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Oracle E-Business Suite

Overview & Multilingual Features

Maher Alnubani
Senior Development Director
E-Business Suite Development
October 02, 2014

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Safe Harbor Statement

The following is intended to outline our general product direcLon. It is intended for
informaLon purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a
commitment to deliver any material, code, or funcLonality, and should not be relied upon
in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and Lming of any features or
funcLonality described for Oracles products remains at the sole discreLon of Oracle.

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Program Agenda

GlobalizaLon: MeeLng Local and Global Requirements

Unicode & MulLlingual Features

Regional Preferences (Locale)

InternaLonal Calendars

MulLlingual ReporLng

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

Program Agenda

GlobalizaLon: MeeLng Local and Global Requirements

Unicode & MulLlingual Features

Regional Preferences (Locale)

InternaLonal Calendars

MulLlingual ReporLng

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GlobalizaLon: MeeLng Local and Global Requirements

Single, Complete Data Model
Multilingual Support (MLS)
Regional Preferences (Locale)

InternaLonal Calendars
Address Management

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Endeca Extensions for eAM

Simplied Chinese

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Approvals Mobile App


Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

Desktop IntegraLon
Simplied Chinese

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

BI Publisher (PDF Reports)

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

Bi-direcLonal Language Support

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

Bi-direcLonal Language Support

Rich UI

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

BI Publisher Sample Report

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

Program Agenda

GlobalizaLon: MeeLng Local and Global Requirements

Unicode & MulLlingual Features

Regional Preferences (Locale)

InternaLonal Calendars

MulLlingual ReporLng

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. | Oracle CondenLal Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted


Unicode Support
Unicode is a universal character set covering live scripts of the world in a
simple and consistent manner
Oracle database supports two Unicode character sets:
AL32UTF8: based on latest Unicode standard, currently 7.0
UTF8: on maintenance mode and supports Unicode 3.0 standard

AL32UTF8 is the default database character set of Oracle E-Business Suite

installaLon in R12.1 and above, when mulLple languages are selected
UTF8 in 11i and R12.0

AL32UTF8 is the character set of VISION demo database in R12.1 and above
UTF8 in 11i and R12.0
NaLve character sets are sLll supported
Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

Moving to Unicode
Why convert to AL32UTF8?
Support more characters and languages
(e.g., convert from ZHS16GBK to AL32UTF8 to addiLonally support Korean)
Industry Standard
Fusion Apps only support AL32UTF8 character set

Oracle Database MigraLon Assistant for Unicode (DMU), a unique next-generaLon

migraLon tool providing an end-to-end soluLon for migraLng your databases from
legacy encodings to Unicode
Oracle consulLng services (OCS) oers character set conversion services
EBS internaLonalizaLon team provides acLve support for OCS character set conversion
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Release 12.1 Technology Stack

3-Tier Logical Architecture




Web Listener

BI Publisher





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10gR2 | 11g

Global Single
Data Model


EBS Release 12.2 Technology Stack

3-Tier Logical Architecture





Web Listener

WebLogic JSP

UIX 11g
BI Publisher




WebLogic Server

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Global Single
Data Model



NaLonal Language Support


Ability to run in users naLonal language

to use date, number, and currency formats specic to

certain country or region
SomeLmes referred to as Locale
E-Business Suite NLS patches are special patches that provide
language translaLons including user interface labels, menus, and
seed data. The term "translaLons" is ooen used as a synonym

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

MulLlingual Support

Oracle E-Business Suite supports running mulLple languages in

the same instance simultaneously
Any number of supported languages (aka NLS patches) can be
installed in a given instance

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E-Business Suite Multilingual Support

Language and Country Support

Supports 38 languages
American English, Albanian*, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French,
CroaLan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, Finnish, German, Greek, Hebrew,
Hungarian, Italian, Indonesian*, Japanese, Kazakh*, Korean, LaLn American
Spanish, Lithuanian*, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian,
Simplied Chinese, Serbian* (LaLn & Cyrillic), Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish,
Swedish, TradiLonal Chinese, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian*, and Vietnamese*

