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news makers

Dr Aseel Al Awadhi

Cocking This (the Arab)

a snook
society is very
and always
believes in a

at the patriarchal
one man show

By Vani Saraswathi

t’s easy to complain and be disdainful I just want to present an example of an al- average age was not more than 30. Using the Internet to that end was part of for office in 2005, none were elected
of the environment we are in. It takes ternative way of how politics can be run This (the Arab) society is very authorita- our strategy. in 2006 nor in 2008. Why?
courage to attempt change; convic- and how politicians can be. Then I will step tive and always believes in a one man show. Women were out of the political arena for
tion to be part of the solution. And back and go back to teaching – my first The candidate would take unilateral deci- But for those who fear change – as 40 years. This is a relatively new experience.
Aseel Al Awadhi has enough of those love,” she says, in an exclusive interview to sions and pass it on as orders. My campaign we have seen in the region – the We had to build trust and confidence; and it
two Cs to challenge a patriarchal system Woman Today. was very different from traditional election Internet is perceived as a threat takes time to garner enough support.
and be a role model to young Kuwaitis. campaigns – it was decentralised. The team isn’t it? Hence, the attempts at The Arab culture is such that people are
That she is one of the ‘first women’ to be You are probably one of the few tech leaders – a consulting committee – would censorship… resistant to change. They are worried about
elected to the Kuwaiti Parliament in 2009 savvy politicians in the region, gen- meet every night, and they would brief me Technology has created a wave we can’t re- the social impact of these changes. The is-
is only incidental. Her decision to jump into der no bar. Launching the campaign on decisions they have made for me to fol- sist. Whether we like it or not, it’s impos- sue is that of the patriarchal culture we live
the political fray was not a battle of the sex- on Youtube, nurturing a Facebook low. They were a group of politically aware sible for anyone to censor the Internet. We in. The distinction between the role of men
es as many described it to be. support group, active on Twitter… a youngsters. might as well just be prepared to ride the and women is ancient and stereotypical.
At barely 40, she became one of the first strange dichotomy given the extent I wanted a positive outlook for the cam- wave instead of fighting it. Facebook and There is this inherent conviction that
four women elected to the 50-seat Kuwait of censorship in the region. paign. We were living in a very distressed blogs providing a good opportunity to reach women are emotional, weak and can’t
National Assembly. Women in Kuwait In Kuwait, new media is very popular, es- political environment – the Parliament had out to people. The medium can be effective- handle the consequences of being a po-
gained the right to vote and run for office pecially with the youth. My campaign was been dissolved thrice in three years. There ly used to bring about other changes, too. litical activist. It takes time to break those
in 2005, but none had been elected until designed and executed to attract that group was anger, loud and heated arguments. In Kuwait newspapers are more popular stereotypes. But the third time around we
2009. of people – to motivate them to participate We wanted to present a different model online, as there is an opportunity to com- got around these issues and four of us got
She recognises the historical relevance of in national politics and to make a mark. of a politician, who uses logical argu- ment. Whether young or older generation, elected.
women’s participation in politics, but her Launching my campaign on Youtube was ments; a calm voice; short and pertinent people are embracing the net.
agenda is not driven by gender. an idea given by my team leaders. My cam- speeches. I wanted to present an example Are you okay with the ‘woman’ tag
“I am not a politician or an MP for life. paign was run by a very young team whose of an alternative way of conducting politics. Though women won the right to run attached to all your achievements

16 February 2010 2010 February 17

news makers

A woman is always treated

guilty before she is proven
innocent... a failure until
she’s proven a success.

