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1 Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

My alarm clock didnt go off and so I overslept this morning.


I had been in the country for a year, but I still felt like a ________________ .

I have never felt such great ________________ since the day I got married.

Hes only been in the job for one week so hes a bit ________________ .

Ive known him since school days. Our ________________ is very strong.

It makes me feel bad to see so many________________ people sleeping in the street.

It hasnt rained for months and theres a great water ________________ .

I dont like this job. Im ________________ and overworked.

Smoking can be very ________________ to your health.

Weve got all the modern ________________ in our factory.


Im really sorry, I think there has been a ________________ .





2 Complete each compound word with a word from the box.










Make sure you walk on the footpath , because the road is dangerous.

Turn left at the next round________________.

My time________________ this year is quite good Ive got nothing on Friday afternoon.

Id prefer to stay in a hotel with holiday________________ , rather than business people.

Has anyone got an aspirin? Ive got a terrible head________________ .

Its cold outside, I think youll need an over________________ .

To get into London from Heathrow airport just take the Under_____________ .

You dont need to clean the plates yourself, we have a dish________________ .

Its a lovely day. Lets eat our lunch out________________ in the park.

3 Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.


By 11.00 I felt so tired/tiring that I went to bed.

How many photos did you make/take on holiday?

I read a really interested/interesting article in the newspaper today.

That meal we had yesterday was horrible. I particularly/properly disliked the fish.

Have you got any more clothes to put in the dishwasher/washing machine?

Ive told you now/time and again to do your homework!

John hates waiting more than ten minutes for a bus. He gets very impatient/unpatient.

Sharon was early for her appointment so she read a magazine to lose/pass the time.


Shall I turn the central conditioning/heating off. Its very hot in here.

Marcus always said/told the truth. It was impossible for him to lie.


It was awful/awfully difficult to read the sign as it was so dark.

4 Choose the word on the right that best matches the descriptions.

in the kitchen you find plates and cups in it

a) bin

in the wall, where you get power for electrical equipment

in the kitchen turn it to get water

in the corner of the room, full of paper

the top part of the house where the chimney is

the top part of the room where the lamp hangs down

around the garden

between the front door and the garden, to help you get down

at the end of the garden path, just before the street

covering the floor, from one wall to the other


covering a small area of the floor, in the middle of the room


on a bed, to make your head comfortable


l) step


on a sofa, to make your back comfortable


m) tap


b) carpet


c) ceiling


d) cupboard

e) cushion

f) fence


g) gate


h) pillow
i) roof


j) rug

k) socket

5 Underline the correct word in each sentence.


When her bicycle was stolen, Jill became extremely angry/nervous.

Do you like/fancy going out for a pizza this evening?

A lot of my relatives/parents live in America.

Those grapes look delicious. Ill have a large packet/bunch, please.

She always shows good judgment. Shes very sensible/sensitive.

My brother would really look good in that shirt/blouse.

Can you borrow/lend me some money until tomorrow?

I was absolutely fascinated/fascinating by his story about Africa.

Happy anniversary/birthday, Oliver! Six years old today. Are you having fun?

Youll find better prices/values in the shops if you wait until the sales.


My car has broken down. Could you give me a hand/help?


Waiter, here is my credit card. Can I have a receipt/bill please?


This pullover is much too big for me. It feels really lose/loose.

6 Complete each sentence with a word from the box. One of the words is used twice.









Im longing for a few weeks holiday.

Excuse me, Id like to try ________________ this jacket. Where are the changing rooms?

Ill lend you the money but you must pay me ________________ by Friday.

Christine said shed drop ________________ to see her aunt on the way home from Scotland.

Do you think my new shirt will go ________________ these trousers?


Paul promised to help me with the decorating today but hes gone to a football match instead. Hes really let
me ________________ .

Joanna put ________________ a thick pair of boots as it was snowing outside.

Lets go ________________ to Paris for the weekend. Ive never been there.

Did you know that Louise is going ________________ with my ex-boyfriend?

Robbie wanted to dress ________________ as Batman for the party.


Jack takes ________________ his father. Theyve even got the same ears!


Match the words in the box with the definitions.







the general activity of moving from place to place (uncountable noun)


going from one place to another, usually over a long distance or long time ________________

going to a place, staying there, and coming back again


a circular journey during which you visit several places


a holiday on a large ship

a long journey by sea or in space

Now complete each sentence with a word from the same box.

Foreign travel is very popular these days.

The sightseeing ________________ costs 15. You see Big Ben, the Tower of London and St Pauls.

We drove from Germany all the way down to Italy. It was a two-day ________________ .

The ________________ from England to America across the Atlantic took several weeks.

My parents are going on a ________________ around the Caribbean Islands.

Theyve just come back from a ________________ to Ireland. They had a wonderful time.


8 The words in italics are in the wrong sentences. Find the best word for each sentence.

We werent sure what to order for lunch, so we asked for the whistle.


There are no cars in the city centre its a traffic-free menu.


If you cant afford a hotel, why not stay in a youth crossing?


The morning rush tyre lasts from seven until half past nine.

We cant drive to Italy in one day. Well need to make an overnight hour.

Sorry Im late. I was stuck in a traffic zone.

Its safer to walk along the road a bit and use the pedestrian hostel.

I had to push my bike all the way up the hill. I got a flat stop.

The players must stop when they hear the referees jam.





9 Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Hi James
Were on holiday at the moment and weve brought our (0) B with us. Its small but quite comfortable. Were (1)
______ in France for two weeks, right in the middle of the French (2) ______ . Theres some wonderful (3) ______
around here. Theres even a small (4) ______ where I can (5) ______ fishing. The place has certainly (6) ______
up to our expectations.

Actually, were lucky to be here as a car (7) ______ into a lorry in front of us on the motorway in England and we
nearly (8) ______ the boat. Sarah was ill for a short while and I had to go to the (9) ______ in the nearest village
to get her some aspirin. She seems to have got (10) ______ her illness now, but I had to make all the (11) ______
for a couple of days. As you know, Im not the best (12) ______ in the world and while I was (13) ______ some
bacon the pan was set (14) ______ fire. Luckily, we had a fire (15) ______ with us and it soon brought the fire
under control.
Were off to the beach now. Hope youre keeping well.
All the best

A bungalow

B caravan

C castle

D cottage

A passing

B remaining

C spending

D staying

A country

B countryside

C land

D ground

A look

B scenery

C sight

D view

A canal

B river

C sea

D stream

A do

B go

C make

D take

A kept

B lived

C seemed

D was

A collapsed

B crashed

C hit

D struck

A arrived

B caught

C lost

D missed

A chemists

B physician

C surgeon

D hospital


A from

B off

C on

D over


A courses

B food

C meals

D plates


A chef

B chief

C cook

D cooker


A baking

B boiling

C grating

D frying


A in

B from

C on

D over


A brigade

B engine

C extinguisher

D fighter

10 Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

Nowadays its very important to get a good education .

I dont have much ________________ of European history.


My pencil has broken! Have you got a ________________ ?


Tomorrow Im going to send off my ________________ form for the job.

Her brother works in the factory as an ________________ .

The ________________ in this city has got worse. I find it difficult to breathe.

Tony Blair is one of Britains most famous ________________ .

Ive been out of work for ages. Its not much fun being ________________ .

If you go to court you will need a good ________________ .

Our team is very ________________ . Weve won three international competition this year.


Its very difficult to live in London on a low ________________ .







11 Choose the word on the right to complete each sentence.


Look! Its not working because the plug isnt in the

My shirt got very creased in the suitcase. I need an

If the shelf is coming off the wall, try to tighten the ___ .

c) glue

Hang your coat over there on that ___ .

d) hook

When a lamp suddenly goes out, we need to change the ___ .

e) iron

If you need to climb onto the roof, use a ___ .

f) ladder

If you get lost in the forest, use your ___ .

g) lock

This key doesnt work. They must have changed the ___ .

h) razor

To stop the alarm working, the burglars cut the ___ .

i) screw

In case of punctures, cars always carry a spare ___ .

j) socket


I need to have a shave, but I havent got a ___ .

l) compass


My mobile phone isnt working. I need to recharge the ___ .

l) tyre


The envelope wont stick down properly. I need some ___ .

m) wire

___ .

a) battery
b) bulb

12 Underline the correct word in each sentence.


Before we set off, we listened to the climate/weather forecast.

My favourite/preferred time of year is Spring.

Our main bureau/office is in Swindon.

Can I just write that date down in my agenda/diary?

Your hair is too long. Give me those cutters/scissors and Ill cut it.

Im always pulling up crops/weeds in the garden. They get everywhere.

At present people resign/retire at 65. In the future it may be different.

The car has got a small engine/machine and is very economical to use.

Lots of chemicals farmers use harm/spoil the environment.

Julies studying to become a primary school professor/teacher.


Bill thanked the guest/host for the party and went home.

In the early 60s, Marvel Comics published a comic book called Amazing Fantasy. ABut after
issue number ten, publisher Stan Lee recalls, Athe sales began to soften and it seemed that [it was]
running out of steam... so it was decided that the fifteenth issue... would be the final one.
This gave Lee the chance to experiment. For quite a while, he writes, Id been toying with the
idea of doing a strip that would violate all the conventions -break the rules. A strip that would actually
feature a teenager as the star, instead of making him an (Ugh!) Adult hero=s sidekick. A strip in which
the main character would lose out as often as he=d win -in fact, more often...
Yep, I knew what I wanted all right, but where would I get a chance to try it? Where -except in
a magazine we were planning to kill anyway?

Since Lee had a free hand to do what he wanted in the last issue of Amazing Fantasy, he used
it to introduce his anti-superhero -Spider-Man. The web-slinger was based on The Spider, Master of
Men, Lees favourite pulp magazine character when he was a kid.
A few weeks after its publication, sales reports came back and showed that the issue had been
a bestseller. It prompted a brand new monthly comic called The Adventures of Spider-Man.

1. Find words in the text with the same or similar meaning to the following:
2. Answer the following questions according to the text
a. When did the sales of Amazing Fantasy begin to fall down?
b. Why did Stan Lee have the chance to experiment with a new character?
c. What was Spider-man based on?
3. Use the modal verbs with the perfect infinitives in the box to replace the expressions in italics below:

It can=t have been

I needn=t have been

I shouldn=t have gone

It might have been
It must have been

a. If my brother passed the exam, I am sure that is wasn=t very difficult. In fact, I am sure that it was very easy.
b. Which university did Ben go to? It is possible that it was London- I can=t remember.
c. While I was at University, I went to all the lectures although it wasn=t necessary for me to go -they weren=t
4. Choose the correct modal verbs.
a. I might/can pass the exam. I=m not sure.
b. She=s very intelligent but she doesn=t get very good marks. She mustn=t/can=t be working very hard.
c. The man looks very important. He must/can be the head teacher.
d. You mustn=t/needn= finish your homework today -but I would like it before before next week.
5. Composition. Is Spider-man your favourite comic hero? If not, which one is it and why (80 words)
6. Decide which answer ( A, B, C or D) best fits the space.
When the bus (1 ) in a small square, Maria (2) her magazine and didn't realize that she (3)
at her destination. "This is Santa Tereza".Martin said.
"(4).........................home ! I suppose your cousin (5).........................................for us . Come on. (6).................................
bags". Maria thought, "All those years when I (7).................................................................. in New York, I (8)...................................
of this moment. And now it s real, I cant believe it! Here I am, (9).....................................................................................
in the
square". Santa teresa was Maria's birthplace, but she (10).................................................................the town at the
of six.
1 ) A has stopped
B stops
C stopped
D was stopped

2) A was reading
D used to read
3) A arrived
D had arrived
4) A You arrive
D You've arrived
5) A waits
D is going to wait
6) A I'll carry
D I carried
7) A live
D am living
8) A dream
D will dream
9) A I really stand
D I'm really standing
10) A was leaving
D has left

B read

C had read

B arrives

C has arrived

B You've arriving

B will be waiting

C has waited


B I carry

C I've carried

B have lived

C was living

B am dreaming

C used to dream

B I was really standing

B had left








7. Complete each sentence with the correct word derived from the word in capitals following the sentence.
1. A strong painkiller is the most........................................................way of getting rid of a headache.
2. You should consider your options...............................................................before making a decision.
3. Many youth.....................................offer summer enrichment programs.
4. The mayor won by a last week' s elections. MAJOR
5. The two countries have overcome many of their...........................................................................differences.
6. Everyone should have basic..................................................................of first aid. procedures.
7. The
8. It is protect the environment.
9. The police made an...................................................about the arrest this morning.
10. Scientists have.................................................discovered another planet in our galaxy.
8. Write a question for each answer.
1 ...................................................................................................................Get up at about 7.30 usually.
2....................................................................................................................I was reading " War and Peace"
3 ...................................................................................................................I went there to buy some food
4...................................................................................................................Bo far 1 ve only eaten breakfast.
5 ...................................................................................................................Now you have to put it in the oven !
6......................................................................................................... .. Yesterday? I felt absolutely awful.
7....................................................................................................................I'm washing my hair. I can't talk, sorry
8...................................................................................................................Because I haven t paid the electicity bill.
9....................................................................................................................My bike? I left it at school.
10..................................................................................................................My party? All my friends are coming.

9. Rewrite each pair of sentences as one sentence, and include the word in bold.
Begin as shown, and make any necessary changes.
1. We want to visit a museum.It opens at 12.00.
2.A:boy1s bike was taken. He visited the police station.
The.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. A friend met me at the airport. He carried my suitcase.
The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Tom, cooked a meal. It was delicious.
The... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
5. A friend is staying with me. She comes from Paris.

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.
The Beverly Hills Hotel is one of Hollywood's most celebrated meeting places for people in the film
business. It was here that film director Orson Welles met American journalist John Rosenbaum for a long overdue
interview. (1) Rosenbaum's book, published in the late 1970's, has given us the clearest insight into a complex
Welles was born into a respectable middle-class family and became famous when he was a child, as a
piano virtuoso. In his teens, his ambition was to be a painter but while he was in Ireland he took up acting to make a
living. (2) But it was only after a successful period on the radio that Welles won a contract with RKO Pictures,
beginning his career in the cinema. Rosenbaum's book suggests that all this may surprise people who think of Welles
as, above all, the maker of Citizen Kane, the famous film which some critics still refer to as the best film ever made. It
is the kind of film a director makes at the very end of his career. Citizen Kane looks as though it has been made by
somebody with a lifetime of experience in the cinema.
There is no doubt that the film is remarkable. When it was made, Welles was inexperienced in cinema and
extremely young - he was only 25 when he started shooting the film. (3) Greg Toland, perhaps Hollywood's best
cameraman, volunteered to film it. Welles worked on the script with the respected writer Herman Mankiewicz. He
knew the editor and all the actors, and a good relationship between them developed. He believed that the job of the
director was slightly overrated and that the director must think of himself as "the servant of the actors and the story".
(4) Critics felt other projects could not match the brilliance of his first film. This lack of success led Welles to feel
that he had been rejected by the American public.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for each gap in the text.
There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
A. He was assisted by a skilled crew.
B. Their six-hour meeting resulted in one of the finest biographies written about Welles.
C. Welles' later films were never as successful as Citizen Kane.
D. And actors, of course, like talking about themselves.
E. He then became an impressive theatre director, making a name for himself with stage productions such as "Julius
2. Explain the underlined words.
3. Sum up the text in about 50 words.
4. For the following questions, choose the answer (A, B, C, D which you think fits best according to the text.
1. Rosenbaum's book
B. They don't realise he made "Citizen Kane".
A. deals only with Welles' early life.
C. They assume he made "Citizen Kane" at the age
B. is critical of Welles' character.
of twenty.
C. creates a memorable portrait of Welles.
D. They believe he came from a poor family.
D. concentrates on Welles' time in Hollywood.
3. At twenty-five, Welles
2. Why are some people surprised by the details of
A. was an inexperienced actor.
Orson Welles' early career?
B. was extremely overweight.
A. They are generally unaware of his various artistic
C. had yet to move into theatre.
D. had yet to complete his first film.
5. Comment on the following in about 100 words: Rosenbaum's book suggests that all this may surprise people
who think of Welles as, above all, the maker of Citizen Kane, the famous film which some critics still refer to as the
best film ever made. It is the kind of film a director makes at the very end of his career. Citizen Kane looks as though
it has been made by somebody with a lifetime of experience in the cinema.
1. Choose the correct form.
1. Stop acting so superior and looking everybody else.
A. evil to B. down to C. up to D. down on
2. to the negative reports one often reads in the press, the standards of education are improving all the time.
A. Opposed B. Adverse C. Contrary D. According
3. When I noticed the stare he was giving me, I realized he hadnt understood a word I was saying.
A. blank B. void C. empty D. open
4. Her allergy to fish is so severe that the sight of it makes her feel sick.
A. simple B. plain C. easy D. mere
2. Use the word in bold at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.
1. After working for the government for 25 years he ended his career as an obscure in a firm. COUNT
2. The group of wandering actors gave a wonderful in the main square of the town. PERFORM
3. If he had listened to me he wouldnt be in a(n) position at work now. CRITIC
3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only.
While Pythagoras is (1) known in modern times for the formula (2) to determine the third side of any right
triangle, (3) true breadth of his accomplishments extends far (4) the realm of mathematics. (5) many
people today know that (6) was Pythagoras who first used the (7) philosophy? Indeed, (8) numerous
and important are Pythagoras ideas and accomplishments that without him, Classical Greek thought, (9) all its
recognized influence, might (10) developed differently.

