up by Max F: | special moist ‘B plexion shades 'or change color. ‘You and Your Family are : Invited to Borrow for 10 Days Copy of . . to Introduee you to the Ts NATURE LIBRARY ‘tone time or another, each of us has hal some acquaint- tance withthe theory of evolution. But what exaetiy dows ‘evolution invelve and how did Darwin formulate the the- ‘ory that set off a storm of controversy that, even today, has not quite died down In EVOLUTION, the Editors of the Lire waruRE tuseany ‘and author-ecientit Ruth Moore retrace the ep achieve ‘ments of Charlee Darwin—his theories, his diseoveries, today’s continually emerging proof and its mesning in our lives, Follow the original route of Darwin's voyage into the past and see the startling wild Ife that led him to ‘write On the Origin of Species And then learn the ane "twers to the riddles of hevedity: ase for yourself what Chromosomes look like; how genes are responsible for blue eyes; what causes freckles, albines, dwarfs. ‘This i fascinating and Sting introduction to the world cf nature that continues in the Lire NATURE LapeaRY. Bach book draws upon the vat editocial and illustrative mate: ‘alot Lint magacine and i writen under the guidance of ‘experienced authorities. Should you decide to buy EVO- LUTION {you are under no obligation to do so}, we shall, enter a reservation in your name for future volumes in ‘the Live Narone tipxany tobe shipped to you every two ‘months—for the same 10-day free examination period— ‘again with no obligation ta buy. ‘This is an ideal way to introduce young people to this {fascinating world of nature—and itis interesting, enter ‘ining reading forthe infeligent layman. Some of the tides in the serios are shown here—each volume measures 534 x 11 inches and contains over 190 pages, hundreds of full color photographs and illustrations, complete index ‘and seletive bibliography. These books are comprehen= ‘ive additions to any reference brary. Just fl in this coupon for your chance tread EVOLUTION free for ten ays and sample the excitement of this wondecful series. ‘Time/Lite Books Time & Life Bulding, Cheago,IMnola 60611 . Please send me's copy of EVOLUTION, It declde to keep, will pay (nly #885 (plus sipping and handling). You may ten con my Steerftion to receive tutore women in the Lire Narony aen8Ry, whlch] understand will be gent a 2-mout interval atthe sume pice (of 8895, Ii understood that these Ztare eelumer sre also to be wnt feiving fy nd I'may cancel my rerervaton at any time. 1¢ 1 eo nok ‘Shooos'skep EVOLUTION, or bcorne a suseribe to the Lave ATURE {CoearryI wil return Ghe back within ten days ny reservation for for thre volumes will be cancelled, and Iwill be under nofurther obligation. REVIEW conn los subjoet ofthe novel i human frowth and change His soles may eet tn thebeats "aman do’ od a persoual war to lowe oF to win, he die Uke a at at gots eppedn.” Then be peak Counts atneson with hice ‘lod of i dueovery to his wounded exposed te Companion: "Right, Cearbos? We In lenced by i. ta the met of dee got the eae, Iumanizing war each begon alot tmaconcioaly to search wilh Bi sie a pl cl evry sah Invmanity Av mont them ame te find it before they ar eut dow Tobewith other peopl’ wars” bout Caste Kop there ned he vo 1s, Adm Amberjck aye to Kimecfambiguly. We got the emule and Inthe extremity of his Gal battle, i well worth heeping. by Richard Schickel To which Crarboy replies, because (Cary deen Kno wba thea out an benune Fala Anthing you 1, Lea Some ambiguous, but ad MOVIE REVIEW sight come bi ay order osha foot the anguish of the pat. Samal Sone, tor the wosld he lives in i dlnost at condi and hopeless the Concentration amp. By day he ae Hot Bargain ‘opt the offerings ofthe pathetic o ina ‘700 people whe conme bnse hi tp, nd lily dolen oot pitanes to Pawnshop therm. By night he ha # lvelee af fair with the lately widow of hin (On weehenda he vnt, bot ever ea ty commonless wich, he. veual opi fram, 1 hides abarhan develope ts = fine rerpe for gloom, and ‘The Pounbroer could cally have Iben jute anatertaviey, po orumentary stroll through the ‘hom iC 1 had not bee ape directed (hy Sidney Lumet) and Aaseanly seed by everyone down te {he smalleatsnapat sole The baw tom deste that dite i ad ont 1 PAWNROKER Tsay goto Mraap pes TH Saray ety aon Magciscertauns Sud aa cae one aah Rint ng Tipo tenses Polder eeepc Sineisiaiecs usu ieaaa acca a Le cee ween ere tose Boia cag pou aoe pnp al Se eal erty nee Satin Mocccatty Sots hard carapace be- ‘oe to erack, His ager young Porto ean asastant ("Teach me about fol, bes”) make him nen i The He. A do geongscil worker exon rods him to anger by asking for his Sympathotl interest swell ab a cash foatribtion. Then, i 4 remarkably ‘recesfl sequence of Rasbeck in vente os his Earopea as icker almost blimey an the seven for split seconde, Sol begin p80 pce. His post ans migraine mesnorien alld Sage version of Rashomon to the friendly butcher ta the TV origial Marty, to. Marlon Brando's inept other fn the movie On the Maer front, Now hein east an Sol Nase ‘men, dour, armor plated man whe ‘im allyperked peop ie Spa Sat ark, Sol han ved hough he meprakable spony of 4 Nex exw centration camp. He hat cei wie sfolaed and tortured, hi children ‘rterinaed ht bet fend dle wee At Tat when through hi omm ob dare blndese i young atau i tho end killed, the pawnbroker Ieee down and weeps. He i hue sian being again for eter of were. ‘And, from what finally appear the cereen, Tauspeet say that fr ‘hen It wl be wore, by Richard Oulahan the camp. In surviving tv horrors, [Sel he sopped Bing. He bar slut font any fring for He, any tender: ‘es, happince, or badaeos that The jet is fairly common. The airline is one of a kind. For every sports fan. Spalding presents the live sounds of the most dramatic moments insports history. Only$1.00at sporting goods dealers. muxc...theREC@RD Lia e } Why do homes built by Levitthouse* have “decorator” kitchens? For the same reason ud Wi oil heat. What women won't do for their children! You'll hardly recognize kind, _One thing that's sure to sat her mild-mannered offis the name “Durene” ona tag store. Her mind be- ofa label, And that's really all our faut We make this pure mercerized cotton so that it stays fresh, feals smoothly comfortable (important for crawiing on all fours), washes cleaner ang brighter, and can outlast a bread of brothers. [And when she so firmly stakes her elaim to a rompsult that isnt even sale-priced — one that actu ally casts a trifle more—you can be certain there's @ good reason, ihe ony good esoenon f America, 380 FRY ie ‘New Yor 10001, hase member com Seo CHUM ‘ A Boost for Rep Boom Dresses ia Seana, Chektos iw Milwaukee. Tarps in: Houston. [Name any worli-famoos playwright sd you Gnd Ms works i repertory frre the country. Tn the repertory Tne—the tnt sprieant reve Secopeemt in US eslirtstcment ler of vuch ‘qentapled el isiikiny er deter phe ooh: nly bythe Ford Found local ep are ne Arnos withthe help of T¥ diese tors They ae shown in ine hig ie Inthe Kast, Nowe midway tn the sere, thene tx chance to eve the Ireupes te aerate on shat pod soeee rol 1 fed several nate saris, svat sarprao by Norman Corsi's “The Riury,« dramatiation of the ppsier aire gery pretty pedestan to me asa Broa tay play, baton TY it ens get Sint sting The Cleveland Play Timite prokctioa potted ep bev pry covered McCarthy. beri oo oil for thie ‘mace media. Not at all; Samuel Beckett's det Widow Warde We sn- ‘en by Claclnatt’s Payhoase inthe Park, drove home some sad and fn ny true abot ened a epee: inrted by ten es tad te ba Tipeey tps 1 weal be vat sgh to sy the play was als ‘door bt it nae belly eect, 1 ruck my favorably, as 8 Kind of tein comercial ie ing The other evant garde sens: wae Harold Pinters The Dum Tato. chilling lve of te ie gun ‘en, beatifaly pt on yh he hie or se a ie length dena. Tint thi that Willan Saroyan's The Ril Pap eed slimmed down by the shar Plas he of in overgrown bly fat And he orate Trae ‘ley "Theatr Tome the le oft the bet tay, Thi soot lam at he Alley, ils does goad work. But epic (Grovk dramas hich wd hellcon ‘edetre Hea prepont Tyres great the epertery te Sil of them nor clue, hich in gears of play ping Ta neve had Shen to aoe They were Se Po rice Day Sheridan, acted by th ‘Gharks Payhorse fn Bostons Che hows The Wldings done ery wel by the Milmuer Repertory The se deepen sor, am "The Feed Marriage by the MeCarter These in Prneton, NJ. Ew wit vo fin lis ‘ren with te short plas by Lait andes Lam Angeles Theater Crop Irs Clie bythe Bate lero bingo, Vasa the APA group at New York® Phow bx Theatre andl ane more show, at $e not nt Thirich and rari diet fi made easier to chew by a fe Taminating remarks fro etic W tee Kev beloe each Th Emo ven fw opty ote ‘ong sith is high points, as eed eevee ‘ctions of Shas Sil feel ety-bound Ye aceept i That, of cone, the worst way to dehenee Bat Fano ho doe well, to jt the wey la eset op teen ts have bret lr ba the eatin ‘tno teachers and dem lovers at Save high, Aer the series ove oso ill muke avilable charge the TV tapes of eich show 10 Seto and seriowestdents ad thie lp crete what la greatly acd ‘What Eran dng, plas, bea a for itn image ato the full, Ba there's arin the Selling tu leds with idee by Tom #1 does practically everything for you automatically and loads instantly, too “The KooaK INsTAMATIC 800 Camera is the most convenient, most auto- matic, most helpful precision camera in the world today. It loads ‘utomaticaly...utomatically adjusts for fim epood... automaticaly Eavanoas tet for you str each shot..atomatialy ads the {ast #/28 lens for correct exposure...aufomatically warns when you reed to use flash...aulomatically switches to flash speed when you pop up the built-in flash holder... automaticaly sets itself for correct flash exposure as you Tocus...aulomaticaly indicates by rangefinder when focus is correct...and more, much more! This extraordinary pre- Cision camera costs lass than $130. See the Kooak Instamaric B00— {and the many other KoDAKINsTaMATICCameras~t your Kodak dealer's. Pres euloct 19 change without notion. KODAK INSTAMATIC 800 Camera EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, ROCHESTER. NY. Now get more lite insurance for your money at Allstate. SS eo SEE HOW MUCH MORE ALLSTATE WHOLE LIFE INSURANCE S15 A MONTH CAN BUY. | hae a satrgrate | g434¢23| 12,26) 12.068) 11,09 | 10.574 Fa reduction: | $15:434 All life insurance companies’ rates are not the same. At Allstate we lowered rates on lifeinsurance inJanuary, 1963. So a dollar now buys as much as 13% more whole life insurance, Other kinds and amounts of Allstate Life Insurance are available for as little as $5 a month, depending on your age. All with good, honest value built right in Just call an Allstate Agent at Sears or an Allstate office. He'll be glad to come to your 14415| 13,483 | 12,495 11,595 home. oa AF 5 Allstate Life Insurance Company. Home ae Office: Skokie, Hinois. Lot me read you tis one, Daddy You’re in good hands with Allstate’ Founded by Sears The incomparable puncture-sealing General Dual 90 the tire that takes care of itself—and you! ‘This is the remarkable tire that seals punctures as you drive—simply rolls over nails, glass, sharp rocks! Great for years—better than ever for 1965. With the flexible armor of steel-strong Nygen cord for blowout protection. With new, unbelievably long-wearing Duragen rubber. And with the im- portant new Continental tread for even more quiet. comfort, and safety. Considered by many to be the work!’ finest and safest tire—the tire thar takes care of iself...and you! GENERAL TIRE ~ {.Smooth even finish; no lap or brush matks...guaranteed! -2Most colors cover in one coat...guaranteed! 