Aseel Al Awadhi, PhD, member of the

and initiatives? the universe. male clique, because everyone was expect- means possible, one of which is the issue of strategic plans! For the first time in 1985 we Kuwait National Assembly, was the first
It is challenging to be perceived accord- It’s impossible. It’s annoying when we are ing it. With my male colleagues I have no veil. It appeals to the conservatives by stat- voted on a law passing a 5-year-plan, but in
speaker in Carnegie Mellon University
ing to your sex. Running for the election not treated as ‘MPs’, but as some super hu- problems either. A lot of them are respect- ing that since we are not veiled, we are not the 1986 the parliament was dissolved, the
I presented myself as a candidate, not as mans. We are in the spotlight certainly. Our ful, appreciative and helpful. Even some of committed to religion. plan was dismissed, not implemented.
in Qatar’s Distinguished Lecture Series
a woman. A candidate who had certain mistakes are magnified 10 times more than the conservatives, who at the very begin- They stress that religion should be the The government is reactive, not proac- 2010. The lecture was titled ’Gulf Wom-
ideologies, believed could succeed and that of others. We are exposed to harsher ning opposed our presence in the parlia- basis on which votes are drafted. We un- tive, and so it can’t lead change. en and Politics: the Kuwaiti Experience’.
contribute something to the society as a criticism. A woman is always treated guilty ment, started to submit to our seriousness. derstand the background of this attack, so “I am delighted to have been invited
citizen. Yes, I addressed women’s issues. before she is proven innocent. A failure un- It’s very hard at the beginning for them to didn’t give it much attention. They were not But the danger of such criticism is by Carnegie Mellon these last two days
Just as I addressed other issues facing the til she’s proven a success. We have to work accept women’s representation in politics able to drift me away from my agenda. that democracy itself is seen as to share my experience, objectives and
civil society. 10 times as much and have 10 times less and parliament, because it’s a male domi- the root of the problem.
discuss the challenges I faced as one
I made sure not to label myself as a ‘wom- mistakes to be taken seriously. nated field. What about in the West? Yes, but to have a real democracy there must
an’ candidate. But when we walked in with a positive In the West women wear it as a sign of iden- be some prerequisites. We need educational of the first women to be elected as a
It’s beyond my control how people per- There are just four of you in a spirit, proving we can cooperate with them tity – to distinguish themselves and pre- reforms that promote tolerance and critical member of the Kuwaiti Parliament,”
ceive me or choose to tag me. Especially parliament of 50. Is that by itself and trust them, we broke down barriers serve their Muslim identity. In any case, all thinking. We don’t have this in Kuwait. said Al Awadhi, in a statement prior to
the media – the way they put twists on our challenging or intimidating? What is and preconceived notions. of this is just an excuse to attack women. The lack of certain reforms or legisla- the lecture. “Personally, I have always
victory, working hard to label us as only the working relationship with your A few still jump on any chance to attack tions does not mean democracy is not good. looked for ways to bend the rules and
women. male and female colleagues? female MPs; but these are just a few and Kuwait has the oldest parliament in There are lots of benefits that have ac-
break away from convention. As one of
Even in Parliament, there is a lot of spec- I have a very pleasant relationship with my more importantly, they are not supported the region. It’s also the first consti- crued to us, the Kuwaiti people, because of
ulation on what we would achieve. They female colleagues. But we don’t act as one by the rest. That’s good. tutional monarchy in the Gulf, but democracy.
four women recently elected to the par-
forget we are four amongst 46. No one will group isolated from other MPS. That was a there are critics who say develop- Freedom of speech is something we are liament, we are pleased that the voters
challenge the 46, but they want us to change very conscious decision – not to create a fe- The never-ending debate on wearing ment has slowed down (compared to proud of. We can criticise the government, have recognized the need for change in
the veil across the world should other GCC states) because of politi- the royal family, people in public offices... order to prepare Kuwait for a future in
Credit: Afp Photo/Yasser Al-Zayyat

strike a special chord with you – cal differences. Your take? an increasingly global society. Our near-
since there was an issue raised on I would agree partially. Political develop- You have witnessed two Gulf Wars, term objectives are to work together on
the four MPs wearing a hijab to ful- ment has gone in the wrong direction. rather directly in one. Do you think
laws representing those groups in our
fil their constitutional roles. What The role of the tribe and family has for diplomacy as a tact no longer makes
do you think of this obsession people years taken priority over national inter- sense since wars are resorted to so communities whose rights are not held
across the world have on women’s est instead of real democratic practices in quickly? up to international standards including
attire? which people vote for agendas and common I don’t think so. There are some attitudes women, labourers, children and those
We have to understand the background objectives. In 2010 we still have a vast ma- that force war. If diplomatic efforts have with special needs.”
first. Political Islamists are using religion jority voting for relatives and tribes. This failed, then policies need to be revisited. Prior to being elected to the Assembly,
as a slogan to further their political agenda. is certainly a negative practice. Kuwait has You can’t enforce a political system on a Al Awadhi was a professor of philosophy
That’s very obvious to us. The way they can not succeeded in overcoming this. country. Saddam Hussein deserved to be
at Kuwait University. Al Awadhi earned
mobilise people and claim success is to ac- At a social level you can be proud of removed, but the people did not deserve
tually preserve the patriarchal culture. This your heritage, religion, tribe – it could be a the aftermath. a bachelor’s degree in philosophy at Ku-
is a cultural struggle, not a religious one. source of your identity, but in the political What is happening in Iraq now – the cha- wait University and a PhD in philosophy
We are threatening the beliefs of a pa- and public arena you are a citizen first. os – was expected. These are people who at the University of Texas in Austin.
triarchal society that defines the roles of The government too has to be blamed for have lived under a totalitarian, oppressive
women and men. Us winning the seats the lack of development. It has executive regime all their lives – who have had rela-
weakens them – weakens their arguments. powers and is responsible for carrying out tives die in front of their eyes for differences
Kuwaiti MP Aseel Al Awadhi (right) and Kuwait Football Club’s Chairman and MP Marzuq Al Ghanem at the start of
the club’s AFC Cup final match Certainly they will fight back, using any development plans. Our government has no in opinions! How do you think they would