Supports all 120** countries supported by Oracle Database

* Introduced in R12.1 and above
** 28 countries added in R12.2.2

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Flexible MLS Architecture


Trans Trans Trans


MLS Architecture
E-Business Plaqorm

Add more language translaLons as you need

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

Flexible MLS Architecture

A MulWlingual EnLty(Table) is one for which textual arributes are
maintained for all languages
Base table stores non-textual arributes
TranslaLon table stores textual arributes and their translaLons
for each installed language
Language view joins the two tables, displaying textual arributes
in users language

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Base and TranslaLon Tables

Base Table


For each row in base table, N rows exist in translaLon table

corresponding to the N installed languages
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Any Number of Languages

Base and TranslaWon Table Structure

Base table row contains language-
independent arributes

One row for each installed language

contains translated textual arributes

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One Language View

Language View Structure

Language view joins

non-textual and textual

Base Table

TranslaLon Table

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Language View

Lightweight MLS

Enable a Language with English UI

A new feature introduced in R12.1.3

to enable a language without applying the corresponding NLS patch

English UI
All supported languages can be lightweight enabled
Fully patched and lightweight languages can coexist at the same instance
SelecLve (parLal) NLS patching is not supported; either full or lightweight MLS is
supported for each language, but not both at the same Lme

Can move to a full translaLon at any Lme, simply by applying

corresponding NLS translaLon patches

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Lightweight MLS
English User Interface

or customer data is shown in the corresponding language

Use loaders such as FNDLOAD to enter and maintain language data
May also use 'globe icon in Oracle Forms based UI to translate language data

Custom Reports
Create custom reports or translate Oracle seeded reports

No need to apply NLS patches

In R12.2, its possible to move a language from full MLS to lightweight MLS

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

Lightweight MLS

Lightweight-Only Languages
Introduced in R12.2.3



Can be enabled only as a lightweight language because there are no

translaLons, i.e., no NLS patches, available
Allows customers to meet the local laws and statutory requirements
More languages are planned for the future releases

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

Customer Setup Data TranslaLon

Oracle provides UI translaLon through NLS patches
Customer can translate setup data using:
Forms UI globe icon
PersonalizaLon of UI strings
FNDLOAD (data loader) for mass-translaLon

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Forms UI Globe Icon


Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |


iSetup MulLlingual Support

Introduced in release R12.1.3
MulLlingual customers can uLlize iSetup to gradually implement
Customers can choose the set of languages to extract: all, one
(session), or a subset of implemented languages


Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

Program Agenda

GlobalizaLon: MeeLng Local and Global Requirements

Unicode & MulLlingual Features

Regional Preferences (Locale)

InternaLonal Calendars

MulLlingual ReporLng

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. | Oracle CondenLal Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted


Prole OpLons
Prole opLons control regional preferences (locale)
Administrators can set proles at various levels

Each user can override default sevng with preferred values

User Preference Page

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Regional Prole OpLons

Site level prole opLons

Client IANA encoding
Server Lme zone

User level prole opLons

NaLve client encoding
Date format
Numeric characters
LinguisLc Sort new in 12.2

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User Preference Page

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

Site Level Prole OpLons

ICX: Client IANA* encoding
IANA character encoding determines character set of HTML-based UI on
client Ler (Browser)
Should be set to an IANA encoding equivalent to database character set
Should be set at site level

* IANA: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

User Level Prole OpLons

ICX: Language
Default applicaLon language, if no language is selected at login Lme
Determines language of email noLcaLons
Normally set to users preferred language

ICX: Territory
Should be set to user's territory (country or region)
Used in conjuncLon with language code to pick the correct translaLon resources such
as BI Publisher templates
Determines certain cultural convenLons in some reports such as local Lme, date,
numeric, or monetary convenLons
Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

User Level Prole OpLons

FND: NaLve Client Encoding
Should be set to client (user) PC encoding
Determines character encoding of le name and content
While exporLng/imporLng spreadsheet data
While uploading/downloading text les
We recommend using the pre-set default value