4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct
grammatical form.
1. Like a child he was not top of the class: I was always
2. being an autodidact. I didn't always believe what the teachers told
3. us so I would look in books to check.' His first love were not maths but
4. language - therefore it was like a code to be cracked. He smiles angelically as
5. he remembers how much he used loving declining the most difficult
6. French verbs in the imperfect subjunctive. 'I even been tried to create a new language.
5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the
sentence printed before it.
1. Insiders believe that he resigned because he was blackmailed.
He is .
2. The two factions of the government were deeply divided.
There was..
3. This is Marys first solo piano appearance in public.
This is the first time.
4. Provided that you leave a forwarding address, we will be able to contact you.
Write an argumentative essay on the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the 21st century. Support
your ideas with relevant examples. (350 words/ 35 lines)


1. Any news from Tess?
Yes, she _____ tomorrow on the 9:15 train.
a) will have been arriving; b) will have arrived; c) arriving; d) arrives.
2. I love your car
This old thing? we _____ it for fifteen years.
a) had had; b) have had; c) have been having; d) used to have.
3. Alison feels more sympathy and less anger then she _____. a) had; b) would; c) was; d) has.
4. Did you stay up late yesterday ?

Not really. I went to bed after Monica _____.

a) was leaving; b) had left; c) leaving; d) has left.
5. Its a pity she had to pull out of the competition.
Yes, especially since she _____ such excellent progress.
a) is making; b) made; c) had been making; d) has been making.
6. Im freezing.
You _____ more warmly.
a) could dress; b) should have dressed; c) may have dressed; d) dresses.
7. Louisa is still in Palma, so you _____ her at the library. a) couldnt see; b) musnt have seen; c)
cant have seen; d) werent able to.
8. She is _____ girl I have ever see. a) more beautiful; b) as beautiful as; c) most beautiful; d) the
most beautiful.
9. When John was six years old, he _____ swim across the swimming pool. a) can; b) may; c)
could; d) might.
10. She is smarter _____ her sister, Bettty. a) of; b) over; c) to; d) on.
11. _____ you play chess, Betty? a) Could; b) May; c) Can; d) Should.
12. I dont think he will admit to his fault.
I agree. It takes courage _____ the truth.
a) to reveal; b) reveal; c) revealing; d) to be revealing.
13. Every day Helen _____ something very interesting. a) read; b) reads; c) have read; d) red.
14. Is there something wrong?.
Yes, but Im afraid _____ you because youll be angry.
a) of telling; b) telling; c) to tell; d) tell.
15. He is certainly good _____ maths, if not much else. a) over; b) in; c) off; d) at.
16. George is in hospital.
Yes I ve heard he _____ good progress.
a) makes; b) is making; c) will make; d) would make.
17. If I were you, I _____ tell her to truth. a) would; b) will; c) shall; d) should.
18. If he _____ harder, he would have been promoted. a) has worked; b) would work; c) had work;
d) had worked.
19. If she had accepted his proposal, she _____ married now. a) would have been; b) would has
been; c) would be; d) will be.
20. If I _____ you, I wouldnt talk to her. a) am; b) is; c) are; d) were.


21. Well, actually Paris is the city _____ I spent my school years. a) where; b) who; c) when; d)
22. .Lets meet outside _____ Palace of Congresses. a) ; b) a; c) the; d) an.
23. Bill always wanted to have a pony as _____ child. a) an; b) the; c) ; d) a.
24. He likes playing _____ tennis. a) an; b) the; c) a; d) many.
25. Children always want to know the reason _____ things are as they are. a) why; b) whom; c)
who; d) where.
26. Whenever you _____ in the area, come and see me. a) is; b) are; c) will be; d) shall be.
27. I didnt do it because I _____ know how. a) dont; b) doesnt; c) will do; d) didnt.
28. While she _____ for her friend to pick her up, her mother arrived. a) has been waiting; b) was
waiting; c) is waiting; d) had been waiting.
29. What are you waiting _____? a) on; b) off; c) for; d) over.
30. She asked me _____. a) whats your name; b) what my name was; c) what your name is; d)
what was my name.

1. Anthony saw him _______ distance.
a) in the b) in a c) at the
d) at a
2. I am _______ a loss what to do.
a) at b) of c) d) on
3. This text must be translated word _______ word.
a) by b) for c) after d) of
4. _______ a May morning she recovered _______ her illness.
a) in, from b) on, from c) on, of
5. Keep _______ the grass!
a) away b) from c) off d) out
6. He did not know, _______ could he guess the reason of our attitude.

a) nor b) neither c) either d) or

7. Run home at once, _______ you will be late.
a) on account of b) provided that
c) beneath
d) or else
8. Hardly had he come home _______ he was recalled.
a) when b) that c) than d) then
9. No sooner had I spoken to him _______ the guests arrived.
a) than b) that c) while d) when
10. I'm going _______ Bath_______ Monday _______ Tom. Would you like to come _______ us?
to, on, with, with
to, in, with, to
in, on, with, by
to, in, to, with
11. Mr. Jones is very keen _______ punctuality. His lessons always start _______ time and you get _______
trouble if you're late.
at, on, in
on, on, into
at, on, into
on, in, in
12. Have you heard _______ John ______ his return? I had a letter _______ Monday. He's thinking _______ going
back _______ America.
from, after, -, of, to
from, since, on, of, to
of, since, on, about, for
from, since, on, of, in
13. I rely _______ you to remind _______ me to pay Jack _______ the books he bought _______ me.
a. to, to, for, -.
b. on, -, with, -.
c. on, -, for, for
d. -, to, for, for.
14. "_______ accordance _______ the wishes _______ my people, " the president said, " I'm retiring _______
public life".
a. to, with, of, b. in, with, of, off.
c. -, with, of, off.
d. in, with, of, from.
15. I hear you had _______ yesterday.
a) company b) companys
c) companies d) a company
16. I did a lot of _______ today.
a) shopping
b) shoppings
c) a shopping
d) shops
17. Scientists usually do a great deal of _______ .
a) researchess
b) researchs
c) researches d) a research
18. The _______ of our company is very strict.
a) politics
b) political
c) policy
d) politique
19. I have _______ sore throat.

a) a
b) c) the d) an
20. This soil is _______ than the one in the
a) fertiler
b) more fertile
c) the fertilest
d) more fertiles
21. Mary is _______ of all.
a) shy b) shier c) the shiest d) the shyest
22. The _______ half of January was very cold.
a) last b) latter c) latest d) later
23. He fell ill, _______ made us very unhappy.
a) that b) what c) which d) who

24. Am bnuit c trebuie s te fi vzut.
a) I guessed he should have seen you.
b) I guessed he must have seen you.
c) I guessed he had to have seen you.
d) I guessed he had to see you.
Poate ca nu s-a culcat inca.
Perhaps she may not go to bed yet.
Perhaps she may have not go to bed yet.
She may have not gone to bed yet.
She may not have to go to bed yet.
26. Poate c nu s-a culcat nc.
a) Perhaps she may not go to bed yet.
b) Perhaps she may have not go to bed yet.
c) She may not have gone to bed yet.
d) She may not have to go to bed yet.
27. E imposibil ca ea s fie acas acum.
a) She can't be at home now.
b) It's impossible that she might be at home now.
c) It's impossible that she could be at home now.
d) She couldn't been at home now.
28. She didn't feel well. She _______ be in bed now.
a) can b) could c) must d) had to
29. Nu a fost nevoie s vin, dar am venit.
a) I didn't need to come, but I came anyway.
b) I needn't have come, but I came anyway
c) I didn't have to come, but I came anyway.
d) I couldn't have needed to come, but I came
30. Ar trebui s-i faci datoria.
a) You must do your duty.
b) You have to do your duty
c) You ought do your duty.
d) You should do your duty.
31. I _______ speak English when I was five.
a) am able to b) could to
c) might
d) could
32. Va trebui s fii acas pn la miezul nopii.
a) You will must be at home by midnight.
b) You shall be at home by midnight.
c) You will have be at home by midnight.
d) You will need be at home before midnight
33. Nu i s-a dat voie s telefoneze.
a) She was not permitted to make a phone call.
b) She was not able to make a phone call.
c) She didn't have to make a phone call.
d) She hasn't allowed to make a phone call
34. Whenever the dog wants to go out I _______ get
up and open the door.

a. have to
b. must
c. should
d. ought to
35. Railway notice: 'Passengers _______ cross the
line by the foot bridge.'
a. will
b. must
c. ought to
d. should
36. It isn't necessary for him to earn his living. He has
plenty of money.
a. He shouldn't have to earn his living.
b. He didn't have to earn his living
c. He doesn't need to earn his living
d. He shouldn't have had to earn his living.
37. Perhaps you will find you have made a mistake.
a. You may find
b. You could find
c. You must find
d. You mightnfind
38. 'He must be at least sixty.' 'Oh, no" He can't be so
a. John said he had to be at least sixty but Peter
thought he wasn't able to be so old.
b. John said he had to be at least sixty, but Peter
thought he couldn't be so old.
c. John said he must be at least sixty, but Peter
thought he couldn't be so old.
39. My headmaster had great authority. Whenever he
spoke, everyone used to listen attentivelly.
a. everyone had to to listen
b. everyone could listen
c. everyone should listen
d. everyone would listen
40. The house had just been decorated so it wasn't
necessary for us to do anything.
a. we didn't need to do
b. we mustn't have done
c. we needn't have done
d. we might have done
41. Each competitor _______ wear a number on his
a. may
b. can
c. will
d. shall

42. She will look after Wayne while I _______ away.
a) shall be
b) will be
c) am
d) have been
43. Ring me up as soon as he_______ home.
a) will get
b) has get
c) gets
d) got
44. Plec la Viena mine la ora 5.
a) I shall leave for Vienna at 5 o'clock tomorrow
b) I am about to go to Vienna at 5 o'clock tomorrow
c) I am going to go to Vienna at 5 o'clock tomorrow
d) I am leaving for Vienna at 5 o'clock tomorrow
45. On Sundays, when he _______ breakfast, he
always _______ the papers.
a) finishes, reads
b) has finished, reads

c) has finished, has read

d) finishes, has read
46. We _______ for a week.
a) are married
b) have married
c) have been married d) have got married
47. This tomato soup _______ .
a) smells well
b) is smelling good
c) smells good
d) is smelling well
48. I often _______ Saturday afternoon playing
a) am spending b) spend
c) am to spend d) am going to spend
49. The students _______ a course of lectures right
a) hear
b) are hearing to
c) listen
d) are listening to
50. I _______ the story now.
a) have remember
b) remember
c) am remembering
d) remind

51. He said :"I want to leave here today".
a) He said that he wants to leave here today.
b) He said that he wanted to leave here today.
c) He said that she wanted to leave there that day.
d) He said that he wanted to leave there that day.
52. "Where are you going on holiday?" she asked me.
a) She asked me where I am going on holiday.
b) She asked me where I will be going on holiday.
c) She asked me where I was going on holiday.
d) She asked me where was I going on holiday.
53. How often does George phone Lily?
a) Mary wants to know how often does George phone Lily.
b) Mary wants to know how often George phones Lily.
c) Mary wants To know how often George will phone Lily.
d) Mary wants to know how often George and Lily phone.
54. Ei au recunoscut c nu vor putea merge la discotec disear.
a) They recognized that they won't be able to go to the disco tonight.
b) They recognized that they wouldn't be able to go to the disco that night.
c) They admitted that they couldn't go to the disco that night.
d) They admitted that they wouedn't be able to go to the disco that night.
55. M ntrebam dac s le spun sau nu.
a) I was wandering if I had to tell them or not.
b) I was asking myself whether I can tell them or not.
c) I was wondering whether I should tell them or not.
d) I wondered whether to tell or not
56. Galilei a spus c pmntul se nvrte n jurul soarelui.
a) Galilee said that the earth went round the sun.

b) Galilee said that the earth was going round the sun.
c) Galilee said that the earth is going round the sun.
d) Galilee said that the earth goes round the sun.
57. El mi-a spus c o iubea mult.
a) He told me that he had loved her dearly.
b) He told me that he loved her dearly.
c) He told me that he was loving her dearly.
d) He told me that he had been loving her dearly.
58. i-am spus c ateapt de mult.
a) I told you he had waited for ages.
b) I told you he waited for ages.
c) I told you he was waiting for ages.
d) I told you he had been waiting for ages.
59. "I wish I knew what to do", she said.
a) She said she wishes she knew what to do.
b) She said she wished she knew what to do.
c) She said she wished she had known what to do.
d) She said she wished I knew what to do.
60. 'Peter will go into the Army next year', said his father.
a. Peter's father informed us that Peter would go into the Army the next year.
b. Peter's father informed us that Peter will go into the Army the following year
c. Peter's father informed us that Peter should go into the Army the next year.
61. 'My wife wants to take a job but I'd rather she concentrated on our home', he said.
a. He said his wife wants to take a job but he'd rather she concentrated on their home.
b. He said his wife wanted to take a job but he'd rather she concentrated on their home
c. He said his wife wanted to take a job but he'd have rather she concentrated on their home
62. 'Where are you going? Where do you live? Have you been to Bucharest before?', he wanted to know.
a. He wanted to know where I went, where I lived and whether I had been to Bucharest before.
b. He wanted to know where I was going, where did I live, if I had been to Bucharest before.
c. He wanted to know where I was going, where I lived and whether I had been to Bucharest before.
63. 'After I've been walking for an hour I found the loveliest spot I have ever seen in my life', the tourist confessed.
a. The tourist confessed that after he had been walking for an hour he had found the loveliest spot he had ever seen
in his life.
b.The tourist confessed that after he had been walking for an hour he found the loveliest spot he had ever seen in his
64. M-a ntrebat dac am mai fost la Ploieti i dac tiu unde este Teatrul Naional.
a. He asked me whether I had been to Ploiesti before and if I knew where the National Theatre was.
b. He asked me if I was to Ploieti before and if I knew where was the National Theatre.
65. I-am promis c l voi suna cnd voi ajunge acas
a. I promised him I'd phone him when I'd get gome
b. I promised him I'd phone him when I got home
c. I promised I'd phone him when I got at home
d. I promised I'll phone him when I get at home.
66. Nu se gndise cum va reaciona cnd va afla cu cine i-a petrecut vacana.
a. She didn't think how he would react when he'd found out who she had spent her holiday with.
b. She hadn't thought how he would react when he found out whom she had spent her holidays with.
c. She hadn't thought how he would react when he'd find out whom she spent her holidays with.
67. A fi vrut s aflu la ce se gndete cnd lucreaz la piesa pe care tocmai a nceput-o.
a. I'd have liked to find out what he had been thinking when he was working on the play he had just begun.
b. I'd have liked to find out what he was thinking of when he was working on the play he had just begun.

