Clean and Green in Bayambang: Lingling Santos

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Clean and Green in Bayambang

The Bayambang Asssociation of Barangay Chairman, held a kick- off Parade on October 7, 2013 to
formally launch the Clean and Green Program of the town of Bayambang.
The Bayambang government urges all Bayambang residents to work hand- in - hand for the
improvement of their respective barangays. Mayor Camacho believes that if all residents will participate and
cooperate, Bayambang will surely be one of the finest and greenest town in Luzon, if not the best.
Prizes at stake for the winning barangays are as follows: 50,000.00- First Prize, 30,000.00- Second Prize,
and 20,000.00 for Third Prize. This program ends on December 2013.
Lingling Santos

1. What is the title of the new story?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. Who wrote it?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. When and were was it published?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
4. What can you say about the news? Why?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

Typhoon Bidang left the country yesterday leaving behind 13 people dead; destroyed properties worth
millions of pesos and roads in some areas are still flooded with dirty water. The government has released some
funds for food and shelter to those families who were affected by the typhoon.

1. What was the news about?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. How do you feel about the news?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. What do you feel for those people affected by the typhoon?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
4. Why?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

Drug Addiction
Drug addictionis getting worse every year. More and more young people are getting hook into drugs;
cocaine, marijuana, LSD, etc. Unless the government acts on this problem with a drastic move these people will
surely regret its effects later.

1. How do you feel about drug addiction?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. Why do you think young and ild people get hooked into drugs?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. What do you feel towards dru addicts and drug puhers?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
a. drug addicts- are those who use the drugs, _______________________________________________
b. drug pushers- are those who sell the drugs _______________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

The Good samaritan

A certain man travelling down from Jerusalem

1. What was the news about?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. H?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. W?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

Needed Salty or Fresh

Do you know that sea water can be changed to salt? Do you know that salty water can be changed to
fresh water, too?
For many years men have obtained salt from the ocean. Sea water is placed in salt beds. When the water
evaporates, the dry salt remains. A gallon of sea water can produce one- fourth pound of salt.
Sea water can be changed to fresh water by desalting. Desalting means removing the salt. Sea water
can be desalted in laboratories.
Sea water, when changed to fresh water can be used to irrigate desert lands and other places there is no

1. What was the news about?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. H?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. W?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

Fire: Friend and Foe

Fire is a friend as well as a foe.
Fire has may uses. It cooks food and heats water for household needs. It gives heat to homes as well as
light. It is used to destroy to destroy rubbish, dirt and germs. Trains and steamships depend on fire to be able to
run. Automobiles, airplanes and even rocketships are run by fuel burned in their engines. Fire furnishes the
energy for the operation of most factory machines. It is also used in the manufacture of certain things like iron,
steel, rubber, paper, glass, brick, sugar and many other materials.
We owe many of our comforts to fire but fire is also a foe. It can wipe out all our possessions in just a
few hours or even minutes. Many house, buildings, schools, and markets have been partly or totally destroyed
by fires. Even our forests are not safe from fires caused by lightning, by cigarettes tossed carelessly and even by
small kaingins. Many lives, too, have been lost because of fire.
Fire is a friend if used properly, and a foe if used carelessly.

1. What is the story about?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. what does fire do to food?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. Where is fuel burned in automobiles?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
4. What do we owe to fire?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
5. Are forests safe from fires?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
6. What is one great cause of fire?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
7. How shall we use fire?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
8. What best describes fire?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

The Mermaid
There was once a girl who loved to watch the waves. How she wished she could go to the deepest part
of the sea.
One day, the king of the sea appeared. He gave her the power to change herself into a mermaid by just
calling out his name. If she wished to be a girl again, she would just say, Enough.
At night, when her parents were asleep, the girl would changed herself to a mermaid. She found much
happiness staying and playing with the fish. She was always sad when when she had to get back to the land
One Day, a festival was held and everybody came. Because she didnt want to go, she prayed hard that
something would happen to prevent her from going to the festival. Her prayers were answered. Heavy rains
came and flooded the village. Everyone died except her, for she could change herself into a mermaid. But she
was sorry for her parents had died in the floods, too.