18 February 2010 2010 February 19

news makers slug name

There is this inherent conviction that women

are emotional, weak and can’t handle the
consequences of being a political activist. It
takes time to break those stereotypes.
In Kuwait, I really look up to Dr Ahmad
Al Khatib, the most famous secular sym-
function when they have freedom? They special needs, children’s rights, women’s could represent me in the speech style, pri- bol in Kuwait and Vice-President of the

Credit: Afp Photo/Yasser Al-Zayyat

are not going to be tolerant or democratic. civil rights. orities… there were very few I could look up
Constituent Assembly which passed the
They are going to seek revenge. For them, if to and say these are leaders I can follow.
you disagree, you kill. They don’t know any What is the most common question Because I teach political philosophy, I
Constitution of Kuwait in 1962.
other means of communicating or working asked by women in the region of you? spoke a lot about this to my students. I loved Dr Al Martinich, my PhD dissertation su-
out their differences. The most common, in Kuwait, is how I deal my job as a teacher, I have a passion for it, pervisor at the University of Texas, Aus-
It was an irresponsible act to disregard with the conservatives and Islamists. I am I enjoy it. I could see how disappointed the tin played an invaluable role in my life. I
all these factors and wage a war. the youngest of the four women MPs, so they youth were in the political system, the parlia- learnt so much from him on ethics and
When I was doing my PhD in Austin, feel sorry for me. They see all the shouting ment and the politicians. They were starting dedication. After my defence, I did not
there was a women’s delegation from the and yelling in Parliament. But that’s for the to lose hope in their country and their future
merely become a ‘doctor’, but a whole
Middle East. There were a couple from television cameras. Those MPs just want to – I thought this was seriously dangerous.
West Bank, Gaza. I had an interesting con- make an impression that they are ‘heroes’. They are the future and they can’t lose hope. new me was born. I came back with
versation with them. They were telling me Otherwise they are nice, and we get along. When the parliament dissolved in 2008, better mental abilities and a different
how it was very easy for Arabs sitting in air In the rest of the Arab world, I am asked I decided to jump into politics. Unless there way of thinking, because of the pressure
conditioned comfort to say ‘We don’t want how I got here, and they wonder if they could is educational reform, not much will change. he placed on me.
peace. We want all of the land of Palestine.’ achieve that too. In the West they are more Yes, I was teaching, but my influence was
The lady from Gaza said, “It’s not their chil- curious about my story. The route to my still limited. But as a law maker, I would be
dren who are starving or their houses that’s success. able to draft or drive those reforms. But I am
being knocked down and they are not fight- not a politician or an MP for life.
ing. We just need a piece of land to live.” What is the route? When did you de- After the 2008 election, though I did not
This conversation has played on my mind. cide you would join politics? How supportive was your family? win, I received a large number of votes, after
It is ridiculous for us to decide for people in I was always politically active. When I My family has always been pro women’s edu- which even those who were a little hesitant
the line of fire. Same goes for Iraq. It’s not started teaching the Kuwait University af- cation. I have two brothers. One was totally threw their weight behind me and pushed
America’s place to decide what’s good for ter living nine years in the US, the political behind me and encouraging me to go for it. me to go for it again in 2009.
them. It’s very complicated. situation was very bad in Kuwait. So people The other was hesitant, but supportive. My I am really lucky to have their support;
complained a lot. For me personally, I felt parents were worried but behind me all the there is no way you can do this without their
In the short time since you have been the lack of a good example. A politician who way. support
an MP, which are the most memora-
ble moments or important decisions Al Awadhi at a parliament session in Kuwait City
you have taken?
In this relatively short time, there are two a while for people to understand what I am or answer the questions and convey the
things I am proud of. One is the way I run trying to do. message.
my office. I have a real back office, not just a I am training the future… the media was People don’t work this way in Kuwait.
secretary. I have moved away from the tra- hard on me at the beginning, they hated No one trusts anyone else to do the work
ditional way in which things are run. I have me. Now they realise that those young men for them. There is no concept of teamwork
a young team, a Chief of Staff who is just 25 and women need to be trained, and held or delegation. If I achieve nothing else, I
years old and speaks four languages. responsible for their decision. They are our would be happy with this.
I have a media and research team. My of- future politicians. The other is my work in committees on
fice again is decentralised, and that drew a People realise that I need to concentrate various legislations. The labour law passed
lot of flak at the beginning. I took the criti- on the laws I am working on, and that the recently, the first proper legislation of its
cism positively, because I know it will take team can be trusted to take other decisions kind in Kuwait. Then there are those on

20 February 2010 2010 February 21

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