68. He _______ on a farm all last summer.
a) worked
b) had been worked
c) had worked
d) had been working
69. She _______ me to replace her while she _______ on holiday.
a) asked, would be b) has asked, was
c) asked, was
d) asked, was being
70. They _______ down town and I _______ home.
a) were going, was going b) went, was coming
c) were going, went
d) had gone, went
71. As a boy, I sometimes _______ in the school football team.
a) played
b) was playing
c) had played
d) have played
72. I _______ him before, but I _______ his name.
a) saw, hadn't known b) had seen, didn't know
c) saw, didn't know
d) had seen, hadn't known
73. He promised he _______ to see us in a week or so.
a) will come
b) came
c) would came d) would be coming
74. The sun _______ in splendour over the waves of the sea every morning.
a) was raising b) rose
c) raised
d) was rising
75. He _______ considerably since I last _______ him.
a) had aged, have seen b) has aged, saw
c) aged, had seen
d) aged, have seen
76. My soul _______ slowly day by day.
a) was dieing b) was dyeing
c) was dying d) died
77. My father _______ in Canada for the last year, so by the time he _______ the month after next I not _______
him for forteen months.
a. had worked/ has returned/ shall not have seen
b. has been working /returns/ shall not have seen
c. had worked/ had returned/ shouldn't have seen
d. had worked/returned/wouldn't have seen.
78. We _______ our holidays at the seaside this summer. Last summer we _______ our holiday in the mountains.
a. spent, spent
b. spent, had spent
c. have spent, spent
d. have been spending, spent
79. I _______ buy the book, but when I _______ the opinion of the critics, I _______ my mind.
a. would buy/ had heard/ changed.
c. would have bought/ wouldn't have heard/ changed
d. would have bought/ had heard/ changed
e. was going to/ heard/ changed
80. Why _______ me you _______ lend me the money? I _______ it from the bank.
a. didn't you tell /could/needn't have borrowed
b. haven't you told/ could/ needn't borrowed
c. hadn't you told/ could/ wouldn't have needed to borrow
d. don't you tell/ can/ needn't borrow

81. When you _______ him again you _______ by the way his health _______ since he _______ to Switzerland.
a. will see/ have been struck/ has improved/ went
b. see/ has been struck/ has improved/ went
c. will see/are struck/ has improved/ went
d. see/ will be struck/ has improved/ went
82. At last you're here. I _______ here for more than half an hour. I might _______ you _______ late.
a. have been waiting/ have known/ shall be
b. have waited/ know/ shall be
c. waited/ know/ be
d. have been waiting/ have known/ would be
83. Rdea lumea de ei.
a) They were been laughed at. b) They were being
laughed at.
c) They were laughing at.
d) They have being
laughed at.
84. S-a trimis dup un doctor.
a) A doctor sent for.
b) A doctor was being sent
c) A doctor was sent for. d) A doctor was been sent
85. Ea s-a tuns.
a) She cut her hair at the hairdresser's.
b) She had her hair cut.
c) Her hair was cut at the hairdresser's.
d) Her hair had cut.
86. Nu i-au curat mnuile la spltorie.
a) They hadn't their gloves cleaned at the dry
b) They didn't clean their gloves at the dry cleaner's.
c) They hadn't cleaned their gloves at the dry
d) They didn't have their gloves cleaned at the drz
87. You _______ a sum of money by the company.
a) allotted
b) have allotted
b) were been allotted
d) have been allotted
88. The thief _______ by now.
a) should be caught
b) was being caught
c) should have been caught d) has been caught
89. The news _______ by them all before he came
a) had heard
b) were being heard
c) were heard
d) had been heard
90. They _______ how to play the piano by the great

a) were teaching
b) had taught
c) were being taught d) had been teaching
91. You can't go into the bedroom. The walls
a. are painted
b. are being painted
c. were painted
d. were being painted
92. 'Did the ancient Greeks fight with guns?' 'Of
course not. They _______ yet.'
a. weren't being invented
b. haven't been invented
c. weren't invented
d. hadn't been invented
93. It is said that he was killed in the war.
a. It's known to have been killed in the war
b. He's known to have been killed in the war
c. It's known to be being killed in the war
d. He's known to have killed in the war
94. The Supervisor told the candidates
a. they would have been given the papers soon
b. they will be given their papers soon
c. they would be given their papers soon
d. they were given their papers soon
95. Laboratorul se ncuia ca nu cumva s fure hoii
ceva n timpul nopii.
a. The lab was being locked lest the thieves should
steal nothing during the night.
b. The lab was locked lest the thieves should steal
anything during the night.
c. The lab was locked lest the thieves would steal
something during the night.


96. I should be kinder than you if I _______ a woman.

a) am
b) would be
c) shall be d) were
97. We'll go skiing next winter if we _______ enough money.
a) had
b) shall have
c) will have
d) have
98. If I _______ the Queen, I'd have servants.
a) was
b) were
c) would be d) shall be
99. What _______ you do if your baby _______ into the water?
a) should, falls b) would, falls
c) would, fell
d) should, had fallen
100. If I _______ a lot of money, I _______ you.
a) find, wouldn't tell
b) found, wouldn't tell
c) shall find, wouldn't tell
d) found, wouldn't told
101. Dac ai fi spus adevrul, te-ar fi crezut.
a) If you spoke the truth they would believe you.
b) If you speak the truth they will believe you.
c) Had you spoken the truth they would have believed you.
d) If you had spoken the truth, they would believe you.
102. Dac a fi mai tnr, a nva s cnt la vioar, dar sunt prea btrn acum.
a. If I'm younger, I'll learn how to play the violin, but I'm too old now.
b. If I were younger, I would learn how to play the violin, but I am being too old now.
c. If I'm younger, I should learn how to play the violin, but I am too old now.
d. If I were younger, I would learn how to play the violin, but I'm too old now
103. Dac a fi preedintele rii mele a construi mai multe spitale.
a) If I were the president of my country, I should built more hospitals.
b) Was I the president of my country, I would build more hospitals.
c) If I were being the president of my country, I would built more hospitals.
d) If I were the president of my country, I would build more hospitals.

104. Supposing water _______ poured on chloric
acid, what is the reaction?
a) is
b) would be
c) was d) were
105. I doubt that the manager _______ here
a) is
b) would be
b) were d) will be
106. Study more lest you _______ the exams.
a) fail
b) should fail
c) had failed d) will fail
107. He wishes he _______ the project before.
a) did
b) had done
c) would do d) do

108. Mother treats me as if I _______ a little girl.

a) am b) was
c) be d) were
109. It is high time you _______ up.
a) should grow b) to grow
c) grew
d) would grow
110. I suggest that they _______ punished.
a) are
b) were being
c) would be
d) should be
111. However intelligent he _______ he still has to
study hard.
a) must be
b) may be
c) should be
d) be

112. The old man is drinking tea. Doesn't he wish he

_______ wine?
a. is drinking
b. were drinking
c. drank
d. had drunk
113. If only ________ I taller in ten years time! Then
I'll become a famous basketball player.
a. was being
b. were
c. had been
d. would be
114. I'd much rather you _______ exactly what you
a. was saying
b. would have said
c. had been saying
d. said
115. Paul didn't help his friend. That's why he didn't
succeed. I'd rather he _______ him. Then he would
have succeeded.
a. had helped
b. were helping
c. helped
d. was helping

116. I don't think he's going to bring his cassette

recorder tomorrow. But he talks as if he _______ to
bring it.
a. would be going
b. is going
c. were going
d. had been going
117. The family have finished breakfast.
a. It's time I have washed the dishes
b. It's time I wash the dishes
c. It's time for me to wash the dishes
d. It's time I'll wash the dishes
118. Numai de a gsi cuvintele cele mai potrivite.
a. If only I could find the most suitable words.
b. If only I will find the most suitable words.
c. If only I were finding the most suitable words.
d. If only I was finding the most suitable words.
119. Prietena ei vorbete de parc nu ar ti nimic
despre conferin.
a. Her friend talks as if she hadn't known anything
about the conference.
b. Her friend is talking as though she didn't know
anything about the conference.
c .Her friend is talking as if she wouldn't know
anything about the conference.

120. I shall go to the cinema when I _______ work.
a) shall finish
b) am finishing
c) have finished d) would finish
121. As long as you _______ what you do, you won't
feel useless.
a) like
b) shall like
c) have liked
d) will like
122. They had scarcely left the party when I _______
my words.
a) have regretted b) had regretted
c) regretted
d) was regretting
123. At last morning came, so we _______ our
a) may continue b) might continue
c) can continue d) could continue
124. I wouldn't drive the car alone for fear I _______
a) got
b) can get
c) should get
d) have got
125. Oricine l vede rmne uimit.
a) No matter who sees him, is amazed.
b) He who sees him is amazed.
c) Whoever sees him is amazed.

d) Who sees him is amazed

126. Se crede c aici s-a dat lupta.
a) It is believed that the battle was given here.
b) It is believed that the battle was fought here.
c) They believe that the battle was taken place here.
d) We believe that the battle took place here.
127. E de mirare cum au reuit s ajung acolo.
a) It's a wonder how they managed to get there.
b) It's wonderful how they managed to get there.
c) It is to be wondered how they managed to get
d) It's wondering how they managed to get there.
128. Se tie c rul acesta e adnc.
a) We know that this river is deep.
b) They knew that this river is deep.
c) It is known that this river is deep.
d) It is common knowledge this river being deep.
129. As soon as the holidays _______ this beach
_______ very crowded.
a. begin, will become
b. begins, will become
c. will begin, becomes
d. will begin, will become

130. I'm sure I _______ if the meeting _______ .

a. 'd be informed, would be cancelled
b. 'll be informed, will be cancelled
c. would be informed, were cancelled
d. 'll be informed, was cancelled
131. It's typical of him. He expects everyone else to
do all the work.
a. It's typical of him that he might expect everyone
else to do the work.
b. It's typical of him that he may expect everyone else
to do all the work.
c. It's typical of him that he should expect everyone
else to do all the work.
d. It's typical of him that he would expect everyone do
all the work.

132. The police gave instructions that members of the

public _______ not approach the two men but
_______ report to the nearest police station.
a. should/ should
b. would/ would
c. should/ would
d. would/ should
133. The colonel decided that his troop _______ at
a. should have to attack
b. shall have to attack
c. should attack
d. might have to attack

134. Niciodat nu a venit nimeni s-mi spun asta.
a) No one didn't ever come to tell me that.
b) Anybody never came to tell me that.
c) Somebody didn't never come to tell me that.
d) No one ever came to tell me that.
135. S-a dus acas s studieze.
a) She went home for study.
b) She went home studying.
c) She went home for to study.
d) She went home to study.
136. S-a anunat c ajunseser n inuturile arctice.
a) They were reported to reach the arctic regions.
b) They were reported to reaching the arctic regions.
c) They were reported to have reached the arctic
d) They were reported to have been reaching the
arctic regions.
137. ntotdeauna m faci s rd!
a) You always make me to laugh!
b) You always make me laughing!
c) You always make me laugh!
d) You always make me be laughed!
138. Din ntmplare tie englezete.
a) By chance he knows English.
b) It happens him to know English.
c) He happens to know English.
d) He chanced to know English.
139. Am terminat de scris scrisoarea.
a) I finished to write the letter.
b) I have finished to write the letter.
c) I have finished writing the letter.
d) I finished having written the letter.
140. Faptul c a ntrziat a fost comentat.

a) The fact that she was late was remarked.

b) That she was late was remarked upon.
c) Her being late was remarked upon.
d) She being late was remarked.
141. Nu are rost s ne ducem de pe acum la culcare.
a) It's no use we go to bed yet.
b) It's no use our going to bed yet.
c) It's no use us going to bed yet.
d) It's no use we going to bed yet.
142. Mi-am adus aminte s m duc la Emilia.
a) I reminded to go to Emily.
b) I reminded going to Emily.
c) I remembered to go to Emily.
d) I remembered going to Emily.
143. He had no sooner put down the receiver with a
sigh of relief than the phone rang.
a. No sooner he had put the receiver down with a sigh
of relief than the phone did ring.
b. No sooner had he put down the receiver with a sigh
of relief when the phone rang.
c. No sooner had he put down the receiver with a
sigh of relief than the telephone rang.
144. The teacher explained the point a second time,
but not even then _______ .
a. they did understand.
b. did they have to understand.
c. did everyone understand
d. had everyone understood.
145. You know I hate _______ you, but as much as
I'd like _______ out this evening, I have to finish
_______ this room.
a. disappointing/ to go/ decorating
b. being disapponted/ going/ decorating

c. disappointing/ going/ decorating

d. disapponting/ to go/ to decorate
146. She can't bear _______ alone in the dark,
_______ accustomed as a child to _______ a light
on all night.
a. being left/ being/ having
b. to be left/ having been/ having
c. being left/ having been/ having
d. being left/ having been/ have
147. I can well understand _______ unwilling
_______ on him after _______ you down on a
previous occasion.
a. your being/ to rely/ his letting
b. your being/ relying/ his letting
c. your being/ rely/ to let
d. you being/ to rely/ let
148. He said he would be late again this evening
_______ ?
a. did he?
b. didn't he?
c. wouldn't he?
d. would he?
149. I'm making rather a lot of mistakes, _______ ?
a. are I?
b. am I?
c. aren't I?
d. am I not?
150. There wasn't enough time, _______ ?
a. wasn't there?
b. was it?
c. wasn't it?
d. was there?
151. Ann hasn't got a colour TV, _______ ?
a. hasn't she?
b. has she?
c. doesn't she?
d. does she?
152. Peter hardly ever goes to parties, _______ ?

a. does he?
b. isn't it?
c. doesn't he
d. will he?


Supply the correct mood of the verbs in brackets:
We (to be) disappointed if there is no snow for winter holidays. 2. If I (to know)
.his language, I would speak to him. 3. It (to rain) .. if there had been a high wind.
4. If you ( not to learn) it so well, you would not have had a good mark. 5. If it rains this afternoon, I
(to take) . my coat. 6. I (to return) if you want me to. 7. Your flowers would grow
better if you (to water) them more frequently. 8. Would you mind if I (to come) .. a
little later? 9. If he (not to break) his leg, he would have been able to take part in competition. 10. If
you (to make) a mistake, the teacher would correct it.