1. What did the girl love to watch?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. Where did she wish to go?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. Who appeared to her one day?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
4. What did the king give her?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
5. When did she usually change herself to a mermaid?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
6. With whom did she play?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
7. How did she feel everytime she went back to the dry land?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
8. What is one great cause of fire?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

A Home on Its Back

What animal carries its home on its back?
It is the turtle. It has a green or brown shell which is its home. Its head has yellowish stripes or spots. It
can pull its legs, tail and head in, out and under the shell.
A turtle is a reptile so it is col- blooded. On cold days, it buries itself in the mud and sleeps there until
the days are warm again. The turtle does not eat during the cold days. It lives on the fat stored in its body.
A turtle hatches from an egg. It is an orphan at birth. A mother turtle leaves the eggs in the mud or on
the sand after laying them. The warm sun hatches the eggs.
As soon as it is hatched, a baby turtle takes care of itself. It heads for the water and eats insects, worms
and tadpoles. Soon it will be a grown- up turtle.

1. What is the story about?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. What is a turtles home?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. What kind of animal is a turtle?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
4. What does a turtle do during cold days?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
5. Why doesnt a turtle eat during cold days?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
6. Where do turtles come from?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
7. Why are turtles orphans at birth?
Answer: __________________________________________________________________________
8. How are the turtles eggs hatched?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
9. Are turtles good to eat?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
10. Who takes care of the baby turtle?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

The Lost Fisherman

One day, twelve fisherman went fishing. Some waded in the water while the others stayed on the dry
land. On their way home, a fisherman said, We have gone near the water and some bathe in it. I hope nobody is
Let us count, said another. There were twelve of us this morning.
They all counted but each man forgot to count himself. So each counted eleven.
Someone is surely drowned, they said. Which of us is it? Then they asked a stranger coming by to
help them in their trouble.
He laughed and said, Ill count you. He struck the nearest man on the shoulder with his cane and said,
One! Then he went on striking them till he had counted twelve.
God bless you! the fishermen said together. Thank you, you have found out that we are all safe!

1. How many fishermen went fishing?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. How many did they think they were when they counted themselves?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. Why did they count eleven?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
4. How many were drowned?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
5. Whom did they ask to count them?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
6. What did the stranger use to count?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
7. Where did he strike the man?
Answer: __________________________________________________________________________
8. Did the stranger count twelve?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
9. Was someone really drowned?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
10. What kind of s story is this?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

How Moses Was Saved

A new King had come to power in Egypt. He saw that the Israelites were becoming so numerous and
strong. They were getting very powerful, too, so he became afraid of them. He made them work as hard as
slaves and made life very bitter for them. He also ordered the slaying of all newly born Hebrew boys.
Now, a Hebrew woman gave birth to a baby boy. She hid him for three months. When she could no
longer hide him, she put him in a basket and placed him among the reeds on the river bank.
While the Pharaohs daughter was taking a bath in the river, she saw the basket. How surprised she was
to see a boy inside it. She was moved with pity so she adopted the boy as her son. She called himMoses for
she drew him out of the water.

1. Who had come to power in Egypt?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. Who were becoming powerful?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. How did the King make them work?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
4. Whom did he want to be slain?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
5. Was the king afraid of the Israelites?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
6. For how long did the Hebrew woman hide her son?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
7. Where did she put him?
Answer: __________________________________________________________________________
8. Where did she place it?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
9. Who found the basket?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
10. Did she take pity on the boy?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

How Caves are Formed

A cave is an opening beneath the ground, or on the side of a hill or mountain. Most caves are made by
water. Water trickles through the earth and works its way into cracks in the rocks. Bit by bit, the rocks are worn
away and in time, a cave is made.
Stalactites and stalagmites are found in caves. Water drips from the ceilings of caves and leaves bits of
limestone hanging on the ceiling of caves and leaves bits of limestone hanging on the ceiling. This bit of
limestone grows. It looks like an icicle. Icicles hanging on the ceiling are called stalactites.
From the ceiling, drops of water and limestone fall to the floor. The limestone builds up and an icicle
grows up from the place. This icicle is called stalagmite.
When stalactites and stalagmites meet, columns and pillars are formed. These pillars help set off
corridors and rooms in big caves.

1. The story tells about _____________________.

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. A ____________ is an opening beneath the ground.
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. Most caves are made by ________________________.
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
4. Rocks are worn away _________________________.
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
5. Stalactites are made of _______________________.
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
6. Stalactites look like _________________________.
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
7. When do columns and pillars are formed?
Answer: __________________________________________________________________________
8. What can be found in big caves?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

The Need for Sunlight

The sun is the main source of heat and light. Without it no plant or animal could live on earth. The sun
has been giving us heat and light for millions of years and will keep on giving us heat and light for million of
years more.
Without the the sun, the earth would be too cold and everything on it would freeze. Nothing can give
heat to the earth as much as the sun does.
The sun helps plants to grow. Without sunlight green plants will not be strong and healthy even if they
have enough water, good soil and plenty of air. They need sunlight in making their food, too.
Animals, too, cant live without sunlight. Most animals eat plants. Even animals that eat other animals
cannot live without the sun because they also depend on plants for food, too.

