Celebrating 25 Years of Fulfilling Potential: "When You Give To ST - Amant, The Rewards Are Endless."

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Join St.

Amants monthly giving program

As CEO of Bockstael Construction Ltd., a family business thats over 100 years old, John knows
how important long-term relationships are to a business future success. He views philanthropic
relationships in the same way. Thats why he and his wife Monique have been monthly donors
with the St.Amant Foundation for over 10 years.
When you see an organization like St.Amant, where enthusiasm runs through the entire place,
especially when it entails caring for and supporting people, it makes it easy to want to volunteer,
work and donate to the Foundation. Its a sure sign things are going in the right direction.
You too can spread your generosity throughout the year by making a monthly donation. Giving on a
monthly basis helps keep St.Amant on solid ground, able to fulfill its mission to meet the needs of
people with developmental disabilities and autism. You can direct your donations to a specific
cause or help with St.Amants most urgent needs, from critically needed equipment
to ground-breaking research. Just select an amount thats manageable for you
each month and an automatic deduction can be made from your bank
account or credit card.
In the event that your ability to give
changes, you can easily change your
monthly amount or cancel at any time.
For more information, contact:
Juliette Mucha, Director, St.Amant
Foundation, 204.258.7052

When you give

to St.Amant,
the rewards are

Celebrating 25 years of
fulfilling potential
Thanks to your support, the St.Amant Foundation is
excited to share its many successes. Last year we
celebrated our 25th year making a difference in the lives of
children and adults with developmental disabilities and
autism. In the past 25 years you have contributed over
$16 million to enhance the quality of life of the many
individuals St.Amant supports.

Many of St.Amants priorities are not funded by the

government, so donations are essential.
Through your generosity, you help the world see people
with disabilities in a new light. By giving people with
disabilities choices and honoring those choices, you
enhance inclusion and help to change their present and

John and Monique Bockstael

St.Amant Spirit Festival

St.Amant families attending Assiniboine

Park Zoos Wildest Dreams event.

Supporting children and adults with

developmental disabilities and autism

The people - the dedicated staff,

generous donors, devoted
volunteers, and mostly the
inspiring people supported by
St.Amant and their families.
Everyone has such an interesting
story about St.Amant that I love
to hearwhats your story?

Enjoying a visit to Riverstone Spa.

The first family to visit the St.Amant Spirit

Cottage by Hans Kraus Family & Qualico.

Working at St.Amant, every

day holds a new challenge, a
new opportunity, and a
chance for growth. I feel so
blessed to work for an
organization that positively
impacts so many peoples
lives on a daily basis.

A Spirited Art Soire

St.Amant Leisure Guide dance class

Motivated by passion

Freeing the spirit

St.Amant works to improve the quality of life of children and
adults with developmental disabilities in Manitoba so that they
can fulfill their true potential. Our goal is to provide supports to
each individual that enhance choice and quality of life. The
St.Amant Foundation has created special funds to help achieve
this: the St.Amant Leisure Guide, Personal Items and
Equipment, Recreational Activities and Education and
Through these funds a grand total of $175,000 in funding will
enhance the quality of life of the individuals we support, help

them build social networks, increase their skills and have fun!
We know that families and individuals can find it difficult to
participate in leisure and recreation activities within the
community. Yet we also know that all people need social
connection and recreation. This program should make a big
difference, says John Leggat, President & CEO of St.Amant.
The St.Amant Leisure Guide, a pilot program, received seed
funding of $25,000 from The Winnipeg Foundation to help
people with developmental disabilities get out and get active.

Red River Co-op BBQ

As a person whose family is affected

by autism and after touring St.Amant,
Brian Eckhardt was taken with the
mission and the great work happening
in the programs this organization offers.
In addition to his philanthropic nature,
Brian has a passion for research and for
My family loves art, my kids all
participated in many of the Winnipeg
Art Gallery classes and we have a
general appreciation for art as a
wonderful form of expression, said

Cake auction for St.Amant Autism Programs

After attending one of St.Amant

Foundations wine tasting fundraisers
and joining the St.Amant Foundation
Board of Directors, Brian suggested
adding an art component to the event.
I know that communication can be a
challenge for some of the people
St.Amant supports. Art is an accessible
medium that provides an opportunity
for any individual disability or not to
express themselves on a different
level, said Brian. Everyone can take
away something different, its very

UFFW Banquet & Ball in support of St.Amant

Clockwise: Swimming class,
treadmill for fitness, exploring
our city activity, fitness for two
class, making crafts.

Color Me Rad 5K Winnipeg

This spring was the 4th annual Spirited

Art Soire, a wine and cheese event
that boasts a large silent auction
featuring art pieces made by the
individuals supported by St.Amant.
Each year, the participants work with
guest artists in workshops to create the
art. The mediums have varied annually
from print making, to beading and
painting on silk scarves to large
collaborative, movement-art pieces.
The art workshops are very popular and
participants include young kids from

St.Amants Autism program, students

from St.Amant School and adults from
both of St.Amants residential services.
As the CEO of InfoMagnetics
Technologies Corporation (IMT), a
software development and consulting
firm located in Winnipeg and the US,
Brian understands and respects the role
of research in society. Through Brian,
IMT has been the title sponsor for all
four Art Soiree events. He has
designated the $140,000 raised to
support the St.Amant Research Centre.
I dont feel that researchers and the
work they do get enough credit until
theres a huge breakthrough, said
Brian. The St.Amant Research Centre is
committed to research that improves
the quality of life for individuals with
developmental disabilities and autism.
Brian looks forward to continued
support of St.Amant and is convinced
that once you get a glimpse of what
goes on in the programs and the lives
St.Amant touches, you cant help but
become a supporter. St.Amant is a
touching place. Im still involved
because of the dedication I see and the
happiness that results.

Brian Eckhardt

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