3.Flows easily with brush or roller...guaranteed ! 4.Withstands bumps,knocks, wont fade. ..guaranteed ! 5. Can be washed and scrubbed...guaranteed | Homogenized Spred Satin now GUARANTEED 5 ways! ...does everything we say it will or your money back 8 NEW #8 MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Glidden Homogenized THE GLIDDEN COMPANY & Mayflower movers place everything where you want it —the way you want it! Your belongings are set wherever you wish. Anything taken apart for moving is put back together. And our Accredited Movers give cach item the individual care it needs... help make your new home immediately livable. Call us when you move long-distance. You'll like Mayflower’s people because they're never satisfied until you aret ‘recog Rae ane aii werenaale 1 Once in a magic moment a cosmetic captures colors so beautiful only a special compact can hold them! ome Capture the glow of sunshine... the hue >, And, just ike magic, these new Ange! Face Cf honey... the softness of sik. That's 4 hy owe Now Tres sn sunren on snis tegermaat quay Ee : {argon Wh neal Abn sy? é tandSctaramsticrmoy.stgr omits Bomeork: aed by sss back = ted'tn he Sandan comes cook ave late eit Mich make ey won ce tn ret i Enna as lnce rie a3" Ando niu vas inyourartcke the popu the seiemen, andine_—Ws#I06on, D.C Soi ey and a a fei er ino (Alon) mena UatelSaOURE THE FEMININE EYE fey working ana ent Rete ® sol omy tiney cams otcrewstoace "Who Aretha esis? ED. ‘cls teen need thomas guundrih how othourgaccon. ST ‘Shin th ta Fonmisofourpanine, Athens 1 ANE Ged eng Shona SORTS eaten Kutnsx ff comecnd that many, Aan “Ader of ei fa Chi, Win SiS pence ces one feet Mom are Sane naam Se SO a cet Vice rie ben waned hind Irhascane my tendon wat Sr Fete tr ‘Hovwh tats apt me sly ooh rae ue Gan 39) tere ee = in afin of Aspen hes an a “Wieletspitan tered onl a hrc duane Srpabowsbymumed ne ALi suing "Arman said econ ghar Synge Seen tytn beck! wae fora the bine athe es ord vc ne bes Fee are eh Key worl rendatcharoingmone shpat il ebol “he stir soareiy forgo stout Sarchoyaiion’ot Anetcans” "do Mansound cas amen cose" eu ete tht oun Alnor wre suns aches utente. SAUER, Simote uirstou! wewumche: wae afmgary ig whe nee ai Sta Some Show bist“ spi to The Hi Noiheow oe Wounossvoce ener male ane do ihe a ae Sata oe ste, nena sae ohne Siete irordmearthmcgne Sh oy Srfran Aspen od mbes stn "Your conche and oii eto» SE wep, Ha ‘ota tom sal bog ot arty te omen” TRe;mason of er his ray Tian ConeKe Suture surat! cues gusts didn trm ne ame every The il Scoot eet ‘Soom Today when we ate sen) Stnetaporap ip actytaiyard Room, ais ‘ / Big | League | a 2 So Your Back Aches- jasebal loves os "4 "6 indoors | STUNNING MopERNs ll, Doesn't Everybody's? Mitions share this Houston domed stamprovises xu Paintings by fashionablecomplaint—andcomplaining ‘ne own weathor—and no rain chacke ‘hat few Westerners have ave ‘makes It almost worthernie eae 2 cote een eee oO Progress. The funny-looking box on the right is what station wagons looked like in 1929. This one sat 12 people comforiobly, ithad 11 huge windows to look out of, and when you honked the hor it went "Ooge! Oogal’ The box shape held 174 cubic feet. (About twice the lood of most modern wagons) ‘And the wheel bose was only 97 inches, 50 you could pork itn small spots. It wos @ sensible little machine; 100 bod somebody didn't quit while they were cheoe. The object below is what station wagons look like today. Mea of them only hold about half the people ofthe old timer. And about haf the load. They take @ lot of room to park, and a lot of gest run But then you get lots of shiny chrome ond sculptured lines to polish, The funny-looking box on the left is@ Volkswagen Station Wegos, It sects 9 people comfortably, has 21 windows, and § doors. The box shape holds 170 cubic feet. (About twice the lead of mes! regulor wagons) ‘And the whee! base is only 945 inches, s0 it porks in smell spots. We've improved everything on 1 the Volkewagen from the engine 10 the turn signals But it sill looks almost the some, Sometimes you moke progress by stonding perfectly sil) Greatest Values in HOTPOINT’S 60-year history! Hotpoint 30” range with removable Teflon-coated oven walls 15 Ih. washer i does two loads of wash at once! is new Hotpoint 2 = =) ae = o ae | = ist BE a Eee fC — $e Disguising the Man ‘wear hie new English at very lay. Baton the gon days when the anit has boom well brushed ad fibers adequately vested after a decent period inthe clot Twill nurse all his has probably bap feted tou late, A tian abl really Krave his fret Lonslon-tailored suit in single Savile Hor a few man it haw at least {ool plevtly veleeneated, « mivate of waistcoat and goo When fehoone it ree ray. worsted. covers up a aabetanial ser Much of my feeling about the sui heesperience oat lingering. Pleaswrable purchase Lhave ever made, he haces. Dering five mcetinge I had with my tailor ‘over period of two monte the eo Sereatm was delightflly singe-pu Jone, Wer talked about my rogue: i ty measurements, my appear fine. ant we seemed ways to be pro frssing toward a triumph that would Telecel my tailor became ie wae ice about a button. With « fiend ted ben lokag at soit materiale in several London shops and we finaly raained Me. Perry who ‘van teed in «double-breasted black Sabtcoat and striped trousers. A tape Imetsire wax draped around his nee. Mr, Perry was entirely courteous, but ashe showed us halts of el {lameing inthe direction of my At fit I thought he was teetering seme kind of understated astonishment fabout the eut of my American ready sede the might ‘beat thet prablers of ‘with my shape 1 was begining like Me. Perry, when be spoke. think you havea hit of there si” Mir, Perry began. i yom don THE | Loudon Wainwright HERE, He approached and delicately tucked ton on my coat. “The The aah. "donb ait will Tast "oat the day Well have it ed roperty for yom tm 4 tao ved am ridicule atch of a light-olored teed Tiked ite Mrs Perry sai iT may aay mo se eso look a bit massive in Appallel a the thought of being any sore massive than nevesary. I sleet. cod a darkish gray with a very faint flashy. not pretentious and it makes tupamart. We should get a go sul ‘The matter wan wile. ntl the measuring seaion that fl ‘of the neck tthe armpit (11 fromm the center of the Back to the bom (22 inci) from the inside St the leg—Kaown in London an the Tork-“1o the seam of the see (33% inches) the eieamference at the tro ing). There are 25 nd Me. Devry thera out Be ‘a aninant ho wrote them dowa ona lage pad Thee Sere necemary to eat the pattem Mr. Perry assed mand they would then be place in the company fle. ov agrvable to reflect that this cat. logue of species would be kept in amt pace ‘Weck elepud before I retard to London and Mie. erry. Looking for the fit time at my ew anit felt tinch the same horror Fd felt at the Fat sight of my eer som He'd ke very tw to me thong the nursery ‘itor and so dl Ue ty the oct Mivred with busting threat pockets timing or sewn shat. Me. Peery id tot remeure me entirely when be ound Some feu with the shoulder of red diegreed politely about details. Mr. Perry por Saded me thatthe jacket should have tice shape atthe wet and not be like ian Aree Teckingin character") T thatthe trousers soul be fted to ae ‘commonatem belt and mot suspenders. Me Perry di mot really Tike that tal. but bechcered upeonsiderably when we settled on the waistoat, Tt would de part somewhat rom the ateaight con: fervatiam of the rest of the suit and fbave ttle lapel of ta own. “The sep collar vest incoming into fashion sr bre ast approvingly." thik we're quite it go aeal and take the chanee.” Phased with rih-tahing, {proposed two se vents on the jacket But Mr. Pery coolly checked me, ‘AC the next sesion the aut was al rmost finished, and. Mr, Perry aller Some euidan T mee feet you wear it rotation ‘your other he aid “The mest meeting wat our last ands inuch an wend te Gabed wat, T Seas reluctant to sop buying i. Me Ferry he ach tromer og eer of th fhorae I put onthe pant The apes tn the waitcoat wore magnicent. The Jurket it preety score the couldn Teac raved quadrapiate, Me. Perry ened T ont think wel Bind the Whos pais at. rery, ated ioe i there hal been any special preblene e making the sl for be egan. “Some the ar uf dguicing the than, bu i's oly i's ea bas ba pearance haere are rel problem ihe hor good gure, ve come off trump TT that he had wot quite anenered tion and repent to retin." “tor have rather bong. by and thats the ting me had tty to We hn Yo lngten your logs peak and orien your ody Re vind Ht worked out ‘ seul defect in) stacture andl took, another look the mirore Me, Perey wae ght nan Import to tll now where ny sho igre nd my tog body begun per c'glow a hs mr torial arp sal gondby to Me Poors at of down the ee, 13> ing to ake my sic lang eaungh fo TE heer of the mit by GUS GRISSOM and JOHN YOUNG ‘Molly Brown was OK from the first time we met her’ Astronauts Grissom ond Young put thelr first person account of the Sighs inthe form of the dialogue Thich appeses Rene Gnussow: A couple of seconds aft er we splashed into the Atlantic, | thought, “Ob my Gd, here we go “The Gemini spacseraft is de- signed so the fe window—my ‘window willbe above water after the vehiele safely down and float- ing, But instead of fooking up at blue sky 1 was pecring down at blue underwater Trcalized that tll had not cut loose ou para: chute after landing and the Wind was blowing i acrons the water Togeing ws slong under the surface Tike submarine. Some people may think I'm sensitive about the Liberty Bell, my: Mercury space- craft which i Aow on the bot tom of the ocean. But ['m not, and that's presisely why 1 named this one the unsinkable. Molly Brown,” We had used more for mal names for our previous space ral, and some ofa were Bt hesitant to-go along with "Molly Brown.” They asked me if had second choice and Isai, "Sure, the "Titanic" But, anyway, there were switch cso throw and one of them was (0 Felease the chute, | didso and we popped to the surface like a cork YouNc: Yep, up unite the view ‘ut the windows looked lke ma- Finelana Grissow: We'got in the right pox sition and there were no gules Sr signs of water leaking into the ‘apaule, Our recovery technique allowed me to open at lest one hatch to give us some fresh ar but {delayed thisfor about 50 mites, PALE AND OAMP. Sil ooking 2 tat queay Irom having bobbed eatin the ooean nthe space all, Youre and Grissom sede sero the deck of the Ina, BACK AT THE CAPE. After wo ‘ays of aminatons and de tring aboard the Frente fo. Artronats tak over thee experience at Cape Kennedy 1 as sill thinking ¥ just didn’t want Molly Brown to sink, John wanted 10 open the hatch but 1 Sl held‘. Tally did open st tut only afer the frogmen had & Motationcollirattched, and Mol: ly Brown was obviously going 10 be OK. Youre: Molly Brown was OK from the fist time oe met her In Project Mercury a ot of improve ments were made alter the space craft got to the Cape, but with GT-3 most of the wrinkles were ironed out at the MeDonnell Tue tory in St. Louis. Things looked so {good even then that Gus went so far as t0 predict s launch date to me over year ago. He peeeed March 15,1965. I thought he was off his rocker at the time but it turns out he was only a week off Grissom: So one lucky puess makes me a prophet Youse: From St. Louis we went ‘on to endless hours in the spuce ‘raft simulator at the Cape. It ‘can't make you weightles but it ‘an duplicate practically every oth fe condition and problem you might encounter ons fight. Gus and [logged a lot of hours in that thing. running through everything {rom s routine mission to a Blow up on the pad. But even a sophise tieated pine of machinery like that can't prepare you forthe personal feations io die rel thing. Gussow: Shorty. afer take-off our on-board computer told us we ‘were going higher on the fight path than we expected. The boost fr was litle bit ho.” Luck Ty Goedon Cooper verified the same rom the ground, because the booster nosed down 10 get on the proper fight path IF we hada’t Known what was coming, we could Ihave been a litle shook up. For the frst 50 seconds of the Aight | had both hands on the ring ‘which would have blown both of ‘ur ejection seats out ofthe ap: Sule af things really went weong. John. ad's duplicate ring bat ‘when glanced over. I noticed he ‘wasn't Rolding itis hands were resting casualy in is lap. ‘Younc Ves, hut I was watching you and if you'd pled your ning ‘couple of times and nothing hape pened, I was sure going to yank fine hard, During this dime we didn't say word to each other because there was s0 much to do 0 fast, but once we got into obit ‘we could relax justa lite GGnassone Just about that. time John stared talking about the view. which really was incredible ‘Youxc: W's an overworked word but the vicw was fantastic. 