Supply the correct mood of the verbs in brackets:
1. I (to touch) if I (to be) .you. 2. We (to have) . dinner at home if
we (not to miss) . the bus. 3. If he (to be able) to swim, he (to drown)
. 4. If she (to answer) .. the telephone, she (to hear) ....
the good news. 5. You (to find) the book if you (to open) .. the bag. 6. We
(not to know) . anything about their plans for the summer holidays if Mario (not to send )
.us a letter. 7. If he (to be) in town yesterday he (to call) ...
on us. 8. If I (to know) of your arrival I (to meet) you. 9. If you (to know)
.. what it is all about, you (not to keep on ) .. smiling. 10. If you (to leave)
. earlier you (to catch) the tram.

Paraphrase the following into complex sentences with subordinate clauses of condition.
1. Come and stay with us for a week or there about. We should be only too glad!
2. I recognised you at once, for your brother described you to me.
3. I forgot to wind up my watch. It has stopped.
4. I will not invite them so they will not come.
5. The garden doesnt look beautiful because the trees are bare.
6. The river was not frozen. We could not go skating.
7. They had planned to visit us, but Mary fell ill
8. Open the door or I wont be able to come in.
9. Mr. Smith modernised his factory years ago, and now he is rich.
10. He doesnt know her address or he will write to her, Im sure.

Supply the correct mood of the verbs in brackets:
Dora wished she (to get) her book out of the suitcase before the train started. 2. I
wish I (can). play tennis as well as you do. 3. He wished he (to stay) ... in bed the
whole morning. 4. I wish I (to know) he was your friend. 5. You are looking wonderful, I wish I (to
have) .. your health and vitality. 6. She wishes we (can) .understand her. 7. She
wished they (not to notice) . her embarrassment. 8. I wish I (to buy ) . the car when it
was cheaper. 9. I wish I (not to lie) . to Mary. She is so upset now. 10. My father wished he (to see)
. the football match but he didnt have time.
V. Choose the correct conditional form to complete the sentences below. Once you have decided on your
answer, click on the arrow to check your answer.
1. If I

(stay) in Barlinek, I would have found a new girlfriend.

2. He would do more to help the poor if he

(be) the Pope.

3. If he goes to London on a business trip, he often

4. We won't go to the film unless they

(visit) Soho.
(arrive) in the next 5 minutes.


5. She

(buy) a new car if she had had the money.

6. If Yoko were me, she

(go) to Manchester immediately.

7. They will talk to Jacek if he


8. Boena comes to work 30 minutes late if her child

9. If Peter
10. Kasia
11. If they
12. Unless you

(miss) the bus to school.

(think) twice, he wouldn't have made such a stupid mistake.

(become) a university lecturer if she studies hard.
(know) all the facts, they would have found the defendant guilty.
(hurry up), we will never arrive on time.

13. If I were in charge, I

(change) the standard business routines.

14. He takes his daughter out to dinner, if she

(come) to town.

15. If I hadn't known better, I

(trust) him.


Q1 - If I ...... you, I would tell him straightaway

Q13 - ........., you'll miss your flight

If you hurry
Unless you hurry

Q2 - If you ...... yellow and blue, you get green

will mix

Q14 - ....... there, will you ask him to call me?

If he will be
Should he be

Q3 - If I .........., I would never have done it

had known

Q15 - Suppose there ......... a problem, what would

you have been able to do?
had been

Q4 - Unless you ...... things easy, you'll get ill

don't take

Q16 - If the weather holds, I ........ play golf this


Q5 - ........, I'd have come immediately

Were I to know
Had I known

Q17 - If I ........, I'll do it this evening


Q6 - If I ...... you, I would never have done that

had been

Q18 - Come on Friday if you .......

will be able to

Q7 - Provided you ........ there half an hour before it

starts, you'll get straight in
will get

Q19 - ........ you retire if you won the lottery?


Q8 - Unless you ....... drinking, you'll have serious

health problems
will stop

Q20 - If she ..... there, will you give her a message for
will be

Q9 - If you see him, ......... him to call me?

will you ask
would you have asked

Q21 - What ........ do if you were in my position?

will you
would you

Q10 - ........ her help, I'd have been in real trouble

But for
If only

Q22 - You'll be very ill ....... smoking

if you stop
unless you stop

Q11 - ........, what would you ask her?

Had you seen her
Were you to see her

Q23 - He ....... be able to see you if you get there

before nine o'clock

Q12 - If I ........., I'd have done it myself

were there
had been there

Q24 - Provided you work hard, you ....... pass the

exam without any difficulty

Q32 - What ........... if you had seen an accident on

your way here?
would you have done
would you do

Q25 - What would you do if the police ......... you?


Q33 - If the ambulance had arrived sooner,

they ......... her life
had saved
might have saved

Q26 - Provided you ......... the application forms, you

should get the loan straightaway
will complete

Q34 - How ...... you cope if you lost your job?


Q27 - I ......... there if I'd known about it

would never have gone
would never go

Q35 - If he tries, he ........ do well


Q28 - She ............. so worried about the operation if

the doctor had explained things better
wouldn't have been
wouldn't be

Q36 - If you'd told me earlier, I ....... to help you the

other day
might be able
might have been able

Q29 - ......... there, you could have helped me

Unless you had been
Had you been

Q37 - If I had my life over again, I ...... to university to

study history
would have gone
would go

Q30 - If I ...... in your shoes, I'd be very worried

would be

Q38 - If he's there, you ...... to tell him what happened


Q31 - If he ........ earlier, many lives wouldn't have

been ruined
had been caught
was caught

Q39 - I ......... better than to have trusted them

should have known
should know


Q3 - She asked us if we ____ finished the work on

Either could be used here.

Q1 - I told him ____ do it.

to not
to don't
not to

Q4 - She asked us ____ on time.

to be
for being

Q2 - He asked us ____ show our passports.


Q5 - She asked if she ____ leave early.



Q6 - They asked me _____ going to the party.

that I was
if I was


Q7 - He told me ____ my father.

to phone

Q1 - I ...... to him for the past month

didn't speak
haven't spoken

Q8 - She said that no one _____ to the meeting last

has come
had come

Q2 - Professionals ....... as doctors and lawyers


Q9 - She told me ____ she wasn't going to come.

--Either could be used here.

Q3 - The dog's ..... the field

Q4 - Professionals ....... doctors and lawyers

Q10 - He asked me what I _____ if I failed to get the

would do
would have done

Q5 - The doctor, ..... saw me in the afternoon


Q11 - He told me he ___ be here by three o'clock at

the latest and it's half past already.
Either could be used here.

Q6 - The nurse ..... saw me in the afternoon


Q12 - She promised she _____ do it by the end of the

week and then let me down.
Either could be used here.

Q7 - Something ...... to be done about it

Q8 - I didn't see .....

Q13 - She said it _____ raining when she got here.

already started
had already started
Either could be used here.

Q9 - She didn't ..... finish it


Q14 - She explained how ______ do it.

I should
Either could be used here.

Q10 - The ..... film I've ever seen


Q15 - He said he _____ her before.

didn't meet
hadn't met
Either could be used here.

Q11 - The worst play I've ..... seen

Q12 - I saw .....


Q23 - In accordance ..... the regulations


Q13 - Something ...... be done about it

Q24 - She took it ...... her bag


Q14 - We ..... better be off now


Q25 - She took it ...... of her bag


Q15 - It's about a journey up .....

the Amazon

Q26 - It was ...... hot to drink


Q16 - We stayed at ....... Hotel

The Grand

Q27 - It was ...... hot that I couldn't drink it


Q17 - The house ..... I was born


Q28 - It was ...... hot to touch


Q18 - The house ..... I was born in


Q29 - It was ..... a nice day


Q19 - The house in ..... I was born


Q30 - The weather was ..... nice


Q20 - ..... least


Q31 - It all happened ..... quickly


Q21 - It didn't bother me ..... the least


Q32 - ..... people

Many of

Q22 - According .... the media


Q33 - ..... the people

Many of


Subject I
Add a or e to complete these nouns.
1. correspond__nce



Add a or i to complete these adjectives


do. A. but for B. whether C. providing

D. otherwise
the electricity supply to fail, the
machines would automatically switch off.
A. Should B. Provided
C. As long as D. Were
Rewrite these sentences using an itclause to emphasise the words in italics
The cough was bad but the headache was
the real problem.

I only discovered the cause when I saw the

Underline the correct word in the
contexts below. In some cases both are possible.
They worked for three days, hard / hardly
stopping to eat or rest
As I left the house, it was raining hard /
Do you like these shoes ? I got them cheap /
cheaply in the market.
Be careful; there are lots of snakes in the
forest \, some of them are dead / deadly .
He was dead / deadly tired that night and
thats probably led to the crash.

I felt well enough to go back to work on

Someone at work suggested what might
have caused the problem.

The problem was caused by breathing in
pain fumes.

Underline the correct alternative.
I dont mind babysitting,. the children
are in bed and asleep
A. unless B. but for C. providing D. otherwise

Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the words in brackets.
I have no. in recommending Juan as an
honest and reliable employee. (hesitate)
Flooding on this area of the coast is a common
Id . you to be more careful with your
money in future. (advice)
I was . to ask Kevin where hed been but I
resisted the temptation. (die)
When I was younger I . to go out with
friends, but now my would be to spend time at
home. (prefer)

Im going to this conference. the
company pays for me or not.
A. whether B. unless C. As long as D. provided
you hold a snake by its head, it cant
bite you.
A. Unless B. As long as C. Were D. Supposing
Im sure the woman would have died ..
the help of a man who was passing and knew what to


Subject II
A. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space.
From a close study of history you would never gain the impression that human behaviour is dictated by
intelligence, .(1) less by responsible morality. An observer from ..(2) planet, devoid .(3)
instincts himself and unaware of the way in ..(4) instincts, the aggressive instinct in (5),
operate among us, would be at a complete .(6) to explain history at..(7). The phenomena of
history do (8) have reasonable causes. It is a mere commonplace (9) say that they are caused by
(10) common parlance so aptly called human nature.
B. Find one word which is appropriate for all three gaps in each of the following sentences.

2. She takes the day off work.

3. Weve got a to do this

1. Shes a woman without fear with

a.of her own, who says what she
2. He didnt .that other people thought
3. If you want to carry on with what you were
doing, please dont

1. At the age of 17, he went the
building trade as an apprentice.
2. Eighttwenty-four is three.
3. Im really .folk music.


1. We sat and talked by the..of the fire.
2. They set out at first..for the summit.
3. These discoveries may throw newon
the origins of man.

1. Barbara has found the box in a that

stood under the window in Kates room.
2. As the phrase suggests, a main..of
cables splits off into branches which supply
individual subscribers.
3. The enormous treeprovided a home
for rich colony of bird and insect life.


1. The. thing about him is that he never

eats in the evening.
C. For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original
sentence, but using the word given. The word must not be altered in any way.
1. Id be grateful if you would check these
accounts for me. mind

4. He owed his rescue to a passer-by.


2. Therell be trouble if you do that again.


5. Only if you work hard now have you any
chance of success.

3. His arrival was completely unexpected.


Arrange the words to make affirmative sentences. Place time expressions at the end of the

go / now / home / will / I

give / the present / tomorrow / we / him / will
her / met / last night / at / we / the station
was / last week / he / in hospital
in Greece / spend / I / will / next year / my holiday
must / at five o'clock / leave / we / the house
the library / take / I / the book / will / today / to
my mum / breakfast / in the morning / made
tonight / want / to the cinema / to go / we
wrote / last week / they / at school / a test
Arrange the words to make negative sentences. Place time expressions at the end of the


our holiday / will / at home / we / not / spend / next year

did / I / him / see / not / last night / at the disco
to a party / not / we / tonight / going / are
will / a letter / not / next week / send / you / she
not / the truth / did / he / tell / you
to the cinema / we / want / not / do / tonight / to go
play / in the bar / did / he / last week / not / the piano
not / now / she / in England / is
eat / in winter / ice-cream / do / not / I


right now / have / not / we / time / do

Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Place time expressions at the end of the


She is in great form because (every week / goes / she / to the gym) .
I think (likes / Susan / you) .
I can't talk to you because (time / do not have / I / now) .
We are glad that (at home / did not leave / we / our umbrella .
I will miss him when (to Chicago / moves / he) .


They don't know where (have left / the key / they) .

Ring me if (have / you / a problem) .
I'd like to know why (her holiday / does not spend / she / in France .
They told him that (wanted to play / they / tennis) .
He was reading the paper while (she / in the garden / was working) .
Decide where to place the time expressions. (The sentences are similar to allow you to concentrate
on the time expressions.)




We went to the cinema yesterday.


We went yesterday to the cinema.

I am seldom at the cinema.

Both sentences are correct.

Both sentences are correct.

We often go to the cinema.


I don't go every week to the cinema.

Both sentences are correct.

Both sentences are correct.

Next Tuesday I will go to the cinema.


Francis does not always go to the

Francis does not go to the cinema

Both sentences are correct.

They never go to the cinema.

Both sentences are correct.

They go to the cinema never.


Both sentences are correct.


I don't go to the cinema every week.

We go often to the cinema.

I will go to the cinema next Tuesday.


I seldom am at the cinema.

Do frequently you go to the cinema?

Do you frequently go to the cinema?

She goes every Sunday to the cinema.

Both sentences are correct.

She goes to the cinema every Sunday.


My friends didn't go to the cinema on


Both sentences are correct.

On Friday my friends didn't go to the

Both sentences are correct.
Ask for the subject (in bold print). Use 'who' (for people) or 'what' (for everything else).

Gareth speaks English.

Mandy plays the guitar.
John is from Australia.
Our room is on the second floor.
You will meet them next week.
My bike is blue.
The show started early.


My computer doesn't work.

Her brother went to Canada last year.
Your friends don't like pizza.

Rewrite the sentences and put the adverbs in correctly.


She speaks. (slowly)

They sang. (wonderfully)
He treated her. (respectfully)
John speaks English. (well)
The dog barks. (loudly)


My sister plays the piano. (awfully)

She met him. (secretly)
The children laughed. (happily)
She hurt her leg. (badly)
They sneaked out of the house (quietly).

Make sentences and put the adverbs (in italic print) in correctly (behind the verb or object).

is / over there / the cinema inside / go / let's the kitchen / downstairs / is playing / the kids / are / outside she / not / been / here / has the bathroom / is / upstairs were / everywhere / we / for / looking / you we / anywhere / you / find / couldn't ? / there / a post office / nearby / is must / we / walk / back home Rewrite the sentences and put the adverbs in correctly.


I have been to London. (often)

Have you been to Boston? (ever)
He plays golf on Sundays. (sometimes)
The weather is bad in November. (always)

It rains in California. (never)


We have fish for dinner. (seldom)

She will see him. (rarely)
Peter doesn't get up before seven. (usually)

They do not play tennis on Sundays.
10. Mary watches TV. (hardly / ever)

Rewrite the sentences and put the adverbs in correctly.