1. The story is mainly about ___________________.

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. What is the main source of heat?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. How long has the sun been giving heat and light?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
4. Can nothing give heat to the earth as sun does?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
5. What would happen to the earth if there were no sun?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

The Mother of Biak- na- Bato

Trinidad Tecson was born in Bulacan. She was one of the sixteen children of Rafael Tecson and Monica
Perez. As a girl, she was very pretty. She was very brave, too. She enjoyed playing sunda- sundaluhan or
soldiers play. She always wore a pair of pants so she could move well. she did not like playing girls game.
When her father asked her what she would like to be when he grew up, Trinidad said she would like to be a
When the revolution broke out, Trinidad Tecson led her soldiers bravely in real battles. When she was
wounded, she did not rest but continued her part in the Revolution. She helped take care of the sick and the
wounded soldiers in Biak- na- Bato. She became known as the Mother of Biak- na- Bato.

1. Where was Trinidad Tecson born?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. How many children were there in her family?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. What did she enjoy playing?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
4. What did she not like to play?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
5. What did she always wear?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
6. What did she like to be when she grew up?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
7. Did she beome a real soldier?
Answer: __________________________________________________________________________
8. What did she do when she was wounded?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
9. What name was she called?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
10. Is she a brave woman?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

Aluminum and Its Uses

Aluminum is a light silvery metal. It is as strong as steel. It has many uses.
Aluminum is largely used in the manufacture of bodies of cars and buses, airplane wings and fuselages,
and small boats and aluminum cables or wires.
In the food processing factories, kettles and tanks made of aluminum are used. Aluminum foil is used in
packaging and wrapping many foods. Aluminum caps and seals are used on milk, catsup and many other bottled
food products.
Aluminum is also used as roofing material in making window sashes and frames, doors and store fronts.
Articles made of aluminum are usually finished by painting and polishing.

1. What is this story mainly about?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. What is aluminum?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. What does the story say about the aluminum?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
4. Which part of the cars and buses is made of aluminum?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
5. Which part of the airplane is made of aluminum?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
6. What is the use of aluminum foil?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
7. Is flat- iron made of aluminum?
Answer: __________________________________________________________________________
8. What can be transmitted through aluminum wires and cables?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
9. How can you describe aluminum?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
10. Where are aluminum kettles and tanks used?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________


Dance is one of the most beautiful forms of art that has grown in leaps and bounds. Dance is no longer
just a hobby; it is also one of the most lucrative professions as well! Besides, dance therapy is very much in
vogue these days simply because the experience of dancing helps a person to heal from within. Dance is a form
of expression that helps a person to discover a whole new world! The different types of dances and dance styles
that are prevalent all over the world are an indication of the popularity of this art form. From the olden days till
date, dance has always been performed for social reasons or even for purely aesthetic reasons. The various types
of dances are also considered as an entertaining way to remain fit! Every dance form has its own unique
identity. Each dance is beautiful in its own way and has a different appeal to it. Every country has a distinctive
fashion about its dance styles and these dance forms have crossed the borders to become some of the most
sought-after dancestyles till date. Lets take a look at some of the various types of dances and different dancing
Social dance is a major category or classification of dance forms or dance styles, where sociability and
socializing are the primary focuses of the dancing.[1] Social dances can be danced with a variety of partners and
Ceremonial dance - Competitive dance - Erotic dance - Participation dance - Performance dance
Many social dances are sweet partner dances. In fact, quite often when spoken about social dances, ballroom or
other partner dances are kept in mind. However it is natural to include in this category such groups of dances as
Social dancing, or partner dancing, is enjoying a real surge in popularity, thanks to commercials.


1. What?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. What is?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. What?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
4. What?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
5. Why
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
6. Where?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

7. Why?
Answer: __________________________________________________________________________
8. How?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
9. Are?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
10. Who
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

