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General Features:
-Ceilings are 15 feet high unless otherwise noted.
-Doors: Interior doors are made of thick wood planks, more like ties, with iron bands. There
are no locks nor
keyholes. Doors take DC 15 Strength check to break down a
barricaded door.
-Floors: Cracked and uneven flagstones.
-Lighting: During the day their is dim light from the arrow slits and cracks in the rubble. At
night it is dark. All of the inhabitants have darkvision so there are no torches, only an
occasional cooking fire.
-Arrow Slits: A creature on one side gains 3/4 cover from a creature on the other. The arrow
slits are 8 inches
wide and 4 feet tall.
Players can approach from three areas: Area 1, Area 10, and Area 11. Areas 10 and 11
are the sneakier ways.
Entry way
Trapped Hall: The trap requires a passive wisdom score of 20 or an active search
DC of 10. 3d6 damage on a failed DC 10 Dex save. The noise puts everyone on alert from
areas 3, 7, 8, and 9.
Archer Post: (This is actually two areas, the guard posts either side of area I.) Each
room has one goblin boss and one goblin. For a total of 2x goblin bosses and 2x
goblins. If they raise the alarm (which requires one of them to use an action and a
movement), then it alerts all of the goblins and hobgoblins from areas 4 and 6. For an
additional 3x goblins and 4x hobgoblins.
Ruined Barracks: if not alerted there are 3x goblins bunking here.
Storeroom: mostly empty but for Sildars longsword and chainmail. There is also a
small cask of dwarven brandy.
Hobgoblin Barracks: if not alerted there are 4x hobgoblins here.
Banquet Hall: there are 7x goblins and 1x goblin boss (the chef Yegg) here.
Dark Hall: there is one grick alpha here. The grick is sneaking and in an ambush
site regardless of other events. Even during the day there is no light here.
Goblin Shrine: there is 1x goblin priest (Lhupo) and 2x goblins here, his
Postern Gate: DC 15 thieves tool check to open or a DC 25 Strength check. Can
hear the clattering of pottery and dishes and angry goblin voices from the arrow slits to 7.
Ruined Tower: A dusty canvas hides the entrance from the outside. Its DC 15
Wisdom (Perception) to notice the footpath. DC 10 to notice the canvas.
Guard Barracks: Anyone creeping around the east side during the day will be seen
by the 2x Hobgoblins here. They will warn King Grol in area 14.
Owlbear Tower: the arrow slits are plugged or shuttered. A DC 15 Listen check can
hear deep stenorous breathing.
Kings Quarters: what they do depends on being warned or not. King Grol is a
bugbear with maximum hit points. The doppelganger is disguised as a farmer. Grol
holds Gundren hostage if he is alerted.


AC: 15, HP: 7, Skills Stealth +6, darkvision 60 feet
Nimble Escape: disengage or Hide as a bonus action
+4 to hit, damage 5, scimitar or hortbow
goblin boss
AC: 17, HP: 21, Stealth +6,
Nimble Escape: disengage or Hide as a bonus action
+4 to hit, damage 5, multiattack scimitar or shortbow
Reaction: Redirect Attack, swap place with a goblin on being hit by an attack
AC: 18, HP: 11, darkvision 60 feet
Martial Advantae: 1/turn can deal an extra 7 damage to someone who within 5 feet of an ally
+3 to hit, 5 damage longsword or longbow
AC 14, HP 48, damage resistance bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
Stony Camouflage: advantage to hide in rocky terrain
Multiattack: one tentacles attack, if hits then a beak attack
+4 to hit, 9 damage tentacles, 5 bite
goblin priest (priest with less HP and bonus move of goblins)
AC 13, HP 21,
divine eminence: as a bonus action can expend a spell slot to do an extra 10 damage on a
melee attack.
Spellcasting: sacred flame (2d8)
1st: guiding bolt
2nd: spiritual weapon
3rd: spirit guardians
AC 13, HP 63, Perception +3 (advantage)
multiattack: +7 to both, beak 10 damage, claws 14
bugbear with max HP (Groll)
AC 17, HP 45, Stealth +6, surprise attack +7 damage, only on first round
Morningstar +5 to hit, 11 damage (no multiattack)
AC 14, HP 52, Deception +6, immune to charm
advantage on attack rolls to surprised opponents, +10 damage to surprised opponents
Multiattack, 2 slams, +6 to hit, 7 damage
Read Thoughts within 60 feet as an action
wolf with max HP (Snarl, Grols wolf)
AC 13, HP 18, Perception +3 (advantage), Stealth +4
advantage on attack rolls if ally within 5 feet.
bite +4, 7 damage, DC 11 Strength saving throw or target knocked prone

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