1 had seen movies from previows lights snd ad said, “Shoot, that’s fast Technicolor.” But bos. we rally havea beaviful planet Hwish a had more time to enjoy it | sid to Gus, “Holy. smoke, ‘there's Bermuda, Pitch over and I'll take 4 plcture of i” Bermuda was Blowing like a diamond. But we ‘were going so damned fas that by the time ‘Gus had lined up the spacecraft for my shet, Bermuda tat almost gone, We were really hauling the mail, We really had only one clear atea where it was & populated area, and this asin Rotthern Mexico just above the Gulf of Catornia, Bu a the time ‘| hid a sandwich in my spacesuit’ NEW SPACE ERA conrwueo 1 was busy doing a tracking tsk. I think that I eould see scets down there in the eity but T wouldn't Want 10 swear (0 right now ‘Youa: We got some pictures of it and well slow them up and well se if we cam se streets Gnissowe 1 felt the same aware- ness of speed that John did. Heck, Tony went a third as fast on my previous ight ‘But as we were leaving the Cae nary Islands behind on the frst Orbit, all hell broke loose. Fist Job ‘told me thatthe pressure in the oxygen system which Kept us flve-both im ou sits and in the Spacecraft—hadsudden}ydropped. “Then [saw some bad readings in other places, I turned out that an electri converter system which powered the dias had malfune- tioned. We had plenty of oxygen; wwe just didnt have the readings, We had to assume, however, that the problem was worve chan tht. Tgvickly pulled the visor down on imiy space’ suit but atthe moment Tihought to myself, “IP the ox sen pressure ie realy gone it won't make any difference. You've dead lreads.” John was smarter than | was. He figured out the problem tnd reached up and tured on a backup converter. We went Fight on breathing. The only thing this faire meant ws that we covidn't I how much fuel we hed on board and how much oxygen we fad on Board. I dda’ affect any ‘ofthe systems other than our able ity to read out what was there ‘Alter we chanped—the spss are completely duplicuted—we had everything Younc: Afler we got all that straightened out, Gus had to do the sea urchin experiment. He was to turn a knob to fertilize some male and female ea urchin egos under space conditions, the object being to test the effect of weight- lesanest om living cel Gnussovt: Thats the one part of the ight plan that I guess dida't wwork out as planned. Maybe I had {oo much adrenalin pumping, but Twisted the handle s hard {broke itAs ars I know the experiment didn’t work out anywny. ‘John had an experiment that he sidn't cary of exactly as planned ip @ cither—checking on our space food. The meals we took alonz with us came in plastic bags and Wwe had fo insert water gun into the bag and squirt liquid inside to fecomfitte them, This i « good idea and it works fine, but takes some doing. Here Iwas siting over there fying and John was fooling around with the food and all ofa sudden he asked me if T wanted Youxe: Wally Schirra had a ccomed-beef sandwich mide up at ‘restaurant at Cocoa Beach a coe ple of days before and I id itn {pocket of my space suit. I just pulled it ou and offered it to the tipper. U hadn't counted on the pungent odor in a closed cabin, but Gus had been bored by the Ocal menus we'd practiod with inteaning and it seemed like a fun idea atthe time Gaissow: I still thought John was working with our regular food, and he said, “Do you want a bite?” Then he handed me a corned-beef sandwich, [took bite, but crumbs of rye bread started floating all ‘round the cabin so T stowed the Fest of it.I did try some of John's applesauce T must admit that as test pilots John. and T were not quite as fis- inated by sea urchins and sand- Wiches as we were by the chance to carry out some real ia space fight. The whole reason for ‘the Gemini prognim sto train for Sights to the moon which will n= volve changes in course in order to Fendezvous with other spacecraft. ‘We pulled of a couple of good ‘maneuvers along these ins. Inthe First orbit we fred some thrusters that completely changed our orbit from an ellipse to a near-ciele. ‘Wei the stme maneuver. aguin fefining the orb, just prior to ret rorire. We also proved we could fudge the spacecraft out of one Aight path into ancther. No Astro- ‘gut from anywhere had ever per formed these maneuvers before “YouNo: Gus felt so good ubout a this that he even fet me fly the Molly Brown for 0 few minutes, Thought have to break his em to take ovcr even for that long, Guiston: The most evtical part of Uheflight ast alwaysis, wae retro- fire and re-entcy. Here's where you [know the whole world is watching you, We fred our reto-rockets (0 Slow us out of orbit and stat our return to earth I is very pleasant to know those retro-rockets tre firing. ‘YouNG: I's one of the most won- erful accelerations you will ever experience {Grisso It was some sight—very impressive. Wecould see te whole Fetzo pack burning upas it came in fiaht behind us. twas real ‘Our on-board computer told us that ve would land shor. of our target, the sera carrer Fired. Here's where another fist came in T could actully maneuver the spacceraft almost like an airplane, ad Twas able to reduce the error ‘considerably Tine ome real big surprise to me ‘on the Might was the jalt we both trot when the main chute was de- ployed. The harness is rigged 20 that the spacscraft is snapped from a vertical postion 10145" landing side as the chute fils John and T ssere both thrown against the windshield. T banged into a knob that punctured a hole im my face plate: Job's face plate was only fertched. Then we were in the Water. Jobn, being a Navy officer, teas moreat home there than Iwas Younes That's when we had our lie submarine ride. 1m glad Gus jut that chute loose when he did ‘neeause I was about to, Gnissout: There were no holes in it no tears in it, vas perfect, beautiful chuterelly beantifl at that time Youno: Sure was. GGrussost: We was hot as bell in the capsule, and though tis stable fn the air it sure isn't stable in the water. We were both feling pretty sick in very short order. John retained his meal but Lost ‘mine. Twas fine after that, When the recovery helicopter arvived, 1 Jef the spacecraft frst because my hatch was the one that was ou oF the water and open. Youre That's the irs time 1 ever heard ofa skipper leaving the ship frst. Gnussost: Well tain when Tf. Yours: So now I was the cap- tain of a Navy vessel for a few minutes, and I renamed it the U.S. Molly Brown. Gaisout: It was a smooth, sHe- cfu light. But if Molly Brown had sunk out there, Td have jumped right off hat carrier. 1 made you cap- RECALLING THE RIDE. Young tnd Gresom tlk aniaatedly About their fight before Aying fo Washington where Present Sohson gave them both medals. In Moscow, a welcome to the space walker ‘Om the day America’s Astronauts were riding in Gemini I, the two Russian cosmonauts who had con teibuted so stunningly tothe space fa breakthroughs rode in flow fraecked car through Moscow There spuce-walker Alexei Leo nov (facing eamera at left) and his capsule colleague, Pavel Belyay were given glorious weleome Meanthile the word was learning more details of their tip, The rocket used 1 hurl the cox rmonauts into space had developed a thrust of 13 million pounds bout thre times more povverful than the Titan rocket used for Gemini. During his 10 mimutes ost Leonov traveled. about miles, orbiting alongside his ‘hipat7400mph. "Underneath, he sid peetialy ‘of the view 250 imiles below, 1 sould ele Volga, the beauty, the gray haired Urals, vast forest areas, Getting ou of the spaceship was ro peoblem for him. He sipped first into a sp designed to reduce the presure inside his Spaces 10 Keep it fom blowing up like a balloon when he went into the surround When I was ready to LLeonov, “1 gave a hile push and popped out of the hatch tke Cork Once out, he took movies ‘of the ship from 1S fet away then Gismantied camera and ished it toward the hateh—"It oated there by itself" He worked with tools, presumably including serench, which in space eas fr Special ichnique. Getting back in turned out t@ be difficult. Each time that he approached the now weightless ship and touched it, Would move away, “ike a seesaw fn which wo persons move alter nately up and down.” BY nos, he Was tired and, to pull himselr back {o the ship, be yanked so hard on his feline that he had to put out his hands to. avond collision ith the ship. Back inside he suid 10 himeelr, “Wel, the thing is done. Now take ten “The Russians also reveiled the had to fy an extra orbit, Some- matic landing system s0 the ship had to. go around the earth af tunscheduled 17th time. Belyayev Faded the ship manually and over shoe his mark hundreds oF mils (OUT OF ORBIT. During ecem break from thee training, the conmonauts ‘acationed onthe Bick Sea, They sat fn ho sand wearing bash hate whe Aworking man’s lunch should work for him: Hefty Bean with Bacon Soup helps make a sandwich a meal They always eat better when you remember the soup aoe Here's the easy way to help a hard-working man in ZA» nourishment in those whole pea beans and that rich hin buy says A hati, Reery serch anc m fot, bean purée. And those bits of smoky bacon give the hearty soup—Campbell’s Bean with Bacon. There's J, whole soup a flavor that makes him ask for more. ‘se \sour. — Chesterfield People: They like a mild smoke, but just don’t like filters. (How about you?) We If you like a mild smoke, but don’t like filters, try today's Chesterfield King—mildest-tasting Chesterfield in 52 years. Vintage tobac« ild, aged mild, blended mild. Made to taste even milder through longer length. They satisfy! LD KING tastes great...tastes mild! Kennedy on top of “< . Mt. Kennedy — % re NEWSFRONTS Rembrand's Titus Arrhubarh aver mbrandt’s hoy ', the London auetion 1efe was a hush asthe bid dling began, Up forsale was Rem brand's porteaitof his young son, “Titus, and in an incredible 30 see fonds the price leaped to 550,000 fuineas (each worth $2.94), In an bother 15 seeonds it wen o 