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

User Level Prole OpLons

User-Preferred Timezone Support

Introduced in 11.5.10 CU2
Users can specify their local Lmezone for both display and entry of date-
with-Lme elds
Date elds without Lme component are not aected by this feature
The data in the database conLnues to be stored in the standard corporate
Lme zone
We strongly recommend that the database Lmezone should not be
changed once it has been set and data has been entered

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

User Level Prole OpLons

User-Preferred Timezone ConguraWon

Database must be set to the standard corporate Lmezone

Congured to use the Wmezlrg.dat le rather than Wmezone.dat le
Server OS Lmezone must be set to the standard corporate Lme zone
Must be started in the standard corporate Lmezone

ApplicaLon Ler must be set to the standard corporate Lme zone

All servers OS must be set to the standard corporate Lmezone
All JVMs (Java Virtual Machine) must be started in the standard corporate

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User Level Prole OpLons

User-Preferred Timezone ConguraWon - conWnued

Site level proles
SERVER_TIMEZONE_ID: Server Timezone must be set to the same standard
corporate Lmezone as the database. It should not be changed once set because
exisLng data wont be updated
ENABLE_TIMEZONE_CONVERSIONS: 'Enable Timezone Conversions must be set to
'Yes' (or 'Y')
CONC_MULTI_TZ: Concurrent: MulLple Time Zones') must be set to 'No (or 'N')

User level prole

CLIENT_TIMEZONE_ID prole opLon (preference Timezone) must be set to the user
preferred Lme zone

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User Level Prole OpLons

ICX: Date format mask
Can be set to user's preferred date format

ICX: Numeric characters

Supported combinaLons:
Comma / period (10,000.00)
Period / comma (10.000,00)
Space / comma (10 000,00): introduced in 12.1.2
Space / period (10 000.00): introduced in 12.1.2
Single quote / comma (10000,00): introduced in 12.1.2
Single quote / period (10000.00): introduced in 12.1.2

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AddiLonal Number Group Separators


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LinguisLc Sort Support

Introduced in R12.2.2
Earlier releases support binary sort only, which produces reasonable
results in naLve character sets but not when using Unicode
Languages have their own specic sorLng rules and this is known as
linguisLc sort
When enabled, UI (OA Framework, Forms) shows linguisLcally sorted data
based on user preferred linguisLc sort
No linguisLc indexes are required for linguisLc sort support

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |


LinguisLc Sort Support

User Level Prole OpLon
Can be set at the user and site level by administrators

LinguisLc sort currently not supported for concurrent programs and


Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |


LinguisLc Sort Support

Prole OpWon Values Introduced in 12.2.2

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

Program Agenda

GlobalizaLon: MeeLng Local and Global Requirements

Unicode & MulLlingual Features

Regional Preferences (Locale)

InternaLonal Calendars

MulLlingual ReporLng

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InternaLonal Calendar Support

Introduced in release 12.1.1

Gregorian, 12.1.1 supports the following calendars:

Arabic Hijrah: The ocial calendar in Saudi Arabia with Arabic Hijrah month names
English Hijrah: The ocial calendar in Saudi Arabia with English transliterated Hijrah
month names
Thai: The ocial Thai solar calendar of Thailand

Users can choose their preferred calendar

Internal date representaLon is normalized to Gregorian

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

InternaLonal Calendar Support

Oracle Forms UI Date Picker


Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

InternaLonal Calendar Support

Oracle Forms UI Date Fields


Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

InternaLonal Calendar Support

OA Framework Date Picker

Thai Calendar Date Picker

Hijrah Calendar Date Pickers


Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

InternaLonal Calendars Support

Inline Date Pickers

English Hijrah


Arabic Hijrah


Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

InternaLonal Calendar Support

BI Publisher


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InternaLonal Calendar Support

Gana Chart


Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

First Day of The Week Support

Introduced in release 12.1.2
Users in countries where Sunday is not the rst day of the week can now
choose their preferred rst day of the week
A new system prole opLon that can be set at the site, applicaLon,
responsibility and user levels
FND: Calendar Week Start Day

