Recovery After Hurricane Katrina - Employment in The Gulf Coast Area

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Summary 07-01 / May 2007 • U.S. Department of Labor • U.S.

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Recovery After Hurricane Katrina: Employment in the Gulf

Coast Area
O n August 29, 2005, Hurricane
Katrina struck the Gulf Coast
of the United States, causing tragic
two large parishes in Louisiana—
Jefferson and Orleans—and one
large county in Mississippi—Har-
parishes, damage was primarily
son, Orleans, and St. Bernard. One
2005, the level of employment in
Jefferson Parish was only 89 per-
cent of the level in Orleans. A year
loss of life and catastrophic dam- rison. In addition to these areas, year after the storm, the combined later, employment in Jefferson was
age in local communities. The three parishes and two counties employment level in these eight 28 percent greater than in Orleans.
destruction of property and infra- DOVR VXIIHUHG VLJQL¿FDQW HPSOR\- communities recovered to 82 per- August 2006 employment has
structure resulted in large numbers ment losses as a result of the storm: cent of the pre-Katrina level. recovered to 91 percent of the
of workers and their families being Plaquemines, St. Bernard, and St. Among the three large ar- pre-Katrina level in Jefferson Par-
displaced. The devastating impact Tammany Parishes in Louisiana, eas, the recovery of jobs has been ish and to 90 percent in Harrison
of this storm still resonates in the and Hancock and Jackson Counties weakest in Orleans Parish, where &RXQW\ 'HVSLWH WKHLU VLJQL¿FDQW
nation; however, substantial recov- in Mississippi. These eight areas August employment was down by recovery following the storm, em-
ery in employment was evident by were heavily affected by Hurricane 88,300 between 2005 and 2006. As ployment levels in Jefferson Par-
the third quarter of 2006 in many Katrina and sustained the largest of August 2006, employment had ish and Harrison County remained
of the areas most heavily affected job losses within the Gulf Coast recovered to only 63 percent of its lower through August 2006; Jef-
by Hurricane Katrina. region. The destruction from high pre-Katrina level. Jefferson Parish ferson was down 19,800 jobs and
The effects of this storm on ZLQGV VWRUP VXUJHV DQG ÀRRGLQJ rebounded more quickly and has ex- Harrison was down 8,900.
employment totals in the Quarterly contributed to their combined loss perienced a much stronger recovery. $XJXVWHPSOR\PHQWLQWKH¿YH
Census of Employment and Wages of 127,900 jobs between August As a result, by October 2005, Jeffer- smaller communities of the Gulf
4&(: ZHUH¿UVWDSSDUHQWLQGDWD 2005 and August 2006. Damage in son replaced Orleans as Louisiana’s Coast where employment was
for September 2005. In the Gulf the Mississippi counties was large- largest coastal parish and became
Coast, Hurricane Katrina caused ly due to hurricane-related winds the second largest parish in the state
the most extensive job losses in and storm surges. In the Louisiana in terms of employment. In August Continued on back

Employment in large areas heavily affected by Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina
Aug. 29, 2005 (after August reference period)





Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 June-06 Jul-06 Aug-06

Jefferson Parish Orleans Parish Harrison County

heavily impacted by Hurricane Ka- Employment in areas heavily affected by Hurricane Katrina
trina lost an aggregate 10,900 jobs
August 2006 Change in
over the year. Recovery was strong August 2005 August 2006 employment employment,
in this combined area, where to- Parish/County employment employment as percent of August 2005 to
tal employment recovered to 93.4 (in thousands) (in thousands) pre-Katrina August 2006 (in
percent of the pre-Katrina level. employment thousands)
St. Tammany Parish, La., experi- Louisiana Parishes (5) 555.9 439.9 79.1 -116.0
enced a noteworthy recovery, with
Jefferson 214.3 194.5 90.8 -19.8
August 2006 employment growing
by 2,200 jobs over the year and ex- Orleans 240.5 152.2 63.3 -88.3
ceeding pre-Katrina levels by three Plaquemines 15.2 14.4 94.7 -0.8
percent. St. Bernard Parish, how- St. Bernard 17.5 8.2 46.9 -9.3
ever, lost 9,300 jobs between Au-
St. Tammany 68.4 70.6 103.2 2.2
gust 2005 and August 2006, when
employment was only 47 percent Mississippi Counties (3) 154.8 142.9 92.3 -11.9
of the pre-Katrina level. Recovery Hancock 14.2 12.2 85.9 -2.0
in St. Bernard, like Orleans, has
Harrison 91.5 82.6 90.3 -8.9
been considerably hindered by the
These data were obtained by Total Affected Area (8) 710.7 582.8 82.0 -127.9
the Quarterly Census of Employ-
ment and Wages in the Bureau of
Labor Statistics. Data presented or more in 2005. Additonal charts WLFVDQG/DERU7XUQRYHU2I¿FHRI impaired individuals upon request.
here are for all workers covered are available online at www.bls. Employment and Unemployment Voice phone: (202) 691-5200.
by State and Federal unemploy- gov/katrina/smallareas.pdf. For Statistics. E-mail: viegas.robert@ Federal Relay Service: 1-800-877-
ment insurance programs. Large additional information, contact Telephone: 202-691-5162. 8339. This report is in the public
counties or parishes refer to those Robert Viégas, an economist in the Information in this summary domain and may be reproduced
with employment levels of 75,000 Division of Administrative Statis- will be made available to sensory- without permission.


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