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Title: Improving Vocabulary Skills through Crossword

I. The Problem
The result of the PHIL-IRI Pretest in both Oral and Silent Reading
in English conducted to the Grade Five-Cheerful pupils at the beginning
of the school year 2015-2016 shows that 25 out of 40 pupils belong to
the frustration level.
The low result of the reading test can be attributed to the poor
vocabulary skills of the pupils. These pupils failed to identify the
meaning of the words used in the selections.
There is a need to address the poor vocabulary skills of the
pupils because this can have a negative impact on their reading
comprehension skills. A pupil cannot understand the message if he
cannot identify the meaning of the words used in what he is reading.
Learning other subjects like Math and Science are also affected by this
II. Objectives
By the end of September, at least 20 out of the 25 pupils who
belong to the frustration level will become instructional or independent
III. Resources Needed
Crossword Puzzle Sheets
Reading materials
IV. Selection of Potential Solutions
There are many ways to address the poor vocabulary skills of
a. Crossword Puzzles. Crossword solving involves several useful
skills including vocabulary, reasoning, spelling, and word attack
skills. To solve any crossword puzzle, a person must be able to
b. Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) Time. Drop Everything
and Read time, better known as DEAR time, is a time regularly
set aside in the classroom schedule for both pupils and their
teachers to "drop everything and read." DEAR time conveniently
accommodates a variety of pupil interests and ability levels,

since each pupil selects for himself or herself the book or books
he or she wishes to read. (
c. Peer Tutoring. Peer tutoring is an instructional strategy that consists of
student partnerships, linking high achieving students with lower achieving
students or those with comparable achievement, for structured reading and
math study sessions. (

V. Evaluation of Alternatives





DEAR time

Peer Tutoring

The best alternative to address the poor vocabulary skills of

pupils is by using crossword puzzles. It is proven to be effective in
improving the vocabulary skills. It is feasible, easy to facilitate and
requires less expenses.
VI. Implementation of the Selected Alternative
The implementation will start on the first week of July until the
last week of September. The activity will be given every Tuesday and
Thursday. The pupils will be divided into five groups; each group will
have five pupils. A crossword puzzle will be given to each group. The
members of the group will collaborate to solve the puzzle. The groups
solution to the puzzle should be submitted to the teacher before going
home in the afternoon. The teacher will then check the solutions and
return the same to the group before giving the next crossword puzzle.
A vocabulary test will be conducted on the first week of October to
assess the improvement of the pupils vocabulary skills.
If the crossword puzzle activity is proven to improve the
vocabulary skills of the pupils, the activity will be implemented all
throughout the school year.

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