We were in London. (last week)

He walks his dog. (rarely)
She waited. (patiently)
My father goes fishing. (always)
Your bedroom is. (upstairs)
We don't go skiing. (in summer)
Cats can hear. (well)


I saw him. (there)

The girl speaks English. (fluently)
I have seen that film. (never) / (before)

Complete these sentences with if, unless, when, as soon as or until.
1. Well never get there on time __________ Sedef gets ready quickly.
2. Im so excited. Im going to get my skis on _________ we get there!
3. Id take that job _________ the salary was better.
4. Ill take driving lessons ________ Ive finished school. Im not in a hurry.
5. I cant go to the office ________ Ive found my car keys!
6. Alex wont get a birthday present from me __________ I go shopping today. His birthday is tomorrow.
7. We wont be able to buy a new car _________ weve saved enough money.
8. I have to take the pasta out of the water __________ its cooked, or it gets too soft and sticky.
9. Wed go and visit them more often _________ getting there was cheaper.
10. Id buy myself an up-to-date iPhone __________ I had a really good job.
Complete the sentences with the verb either in future or present tense, using contractions when
1. He will wash up before he (to go) to bed.
2. When it (to get) cold I 'll light the fire.
3. When the Queen (to arrive) the audience will stand up.
4. She (to give) the children their dinner before he comes home.
5. I will pay you when I (to get) my cheque.
6. She (to stay) in bed till the clock strikes seven.
7. He'll have to behave better when he (to go) to school.
8. She will go on until he (to tell) her to stop.
9. The lift (not start) until you press that button.
10. When he (to return) I'll give him the key.
Future time clauses - Read the sentences and translate

When I finish writing the reports, I will go out with my


They will go to the beach as soon as they have their

She will move to Izmir when she finds a good job.

When the party is over, well clean the house.

All the players in the national team will go on holiday

as soon as the Europian Championship is over.

Dont worry mom. I will phone you as soon as I arrive

Before I go to Bodrum, Ill book a room.


Murat will visit all his relatives before he joins the


You can go out. I will wait until she calls.

They wont transfer any players before they sign the
advertising agreement.

They wont start the match until the rain stops.


I wont buy anything new until I pay all my debts.

After her sister prepares dinner, theyll invite their


If I go home early tonight, I will watch the Olympic

My father will buy a new car after he saves enough


Tarik will buy a new TV set if the prices goes down.

What will you do after you finish the French course?
If you pass the test, what will you do?
HAVE YOU NOTICED THE STRUCTURE? when, after, before, as soon as, until, if are followed by SIMPLE
PRESENT TENSE. Main clasuses in these sentences are followed by future will.
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.
1) When the manager _____________ ( arrive ), they _______________ ( start ) the meeting.
2) If he _____________ ( reach ) the sales target this year, the company ____________ ( award ) him.
3) We _______________ ( start ) the construction of a shooping center as soon as the government
__________( allow ) us to begin.
4) After she __________ ( find ) a good house in Karyaka, she_______________ ( buy ) some new furniture.
5) If Alex _______________ ( feel ) better at the weekend, he _______________ ( play ) in the match against Milan.
6) I will have to finish the reports before the manager _______________ ( call ).
7) She _______________( eat ) anything until the doctor_______________( tells ) her to eat.


English exercise "Future after -when?"

1. You'll talk to Julia as soon as she (arrive) .
2. After you (finish) packing up, you will meet all the members of the staff.
3. The tourists will take photos while they (visit) the old town.
4. Will you do something before it (be) too late ?
5. Don't worry, Lisa will buy some food when she (go) shopping.
6. I can't do anything now ! When I (phone) Sue, I'll be able to give a hand.
7. I do hope you will come and see us in Dublin when you (be) in Ireland.
8. Joe says he is going to follow his diet after he (come) back from Greece.
9. He will give you his address only after he (find) somewhere to live.
10. Jill won't speak to him again until he (apologize) .
Complete the passage using the correct verb tense. Pay attention to adverb clauses
Most people recognize Leonardo da Vinci as the painter of the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. Yet, Leonardo (be) a
master of design, engineering, science, and invention, as well as a master of art.
After Leonardo (paint) his most famous works, he (begin) to spend more time on his other dreams. As a military
engineer, Leonardo (draw) plans for primitive tanks and airplanes long before anyone (dream, ever) possible. He
(credit, also) with having designed the first parachute and having constructed the first elevator.
In the sciences, Leonardo (be) equally amazing. He (discover) complex principles of physics nearly a century before
Galileo (do) his own work. In anatomy, Leonardo (study) muscle and bone structure to improve his painting, and even
after he (become) tired of painting, he (continue) to study the workings of the heart. He (speculate, even) on the
circulation of blood a century before William Harvey (prove) it. Leonardo da Vinci (be) so far ahead of his time that
not until this century (be) his genius truly evident.


1. Read the following text and write the questions to which the underlined words in the text are the
Paris, the capital of France, is a shopper's paradise (1) with plenty of large department stores as well as
thousands of delightful smaller shops.
Antique lovers can find fantastic furniture in the small antique shops (2) on Bonaparte and Jacob streets
and collectors can find rare books on the bookstalls lining the banks of the river Seine. There are also some great
department stores which sell everything from perfume to furniture. Galleries Lafayette, Paris' largest department
store on Boulevard Haussmann, offers a great variety (3) of high quality woollen skirts, leather jackets and
designer clothes. The Marais is a group of little streets with some of the trendiest boutiques. There you can buy
fashionable clothes, shoes and jewellery. For shoppers with big bank accounts there is a wide range of jewellers
and designer fashion houses along the Rue de Rivoli, such as Cartier, Chanel, Nina Ricci and Christian Dior.
Shops in Paris are usually open from eight or ten in the morning till about seven in the evening (4) from
Monday to Saturday. The big sales (5) come after Christmas and before the autumn collections.
Don't miss the chance to go shopping in Paris. There is always something to suit everyone's pocket
and taste.
2. Read the text again and decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).
1. Shopping in Paris is a chance not to be missed.
2. Antique lovers should visit Galleries Lafayette.
3. Small antique shops sell rare books.
4. Most department stores are on Rue de Rivoli.
5. There are two big sales in Paris.
3. Write one suitable word in each numbered space to complete this passage.


It would seem an undeniable (1)______________that technology and science have been responsible for mankinds
slow (2) __________________from the caves of the Stone Age to the high-rise buildings of the 20 th century.
Beginning with primitive mans (3)_________________ of fire and his attempts at tool-making, humans have sought
ways of mastering their environment. The (4) ___________________of the wheel, the development of agriculture,
the invention of the printing press, the discovery that electricity can (5)__________________harnessed each new
advance has added to mans growing ascendance over his world. At the start of the twenty-first century, much of the
Western world lives in a (6)_____________________of comfort unimaginable even fifty years ago. Agricultural
methods have advanced to the (7)___________________that land previously(8)___________________ of feeding
hundreds can now feed thousands. Communication between opposite sites of the planet can take
(9)___________________instantaneously. We are on the (10) ______________ of cloning human beings, a
scientific breakthrough that twenty years ago seemed science fiction.
4. Rewrite these pairs of sentences as a single sentence, so that the meaning stays the same.
1. The country had a terrible human rights record. She had fled from this country.
2. The guests enjoyed themselves immensely. Many of them had never met before.
3. The man is not to be trusted. You bought the picture from the man.
4. The books needed to be taken back to the library. She had enjoyed none of them.
5. The man is a fraud. You are involved with this man
5. Rephrase each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.
1. We had barely got indoors when it started raining.
2.There has rarely been such an opportunity for better relations.
3. It was only when the papers were counted that we realized one was missing.
4. She little knows that I have hidden the key!
5. The ships all turned back to land because the wind was so strong.

6. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same
The main role of the police in criminalinvestigations is to uncover


(1)which will lead to a prosecution. Sometimes, this is in the


form of a .(2) of a culprit by an eye-witness. The police use


this ..(3)to track down a likely suspect, and then approach


people who have a similar ..(4). They ask them to take part in a line-up.


The suspect and the other people line up in a room. The witness enters
with a policeman, and usually the suspects (5). The


witness must look ..(6) at each person and say who


they saw committing the crime. Their (7)is extremely important.


If they dont pick out the suspect, he may well be given his ..(8)


and the police will have to start the investigation again. The best(9)


for potential witnesses is to always tell the ..(10), and only choose


someone if you are absolutely certain it was them you saw.



Amish, often referred to as a plain people, maintain a very distinct lifestyle.
They use few modern conveniences and keep a horse and buggy* as their means of
conveyance*. Buggies are a common sight in Lancaster as they clip-clop down
country roads as well as more travelled routes.
Amish are easily identified by their manner of dressing, which, they feel, is a
symbol of their separation from the world and a constant reminder of their
commitment to God and their religion. Men and boys wear dark suits, coats without
lapels*, pastel-coloured shirts, a straw or black broad-brimmed hat and black shoes.
Women wear skirts with long sleeves and high necks topped off with caps and white
or black aprons. They also wear select pastel colours. Wire hookand- eye fasteners,
straight pins and velcro* are used as fasteners. Women and men do not wear
jewellery or embellishments such as buttons (although, some buttons are worn on
winter coats) on their clothes in order to maintain humility and disavow* anything
that might gain them recognition, such as distinctive dress. Likewise, Amish do not
style their hair, wear makeup, manufactured clothing or anything to alter Gods
Black is the dominating colour for Amish life but, ironically, Amish are buried
in white. Married men wear a beard. Moustaches are taboo since they were once
associated with military officers and Amish are pacifists. Men keep their hair
trimmed in a single layer, unparted cut that dips to the earlobe on the sides and
above the collar in the back of the head.
Intelligencer Journal, Sunday 21/12/97
*buggy=a small car, usually with no roof, which is designed for driving on rough ground
* conveyance =a vehicle or method of transport
*lapel= one of the two parts at the front of a coat or jacket that are folded back on each side
below the collar
*Velcro= special cloth material having two rough surfaces that stick together when pressed,
used for fastening clothing and other objects

Answer the following questions

a. Why are Amish referred to as plain people?
b. When do Amish people wear clothes in white?
c. Why do they not wear luxurious things?
What do you think about fashion and models?

A recent cigarette advert consisted of a dull picture of a motorcycle. Only one
clue told consumers which brand to buy: the motorcycle was red, the colour of
Marlboro. Such adverts may puzzle or bore most people, but they anger antismoking groups, which argue that smoking is a health risk that should be
Next week, The British Parliament will vote on a ban for all cigarette
advertising. Ministers wish to cut smoking by children under 16 years by a third by
1998. Their proposal is to make existing rules tighter. However, there is no hard
evidence that advertising has much effect on total consumption. Whereas in some
countries prohibitions are followed by a fall in consumption, in others there seems
to be an increase in smoking.
Many people believe there are better ways to prevent smoking. Tax increases
or to enforce the law to prevent cigarette sales to teenagers under sixteen may
have more effect than restrictions on advertising.
Whats the main idea of the text? Do you agree or not with the text?
Comment upon: Cigarette smoking should be forbidden in all public
Your article "Power lunches with my two-year-old" (City +, 8 April) reminded
me of the contract babies I saw in Philadelphia in 1995.
Six-week-old infants were brought into a superbly equipped creche in the
basement of an office block. They were also brought in to the crche at weekends
and when they were sick, so that their working mothers could have time off. The
nurse became their mother, and the creche home. These children suffered severe
emotional distress at the age of three when they had to leave. When I questioned
why such women wanted children at all, I was told that many of them didn't want a
baby; it was the men who wanted to be fathers and promised to finance the
excellent childcare from six weeks if the women would agree to give birth. This
makes a mockery of mothering. Power lunches make a mockery of fathering.
From August this year, Norway plans to pay mothers to stay at home with
their 0-2 year olds on condition that they do not use a public daycare centre. It is
time the UK followed this example and set a true value, financial and social, on the
time a mother spends caring for her young children at home.
(Sue Clasen, Chairman, Pershore, Worcestershire)
Answer the following questions
a. When were infants taken into crches?
b. Why were infants taken into crches?
c. Did these mothers want to have babies? Why did they have them?
What kind of father/mother would you like to be?
THALWIL, Switzerland In the tall stucco schoolhouse here its big, airy
classrooms and views of Lake Zurich, English has become part of the daily routine.
Students, as young as 7, are learning multiplication or discussing the weather
in English. In one classroom, lists of songs that the first grade has already mastered
include not only local German tunes but Old Mc Donald and How are you this

Parents are delighted. It is something that you need, said Beatrix Caforeo,
whose son, Andrea, goes to the school there. Everywhere people are speaking
English, not just abroad.
Throughout Europe, English is growing in use and acceptability. Beyond the
schoolhouse here, European Universities, particularly in Northern Europe, are giving
courses in science, philosophy and business in English. Even some companies like
the French telecommunications giant Alcatel state-owned until 1982- now use
English as their internal language.
But the growing use of English is not going down easily everywhere. The
English program here has caused uproar in other parts of the country, where critics
have questioned why English should be taught before another one of Switzerlands
four national languages. In many places and in many ways, Europe is debating the
growing prominence of English.
Some see it as the language that might bind the Continent together. In one
European Union survey, 70 percent of those surveyed agreed with the proposition
that everybody should speak English. But nearly, as many said, their own
language needed to be protected. Capturing the right balance is a subject of
Answer the following questions according to the text.
a. According to the text, where in Europe, besides the Swiss school, is English
increasing in use?
b. What is the main argument against the teaching of English in Switzerland?
c. What do the defenders of using English as global language content?
d. According to the article, what seems to be the opinion of the majority of
What do you think about the use of English as a global language? Would
it be practical? Would it threaten or endanger national identity?
The biggest gamble in movie making history has received no fewer than
fourteen Oscar nominations. And not only that: contrary to what almost everyone
said during the troubled course of its production, it looks like the gamble is going to
pay off. Titanic, James Camerons $200 million epic about what he has called the
quintessential tragedy of the 20th century has been a great success across Europe
and America. Test screenings in America have been overwhelmingly positive. Daily
Variety, the most influential film newspaper in America, has no doubts. They call it a
spectacular demonstration of what modern technology can contribute to dramatic
story-telling, and concludes that, unlike the liner which sank in the North Atlantic
eighty-five years ago, this Titanic arrives at its destination.
But it hasnt been all that easy. Shot over eight months (about two months
longer than originally planned), Titanic saw its budget spiral almost out of control.
With such lavish sets, huge casts and expensive, state-of-the-art computerized
special effects, the movie seemed set to become as big a disaster as the story on
which it was based.
The perfectionist James Cameron went to extraordinary lengths to get his film
exactly right. The filmmakers built a perfect scale model of the ship, which at 236
metres was almost as big as the original, and mounted it on giant hydraulic lifts to
reproduce the effect of the vessel sinking. The model stood in a tank filled with
77million litres of sea water.