The Butterfly Life Cycle

A butterfly starts life as a very small, round, oval or

cylindrical egg. Butterfly eggs are usually laid on the
leaves of plants. When the egg hatches, the caterpillar will
start his work and eat the leaf they were born onto.
Caterpillars need to eat and eat so they can grow quickly.
As soon as a caterpillar is done growing and they have
reached their full length/weight, they form themselves into
a pupa, also known as a chrysalis. Within the chrysalis the
old body parts of the caterpillar are undergoing a
remarkable transformation, called metamorphosis, to
become the beautiful parts that make up the butterfly that
will emerge. Tissue, limbs and organs of a caterpillar have
all been changed by the time the pupa is finished, and is
now ready for the final stage of a butterflys life
cycle. Finally, when the caterpillar has done all of its

forming and changing inside the pupa, if you are lucky, you
will get to see an adult butterfly emerge.
What animal
1. What?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. What is?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. What?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
4. What?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
5. Why
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
6. Where?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
7. Why?
Answer: __________________________________________________________________________
8. How?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
9. Are?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
10. Who
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

The Origin of Rocks

Have you examined a stone closely? It is lifeless, but it has a long history longer than the history
1. What?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. What is?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. What?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
4. What?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
5. Why
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
6. Where?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
7. Why?
Answer: __________________________________________________________________________
8. How?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
9. Are?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
10. Who
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________


Kimmie was visIting her Aunt Jane at her house at the

beach. It was a beautiful summer day. Kimmie built a giant
sand castle in the morning. Aunt Jane took pictures of the
castle to send to Kimmies parents.
Kimmie wanted to play on the beach that afternoon. She
wanted to build another sand castle. Aunt Jane told her it
was too sunny. Aunt Jane said Kimmie could only go if she
had sunscreen and a hat. Kimmie didnt have a hat. Aunt
Jane had a lot of hats. Aunt Jane said that Kimmie could
borrow one of hers, since bigger hats were better anyway.
Kimmie tried on four hats.
The pink one was really pretty, but it had a big bow. The ribbons kept going
into Kimmies eyes. That would not be good for building a sand castle.The blue hat was
too fancy. Kimmie did not like that hat at all. The red hat was nice, but it had flowers on
it. Kimmie was afraid the flowers would get dirty.
Then, Kimmie saw a big straw hat with a short red ribbon on it. The bow
was not too droopy. The hat was not too fancy. It would be easy to clean. Kimmie knew it
was the
perfect hat.

What animal
1. What?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. What is?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. What?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
4. What?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
5. Why
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
6. Where?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
7. Why?
Answer: __________________________________________________________________________
8. How?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
9. Are?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
10. Who
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

What animal
1. What?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. What is?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. What?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
4. What?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

5. Why
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
6. Where?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
7. Why?
Answer: __________________________________________________________________________
8. How?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
9. Are?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
10. Who
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

What animal
1. What?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. What is?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. What?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
4. What?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
5. Why
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
6. Where?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
7. Why?
Answer: __________________________________________________________________________
8. How?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

9. Are?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
10. Who
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

What animal
1. What?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. What is?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. What?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
4. What?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
5. Why
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
6. Where?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
7. Why?
Answer: __________________________________________________________________________
8. How?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
9. Are?
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
10. Who
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

The Little Red Hen

Once upon a time, there was a little red hen

friends with a lazy dog

, a sleepy cat

One day the little red hen

found some seeds

"Not I," purred the sleepy cat

on the ground. The little red hen

asked her friends, "Who will help me plant the seeds

"Not I," barked the lazy dog

. She was

, and a noisy yellow duck

had an idea. She would plant the seeds

The little red hen

who lived on a farm



"Not I," quacked the noisy yellow duck

"Then I will," said the little red hen

. So the little red hen

planted the seeds

all by

When the seeds

the wheat

had grown, the little red hen


"Not I," barked the lazy dog

"Not I," purred the sleepy cat


"Not I," quacked the noisy yellow duck

"Then I will," said the little red hen


When all the wheat

take the wheat

asked her friends, "Who will help me cut

. So the little red hen

was cut, the little red hen

to the mill

"Not I," purred the sleepy cat


"Not I," quacked the noisy yellow duck

all by

asked her friends, "Who will help me

to be ground into flour

"Not I," barked the lazy dog

cut the wheat


"Then I will," said the little red hen

the mill

. So the little red hen

all by herself, ground the wheat

heavy sack

of flour

The tired little red hen

back to the farm

"Not I," purred the sleepy cat

, and carried the


. So the little red hen

was finished, the tired little red hen


"I will," barked the lazy dog

"I will," purred the sleepy cat

the bread

"Then I will," said the little red hen

all by herself.

the bread


"Not I," quacked the noisy yellow duck

me eat

into flour

asked her friends, "Who will help me bake

"Not I," barked the lazy dog

When the bread

brought the wheat


"I will," quacked the noisy yellow duck


the bread

asked her friends, "Who will help

"No!" said the little red hen

all by herself.

. "I will." And the little red hen


the bread

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