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Revision notes on Transistors 24th November 2014

1. Know there are two broad families of transistors, the Bipolar

Junction Transistors (BJTs) and the Field Effect Transistors (FET)
2. The BJTs have two types NPN and PNP and note the symbols for
these transistors, knowing that the arrow points to the N(orth) and
the arrow is always at the emitter terminal.
3. The terminals in a BJT are the base, collector and emitter and this
is the case for the NPN and PNP transistors.
4. General features of transistors are the emitter is heavily doped,
more than the base and collector. The base is very thin in a BJT and
electron flow helps understand how it works for a small base current
to control a much larger collector/emitter current.
5.To turn on a BJT we must forward bias the base/emitter junction.
In an NPN the base to emitter voltage needs to be 0.7V to turn on
and in a PNP the emitter to base voltage needs to be 0.7V
6.When a NPN transistor is turned on by forward biasing the base
emitter junction note that the base collector junction is reverse
biased at this time.
7. Transistor can act as a switch or amplifier. Note that as the base
current increases the collector increases also by a factor called Beta
and this beta value can be 50 to 300 times.
I(collector)= I(base) x Beta
Also the Emitter current in a NPN will be equal to the sum of Ib and
Ic. See slide 13 for good representation of current flow in a forward
biased BJT
8. Note that in a PNP transistor with the emitter/ base junction
forward biased the base collector is also reversed biased.
9. Biasing can be achieved with two power sources and is the
easiest way to show the setup, however one DC source can also do
the job with suitable value resistors.
10. FIELD Effect transistors. J-FETS and the MOSFETs. Connections
are called Gate, Drain and Source

JFETs are always wired in reverse bias and we have two types, NChannel and P-Channel. Here we remember the channel is big and
the JFet can conduct with zero voltage bias. Applying a bias
increases the depletion zone and will reduce the flow of current
until such times as it stops. A N channel has the gate connected to a
P-type electrode and hence a negative terminal. As the negative
terminal increases in voltage the reversed bias P-N junction
depletion zone increases and reduces the zone of majority charge
carriers until at some threshold voltage conduction between the
drain and source stops. In a P-channel J-FET the gate is connected to
the N-type and hence is positive charged to obey the rule the JFET is
always in reverse bias. Again increasing the positive charge at the
gate increases the depletion zone size and eventually stops
11. MOSFETs. Know the symbols for all of the transistors. Two types
D, depletion type and E, enhancement type. The latter type is more
common and has no channel and a different symbol from the D type.
In an E type with N type at the drain and source a positive charge
will turn it on, as it creates a channel for major charge carriers to

Note a D-Mosfet, on the left, will conduct with zero voltage but the
E-mosfet will only conduct if the correct bias applied,.i.e a N channel
mosfet on the right needs a positive charge to create a channel of
electrons, and when no voltage is applied no channed actually
exists. The E-channel Mosfet is the most common mosfet in use so
know its symbol.

Note the
difference in symbol with D

12. Know that a transistor used as an amplifier for an AC signal in

the configuration below,

The amplified voltage output will be inverted compared to the AC

input voltage,

13 Know the six logic gate symbols, AND,OR,NOT(inverter),NAND,

NOR, Exclusive-OR
14 Know the truth table for logic gates, two input and three input
15 Be able to interpret a Boolean Expression and also from a circuit
develop a Boolean expression
16 Know the open loop op-amp comparator, know equation for Vout
= (V2-V1)Av

And understand saturation.

17 Know the pins configuration for a Op-amp IC,(numbering)
18. Know equations for closed loop Op-amp with inverting input,
Vout= -Vin(Rf/Rin)
Non-inverting Vout=Vin(1+Rf/Rin)
Voltage follower where Vout = Vin and Vin is at the non-inverting
19. Know the equation of a summing amplifier, and where all Rs are
Vout=-(V1 + V2 + V3)

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