740,000 Guineas, and’ there it faltered. A ‘Quiet, rather shy Los Angeles in dusrialist named Norton Simon who had boon bidding now sat motionless and lent. The action= or hesitated, then declared the Duinting sold to a British gallery Tastantly Simon leaped up in ash- ensuced Tury (above) to protest that he vas still in the bidding AAS Simon glared (conter) an aso ‘late read statement explaining his actions. Simon had agreed in advance ‘with ‘Christie's that as long 2s he remained seated he was sill the bidding. To the outage of the other bidder, the auction fas resumed and with a trum pant smile (right) Simon entered the winning. bid 760,000 gun 080° $2,234,000, the econd-high st price ever paid for 4 painting A sight one elephant will never forget AA chance encounter in Usanda found a bull elephant staring at «boatload of tourists which in ‘luded Princes Margaret who was Supposed to be taking notes for her husband who was supposed {0 be taking: pictures of elephants. Enjoy yourself LOOK AHEAI ’ " ry ‘Your money never runs out with an Equitable annuity You get a check every single month, as long as you live. That's the beanty of an Equitable annuity. Even if you live to a hundred, Equitable ‘guarantees these monthly cheeks will keep ‘on eoming in For financial independence with absolute se. curity there's nothing like an annuity. And you'll be interested to know that more people have come to Equitable for annuities than to any other company in the world. For complete information about an LIVING INSURANCE...FROM FQU "We KQU’IAKE UF ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNTO ‘See the Equtaole Pion when you vist the New York Wore Fi. Equitable annuity that meets your special needs, call The Man from Equitable. Hee has the training, knowledge and ex- perienee that ean help you plan wisely for a future (2 >. thats Rnanealy osire cS "ABLE scree tinatrir N\ WASHINGTON ais REPORT nes one 002 ure viens oa sted by UFE Bare Chet Pcharé Staley ‘TARGET: MEW NEGRO VOTES Scurely off the deawing bow the Preven voting rights bil has a feady opened avait and beckoning polical fonier The Democratic atonal Commitee has sery gel bunched a mammoth project 0 ep- ‘ter every guiliied Nog. the South (hopsilly. of course, as & Democrat) searet Democratic t= toguther at the Ma ower Hotel lest ‘week included National Charman Jovin Bly, Presidential Aide CLIT {Caterana fh part leaders from ‘he He Southern ates whieh voted for Goldwater ist November A tum, Mississipi, Georgia, South Carolina in Lovina: Any Demo- feats whe ad eked Bary were ex ‘lide. "We ive nly the loyal iss" said onetop Demacraticofical ‘By working mscrecy ana wih 05 hive fuss as pss the Democrats hope (1) fo best the G.O.P. tothe pmch in ining up voters and (2) 9 Iimmize a Backlash of white eset tment They admit the drive bound (o emberrass—and hursome sep Feqationnt Democratic congressmen Davey, the top pary msn expect {he ote enstment wo cost at east Iaioren Southern Democrat their congressional seats ‘One Georgia congressman st eek ‘nt sated he dtsmma he and is Scuthorn colleagues face: “Ifa man ‘ots forthe bil he wonders whether {he Negroes ill et onthe rolls fst ‘eu o halp i tbe neat lection. Thehe votes against the wonders ‘whether nel Rave any rapport wih {he Nes community ‘Meant the Southerners ae stcvingto hang on trite voter sup bor. One senator up for reelection ext yea, Join Sparkman, mace Sree rps to Alba, where he fas fal lend of speaking en figements scheduled between nos Sd May 1966. "He just doesnt alk Shout the rie issue," says a aide "Hes going to talk hard about eco- ‘nomic abd andl new indsty.™ ‘RURAL LEGISLATORS HIT BACK When Congress convened jus three ‘months ago, he chunoessemed i {indeed that thee would be an a Supreme Cour reapportionment de ison: one Man, one sole But a onsituions! amendment to do jut {haismow moe onl key t0 paste Senate hut has a 50-50 chance of tearing the House (00, The reason: focmous pressure from rural-dom- fated state pares, 24 of which [hve set to Congress resolutions de ouncng the courts rang that all Seats must e apportioned solely on the bass of population, Twenty-one ‘Of thse legates have also de Munprecedeid in US. history—10 ‘et aside the doision, and 2 dozan Imoteare considering doing the same. That the lst thing, Congest vant: constitutional convention Fight got all manner of runaway tone, Aone Democratic aenatr pute Yentionook at wat Rappened to the Republicans ls year" It here tovbecany changing of the Conus Mion. congressmen want 100 Te themssies lewing tbe tates 0 ratfy changes inthe sual way ‘So Senator Everet Diesen has lent his prestigious name to an amend- ment which would permit the xem Tionofonehouse ofa stat leusatine From straight population apportion- rent Dirksen argues that hs mets Ure which has 37 cosponsors. would merely fer the people of 9 sate an allerative they could choose by referendum. Ics opponents aim this Would craig ehaos Inthe 20-00d Stes lve ‘undergoing reappor- Tlonment and would seriously under mine the Supreme Court's review Bowers. They are hasuly forming entation toto block the Dirksen ‘umendment inthe House, (L's RETIREMENT PLANS When LBs days at the White House are over then shal? Sit back int rocking cha. watch the grist row and willy tlve those heady Seurat the pinnacle? No si Disiant a the prospect may be, he President has already determined A fo weoks ago South Dakota's Sen- ‘tor Geome MeGovern red on anew Ire nd mae crack bl = placing shingles whe they start cone lng off the woo But when he showed tp theo the Presidents voting rights imesage his thimang brown foreook ‘was showing apa He had tried the that his wil bean sete retirement ohason, who used tO teach high ‘school public speaking, was to get Involed in education again the UnivertyleveeTihink “nohastold fends "that when 'm sl throws. Ti teach a couple of lle courses Come moving day at the White Howe the Jonson ave thinking of fous they would build an lakefront ‘ropery they wa. On weekends they ttould drive 80 me throug Heh Il couriry to, the Presiaen' be loved LBY ranch, Life down there, the Preskemt says, "doer more for se than eight golf couses"™ REFORM IN CONGRESS-MAYBE 1 i no news, eve 10 congtesnen, that the procedures of Congress are bout ss efficent as an unbuterd {ally pull. Any chart showing the ®perationl overlaps of congressional Sutcommitses12!inthe House (02 fn the Sonat and 13 jint-—might tell indoce 8 ort of Opt vertigo Inthe viewer Whats news athe fact thatthe Feadersip sabout 0 faceup {o' major overhaul of tbe camber {fir chance of some sues. ‘Shortage of tecnica one ex- ripe. Only one eerie publi a Sountant serves the Sense Apron Stons ‘Commitee staff the House ‘ommitechas nove, Thisisatandicsp ‘Shen "Congress is dealing with a Sido miion federal budget. Senator Mike’ Menroney (D. Okla.) com Plains, "We are erally ging una "basines TO times a large as [ATT the Santa Fe Rallrcad and daipece becouse “I areed with my wifes She fel wat an improve ment Then, died i mao Since. hia women are fo mare courageous boa th Sot of lng" Howerer, McGovern te mot {ine throw it ave "We have Some cold winters 1 Soh Dokota GM combined, with machinery obsolete asa ail pen "The new Joint Commitee on Re- ongemizstion, which Monroney heads Seth" Represenave Ray. Madden (D. Ind. expt to bring these re Tormns mong thers before Congress seat Jay PMore CPA. as well a the we ‘telecon dats tment tems, which re now awa Ty considered inthe Dodge along P'A drnnc resto in te mamber ‘Sf congresona sbcomnee > Elimination of sme ofthe ein tors binywork, such as config Postmaster appointments, P'espansion of the Hil's Tuesday Tyough Thursday work ‘week ob Served hy many membersof Congress P Adjournment of Congress the Sod of uly or August unless theses ‘Som sexeied by spec resoltien. ‘Some teal, wivle favoring these reforms, ave charged that they 60 ‘ot get at the el toublesthe Se tte fbuser and the hallowed se icity ter, which allows Souther conservatives to dominate kay com mites But Monroney ants Te form that can be achuved tout Fumi io such emotional sue. “"Weate|uded by our performance he says "Congress most modernize sll or jeopardizes postion a5 8 ‘peau! branch of government LYWOA BIRO AT AGE 21 Lyn Bid Johnson, not unl ber Fathers hag morents of petals seth Washinglon s working press, bt her performance on the ee, of her 2st bithay must be counted a ste ess. Fora sendy 45 minute, Lynde feturmed the smiles and pari the inane of sore 20 capital newshens, 2'fow of whom obviously nursed “The conference began sty, with flurry of gestions along the lines ‘ot thow ified on Mis America Contestants: "Where were you born” “Here” ea Washingion). "Whit are your pane forthe next 80 year?” “don't know (pgse} "What hese pital were you tom in?” “T dont Enow.” "asthe questions got beter, so dt L.yndasanovers"Willyoucome in an inhertanee on your Beha?” "here wilbeo change nn na nce, dont you” “1 subsist “Thentheclimacioqueston:“When wilgou get married?" Lynda replied 'do nota thi moment plan 0 a= married any time soon” “Oh, now youre sounaing ke an ‘ld mui” lucked lady Fepore "sus ike us” murmured another Lynda expressed rp that one question ad not come up. "thought Sou'dask how Tels to be 21” But present wa 43. unforgettable, 4] disarming and a not-so-quiet, sensation, MYSTRECE. If you dipped your, legs! in liquid chiffon you'd get the fit, the look, the utter cling MYSTRECE, the exclusive way Hanes uses Hanes exclusive: Cantrece No run can grow IF THEY DON'T SERVE SMIRNOFF, BRING YOUR OWNI Do it Groucho’s way. Make sure the barman or your host gets the message—it’s Smirnoff you want. For dryer Martinis. For more delicious Serewdrivers ot Bloody Marys. For the smoothest drink on-the-rocks, Smirnoff is the erystal clear liquor that’s filtered through 14,000 pounds of activated charcoal. Smirnoff is the flawlessly smooth vodka that mixes perfectly with anything that pours. So name your brand when you name your drink. Tell ‘em Smirnoff—or else! — = . Always ask for mirn Mt leaves you breathless® VODKA Brigitte Bardot and Jeanne Moreau MOVIES Les Girls in Mexico TRLS LES &. ‘So you've made up your mind that wagons can't be beautiful to look at and exciting to drive? Meet the mind changer. Pontiac '65 fr ome over moe resces 1899 ‘Aspirin is teat produced in ange (quantities. is the fst ettectve ain remedy sold without pre- seroton Ss 1965 Excedrin®is now avallable. Medi- tlt tablet S0% stronger Tor headache pain. Yet enough, you ness no senption ‘Your doctor keeps up with medical progress. How about you LES GIRLS conmuco iat a i your child’s college education? Fora kindof nuance Guaranteed. ‘You could start saving for collegeand hope you have the will power tokeep it up, ‘You could invest and hope your stock rise before your youngsters ready But if you want to guarantee money for college evenif you aren't around, start a Travelers Guaranteed College Fund. ‘You decide how much your child will need. He getsit, starting the year he enters college You can pay the budget way —by the month, If you die or ‘become disabled, your payments stop. But your child still gets the college money. It's just one of the special kinds of insurance available under the Travelers umbrella of protection, Forall your insurance ~ Life, Health, Homeowners, Car, tnd Business Insurance —look inthe Yellow Pages for YOUR TRAVELERS MAN LES GIRLS conmao How To Play A Pair of Queens complaint about her lodgings —her vill was on the edge of town and ‘was too cold, Malle quickly mall Ged ber