This prole changes rst day of the week of Oracle ApplicaLon Framework
and Forms date pickers only, but does not aect business logic or reports


Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

First Day of The Week Support


Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

Program Agenda

GlobalizaLon: MeeLng Local and Global Requirements

Unicode & MulLlingual Features

Regional Preferences (Locale)

InternaLonal Calendars

MulLlingual ReporLng

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. | Oracle CondenLal Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted


BI Publisher Language Support

BI Publisher ships with a full set of
Unicode Fonts
TrueType font embedding and
No need for expensive language-
specic printers
BI Publisher supports
CJKV languages
BiDi languages
Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

BI Publisher Translatability
Communicate with your partners around the world
No dependency on installed languages
No dependency on DB character set

Create a template for any language/territory

Translate template or send to 3rd party
Support for XLIFF*

Supports 96 locales

* XLIFF: XML LocalisaLon Interchange File Format

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

ExecuLng MLS Concurrent Programs

Users can submit a single concurrent program or report requests in

languages at the same Lme using:

Standard Request Submission (SRS) UI
OA Framework (web) SRS UI: introduced in R12.1.1
Users can specify languages, territories, and numeric characters

Output can be routed to dierent printers based on language

CompleLon noLcaLons can be routed to users based on language

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

ExecuLng MLS Concurrent Programs

System AdministraWon: - Requests > Schedule

Language Sevngs region allows

user to set the NLS opLons

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

Oracle ApplicaLon Framework Export

MulWlingual Support

StarLng from 12.1.3 release, you can choose between comma and tab as a

when exporLng les

FND_UNICODE_IN_EXPORT prole opLon determines the export le
Unicode encoding
You can choose between UTF-16 lirle endian (UnicodeLirle) or UTF-8 for
export le Unicode encoding regardless of browser or plaqorm
Good workaround for some old versions of Microsoo Excel's Unicode data
import limitaLons

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

Oracle ApplicaLon Framework Export

MulWlingual Support


Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

Upgrade to 12.1.3 or 12.2 to get the latest internaLonalizaLon support
Convert to AL32UTF8
Adopt lightweight MLS
Use iSetup to support phased language rollouts
Take advantage of the internaLonalizaLon new features

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

<Insert Picture Here>


Reference Material

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |


Reference Material
GlobalizaLon Guide: R12 (MOS 393861.1); R11i (MOS 333785.1)
I18N Update Notes: R12 (MOS 393320.1); R11i (MOS 222663.1)
Hijrah and Thai Calendar Support: R12.1 & R12.2 (MOS 807393.1)
Lightweight MLS: R12.1.3 and higher (MOS 1077709.1)
MigraLng Oracle ApplicaLons Character Set to Unicode (MOS 124721.1)
Oracle ApplicaLon Concepts Guide, Chapter 3
Installing Oracle ApplicaLons for InstallaLon Procedure
NLS Release Notes on Support Site

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Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |

GlobalizaLon Terminology

InternaLonalizaLon - I18N

A sooware design process to make a product exible to funcLon worldwide

Such product can handle data of dierent languages, allow for a choice of locales,
and locale specic formats

TranslaLon - T9N

TranslaLng product UI strings and Help from English to another language

Products must rst undergo translatability tesLng to ensure code and les meet
translaLon standards

LocalizaLon L10N

Developing country-specic funcLonality to provide compliance with local

statutory requirements
Best handled product development teams based on global market requirements

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |


InternaLonalizaLon Terminology
Data handling and display

Locale support

Text processing, data ow, font handling, data entry, search etc.
Support of Bi-DirecLonal scripts, CJKV (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese),
Thai, and Unicode

Date format, number format, currency, name/address order etc.

Translatability and MLS

Externalize product UI strings from code logic

Dene runLme translaLon process (Catalogs, les, etc.)
Support for all languages on the same server (MLS)

I18N opLons

InstallaLon, AdministraLon, User

User Prole, Locale, Character set, Format, DirecLon etc.

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. |


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