Kryptos The Most Famous Unsolved Codes in The World

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Cheryl Horath

The most famous unsolved codes in the world.

Kryptos The Most Famous Unsolved Codes in the World

It seems everywhere we look there are codes and messages hidden in plain sight from the Georgia
Guide stones to the Great Pyramids to the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle to the 33rd Parallel.
Yet one of the most famous unsolved mysteries in the world is located in Langley, Virginia on the
grounds of the Central Intelligence Agency.
What is the Kryptos?
Many of you may have never heard of the Kryptos. The Kryptos Sculpture is an encrypted sculpture
by the American artist, Jim Sanborn, since its dedication on November 3, 1990, there has been much
speculation about the meaning of the encrypted messages it bears. Of the four messages, three have
been solved, with the fourth remaining one of the most famous unsolved codes in the world.
If you have never heard of the Kryptos there is so much information out there and it's rather
interesting if you are like me and love a great mystery. The sculpture is 12-foot-high made with
verdigrised copper, granite. It contains 4 messages which 3 have been deciphered. Just recently a
new clue has been revealed but as of today the fourth message is still waiting to be cracked.
Most recent clue. BERLIN"
Just recently Sanborn revealed a clue to mark the 20th anniversary of the sculptures dedication at
CIA headquarters in was only 6 letters when deciphered it spells "BERLIN" The artist in an
interview claims this is a very significant clue that would mean something to the whole world. And
when revealed would mean taking the sculpture off CIA grounds and out of the United States. Source
something else that makes this so interesting with the revelation of this word "BERLIN" is the Berlin
wall came down and almost exactly one year later the scupture went up at CIA Headquarters. Three
sections of the Berlin wall stand on the grounds of CIA headquarters. Source


Here's what the first three messages reveal (typos are cut into the copper):
1. Between subtle shading and the absence of light lies the nuance of iqlusion. Keys: KRYPTOS,
2. It was totally invisible. How's that possible? They used the earth's magnetic field. x The
information was gathered and transmitted undergruund to an unknown location. x Does langley
know about this? They should: it's buried out there somewhere. x Who knows the exact

location? Only WW. This was his last message. x Thirty eight degrees fifty seven minutes six
point five seconds north, seventy seven degrees eight minutes forty four seconds west. ID by
3. Slowly, desparatly slowly, the remains of passage debris that encumbered the lower part of the
doorway was removed. With trembling hands I made a tiny breach in the upper left-hand corner.
And then, widening the hole a little, I inserted the candle and peered in. The hot air escaping
from the chamber caused the flame to flicker, but presently details of the room within emerged
from the mist. x Can you see anything? q Keys: three columnar transpositions.
This 3rd deciphered message is a passage from the book written by Howard Carter in 1922 and
was referred to the opening of King Tuts Tomb.
This and much more can be found in the NSA document below
The CIA KRYPTOS Sculpture: A summary of Previous Work and New Revelations

Here are the last 97 characters, which haven't been deciphered

Some interesting facts about the Kryptos

Dan Brown hid references to Kryptos on the cover design for his bestselling novel The Da Vinci
Code, and suggested it might play a role in his next novel, The Solomon Key. Source

the deciphered message so far appears to point to something momentous buried on CIA
grounds Source

They were able to decipher three of the code's four parts, 768 characters. The final 97 characters
remain a mystery. The decoded messages include a poetic passage referring to "subtle shading"
and "the absence of light," the longitude and latitude for CIA headquarters, and the breathless
account of archaeologist Howard Carter on opening King Tut's tomb in 1922. Source

Kryptos is Greek for hiddenSource

Kryptos is mentioned in the 2009 song "Obfuscation" on the album The Great
Misdirect Source

To learn more about this mysterious sculpture here is a website that gives you just about everything
you need to know from books to newspaper articles and transcripts it's for sure worth checking out..

Elonka's Kryptos Page well as newly released NSA documents now declassified and
linked below on the NSA website.
Newly released documents from the NSA
Declassified NSA Document about the Kryptos text and location obtained via FOIA
Declassified NSA Slides of Kryptos which includes photos and newspaper articles


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