Everything in Camerons movie is bigger, grander and more expensive than

anything that has been done before.
Answer the following questions according to the text
a. What does the Daily Variety mean with this Titanic arrives at its destination?
b. How long did it take to shoot the Titanic?
c. Why is Cameron being described as a perfectionist?
Going to the movies is one kind of entertainment. Do you have any
hobbies? How do you like to spend your free time?
Airline pilots have high social status and earn a great deal of money. Air
hostesses have an uncertain status and earn little. For those recently qualified, the
basic pay is as little as $300 a month. This is little to balance against the possibility
of a hijack or a disaster. So why do they do it?
I went to see Diane Humphreys, who is responsible for all Dan-Airs cabin staff
based at Manchester airport.
One reason why air hostesses dont get over-anxious about flying may be
that theyre so busy, before, during and after a flight.
On a Monday morning, a hostess might have an early morning flight, perhaps
at 7 a.m. She has to check in 1.5 hours before the flight. That might mean leaving
home at 4 a.m. Before the flight hostesses have to prepare the cabin and toilets and
make sure that the food and drinks are aboard. Dan-Air doesnt do long-distance
flights and so there are no overnight stopovers. Theres a 45 minute turn-around
interval, when the hostesses have to prepare the plane for the return flight.
Depending on where youre flying, this can make it a 12-hour day.
During the flight youve got no time to relax -the safety instructions have to
be demonstrated and the food and drinks served. So one day you might have an
early morning flight, the next an afternoon flight, the day after you might be on
relief duty and have to be ready to work if someone else becomes ill or there is an
Read the text and answer these questions in your own words.
1. What are the main differences between pilots and air hostesses?
2. What do air hostesses have to do before and during the flights?
Summarize paragraph 4 (On a Monday morning... a 12-hour day) in no more
than 30 words.
Is there a job that you would especially like to do?
As before, Unionist opponents of the Northern Ireland peace deal are quoted
as saying they are British and want to stay British. Yet if you look around Europe,
the qualities the British are known for are tolerance, the ability to laugh at
themselves, an acute sense of irony, willingness to accept and implement
negotiated agreements and above all, a commitment to democratic process. Do the
Unionists recognise and cherish these qualities in themselves and will they work to
sustain them as we try to on the "mainland"?
Undoubtedly, on a narrow interpretation, the Unionists have most to lose
from the agreement as their 60-year stalemated hegemony departs. But the
opportunity they and all Ulster are being offered is the chance to stop fighting over
pieces of the same historic cake and to co-operate in sharing out a much larger
cake, which, thanks to the EU, US, UK and peace itself can provide everyone with


more: more jobs, more prosperity, more infrastructure, more future. Why settle for
less when you can have more?
Nick Russell, London, NW5
Answer the following questions
a. Whats the difference between British and Unionist opponents?
b. What opportunity is Ulster being offered?
c. What will they get if they become a single Ireland?
Comment upon: Gibraltar: British or Spanish?
When Americans go abroad, one of their biggest concerns is, "Can you drink
the water?" You may find asking yourself the same question, especially in a hip,
urban setting where you may notice many people, young and old, drinking from
large and small plastic bottles. And these people will tell you, fiercely to put the fear
of God in you, that "No! You cannot drink the tap water in this country anymore!"
Ignore these people. These are the same kind of people who will also inform you
that you will drop dead before 40, or worse, become ugly fat and stupid if you don't
jog or join an expensive health club where you pay to sweat. Now simply turn the
tap water and drink long and deep to quench your thirst. Do not be surprised the
next morning if you still feel healthy and energetic.
Unless you come from a country, or stopped over in one, where dreaded
diseases such as cholera, malaria, yellow or dengue fever are a fact of daily life, you
do not need inoculations to enter America.
Availability of certain drugs is also restricted. What you have been able to get
at your neighbourhood pharmacy in your country may require a doctor's
prescription. So if you take medications, (e.g., for blood pressure or cholesterol), you
must find an American doctor who can prescribe them for you. Or bring extra
enough to last during your stay.
Answer the following questions according to the text
a. Is the water from the tap good in America?
b. Do you need to be vaccinated if you travel to America?
c. What can you do if you go to America after having been prescribed a certain
d. Why do some America people drink water from plastic bottles?
What do you know about health and healthy habits?
During the early years of American settlement, a highly distinctive form of
English was beginning to develop in the islands of the West Indies and the southern
part of the mainland, spoken by the incoming black population. The beginning of the
seventeenth century saw the emergence of the slave trade. Ships from Europe
travelled to the West African coast, where they exchanged cheap goods for black
slaves. The slaves were shipped in barbarous conditions to the Caribbean islands
and the American coast, where they were in turn exchanged for such commodities
as sugar, rum, and molasses. The ships then returned to England, completing an
'Atlantic triangle' of journeys, and the process began again. Britain and the United
States had outlawed the stave trade by 1865, but by that time, nearly 200 years of
trading had taken place. By the middle of the nineteenth century, there were over
four million black slaves in America.


The policy of the slave-traders was to bring people of different language

backgrounds together in the ships, to make it difficult for groups to plot rebellion.
The result was the growth of several pidgin forms of communication, and in
particular a pidgin between the slaves and the sailors, many of whom spoke English.
Once arrived in the Caribbean, this pidgin English continued to act as a major
means of communication between the black population and the new landowners,
and among the blacks themselves. Then, when children came to be born, the pidgin
became their mother tongue, thus producing the first black Creole speech in the
region. This Creole English rapidly came to be used throughout the cotton
plantations, and in the coastal towns and islands. Similarly, creolized forms of
French, Spanish and Portuguese emerged in and around the Caribbean.
Answer the following questions according to the text.
a. When did the slave trade begin?
b. When was the slave trade forbidden in the USA?
c. Why did the pidgins emerge?
d. What kind of job did the slaves have?
What kind of job would you like to have in the future?
Yosemite National Park became America's first state park in 1864. Compared
to other protected areas, Yosemite Valley is quite small, about seven miles long and
a mile wide. Small enough, anyway for John Muir, the conservationist and founder of
Sierra Club, to explore the entire area on foot is quite hard. But within its narrow
confines are some of the most impressive cliffs, valleys, meadows, waterfalls, and
flora and fauna.
The park ranges from 2,000 feet above sea level to more than 13,000 feet.
Among its most famous peaks are El Capitan, the largest piece of exposed granite in
the world, and Half Dome. Some of the most spectacular waterfalls, such as the
Bridal Veil Falls, are only a short hike from the Yosemite Valley floor. The view of the
Valley floor from the top of 3,200 foot Glacier Point, 32 miles away by road, is
considered by many to be the most impressive of all. When you are not feeling
"stoned" by the sheer cliffs that circle the valley, be aware of the black bears that
no longer appear to fear humans and have known to brazenly walk into campsites
and raid food. Coyotes and other denizens of the forests are more cunning and less
visible. There are 196 miles of paved roads within the park and 840 miles of trails.
Since it also has 8 miles of paved bike path, rent a bike and explore the relatively
flat valley floor. To prevent congestion and overcrowding, there have been proposals
to ban automobiles in Yosemite, especially during the very busy and crowded
holiday weekends such as Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labour Day But don't
let a trifle like that stop you from visiting one of the most fabulous natural wonders
of the world.
Answer the following questions according to the text
a. How big is Yosemite Park?
b. What animals may threaten the visitors?
c. Can you ride a bike around the park? Why?
d. Why do some people want to ban cars from the Park?
What do you know about National Parks?


The global English of our times has all the benefits of a standardizing process.
There is a recognized standard in Britain and America. There is also an agreed,
standardized vocabulary and spelling system. Or nearly. Global English speaks with
two voices: British and American. A student in, say, Japan or Saudi Arabia is
confronted with not one version, but two, a distinction recognized by the main
language schools, like Berlitz, who offer either British English or American English to
their pupils.
The differences are essentially differences of accent, inflection*, spelling and,
above all, vocabulary: apartment versus flat, buddy versus mate, candy versus
sweets, diaper versus nappy. There are so many different expressions that
Americas Associated Press and Britains Reuters news agencies have to translate
English into English. The Reuters office in New York has a twelve-page list of
common terms requiring translation and many are the books that compile jokes
about box, knock up* and fag.
* the way in which the sound of your voice changes during speech, for example when you
emphasize particular words
*knock up= to make a woman pregnant
* To box someone in is to limit their choices in a difficult situation

Answer the following questions using your own words.

a. What is the greatest difference between British and American English?
b. How many varieties of English do some school languages teach? Which ones?
Comment upon the differences between your mother language and a
foreign language.
A 21-year-old pop fan was knifed to death early yesterday during a massive
open air concert by rock super group Queen.
As Queen lead singer Freddie Mercury thrilled 120.000 people at Knebworth
House, Hertfordshire, a fight broke out between rival fans only yards* from the
stage. The dead man, believed to be from Glasgow, was stabbed five times in the
stomach and chest. He died before an ambulance could get him to hospital in
nearby Stevenage. A shocked witness said: "The guy didn't have a chance in hell.
Ambulance men couldn't get to him because of the crowds and he was just bleeding
to death." An ambulance man confirmed:
"People were standing shoulder to shoulder and it was impossible to get
through quickly. The whole thing was overcrowded and badly organised."
Last night several youths were helping police in Stevenage with their
inquiries. In another incident an ambulance was called to help a young woman
attacked by a Hell's Angel* who poured boiling water over her. More than 1000
people needed first aid during the concert. There were about a dozen arrests but
none for drug offences.
* One yard is equal to 0.91 metres.
*a member of a motorcycle gang and organized crime syndicate whose members typically
Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

1. Did the fan die?
2. How old was he?


3. Where was the concert played?

4. Why couldn't the fan be saved or rescued?
5. How many people needed help?
What do you think about safety in pop concerts?


During the last five or six years television has become more and more
important to drama in general, not only in offering a valuable testing ground for new
dramatists, but also in forming taste and preparing audiences, almost
imperceptibly, for new things. The advantage with television in this respect is
precisely what has generally been taken as its main disadvantage: the relatively
uncritical approach of the mass audience. This is not to say they are really
"captive", as superior people like to say: one has only to look at the series of TAM*
ratings, which record the state of the television set in the testing sample's home
every thirty seconds, to find out the speed with which a programme will be switched
off if viewers don't like it. But though they know what they like and what they don't
like when they see it, they do not on the whole have any marked preconceptions
before any given programme begins. A play, whoever it is by and whatever style it
is written, is judged by the same simple but reliable rule of thumb* as Wagon Train
or What's my line*: if they like it, if it holds their attention, it stays on; if not they
switch to the other channel or even, in extreme cases switch off.
*Television Audience Measurement
* a practical and approximate way of doing or measuring something
*TV series

1. When has television become important?
2. What is it important for?
3. Why is it important?
4. Which is the real advantage for television?
Do you think it is important to have any preconceptions of a programme
before watching it?
Do you agree with the text? Why? Why not?
I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates good will
between the nations, and that if only the common peoples of the world could meet
one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the
Even if one didn't know, from concrete examples (the 1936 Olympic Games,
for instance) that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred, one could
deduce it from general principles. Nearly all the sports practised nowadays are
competitive. You play to win, and the game has little meaning unless you do your
most to win. On the village green, where you pick up sides and no feeling and local
patriotism is involved, it is possible to play simply for the fun and exercise: but as
soon as the question of prestige arises, as soon as you feel that you and some
larger unit will be disgraced if you lose, the most savage combative instincts are


At the international level sport is frankly mimic warfare. But the significant
thing is not the behaviour of the players but the attitude of the spectators: and,
behind the spectators, of the nations who work themselves into furies over these
absurd contests, and seriously believe -at any rate for short periods- that running,
jumping and kicking a ball are tests of national virtue.
Even a leisurely game like cricket, demanding grace rather than strength, can
cause much ill-will. Football, a game in which everyone gets hurt, is far worse. Worst
of all is boxing.
George Orwell.
1. What do people say about sport?
2. Does the writer agree with them?
3. What is the attitude of the spectators?
4. Do you agree with the author's opinions about sport? Why? Why not?
What do you think/know about American habits?

Subiectul I - Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the
same line:
Computers have had the (1).to play chess for many
years now, and their (2).in the games against the best
players in the world has shown steady (3).. However, it


will be years before the designers of computer games machines

can beat their (4)..challenge yet the ancient board


game called Go. The playing area is (5) .larger than


in chess and there are far more pieces, so that the (6) ..


of moves is almost (7) The game involves planning so


many moves ahead that even the (8) .. calculations of


the fastest modern computers are (9) .. to deal with the


problems of the game. In recent (10) .. for computer Go


machines, the best machine beat all its computer rivals, but
lost heavily to three young school-children, so there is obviously
still a lot of work to do.
Subiectul II - Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct , some
have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct put a (c) If there is a word that should not
be there, write the word at the end of the line:




I lived in a very mysterious house at one stage when


I was a student. It was an old house that it had been

empty for a couple of months before my college friends

and I moved in. The strange thing was that the people there

who had lived there before us they had left a lot of things

behind. There was some old furniture what they certainly

cant have wanted to keep and a few items of clothing, but the

most of that had to be thrown away. The strangest thing was

an old wooden box that I found out hidden under the bed

in one of the rooms. It was full of old letters that had all been

written by the same woman to her son, who he had apparently


been living in Sydney when he had received them. The letters


were all in neat bundles according to the date on which they


had been posted. I read all the letters and soon had a


picture in my mind of the woman who had written for them.


What I could not to understand was how her son could save her


letters and then leave them behind in the house like that.


Subiectul III - Read the text and decide which word A, B, C, or D best fits each space:
The Internet is like a huge city, full 0) of many different kinds of places and people. As in a real
city, there are certain places which are suitable for youngsters and others which need to be avoided.
The Internet neither belongs to 1). is controlled by any one person, organization or government.
It gives 2).of us the opportunity to create material for others to see. On the other hand, as in ordinary
life, there are those who might use it for illegal 3)The freedom of the Net 4). exciting
opportunities for youngsters and, 5)being aware of the possible dangers and 6)steps to avoid
them, they can happily explore that online world in safety.
Common sense will certainly help children to 7)the Internet safely. It is preferable, 8)
..example, for parents to get to know 9). their children are meeting online and make 10).
they never give out personal information about themselves. Although it is an excellent tool for learning,
playing and communicating with others, youngsters should not be allowed to become 11).involved
that they forget other activities 12) to their development. Obviously, surfing as a family activity is
the best solution, so that any problems that are found can be 13)together.


Parents need to think about safety issues and agree on a 14)of rules. Just as youngsters are given
instructions on road 15)., they also need to be instructed on how to travel safely along that

A with

B of

C in

D from

A or

B neither

C either

D nor

A all

B every

C other

D lot

A methods

B works

C purposes

D uses

A proposes

B offers

C faces

D finds

A with

B by

C for

D as

A putting

B doing

C making

D taking

A ride

B drive

C use

D lead

A for

B in

C by

D from

A which

B who

C whose

D whom


A positive

B sure

C definite

D real


A very

B so

C much

D such

A important

B based

C required

D needed


A discussed

B chatted

C talked

D spoken


A group

B choice

C set

D collection


A security

B knowledge

C safety

D care

Subiectul IV - Read the text and fill in the blanks with the word that best fits the empty space:
Science Fact and Science Fiction
When writers attempt to anticipate the future, they often only succeed (0) in providing an
interpretation of the present. This (1)... be seen in the fantasies produced by science fiction writers in
the middle of the twentieth century. Almost nothing has turned (2). the way that these writers
expected. Although they (3) manage to predict intelligent robots, they completely (4). to
anticipate the developments in communications technology that would make them possible. This(5)
that science fiction written before 1980 now seems absurdly dated, and what strikes you most (6)..
the curious absence of personal computers, e-mail and the Internet. Science fiction writers, it seems were
remarkably (7). On the uptake when (8).. came to grasping the extent to (9). The nature of
communications would change.
Instead, their focus was (10).. on the rocket technology and space travel. For they (11).
Not to know that the lunar landings, so exciting at the time, would actually lead nowhere. There are no
human colonies on the Moon, (12).. alone on Mars and the idea that people might eventually populate
the cosmos seems even(13).. within the realms of possibility now than it did then, despite half a century
of bewilderingly rapid technological progress. Whats (14)., scientists have even begun to ridicule the
notion, fundamental to much science fiction, that one day we just (15)..encounter intelligent aliens.


Subiectul V.
1. How can I make him understand that I don't want to see him any more? ACROSS
How can I ......................................... that I don't want to see him any more?
2. Parents predict chaos in schools unless the strike
Parents claim it ........................................ the teacher's strike goes ahead.





3. Police are warning people to check for forged notes which are currently in circulation. LOOKOUT
Police are warning people to be ....................................... forged notes which are currently in circulation.
If you ........................................ noise could you go outside and play.




5. It's possible that they got the wrong idea and thought the party was next week. REACHED
They might ........................................ conclusion and thought the party was next week.