with cloer and warmer align, Moreau got the only availa: Lie cir-conditioned tales far ber 1 Jucrnavace is a blasé resort town where celebrities are a poxo f¢ dowen, Lut Cuernavaca sat up tnd ol: notice when Ile, Bar ot and Morcau rolled into town shoot Fivs Mati. Ase all i wes imposible o ignore Brigit, the nled-haired gel who had made cl De Feanne, shoes daring fms have stirred some of liveliest controversy in the hie tory of movie censorship. Director Louis Malle understood Arersing room, but Bardot got top marquee bilin in the pi stile explaining wbat ‘8 scene, Malle should round Moreau, Bardot might sometines did—Aonce off to op down in the lap of her hth of his stars well, He and boyfriend, Bob Zaguri, and stay Jeanne Moreau had once been ia there until hee good humor wat love, were all warm frends, They restoced Ia viet atdon fame Yogeth fr with the sensational and widely Ine Les Amant. And the vola- tile Bardot had worked for him, too, i the sexy Ls Vie Priege He was well aware that direct Fg thes both bt re: pita ‘would require diametrically oppo- site techniques, But he exne pre- predwith e simple formula: "Bar- simmering temperament in check, Alot is impatient and has to be kept he achieved cool, profesional per mused; you play game with her. formances while encouraging & Jean al the ead alight undercurrent of competition other nerves. And each il reaponded with « rer complicating his tak, determination of eourse, wae the fact that the ‘Bat diplomacy is an act that the French practically invented, and Malle practiod it with the skilled hand of « virtuoso, One thing he ha going for him wan the fact that each gel hed big and chal Jeoging part and. wa completely fied ‘with it. Alternating tact firmness to hold the girl rw etree ‘bad | treated with the deference de the reign ing queens of the French cinema, Practically the moment she ar rived, Brigite oie Began A lot of the good things you enjoy most in life are simple pleasures. The pungent aroma of ripe cheese. The crusty taste Of fresh-baked bread. And the bright, rich flavor of a premium beer. Carling Black Label is the beer brewed to bring you the flavor you like at the popular local price. More than a century of experience goes into the brewing of premium-quality Carling Black Label. The just-right flavor is the result of a precise blending of select grains, choice hops and a carefully protected yeast culture of noble heritage. No wonder Black Label has been America’s fastest growing beer since 1949. So, put more flavor in your life with Black Label, the beer that puts more life in the flavor. Just give the happy call, “Mabel, Black Label.” More Life in the flavor Vil make you a good deal on a new set of tires. I'll make you a good deal on your trade-ins. Maybe that’s why they call me a big dealer. When you're looking for a deal on tires, look first to me. I've got Atlas, Grip-Sate Plycrons, Mud & Snow, Weathergarde. Amocos 120 Super Premium Tires. Any type of tie. For any type of driving. Any way you want to buy them. Cash, credit card, easy terms. The better to serve you. You expect more from American and you get it!* Your American Oil Dealer (mi To go “over the Resort Islands of thi PART IL OF A SERIES. THE Enpess Cabernet Great atthe age of 57 hhe greatest art collection in Russ was founded by as Catherine the Gres German princess whom the world remembers Before her marriage to Peter III, the heir to the Russian throne, Catherine had lived in her father’s tiny principality of Anhalt-Zerbst. In 1762 her husband became the ezat, only to be de- posed (and conveniently murdered) in @ palace revolution which put Catherine on the throne in his place. She thereupon launched into a vigorous career of waremaking, love-making, city-building and, not the least, art-collecting. Within two yearsafier she became empress, Catherine negotiated with German dealer to buy 225 paintings which he had assembled for his prime customer, Frederick the Great of Prussia. For the equivalent of $180,000 Catherine scooped Frederick and inaugurated her art gal Catherine acquired many of of her 34 lery. During the re Europe’s greatest collections. She was aided not only by her ambassa- dors, who doubled as purchasing agents, but also by some of the most famous intellectuals of Europe who, by praising her as a patron of the arts, functioned as publicity agents. These included the philosopher Voltaire, the eneyclopedtist Diderot and the writer Grimm. None of the ep ie i Stand eis Me WA i a Fresca Haan cre i *voruciousness”—for collecting. Gaar Nicholas I even sold off 1.219 ee ee paintings. But the buyers were largely Russian aristocrats, with the result that some of the pictures—thanks to the nationalization of pri- vate collections after the revolution—wound up again in the Hermitage Lh Catherine's fa le of picture, ugh from the dealer Cosonshi, scan hs beneyed porte pained dy Anthony tam Dyk hoc 162 Photographed hy DMITRI KESSET, The Choice of the Empress Landscape with Diana and Callito by CORNELIS TAN POELENBURCH Lays of goiter nudes in dreamy —Uhract who spent just evongh time ions ofthe godess Diana dsr lundsespet vere the accomplice in Fly to come enamored ofthe ing the pregnancy of Calis, wus Uy of Canes san Paien-—lasival world. The mytoloicel langht bythe empress in 1768 from ‘@ 11th Conary painter from one above, showing the compan. the collection of a French punter Tive tandsenpes and eque scenes punted By the 17k Contin ry Duelnan, Pips Wouwermar. tree coed ly Cather’ eaten The empres herelfonned imiay view of d Haaren let) tehee the pater ens bara in 1619 tan where be spent ll is fe 1 teas one vf 10 Wowcermans that ted in 1709 whem she bought 20 painting from the eae Weinrich Bah of Dresden, 1 been the foreign minste Of Augusias It, bing of Polosd. Cather Gat amie in bis on if 17k Contry lin, Cade Reni eassillat peak popoarty and ces when Cathrine ented the ct Sh acceded i buying fre Mis potting Tha ot righ be ot hg tide ae ities provers entry ext Tir it etd to Cantina Mostra ‘and later to Cellet the celebrated ministers of France's Louis XIV Eesghiccnth Cote collects om sidered Dod Tenirs Hone of the rote Flemish arias, and Caer Ie ent along ith the epson. She bought 22 of the 29 Tenien [ntngs thot now belong tothe Her Initage, Tenirs opera sy do tn Brasels in the 17th Centos Though his stock i rade wes genre (oem of ally eh turn out sumerousrligions scenes like the ne above, in which St Anthony is cnc by a delighidhaw of eau Ing, cruising, erooning creatures A gount tation actor boing his profesionl mack tons pained by Ppomerico Fett around 1600. The portrait 0s ned by celebrated French ar lover named lee Crt When Catherines agents lard thet Gost collection was ging Ie actioned, they conned to bay tp the whale lt for 460,000 res (545,00), Tica the works by Fete tere tan mong te 400 paintings Iscoletion, hich was dated ‘rom Pars to St. Peerabrg in 1772 Ponait ofan detr by Dowentco Ferri The Temptation of St Anthony by Dav TENIERS Tt Another hation portrait that went te Catherine sh the Crsut Calc tin ths enigmatic sek oy bate Carrere sin fact not at Portritbat «panting of porte Wich the art di of himself we time beacon 1590 ond 1600. ith its special dog, vite indo and spaceless or, the piuare seems 10 ‘elect the payehaogial mood ofthe painter who gases intently fram the Canoes that sands upon the evel. Sore ime fier heb fs his teork Cermedt fa io a mela Chal dprenion and coved pat Saf Potait by Tancred and Erminia by NICOLAS POUSSH Ion of the muscom's 15 reas: pisces by: Pousan were bo Catherine. This pleare, which ‘wan painted in Rome bout 165, was bgh rom the election of a French printer in mon in the sory of Jnwsalem De liver writen by the Halian Rem lence poet Tas. Having fe By Eig Walpte. The 17 tile is grove ler saihes, The Massacre ofthe lanocomt by SEBASTIEN BOURDON tain this painting by Sas. compatriot, Poussin. For the compo background of casea! architecture tien Bourdon te Stion chor, which shows King Hers But his oven air for simmering m 2 hed the daughter ofl colors and. reales contours dom: py £400. Bourdon, ho was born infants hich Ke had oder, nates the sere, submerging the in 1616, strove to enate his elder ms designed a Pousinesgue stately sting in d The Taste of Later Czars Venus, Bachas and Ceres by HENDRICK GoLTzWUS prime subjects of Jan van dr Heyden scored in Holland in the late 7h Contry. this paiating which (he Hermitage revived around 150, Vander Heyden enphasced the love ad site ifs of ctor in Leenivepesand ite wale the Brick: budding tions. To produce a bolder co heplayed off the peaked and ge rie shepes of the tora i their A oxi hap of frit seyed iy pera espe i 1680 by den Bt. The pcr dog t the Tsien cabesnder i lena. P. Tatler, ho Bouche his ian tthe Hermbage in 1813 a ton to this Flesh tl ie cher Cleon contain is New Yorks of Artin 1938, the Ta A oun on a River Bank by JAN VAN DER HEYDEN W ienderechange cen a ash. mina sse—it ts only 10 inches neoman and ach was painted hgh, The hain pict oa ought Creamed 171587 Chaseppe don Crew in the 18 Conary By Rastan Bioko endeved eustiencmmmce cabin a Vcc onl lotr b tality that ining’ di longed tw carte of the Hermite Sut Fife by Lan Er The Holy Fanny by Nort, Hate sian who worked much of his signing forthe Gobelins tapes tury. The empress bough this pa FRacoxano Kart om Mande who ied nthe Dutch arti This erie bil done thrashing Icaronned by S. Peerburg ant 1119 the Hermitage A younger Mender,Jouchin U ¢ elowical connate ses. Th Kane vaw Mapes ther igh and dtamatic tntewaty 49 tke ping on Maulpertch a 18 Si, Sivan and Si Ine by JOBE DE RIBERA Wem wn tet wth spi Aantal rafal Magalone, pointnd around 1560 by Titian. lathe dushy grotto where the tearful maiden as Tita placed « aia ip hich serve as reminders of earth ough Chest. This painting the Titian shown on the opp page were wid by the artes Kas ratte bell of Coar Nichole of Murillo, wer lite k recat in Rosia un 19th Century. Cour Alexander made the fre big Spanish purchase lung panting by Veldsques and Zarbarda. be 1829 bis svccenor, Nicolas, boat th Duchess of Lew who vs (Do you have the heat?) Are you a little on the romantic side? Good. For Sealtest Prestige French is an ice cream worthy of your appreciation. You will be enchanted by its delicate royale. You will wax poetic over the fragile flavorings. Here’s exquisite creaminess .