Subiectul I - For questions 1-15, read the text below and type the word which best fits in each
space. Use only one word in each space.
Stress (0) ... often called a 21st century illness but it has always been with us if perhaps (1) ... different
names. These days we regard stress (2) ... a necessary evil of modern living. Yet stress is not negative and
without (3) ... we would not enjoy some of the highpoints in life (4) ... as the anticipation before a date or
the tension leading (5) ... to an important match. All these situations produce stress but (6) ... you can
control it and not the other way (7) ... you will feel stimulated, not worn (8) ... Unlike these situations,
which are generally positive and easier to deal with, sitting in a train (9) ... is late, (10) ... stuck in a traffic
jam, working to a tight deadline are (11) ... harder to manage and control. Stress is now recognised as a
medical problem and as a signficant factor (12) ... causing coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and
a high cholesterol count. Patients are often unwilling to admit to stress problems (13) ... they feel they are
a form of social failure and it is important that symptoms (14) ... identified in order to avoid unnecessary
suffering. So what should we be looking out for as danger signals? Common signs of stress are increased
tiredness, irritability and (15) ... inability to cope with certain situations.
Subiectul II - Fill in the sets of gapped sentences with one word( the same) for each set of three
He put me in a really difficult ........asking for money when
The yoga teacher told everyone to remain in a standing ....... for 30 seconds.

he knows I'm


very well off.

Apparently, the police are going to ....... the man with assault following that fight the other week.
I couldn't get the car to start this morning and finally had to ....... the battery as it had gone flat.
The company have been asked to submit a proposal outlining how much they will ........ for the consultancy work
During the tutorial I was asked to give

my........ of the portrayal of the main character in the film.


There was a wonderful ........from the hotel window, which

Our son couldn't see the game as his ....... was blocked by the people in front.






I don't see the ........of going all the way into town when we can buy the dress locally.
Paul has a great ........of humour and always has everyone in the office in fits of laughter
There was a ....... with the computer and we had to take it back to the
The manager is always finding ....... with people and complaining about the quality of their work.

shop to

get it


Subiectul III - For questions 1-10, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three
and six words, including the word given.
1. Apparently, the restaurant in town has been bought out by someone else. UNDER
I hear the restaurant in town .........................................
2. Sarah cried her eyes out immediately she was told she'd failed her driving test.
Sarah ........................................ soon as she heard she'd failed her driving test.
3. The Government recently said our problems are the fault of the worldwide economic
slowdown. PLACED
The Government have ........................................ the worldwide economic slowdown for
our problems.
4. You led me to believe the job was mine
I ........................................ that the job was mine if I wanted it.




5. He would never have guessed that at the age of 17 he would be playing for his country.
........................................ that at the age of 17 he would be playing for his country.
6. Feel free to telephone if you have any further
Do not ........................................ if you have any further problems.



7. When you do decide what you want to do please let us know. MIND
When ........................................ what you want to do please let us know.













Do you ........................................ coming over to see you later?

9. It was a mistake not to write the telephone number down.
I should ........................................ writing down the telephone number.
10. Can you possibly get me the work as soon as possible.
I ........................................ you could get the work to me as soon as possible


Subiectul IV - Read the text and decide which word A, B, C, or D best fits each space:
Sound Advice for Language Learners
A recent (1) ......... of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts in the (2) ........ of
second language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for those (3) ........ a language course.
One suggestion is that you (4) ........... whether you are likely to be successful at learning a language. Did
you enjoy studying languages at school, for example? Do you have enough time to learn a language? The
major (5) ........ will be your own time and effort.
If proof of your level of proficiency is important you must make sure that the course on offer leads to a
(6) ........ qualification. Also, be realistic in your (7) ...... . If you don't set achievable aims you are more
likely to give up. Do not be deceived (8) ........... thinking that the most expensive courses are the best.
(9) ........... around to get the best possible value for money. You should also bear in mind that the quicker
you learn a language the more quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to teach herself
German by enrolling on a (10) .......... course. Already fluent in four languages and with a sound
knowledge of teaching methodology her chances of (11) ............ progress were high. Three years
(12) ........ she remembers very little. She feels her biggest (13). was not to follow (14) ............ her
first experience. "I should have consolidated what I'd learn by continuing to study, (15). if it were by

A series

B issue

C programme

D release

A domain

B brand

C field

D area

A wondering

B thinking

C looking

D considering

A assess

B review

C balance

D survey

A change

B cost

C price

D evaluation

A recognized

B understood

C valued

D regarded

A sights

B ends

C objects

D goals

A by

B about

C into

D in

A nose

B push

C run

D shop


A rapid

B crash

C quick

D fast


A achieving

B doing

C gaining

D making


A on

B forward

C from

D onward


A error

B blunder

C mistake

D misfortune


A up

B on

C through

D out



A as

B even

C only

D though

Subiectul V - Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the
same line:
People of the Forest
This TV (0) documentary follows a family of chimpanzees
which live in the forest of Tanzania. Set in (1) ...


scenery the programme gives us a fascinating insight into

the life and social (2) ... of these creatures.


(3) ... we humans share 98% of our genes with


chimpanzees; indeed, they are our closest relative in the

animal (4) ... and scenes in the documentary offer clear


evidence of our (5) ... . The focus of the film is on Fifi and


we first see her as a (6) ... five-year-old who spends all her


time annoying her younger brother. Meanwhile, the older male

chimps seem to be involved in an endless fight for (7) ... . And it


is no suprise to learn that while all this is taking place the

females are left to deal with the day-to-day (8) ... matters.


Make sure you set aside an hour to watch this. The (9) ...


splendour of the location makes this programme worthwhile

viewing, although our (10) ... to these animals will make you

I. Put the following questions into indirect speech:
1) Does he really feel so bad?- Mother wondered.
2) Which is the glass you used? Jane asked
3) Which way will they choose? He wondered
4) Be quiet! The teacher ordered her


5) Turn around! - The man told

6) Can I do that by myself? Little Bobby asked
7) Are you coming to that party after all? Jane asked me
8) Whom can I see about this problem? George inquired
9) Where shall we go? They asked themselves
10) Leave the poor cat alone! The girl ordered them
II. Connect the following pairs of sentences using who, which, or what:
1) I talked to the girl. The girl had asked for an appointment.
2) The glasses were broken. The glasses were my grandmothers.
3) Margaret bought the tie for you. The tie is very expensive.
4) I bought a new pen. The pen writes very well.
5) The audience applauded the speaker. The speaker delivered a most interesting speech.
III. Transform the following sentences using passive constructions:

They must finish their work by seven oclock.

People will soon forgive him.
The police arrested the thief a week ago.
Fred has written a letter to Peter.
Miss Attley asked George a difficult question.
Columbus discovered America in 1942.
Dickens wrote Hard Times in the 19th century.
We had to send for the doctor.
One must not laugh at children.
We might build more blocks-of flats next year.

IV. Complete the second sentence so that the meaning stays the same. Use the word given without
changing it.
1. The patient only survived because he was given the new antibiotic. HAD
The patient would have died if he the new antibiotic.
2. A great deal of misunderstandings are caused by people sending unclear emails. WERE
If people emails, there would not be so many misunderstandings.
3. Please feel free to ring our helpline if you require further assistance. SHOULD
Please feel free to ring our help line further assistance.
4. The crash was caused by a failure to carry out checks on the signals. HAD
The crash would not have occurred if on the signals.
5. You cant access the programme unless you know the right password. HAPPEN
You can only access the programme the right password.
V. Translate the sentences.
1. Dac Tom ar fi avut grij de cine, nu s-ar fi pierdut.
2. Dac voi fi mulumit, voi comanda i alte produse.
3. Dac Tom ar conduce mai atent, nu ar avea accidente.

4. Ea nu ar fi cumprat acea rochie, dac nu i-ar fi plcut soului ei.

5. Dac John va avea bani de ajuns, va pleca n strintate.

I. Find the mistakes in the following sentences and correct them:
1. She shivered at the very thought of meeting him again.
2. Meteorologists forecast a fine weather with scattered showers in the western regions.
3. Witness was reluctant to tell the police anything, but in the end she agreed.
4. He was walking to the work through the woods when a movement behind some trees attracted his attention.
5. The writer claims that the value of dog to man is a psychological one.
6. The medicine and the law are thought to be the most lucrative professions in this country.
7. Court has no compassion for the woman who had sent her children to beg for money.
8. The politician will do anything to sway a vote in his favour.
9. The students derived a great benefit from their stay in France.
10. Despite opposition from the parents, the girl persisted in going out with her new boyfriend.
II. Put the verbs in brackets in their right form. Make changes if necessary:
1. I (to hear) you speak Japanese quite fluently, said the captain.
2. The students (to get) their final marks next week.
3. All our china (to break) when we moved here.
4. They denied (to take part) in the plot against the government.
5. Look at that man! What on earth he (to do)?

6. When I was sitting in the grass I (to bite) by a snake.

7. Neither Jim nor his parents (to come) to us lately.
8. If you stop by before 6 am tomorrow, I (to watch) my favorite show.
9. You (to work) in public relations since you never lose temper.
10. We (to know) each other for years.
III. Rephrase the following sentences, so that the meaning stays the same. Use the word given:
1. He didnt concentrate on the lecture. (attention)
2. All the other students got their exam results before Susan did. (last)
3. When the automatic ticket machines are in operation, there will be no more queues. (put)
4. What would happen if we refused to pay? (supposing)
5. Britney is very likely to be promoted. (stands)
6. It was unfair that the ice-skater got such low marks. (deserve)
7. He really must attend the meeting. (crucial)
8. The visitors were very impressed by the gardens. (impact)
9. Jack failed to keep his promise to help us. (let)
10. The engineers decided that the crash was not the pilots fault. (blame)
IV. Fill in the appropriate compound nouns:
1. The first flowers that come out from under the snow in the woods in early March are called ..........................
2. Any modern town has gas, water and canal underground.............................
3. Dont forget to put on your ......................... before you start to repair the car.
4. A woman who cleans the rooms in a hotel is a ......................................
5. Some houses were renovated; others were demolished after the ................................
6. Whenever she goes jogging she wears a .......................................
7. I forgot to clean my shoes and I left ............................. on the carpet.
8. My mothers second husband is my .......................................
9. After it had been raining for a few hours, I saw the .......................... in the horizon.
10. When it rains some people carry umbrellas, others wear...............................
V. Put the following questions into indirect speech:
1) Does he really feel so bad?- Mother wondered.

2) Which is the glass you used? Jane asked

3) Which way will they choose? He wondered
4) Be quiet! The teacher ordered her
5) Turn around! - The man told
6) Can I do that by myself? Little Bobby asked
7) Are you coming to that party after all? Jane asked me
8) Whom can I see about this problem? George inquired
9) Where shall we go? They asked themselves
10) Leave the poor cat alone! The girl ordered them

VI. Connect the following pairs of sentences using who, which, or what:
1. I talked to the girl. The girl had asked for an appointment.
2. The glasses were broken. The glasses were my grandmothers.
3. Margaret bought the tie for you. The tie is very expensive.
4. I bought a new pen. The pen writes very well.
5. The audience applauded the speaker. The speaker delivered a most interesting speech.
VII. Transform the following sentences using passive constructions:
1. They must finish their work by seven oclock.
2. People will soon forgive him.
3. The police arrested the thief a week ago.
4. Fred has written a letter to Peter.
5. Miss Attley asked George a difficult question.
6. Columbus discovered America in 1942.
7. Dickens wrote Hard Times in the 19th century.
8. We had to send for the doctor.
9. One must not laugh at children.
10. We might build more blocks-of flats next year.
VIII. Put the verbs in brackets in their right form:
1. After the police ............................ (to interrogate) the man for about two hours, they let him go.
2. When we ............................. (to talk) about the risks involved by such bad weather, they decided to put off going
into the mountains.
3. By this time tomorrow, we .................................... (to find out) who has won the trip to London.
4. Unless her parents let her throw a party, she ......................... (to feel) very lonely on her birthday.
5. Law and order ........................(to mean) different different things to people with different political opinions.
6. Neither Jim nor his parents ................... (to come) to see us lately.
7. Acoustics ............... (to be) a branch of science that is growing fast.

8. When I arrived, I saw that they ...................... (to talk), but, later on, they pretended they had never met.
9. Mr. Steel ........................... (to offer) a position long before he quit the company.
10. How long you ........................(to live) in Paris when the war broke out?
IX. Correct the mistakes in the following setences:
1. In the contrary, we like to go to the mountains.
2. Are you hearing the same noise as I do?
3. These informations you have are not true.
4. My worse enemy is laziness.
5. I borrowed her some money and I want them back now.
6. A reliable friend should be a honest person.
7. As usually, he arrived late for classes.
8. He is the best friend of hers.
9. They stoped there to wait for their cousins.
10. What will you do with all these money?
X. Rephrase the following sentences:
1. The water was too shallow for the ship to be launched there.
The water...............................................................................
2. He went to bed, but, immediately after that, someone rang the doorbell.
No sooner ..............................................................................
3. I havent had my car washed for more than two months.
I last ......................................................................................
4. Mother is taking the baby out for a walk.
The baby ...............................................................................
5. They say that everyone lives by selling something.
Everyone ...............................................................................
6. You look very well in that colour.
That colour ............................................................................
7. Ill send the parcel as soon as I get home.
He promised...

8. I didnt know he was in town, so I didnt invite him.

If .
9. The drive from the city to our country house takes two hours.
Its ..
10. Both Leonor and her sister refused to act in a play.
Neither .
XI. Complete the following sentences with one of the articles the, a/an or zero article:
1. Miss Williams is best teacher Ive ever had and I love ..History now.
2. Id like to be nurse but I hate .hospitals.
3. ..Seine flows through . centre of .Paris.
4. I like. animals but I dont think that you should keep .rabbit in such . small flat.
5. .. Browns, who moved in next door, are all keen on .. winter sports.
6. I prefer to play piano in the morning when ..neighbours are at . work and I dont disturb them.
XII.Complete the sentences using: something/anything - somebody/anybody - somewhere/anywherenothing/nobody
1. There isn't __________ you can do to help them. __________ can help them.
2. We do not need __________ else to run this department. We can do it ourselves.
3. __________ is ringing the bell. Go and see who it is.
4.__________ phoned while we were out, but they did not leave a message.
5. __________ tells me that there is __________ fishy going on .
6. They are looking for __________ to settle down and have children.
7. "Where would you like to stay?"
8. "__________ will do provided it is a clean place."
9. "Is there __________ at home?""I don't think there is __________. Mum and dad must have gone out."
10. They will not sing __________ in this city. They said that they would never come back.
XIII. Translate into English
1.Fereastra camerei era larg deschisa.
2.El a imprumutat bicicleta prietenului meu.
3.Nu trebuie sa ne grabim!Teatrul e la 10 minute de mers pe jos de aici.
4.Doresti un pahar cu lapte?Nu multumesc.Nu imi este sete!
5.Cate tari ai vizitat tu inainte sa locuiesti in Londra?
XIV.Put these nouns into plural:







father- in- law








I. Fill in the sentences with the correct form of the passive:
1 Please wait in the lounge while your room ________(clean).
2 From next week, you ________ (expect) to arrive at work on time.
3 Too much money ________ (spend) last year on personal expenses.
4 Most of the pollution in city centers ________ (cause) by traffic jams.
5 Around 500,000 ________ (steal) from a bank in London this afternoon.
6 Next year over 2,000,000 mobile phones ________ (make) in China.
7 Kill Bill ________ (direct) by Quentin Tarantino.
II. Complete the jokes by putting the verbs in brackets in the correct passive:
1. A teacher asked her class to write an essay about a football match. A minute later all the students
were writing except one boy. The teacher looked at his paper. It said, The game ..
(stop) in the first minute by rain.
2. Why ..the tennis player .(give) a cigarette lighter at the end of the competition?
I dont know
Because he had lost all his matches
3. Mum, do all fairy tales begin with <Once upon a time>?
No, darling. Some start with : < Sorry Im so late, darling, I (detain)
at the office>
III. Complete these jokes by putting the verbs given in the correct perfect passive form:

1. Why are you putting a bandage over your pay cheque?

Because my salary just. (cut)
2. A man went to a hospital for a new brain. He was given a choice between two brains an
engineers for 30,000 $ or a politicians for 600,000 $.
Does that mean the politicians brain is much better?
Not exactly, said the doctor. The politicians brain never ..(use).
3. I ..(ask) to get married hundreds of times.
Oh! Who by?
My parents
4. A man was visiting his friend in hospital.
You ..(miss) by everybody at the factory.
Thats nice
Yes. Yesterday the boss came to me and said:<Whats happened to whats-his-name?>
IV. Ask questions about the underlined part of the sentences:
1. The car belongs to my uncle.
2. The orchestra is playing dance music.
3. The post arrives twice a week.
4. Sir John is kissing a young girl.
5. I usually take two aspirins when I have a headache.
6. She reads love stories mostly.
7. She is wearing a red dress.
8. At Halloween American kids dress up as ghosts.
9. Your father smokes at least 10 cigarettes a day.
10. Miss Smith is talking to her dog in Japanese.
V. Complete with the right form of the verb indicated:
1. We (live) _________in this small house for the time being.
2. Our house (face)_________west.
3. That woman (wear)_____________my hat!
4. This soup (taste)___________awful.
5. I assure you that the man who (stand)__________over there(not spy)__________on us.
You (imagine)______________things!