-Tich, light and stir you to reverie. Ah, how you shall love Sealtest Prestige French. . Tonight? ICE CREAM + Tea, biscuits and bitter racism EAST AFRICA comico showing me with Joba Okello had lanpeares in the Nairobi edition ofthe Daily Navion, which circve lates throughout East Africa. had been taken in Kampala’ by 4 Testance photographer who was Okello’ Trend. "The offcer stood up and sid in a louder voice, “Don't you Know Zanabar isin trouble? The place i Full of Communist. Not even President Nyerere knows ‘ahat's going on there most of the time” He paused und then asked ‘What do you want to do now? ‘wou like to take the first plane out of your damned cou yg" Fteplied "Thee so plane tonight.” he said. “Give me your passport Reluctantly 1 handed it ver and heeft the room, Ten minutes lator he returned. Thad permission 10 remain for theee days st "a puest of the government. The security ofcer drove me ino Dar e Salaam, registered me atthe New Afric Hotel and told ‘me mot 10 go away: he would T= {rn at 9 ofloek to dine with me When he lef Trang up Okelo's fiend, the minister. He was not at home. Tet word fie him to call sme athe ote, Mass worse at testis noe iced a Reali onthe ron pe Sf the Din atom "Deane row zanrinane” Me. Why? Powiby bruise of recent ploiograph whe showed fet it fonveration ‘withthe an’s {zanabars revolatonary inde, the former “Fed Marshal Oke! tae wl se wasn Uganda “Then. fer breaks 1 coe ered chat my pusport wes mit ing W had beh moved fom my pure. The US. Embosylstenad form story and fod me ame psspor It ebout four hours "Tee mornieg of the next Jay an American ola Negron sisted meat the New Africa Hox {eh an asked me Yo come to is ofce, Thre he asked me there fas any reason. side rom the Photograph in the newspaper, Shy shoul have had so ch rouble old hi that in Uganda had seen ‘Okc end, ihe eel {ona el asc lh hat te fad told ae about the Sudan ahd T added that he had given me 2p locating guia postions in the Sodan. | idaho had manus purporting to be his Teciony whch Okele had given ime handed i the ot. He inspected the material and ‘uid, “Do you realize, young lady that the authorities had searched You and found this package, you ‘woubd certainly have been jailed 84 spy? Are you sure you have told me everything?” By this time a second American oct had joined us. Tasked tem. De you know anything about Pemba Island?” I bie} outlined what Okello had told me. The o> ‘ond official said, "1's tre, Pemba Island is suspected tobe the Sie ra Macstra of East Africa. We do Know that i has something to do with Communist infitration and Subversion in Africa They advised me to lewe Dar Salaam immediately. But | was ot entirely frank with them: 1 {id wot wish to Teave the city unt Thad talked 9 Okelo’s two other friends particularly the Tanzati- Buck at the hotel | waited for the minister toca. Dar e Saar isnot a good place to wait for any thine: the heat the drabness, the Titie hues of unsmiling people sthispering to one another got on iy nerves. Late that ening the telephone rang—it was the minis- ter. took a ax to his home eat Ty the next morning; he was pox= tie that no-one would be watch 1g my hotel at 630 am. When 1 ttvived, the miniier was waiting in ront of the house. He greed ime, smiling warmly. He led me Indoors, down 4 Tong ball nto a sad) dominated by long shelves of books, A barefoot houseboy came in with «pot of tea and some Eng Tish biscus, The minister was a man of bout 40, tall and fully fleshed His strangely impressive face was dominated by a pugnacious nose, land he had a deeidedly English ae Hr reting, Tanzania's devetop- ment and planning chs Nao ‘Sai (Jar Yana Vice Presi= sent Rathi Kasra ferme) Imarch with Red Chinese une 1k whan Ching pled oun. cent, Four of the fingers on the Fight hand were well manicured but the nail on his litle Finger was ‘more than an inch long and had begun to cul ‘We began to talk polities. The minister was allergic to white ‘Americans hesaid, He was aracit and fie believer in revolution by fore. sat sipping tea, Fill he asked, “do not annoy you?” No.” | sd, "nothing disturbs ime since Ie been branded & se curity risk in Zanzibar and am Virtually under howse arrest her. He laughed. ‘Okello's other fiend arcved the Zanribarian who, John Okello sid, ad fought with him in the Zaneibar revolution. He had a peculiar Arab-afecan lok, find i eyes were cruel His fig Ure was emaciated, bot his clothes ‘wore immaculate Bic rowsctoy served usa boeake {ast of ver, tomatoes and bacon dnd eggs, we talked ofthe Amer ican roca uation, The miter tn dhe Zanaibarian saw no hope in Amer for the blackman | ‘Sid that eons ad proved Sind ere improving. They ware Snimpressed They. fl thu he ‘Amercan Newro did wot know tow to handle the white man 1 ses, (othe ane” American Nea. "After Breakfast they wanted to tak about bck Alien. ""Look a ‘Mca theZanaibaranspoke ot Can you answer these questions about Blue Shield? De I lose my Blo Shield preection FT tang Js? Om Om No, You can transfer your Ble Shield proiction from group to group, efor roup to nowgroup ‘Dove lv Shield operate ‘on anew bass? Om Om Yes, “Profits” are returned to BlueShield ‘embers in the form of lower fates oF broader bent... not “held for corpoe fl stoceholt. Last year BlueShield feturned, nationally, 504 out of every ‘Spin dollar st memes 8 ee casurpeal benefits. What doce lv Shield fer me that mo other medcabeurgial coverage ca? For the answer to this—and many other ‘qeslonsse the convenient coupe. BLUE SHIELD ‘SI Mi A ee, cm ‘The dollar is our greatest danger’ EAST AFRICA conwoco itn I wanted to know aboot Per ba | «about the grand de- harshly. “What do we have? Pres: sign to spread Zanzibar's socialist ident Tubman of Liberia. 8 petty revalution othe Afrcancontient. Gietator: Haile Selassie of Ethior The minister and the Zanzibar ia, a feudal king; Houphouct- ian seemed both startled and Boigny and Léopold Senghor in amused by the question the I s olin Okello?” asked the Zan- risens mors: Sit Abubakar Balewa—zibaran, in Nigeria, av English headmaster Tohin Okello." replied Jomo Kenyatta in Kenya, grand “"Why should we tll you any but old man: and Tshombe ithe thing?” asked the minister Congo—he pity and the shame of Because 1 would ike to know. Africa Besides, what harm can I do you? Tplanced st the minster: he of The Zaneibarian glared at me red! no comment. I said to the andsaid,""The newspaper said you aibarian, "You don’t seem to were a writer. What kind of wrt Approve of any existing ce? Thad a copy of book of a sovernment in Africae floven esas I had writen follow fon, Who do you feel wil ings vst to West Afric in 1961 sre dominant poital figure The Deep Dichand the Narrow Pe East fia’ interesting tile. Your own? Babu." he answered withowt “No. pirated it from the Bibl, hesitation, “Mohammed Ratiman In Proverbs ther sa passa that Babu. Hewas he bran hind our says whore iva deep ditch and a revolution in Zanabir He also Sango weman narrow pi. nd what shout Ntrumak” "Me Zansbarian smiled for the Wemusework wih Nkrumah. Sit time."We have pent af both But we te snpcsous of him, He in Africa,” he sad aggressive, and his sims sll of The Zanribaran thumbed the Inert. He spends milion of book and asked. "What's thi pounds on propaganda, He read uloud. “The Black Cari "What about Nass? nals An Esay on « Human Ideal. Ben Bella is our choice in the Wis eyes scanned the chapter and north.” he said Ahmed en Bel aloud again: J had a vision Ta, president and premier of Alger ik Cardinal as nigh mo ia, taut we wall not tolerite Arad ced hue stance! el hit anf domination of Back Afric Jett hs touch! watched him peay | ‘Suddenly the minister stood up, “Amd asf woke 1 heard him sy. a trace of itnitation on his face, “Ye shal know the trth, and the The West," he said sharply, "is srt salle ve fee all our troubles in A "The Zanabarian sai, “1 he fica" Then, inhisbestOxfordEng- Blick Cardinal” Tish he asked, "Do you have en Fresented his remark, The min American dollar.» May I have isterread the poemand said, "You ir have a great love for the black 1 gave him a dollar ill and he mat, | waved tin thet “Itiethis whi A” sad the Zanaibarian in as poisoned independent Africa ifeently, “shes black like me.” tnd bought our pseudo-anti-impe- resented uhat remark, oo. Finist leaders This our greatest Tasked, "What about fell danger.” Then he toe the hillinto DoT get what I want oF now" E pieces which fellabouthifect spoke again. "You're not going to This is what we think of your operate, are you olla,” he aad The Zanvibarian asked, “What FN MAPKS the SOL nee you can be sre ofhavingyour | sam" fone whet a ae hing prosepions rt aol fexne easy. Your phrma- | St anata inna cist must spend at least five years in college—six in some states ‘am laek and whe, men, woman Unwed Stae “iveamnis.S degeeinphamacy nes passed a grucing | Siauiiane MG caeumet VARS ae mr exam for his state license. And his education never stops. He ful for every dali Tear...» yes, turned his back and spoke to the) must keep up-to-date on some 400 new drugs that are intro bins Was eae Fas Tena duced every year. Tm the following silence 1 it a the minister Just as you can trust your druggist to fill your prescription ac- cigaret. Then the minister asked, curate youcanreyontisprofeasoaladvoesboutuptedate | gelled aia health aids ranging from atomizers and band: ages to thermometers and vitamins, along with commen] the many high-quality proprietary drugs and remedies that you see Advertised-in-LIFE, iStamp out Jotter snitching! Give her the new Parker Compact Jotter ball pen for girl-size hands. It writes as long as our man-size Jotter. Ladies who “borrow” gentlemen’s Parker Jotters can now be curbed and coddled at the same time. Their ladylike hands will delight in the new Compact Jotter. It’s smaller, daintier, a joy to write with Yet the Compact Jotter has the same giant ink supply as our man-size Jottet! Stainless steel in Parker's new writing point gives you a clean, clear line up to 80,000 words sues: Che of re poine sizes, too. ‘Same famouswvalue price: only $1.98. - The nen Conner iautentecdtocies > PARKER Jotter Snitcher and still keep her happy. vist the Parker Pavilion at the New York World's Fai x, ‘When your stomach feels uncertain {rom indigestion, heartburn, gas pains, rmausea or ether symptoms of excess acidity, remember this: Each small PHILLIPS! TABLET consumes 37 more excess acid than the leading ceandy-type roll antacid tablet, PHILLIPS: TABLETS NO WATER NEEDED ‘Call us Peking Africans’ use first-hand information.” Again they speke in Swahili Then heard the Zanzibarian say in English, “Who would believe her?” "The minster asked, "What did ‘Okell el you?" Foutned briefly ny conversation with John Okello andadded, "He als said there was more to know." “The ministersatdownand began totalk. "Yes, we are preparing for a fullscale biockade of South AT fica. Not just an oil blockade—a blockade, And a blockade is an actof wae.” He and the Zanzb fan looked at each other knowing Fy, and the minister continued “We must gain control of the Indian Ocean and its oceanic ter tories. Iisa grand plan and most ‘of those involved in this project ‘donot realize the vasiness of 'A blockade of ‘South Africa? ‘Control ofthe Indian Ocean? And by whose navy? said, “It sounds Tike mesy busines.” The minister snapped back, “I's a ‘messy business that 10 lion South Afecans sufer daly humil- tation atthe hands ofthe inhuman Verwoerd crew.” BW sais, sit what you propox happen then thous fac Si in wal dn ‘The ministers jes wee cold sow" ede thousands sil ie lake as well as whe ITs isthe only way to obtain tack independence in South AF ‘then Blood must flow Sihee Backmal tacts “heyy tous, ‘Dow' press the Portugusin Angola ané Mora tage: Dost sr the wht sce tifein Rhodesia» Dont are bother Verwoerd in South Atte Coste You do we il sare But we wil ot be blacker “No other asocanes more tne sion and inecrty mona te peo: pie of black Afra tan he wie EDs apmreidrogine in South ‘Mia. We cannot afford to wait for those otter counties tobe ome snaspensen before we 80 Something about South Ate, it we can manage fo pl the rugftom ander South Afi, hee ‘thru tet ne. A blockade Sr Soun Afien wil enhan our pete ere te apa Bs wll be compeled to erst svi a cguae South Aen Ube pms of Ae, i beled i i ee ta tak for the Organization of Asean Unity The Zanabaran dismiss the OAL. asa pseudosanthin: eral organiaston” He si je nivoente armed revolution: said the rinister."Weknow we cannotsuc- ceed without the help of a major ‘world power. For this purpose we have the full commitment of the People’s Republic of Chins.” “Why China?” V asked. “Why not Rusia” They both looked at meas if T wore stp "The Zanzibarian answered. "The problem with white people is that they believe history did not begin in Africa before they came. But thereareancien ties of trade which date back 1,000 years und connect ‘China with Somalia, Madagascar ‘and Zanzibar. For instance, Mad fagascar_has the ingest Chinese population in Africa (8,900), “The minister spoke up in an ‘old ache" We wil accept money From anyone, provided no strings are attached." T could not rest Imerpolating, “Like a whore." He ‘ignored that and continued: “The Resin offered us weapons but ro money. The Chines are giving ts both, ad the loans are interest- Free. The Chinese wil help us take over South Alfie.” ‘Aiea swamped with 5 Tsaid, "You for. seting Great Briain's navy and A large American fet which safe- {guards the trade and commerce of fhefree world inthe Indian Ocean.” “And you are forgetting swered the minister, "posiby the ‘most powerful weapon of all— ‘world opinion.” He smiled. "If we lay the proper foundations, world opinion ‘will be our sicongest defender in the Indian Ocean. as it was Egypt's atthe time ofthe Suez Canal crisis in 1956" “The Zanzibarian_ interrupted “Lets suppose that Third World Mhorsivcatontssten- is by Otel’s Kampala ind the revelations» eldagen" purprts to show guerrilla dispost tone for a Sudan take ‘over. Dashes indicate ‘eve forest areas where ‘gcrilssareslogey be. Feavained. Age shand- Some misselings, Tocae ion of Ethiopia, "major ind minor sores” (up by ares), "operations Ieadquarters,” infantry strength and Sudan population breakdows. forces are in control in Southeast ‘Asia~that is, Indonesia and Ma- iaysia, And in all the territories of the Indian Occan. Tel me, what's to sop us from effecting tom tal blockade ofall commerce and tuade bound for South Africa?” asked timidly, “What about India?” “The minister burst into a roar of laughter. “The Indians? Those pucifists? Ask the Chinese about the Indians" T asked the minister just what was meant by 8 ""Third World Tore, He answered, “Peking ithe bub ofthe Third World, Ina way {you may callus Peking Africans.” Peking Africans? Amusing. I said, “Te sounds to me as if China {playing a game of chess, with you Africans their pawns.” "The Zansibarian’s mouth came ‘open then his big lips rounded out fade said, "We ar the pawns of rho one. Afvicans, the Asians and the Latin Americans partners” Tre ministec was angry. His eyes sarrowing, hs face We with 22 noyance, he spat at me: You must understand that the ‘AtorAsian ble ea growing non ‘ite entity. Ta i how we want XE Atte United Nations we wil Soon have the power asa group to onto and diate the pols of the ene worl in fact, without Red China there canbe no United Nations" Tstammered that he was diva ing the world into Vanity Bloce— bce of colores and wie. This So wa” th minister repli “Even God isa at ‘At about 3 o'clock the houseboy brought sandwiches, fll botle Sf gi, fe and ton. Butt wanted {olinow more about the Liberation Warner's new fiberfill Stretchbra is padded but it isn’t. What kind of doubletalk is that? dake new padding we built igh into tbe bra, lie soft ining, Warners calls ce shift or lamp, and i10 mach. part of you 10 Light, 1 mat exon relly cheting Escepl all of « mdden, your clothes will tert fing, $5.7The Little Fibber" by Warner's FM the FACTS o make BEAR.SIGNS everywhere Ty] ; for you || and get your Free INSTANT Steering (CHECK-UP TODAY. Stations f Life the SIGNS of Life your car [ACTHE SIGN ofthe HAPPY BEAR — YOU'LL FINO'HIM NEARLY EVERY: WHERE wecover create sence, rs, garages and service Including hese and. many ‘ther retail service coners where Bear Equipment is used: 4.0. Pe OK Tire FRE siete TRE. WONEST-O-400045 GENIE Ameron ‘nearmstor sy Orme cirneer $f] WOOIO Tria an Cropton Bong ne snney Co, Inc. Western Auto Supply Co, Stores U.S, Royal Tires, Fisk Tires Tires Corporation Department Stores SOPMUESEE & [Pcs ne wees aera | |) wove sores el Label in Dept Stes the whole world?’ EAST AFRICA counuco Institute on Pemba Island. The Zanaibarian answered “It ina restricted area of the island near the «own of Chake Chae. Sines March 1964, over £6,000 Red Chinese volunteers have entered my country for the pe pose of manning and directing the Institue. Recruits from the Su- ddan, Somalia, Aden, Keay and the Seychelles are being tained in versa tats and pera w fare. They are alteady bing re turned to their respective. coun {nies to prepare them, “We have leamicd) much from the mistakes of our Cuban com fades, We do not intend to lunch direct attacks from Zanvibae, as Castro did against cern coun tries in South America. Our revo- Iutions willbe led from within "The minister broke in: "Fiest swe ignites black revolution in the Sudan, ‘The issue there i= Arab domination, “Out plans then take us 19 So- mali, atthe horn of East Alves ‘These plans wil naturally affect Kenya and Ethiopia. The new So- ‘mali government wil demand the fetur of territories that were legally ennexed to Ethiopia and Kenya by the colonists “Somalia's fight with Ethiopia is uadiional. Ethiopia is 8 peeu- liar African state Which is now Foreed to. identify herself with black Affica because of time and change. Revolution in Ethiopia i fot our concern now; her day will come when Selassie dis. “Kenya is different. Kenyatta has loyal following. bu e is old and hae gone soft. Our key word for Kenya's patience, But we have "good man in. Kenja—Ogingn ‘Odinga, Minster of Internal Af fairs [now vice president), W rook my head in. sho but the minister Kept talking moved on into the Indian Oss End int sentence oF tro tok aver the Beth ern colony of the’ Soyehley a chater of 92 Smal lands 1000 nes ast of Zinabar "They ate srteialy importan,” he ai "Like Zan br, they ill have thet great day. ‘And once mare the Bata il go hore "The minser was pleased with himcit He walled to his dos, picked up a lobe and sid, nov {le sero. ave the whee Solin my hans” Then he sid very eau 4 i RRevoistionaies: hope to tad "Peking Afniea” is Abdul Rab ‘an Mohammed, usualy ales Babu" He ha fart leader of Zanzibar nationalist patty “IF we are to effet a lackade of South Africa, we most eros the Gulf of Aden and bring seltgo\- ernment to Aden. This i sens tive spot. Here are the oil monop- lies of the imperialists, We ex Peet a world criss here. The issue Will be the British military base, Soon ‘Aden will be a free ste, You shall ses. The year 1965 i ceil flor the Third Word “As for black AfTica—once the Indian Ocean is under our con- trol, there ino God who wil be able to save the whites in South Alics. It will be oue pleasure to strip Verwoerd of all his white ‘lor and hang him from the high ‘St pole in Johannesburg.” He paused And you, young fady, wil ook buck und remember these very ‘moments and say, “He tld me” “The minister six down, placed the globe between his legs and be- in 10 outline the continent of ‘Aiea with his forefinger. He di it thee times. Then he spoke again. "The Third Wort will come face to face with the Bitsh navy in the Indian Ocean, We shall se ‘what price they wil pay to 'safe- fuard the trade and commerce of the Free World Then—a black South Aftia Wealth real world power and At "ean unity, and suely-some day black bomb to protest our “The minister stood up, rised the globe above his head and bal: fanced it in his hand. "Who will thon,” he asked, “have the whole ‘world in his hands? Act like youve always worn a Worsted-Tex: You'll get used to being a leader after a while. “DACRON” Hang on, little tomato Stay on the vine. Keep growing until you're fat and juicy. Get picked while you're fresh as dew. Bubble in Hunt's seven spices until you're bursting with flavor. Sparkle and shine in a bright new bottle until some smart hamburger teams up with you. Then people will never forget you. You'll be catsup with the Big Tomato Taste. Hunt’. The daydreaming— and the tragedy (On my way back to Pats 1 kept wondering how much of all this T should take seriously reaming! And. such a such tragedy all ying emeati the paperthin veneer of the new Arca. I also Tefleted on the American Ne 0's dilemma—my dilemma, We fninentrate or thoughts and ene fier om exposing the whiter; fre the eo! ones. We, the backs, sanctified by the mere fact that are yesterday's dsinherited. For ‘aso Negro, the eas) ay out tear plain, Poul write that “the rnarives are doing fine... they Send you their love” I could write ‘another “goddam shite" story. Or write the truth: until he rec sed the mote im his ov eye — tal, this matter of Black ned tite fe ceases tobe fae 10 hm {elo lack man, in Africa or ‘Americ, il be tly free. the plane was a bie square faced Englistredueaed Diack Kenyan. He sympathied with me for being an American Negro. "You, must ome to Alton he sid. “You ‘would be a guen in Afric.” [ remembered ¢ young man with whom 1 had spent a marvelous fvening during a stopover in Nab ‘obi, "Will you come to bed with me?” he asked. I said no. He [aoked at me and sid, "You don't ike me because I'm biaek. have two wonderful boys, 3 vd $ they are.” the man in the Plane vent on, “They are the f rare of Attica.” L asked i hie wife wore traditional African dress, Indeed yes, nd she looks beaut ful nit, ma lucky man.” After allthis racism {was happy to hear someone speak of love He quoted a poem: Gine me back suds) Let them be black Or chocolate bron | Or make ther the Color of dust —[Dustlike, Brower than sd.) But If you can} Please keop then: back He took out photograph of his family. “Think the male resemblesme.” Helaughed Ty you ean sc that the ol is exactly ike his mother, and what a temperament! lis wife's face was Suir. “She looks French,” Tsai "No, no,” he beamed. “She is English Price sarget of nationalists is South Alice bsstionof old Boer suprenacy. Here South African ‘izcks ding 1960 low make 2 bonfire of hated. pssbooks. 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LIFE filmstips are 35mm. single frame and ft strip projector or slide projector with a filmstrip attach ‘Special bonus: each filmstrip is aevompanied by a LIFE reprint or a 16-24 page booklet prepared by an outstanding authority These booklets wil fil in the gaps in your knowledge and are sure to stimulate discussion Select your filmstrips and mail the coupon. LIFE will bill you after you've looked over the flmstrips and approved them. idle (Gites Lite of Chit Cla DMfidelrgrls [Ceowhcanon Taam The Sine Cape Cam | (DT Pretstat Reformation | CLOSE-UP DEAN SAYRE, HEAD OF THE | WASHINGTON CATHEDRAL Free-swinging Cleric in a High | Place Dring all his 14 years as dean of the Wash- ington Cathedral, the Very Rev. Francis B. Sayre has been up to his high collar in contro- versy. From his pulpit he blasted the fallow cers of Senator Joseph MeCarthy as "fright- ened and credulous,” denounced the John Birch Society as “a vehement form of self righteousness,” and poured public seorn on the 1964 campaign between Johnson and Goldwater as “a sterile choice.” ‘When leriticized MeCarthy," thedean r= calls, “I was lambasted for sticking my nose ‘in where clergy shouldn't concern itself. But after my sermon on Coldwater and Johnson almost all my mail said hooray for me for being relevant.” As dean of the cathedral Dr | ‘Sayre is the minister in charge, and though it isan Episcopal Church he opens its chapels tall sects, Because he has the most influen- tial congregation inthe nation’s capital, Dean Sayre sees his pulpit asa platform for “moral ‘Buidance" to the leaders of the government. His roots in government are deep. His ‘mother wasthe daughter of Woodrow Wilson, and Dean Sayre was the last baby born in the White House, in 1915. “It was in a room in the second floor living quartets,” he says. “Margaret Truman showed it to me once.” Dean Sayre looks out from roof of the Washington Cathedral tes asin to put up a busing Of ths pretentiousness | thou some purpase. 1's 4 symbol—but what a symbol Dig tesues need @ ig church? ‘Grandfather and I have the same type of horse face’ Sugarnspice ' everything nice... °65 Coronet. Perfect wedding of style... and spirit. Roofline... roguish. husky. Explore Coronet ... runaround Coronet. Roomy... zoomy. Price —just a drop in the bucket. Comfort... drop in a bucket (seat that is). ‘Now you can have your cake and eat it, too. "65 Dodge Coronet: Fun with frosting. ‘65 Dodge Coronet ‘bODGE OrVisION CHRYSLER Had a Bacardi Party yet? Bacardi Parties are popular because they're fur! Just gather some Bacardh, all the “mixin’s” you can think of, all the people you like~ and mix welll Bacardi's $0 tasting, so dry and light-bodied that it's an old smoothie with cola, soda, tonic, ginger ale, vermouth, juices, et., etc. ete, That's why they named a party after it! Have one! bole SAYRE commun Power, Presidents and a Queen’s Needlework Dean Sayre offered the following opinions in conversations with Lae Washington Bureau Chief Richard Staley > We decide to send two canons down to Selma from the cathedral and the rest of ws are tring to work with Alabama congressmen to encourage them to se the neues the nation ses tad to Bring pres fure on Governor Walla, I think Johnson's don't-rock-the-bost if. you-don'thaveo way of handling the rae problem is probably the Fight way. But think the leadership could be more foresfuland more public. The Presiden and once disugreed in meetings of the Commit tee on Equal Opportunity. He called mea visionary do-pooder. AM frwards some members of the commitse came up and said don’t Sop pushing Johnson. You're the only man free enough 10 do it I'm not a seeker of power, I've carried power and won it lei ‘mately in this town, but that isn't my aim. If it was power alone Iwas after, [never would have preached that sermon on Lyndon Tohnsan and Barry Goldwater > My grandfather was somber in his public utterances as President but in private be was a twinkling man, full of humor as grandfather is-with kids, He liked limericks and stores about his boyhood, his Father, and Stonewall Jackson 1 was asked once to write and deliver sprayer atthe chistning of the nuclear submarine Woodrow Wilson. Quite a few pacifists gave me hel for that How could you pray for an engine of death, they ‘asked me, I told them | just don't agree with that. don’t bebeve in Pacifism. | subscribe relotantl to the doctrine that power keeps the peace inthe world as well ax endangering it Be _—_tch Football pane (above ing People forge tha the bod is lay with my children whenever can Football the fall. sai ‘ad emis ne somone? The Suyres—dauehies Jess 5 Merrit, 8 sons Nevin 4 Tom. 1, and Mrs. Sosre— play Monroy nd sing one pricalar song" Old Mother Habre wert othe cuphoa to er hor dager adres. Bat when shegor three cophoard wasbere and sas hor der, Teas’ * Dr) eC md Peas most wanted fielding features on this new MVP glove its « Pro Lightweight Model with Big Wheel Web, Spiral Laced: Magic Action Back for batter fel: Edge-U-Cated Heol and Thumb and Lille Finger Loops for great control: Sherling Lined Comfo-Lok Wrist Strap: Double Lazy-S Pocket Lace: Deep Well Pocket; X-Laced Fingers; and Laced Down Thumb and Little Finger VALUABLE J valuable additions for your baseball Collection Special sketches of Baseball's Most Valuable Players for 1904—Ken Boyer and Brooks Robinson, And—an exclusive MVP Booklet with records, statistics and hitting and felding articles by Karl Bayne PLAYER e250 player signature of your choice on the MVP— Ken Boyer of Brooks Robinson. Both are Ravlings love men and members of Rawlings Baseball Advaory Stall they're all in the MVP by Rawlings-now available at Sporting Goods stores and departments! “The Finest In The Field! SAYRE Dean Sayre speaks to his ‘congezation [rom his eos y | rj ‘have the best pares job in Washington’ > [first met John Kennedy when he was in the Senate. I went in cold to.seeif he would write a leter to raise money from his friends. He ‘ai sure. pulled outs letter Thad with me, He ead itand sai, can Waite a better one than that So he did. After the 1960 election Ke ‘nedy asked me, through Sorensen, if there was any job L wanted be Cause [had helped persuade Protestant West Virginians that a Cah ‘ie should have the right to run for President. said no thanks, ready have the best job in Washington. >» In my youth I was an agnostic. 1 was brought up in the Episcopal ‘Church, ‘The church was & hand-medown from my femily and I didn’t accept it. Religion isnt yours firsthand until you doube it ight, {down to the ground. I entered the Union Theological Seminary ‘cause T'was attracted tothe teachers as philosophers as well a8 the logians I was filled with uncertainty. Then [was aged to rite « paper on faith. Somehow. in preparing and writing that paper found ‘myself having a religious experince. For the frst time in years Iwas totally honest about myself. When I read the paper in clase, the other dents were 80 touched that elas was adjourned. They couldn't discuss i 1 don't think man comes to Faith firsthand except through despa or t0 knowledge of God except through doubt. It has to be a ind of watershed experience. > During the war I got on (the cruiser) Son Francteo and stayed for two years in the Pci, a ot of itn combat. A minister is more in his own clement on a warship than anywhere else. It taught me real depths ofthe ministry, Inerlly the meaning of life and death > The Roman Catholic Church is waking wp like Rip Van Winkle Pope John had the guts to make the chureh see the need for chan ‘We se in Rome a courage to change that is challenging the Protes tants to be equally courageous. We're not 10 uptodate eile ‘We are ar obsessed with the structure of the church as the Cal cles have been All value in our sovety is ted to work. If we knock out ork ‘wnat i the future of man? What wil e do with himself? wed tobe ‘worried most about nuclear war, but atomic wipe-out isn't the bie threat today. Neither this country nor Russa is going to Jet that hap pen. Our primary concer is eybernation the application of com puters to human ie > Scientists say that if they construct machines to run society, they ‘must have theologians to tell them what Kind of society we ‘vn sand what man shouldbe like in it. Computers may so totally cha Society that man will no longer recognize what he i in charge of. If the church doesn't have anything to sty on the problem, then thet ino reason forthe church to survive, and it won't, If we don't sh the problem, history will walk right over us. The church must bei Aiscusion with those who propose to play God. > About 12 years ago I started program of acquiring 1 forthe knesiers andthe chairs. We now have hundreds o ‘edlepoint done by women all vet the U.S. We even have ove done by the Qusen Mother, but it was & while getting here, We had been told the Queen Mother was embroideringa kneeer for ws, but taint come, We dedicated the War Chapel when Queen Flizabet shington visiting President Eisenhower. As the Queen was ting 10 her ear after the service, she turned to me and sui," Mr Dea Tm so sorry, but mother didn't get her homework done in tim Hey, Mister! Lend me a dollar to hey me walk and I'll make - you feel good all day (PS. I'll pay you back when I’m rich) Giving to the Easter Seal Kid, here, be sides making you feel good in the mys- terious way that giving does, enables him and 250,000 others all over the U.S.A. to keep coming to us for help in overcoming these crippling disorders— accidents, poliomyelitis, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular dys trophy, arthritis, birth deformities, £7 speech defects, and many others. aE xen Easter Seal Fund Appeal ‘address: Crippled Ch “Since when do you drink Bourbon?” “Since I tasted Jim Beam” A Singing Holmes in THEATER Min Is Fairlane as quick AS It LOOKS? Ask Carroll Shelby who builds the Col ays Fairlane’s 289 cu. in. V-8 option is the “best of Detroit? Or ask any Fairlane owne bout Fe | optional features. 4-speed stick. Overd! You name it. How much? Never before has so little money bought so much car. Ask any Ford Dealer. bra sports car. ‘Bess yar yet Rad! Health care and your pocketbook Why do some health insurance policies pay as much as $10,000 or more? Because that’s how much some illnesses cost People are recovering from illnesses today that would have been fatal only 20 years ago. ‘Two hig reasons for this improved recovery rate are new, effective tech niques and remarkable new medical equipment. "They save lives, And they cost money. Can the average man afford it? For example, « cobalt X-ray machine costs $82,000. A heart pump machine is priced at $15,000, A surgieal micro- seope rons $2,500, How can the average family afford treatment with auch costly equip- ‘ment? How can a man keep from using tp his ravings and going into debt if hhe oF someone in. his family sets seri ously sie or hurt? Major medical coverage ‘That's where insurance companies step into the pieture. For, along with the advances medical science has rad, the financing of health eare has come a long way ‘Today, over 42,000,000 Americans are protected against the erushing ex- pense of serious ilinese and aceidents ‘with major medial policies offered by insurance companies. ‘These policies, developed just 15 years ago, pay up to $8,000, $10,000, $15,000 oF more for exch member of « family who gets sick or injured. Do you and your family have all the protection you need against the costs Of serious illness and accidents? Facts to check Does your insurance pay for sur. 1965 surges! fees ] What about hospital eare? How many much of the cont dows pay? Docs it pay’ for aerlces in addition ‘to room and boned, ach an use of operating room, dressings, lab fees, Xrrays and so on? (CDHow about the realy big bills that como ftom prelonged sickness and erioas aveidents? Do you have ‘major medical policy Uhat would take caret them? What about money to live on if you're sick or injured and cant ‘work? Do you have Toxtof-Inesme Insurance to help meet living ex- penses when your regular income ‘ops? Would # continue to provide {or you for monthe-or yeura Unt youre able to work asin? Every kind of protection you may need ‘tm supplement your present coverage {is available now in policies written by insurance companies, ‘Chances are you already have some form of health insurance. And prob- ably, like many people, ou are covered bby & group plan. ‘This is good insurance —and you ean be glad you have it. But keep in mind that what may be adequate for the rman working next to you may not be exactly right for you Different people, different needs Because no two people are in exactly the same situation, no two people have exactly the same health insurance re ‘quirements, ‘You should make sure—before you need It — that your insurance meets your needs, Where to get the answers Your family insurance man is an ex pert. He'd be glad to answer any ques: tions you have. You may also want to talk fo your company representative for information about your group coverage, You may find you den't need any ud-

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