VI. Circle the correct form:

1. I must admit that we have serious problems but now we work/are working hard to solve them.
2. Millions of commuters rely/are relying on the railways to get to work in the morning.
3. To be honest, the service is so bad that, until it improves, I drive/am driving to work.
4. Ladies and gentlemen, the train approaches/is approaching King's Cross station, where this service
terminates/is terminating.
5. Do you often go/are going to work by bike?
VII. Complete the jokes by using the right form of the suitable verb from the following:
drown, look, tell, eat


1.The police for a man with one eye called Bone.

Whats his other eye called ?
2. Is that your nose or you just ..a banana?
3. Its Andrews first day at a new school. Excuse me, young man ,but , gum? No, sir,
Im Andrew Sale.
4.Come out of the water ! You are not allowed to swim here!
But, Im not swimming officer, I!!
5. Two little sisters are in bed together.
Are you asleep?
I (not).you!
VIII. Complete these sentences with used to or use to and the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. At first I found it difficult to wake up so early, but now I(get up) at 5.30 every
2. When we were young, my sister and I ..(fight) like cat and dog.
3. My last English teacher made us work really hard; he (never give) us
any free time.
4. I..
(not like) seafood, but now Im mad about it!
5. I..(not) this horrible weather. I prefer sunshine and warmth.
IX. Correct the mistake in each sentence:
1. Although she doesnt look it, my sister is much more young than me.
2. Mark is the younger person in the class.
3. Do you think that Yvette is the prettiest girl in our class.
4. The month I spent in Australia was the more exciting month of my life!
5. My brother is slight shorter than me.
X. Choose the best alternative to complete these sentences:

1. He seems a bit rude when you first meet him, but when you. To know him better, hes really
very friendly.
A. do
B. go C. get
D. make
2. I dont think I. to go out tonight.
A. Should B. ought C. must D. shouldnt
3. holidays , I like to take things easy and relax.
A While B. at
C. with D. during
4. We had. A great time we didnt want to come home.
A. So B. very C. really
D. such
5. They .us not to walk on the ice in case it broke.
A. Said
B. suggest
C. warned D. explained
6. He was nervous because he..been on an aeroplane before.
A. wasnt
B. hadnt
C. Isnt
D. didnt
7. We spent a more money than we had intended.
A. lot
B. much C. far
D great
8. He is afraid to..his mind; sometimes he can be a bit insensitive.
A. talk
B. well
C. discuss
D. speak
9. I love that story you wrote; it was.. excellent.
A. very B. extremely C. such
D. absolutely
10. This computer costs L850. Its only acheaper than the one you brought last week.
A. little B.less C. much
D. slightly
XI. Translate the following sentences:
1. El locuieste in acest oras din 1989.
2. Doar ce am terminat de luat cina.
3. Avionul va decola la 8 p.m.
4. El vorbeste fluent doua limbi.
5. O sa varuiesc camera fiicei mele la primavara.
6. Este primul lucru pe care mi l-ai spus toata ziua.
XII. Turn the sentences into indirect speech:
1. Open the window!
2. Why did you change your job?
3. Why didnt you go to Marys party yesterday?
4. Where will you go tomorrow after the classes?
5. Are you going to her office?
6. Do you like living in the country?
XIII. Turn the sentences into the passive voice:
1. They are building the bridge now.
2. He gave his mother a flower.
3. She brought the news to her friends.
4. They didnt inform us.
5. She looks after the children very well.
XIV. Choose the suitable word in brackets:
1. (pleasant, pleasantly) We had a time in Mamaia.
2. (clearly, clear) Jim spoke very when he told us about that.

3. (hard, hardly) He works for his children.

4. (slow, slowly) We drove along the narrow road.
5. (sad, sadly) His eyes cleared when he heard the news.

1. ... that great doctor, I wouldn't be here now.

6. I waited for two hours, but she didn't ... .

In the absence of

show off

If it isn't

show up

But for
2. He wishes he ... younger.

show in
7. He ... with a plan to save the company.


came in


came by

has been
3. Try ... your computer if you cannot shut down that

came up
8. Sarah told me she ... and visit us.
will come


would come

to restart

shall come
9. It ... for two hours when we got to the cabin.

4. Thank you for your call. I look forward ... you

was raining

to listen to

had been raining

10. ... about retiring?

to hear
to hearing from
5. Please ... your work before you go out.

Are you ever thinking

Do you ever think


Think you ever

11. They ... trying to get in touch with you, but you
never answer your phone.





are keeping


12. Do you mind ... places? I cannot stay near the

20. If you want to buy a car, you should start ...

to switch




if switched
13. We were walking in the park when the storm ... .

putting aside
21. Look, I burnt my hand! You ... told me it was hot!

broke out

must have

had broken out

might have

was breaking out

14. The occupation army hasn't ... from their territory.

will have
22. Will you please explain this to me? I'm ... to


at a dead end


at loggerheads

15. The suspect ... right now.

at a loss
23. Climbing those stairs every day is really a ... .

is being questioned

pain in the neck

is questioned

bee in my bonnet

is questioning
16. I didn't do it! It was her ... .

bad egg
24. ... we had known better!


If only


Only if

17. We ... for years.

But for
25. She told me they ... three years before.

are being


have been separated

were met

were being
18. ... have you been talking to?

had met
26. Rest well tonight and ... tomorrow at the

With who
At who

cross your fingers

19. ... printer over there is out of order.

break a leg
twist an arm
27. No one has ... the text, so there are a lot of
spelling mistakes.


29. Had she known about this earlier, she ... warned



looked in
28. I haven't read the book. I know what it's about
because I read ... .

30. It ... for hours now.

a cover letter

is snowing

a script

has snowed

a summary

has been snowing

Rewrite these sentences so they mean the same as the first. Example: There is no point in seeing that
That film isn't worth seeing
1. "You broke the window" said the teacher to the student
The teacher accused
2. I had better go to the dentist's soon
3. The last time I went to the opera was about 4 months ago
4. "I don't want to go on holiday with you," said Mary to her boyfriend
Mary told her boyfriend that
5. Although the film was good it received a poor write up from the critics
6. They had to wait 2 hours before the meeting began


Only after a
7. Would you mind not smoking here
I'd rather
8. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't answer the question
9. It makes no difference if the play is full booked, we will still try to get a ticket
We will still try and get a ticket
10. I would do anything for you
11. I didn't realise who I had been speaking to till later
Only later
12. The house was so run down that nobody would buy it
They had such

Rewrite these sentences so they mean the same as the first. DO NOT CHANGE THE FORM OF THE
Example: There is no point in seeing that film
That film isn't worth seeing
13. He is certainly not rich
14. Someone has burgled his house


15. I wonder if you could possibly carry this case for me

16. He can hardly sleep


17. Mike had difficulty in finishing his degree

18. It wasn't my intention to make you jump



Choose the correct option: A, B, C or D:



19. Guesthouse rooms must be .......... by noon

A. vacated
B. abandoned
C. left
D. evacuated
20. At the end of the course special prizes were ......... to the winning participants
A. won
B. awarded
C. earned
D. deserved
21. If the bomb had exploded it could .......... have killed hundreds of people
A. might
B. well
C. equally
D. yet
22. After many years of research, they found the solution ..........
A. by the end
B. at the end
C. at last
D. on the end
23. "I know it's late, so I shall not .......... you any longer" said the sales manager to his sales team participants
A. detain
B. hold up
C. withhold
D. retard


24. You can go to the party .......... you are back home by midnight
A. as well as
B. as time as
C. as long as
D. as far as
25. How many sheets of paper do you think this file will ..........
A. occupy
B. suit
C. fit
D. hold


Walking in the garden, it began to rain.

A. Incorrect







Try as he might, he won't find it.





I don't like tea, too.





All I can do is to call the police.





Tom suggested that Mary go to university.





Where is the book what I got for my birthday?









I was waiting for you but you never came.





We were to have tea here.





She shouldn't have broken that glass.





10. My mother who is a librarian works a lot.





11. Would you mind to tell me your name, please?





12. She is a most energetic woman.





13. Never have I seen such a beautiful girl.





14. We bought a sixth packet.





15. But I did do my homework!





16. Jane asked me if I would tell her the truth.






17. They can have opened the window.





18. Would you rather I did it?





19. Jane suggested to go to the theatre.





20. According to me, Jack is not very clever.





Look, See or Watch.

1. "Kids, please, ___ at the blackboard!"
a. look
b. see
c. watch"Be quiet and let me ___ the
football match!"
a. look
b. saw
c. watch
2. Cats can ___ in the dark.
a. see
b. seeing
c. watching

b. See
c. Watched
4. " ___ at those beautiful pictures!"
a. Look
b. See
c. Watching
5. The police are ___ the suspect.
a. looking
b. seen
c. watching
6. I have not ___ "Titanic".
a. looked

3. "I have to go. ___ you later!

a. Looking

b. seen
c. watching

8. "It is very dark, I can't ___ anything!

a. looked
b. see
c. watching

7. "I usually ___ television in the evenings.

And you?"
a. looking
b. see
c. watch

9. "Can you ___ the baby a minute? I'll be

right back!"
a. look
b. watch
c. watched

Use the Correct Present Tense Verb

is - are - has
1. Canada ___ famous for its sweet maple syrup.
2. Antarctica ___ many icebergs.
3. Three-quarters of the world's diamonds ____ mined in southern Africa.

Southern Asia ___ the world's largest producer of tea.


Australia ___ the world's flattest continent.


There ___ more active volcanoes in the south-east Asia than any other area of the world.

7. Southern Africa ___ large areas of rainforest.


Three of the world's major religions began in the Middle East. They ___ Islam, Judaism and


There ___ twice as many pigs in Denmark as people.

10. Nearly half of the world's corn ___ grown in the United States. Partea inferioar a machetei

A, An, The, or (Nothing)

1. This coat was designed by ___ famous New York artist.
2. Can you tell me how to get to ___ bank from here?
3. ___ city museum is closed today.
4. He is one of ___ smartest people I know.
5. I recommend you eat ___ apple pie at this restaurant.
6. ___ milk is good for you.
7. Would you like to see ___ movie?
8. ___ apple a day keeps ___ doctor away.


9. I can't believe I failed ___ yesterday's test!


Do you have ___ dictionary that I can borrow?

Plural Forms and Irregular Nouns

What is the correct PLURAL of the word?
1. How many person/ people study English as a second language?
2. Five woman/women opened a computer services company.
3. Even child/children enjoy learning on the Internet.
4. Most basketball players are 6 foot/feet tall or more.
5. Which breed of sheep/sheeps produces the finest wool?
6. My tooth/ teeth are sensitive to the cold.
7. At daylight savings time, we have to change our watch/ watches.
8. The boys went fishing and caught 10 fish/ fishes.
9. There are 10 man/ men in the Maintenance Department.
10. The wife/ wives keep their knife/ knives on the shelf/ shelves.

Adverbs or Adjectives
1. Mary is a ___ swimmer.
a. slow
b. slowly
2. Andrew plays the piano ___.
a. beautiful
b. beautifully

6. Joanna sings ___.

a. awful
b. awfully
7. Faye writes ___.
a. neat
b. neatly

3. Mrs. Thompson sews ___.

a. quick
b. quickly

8. Douglas and Hannah are ___ students.

a. bad
b. badly

4. Mr. Garcia speaks ___.

a. loud
b. loudly

9. Jessica is a ___ basketball player.

a. good
b. well

5. His kids are ___ students.

a. good
b. well

10. Patty doesn't cook ___.

a. good
b. well


11. Mr. Lopez is not a ___ policeman.

a. careful
b. carefully

13. I don't think I am a ___ athlete.

a. bad
b. badly

12. Those girls talk ___.

a. intelligent
b. intelligently

1. ___ you speak any foreign languages?
a. May
b. Can
c. Have
2. Liz ___ get tired of her job. It is so
a. has to
b. must
c. should

6. You look tired. You ___ go to bed.

a. should
b. ought
c. are to

3. Where's Nick? He ___ be in his office.

a. might
b. mustn't
c. is to

8. ___ it be true?
a. Must
b. May
c. Can

4. Take an umbrella. It ___ rain later.

a. has to
b. need
c. might

9. ___ we stay or leave?

a. Will
b. Would
c. Shall

5. Jack ___ go to hospital yesterday.

a. must
b. had to
c. need

10. Jane was so tired. She ___ have worked

days and nights.
a. should
b. must
c. need

7. You ___ do it. I've already done it.

a. must not
b. need not
c. ought not



1. The young woman with the broken leg leaned the ambulance assistant.
2. Mothers tell their children not to stare people.
3. The teacher was very happy because all the students laughed her jokes.
4. Please protect me the bad people!
5. During the holidays I always think you.
6. My mother likes it when I write her e-mail messages; she loves to hear me.
7. The politician asked me to vote him.
8. What does this dish consist ? Just rice and beans.
9. Please include me your plans; I would very much like to go to the cinema with you.
10. I recently received a cheque my uncle.
11. Don't thank me preparing this exercise; it was a real pleasure for me.
12. Oh, go away! Disappear my sight!
13. My teachers are always trying to prevent me doing something stupid.
14. I approve the president's foreign policy.
15. She was very amused what they did.
16. His parents told him he would never be great; they thought he would never amount anything.
17. I cannot cope small children; they make me very tired.
18. She was always very pleased her students.
19. I always say "Hope the best, but prepare the worst."
20. If you know what's good for you you won't interfere me or my plans!
21. The thief confessed the robbery.
22. You should always reply my e-mail messages.
23. It is always wise to protect oneself bad people and situations.
24. She always confused Spanish Portuguese.
25. Don't forget to pay your shopping before you leave the store.


1. She is so irritating; she always thinks she is right everything.
2. I am keen paragliding - I go every Sunday, rain or shine.
3. She goes weak the knees every time her boyfriend comes into the room.
4. I am safe danger in my house - I hope.
5. She is very quick Maths.
6. It is never a good idea to be rude other people.
7. She is jealous her little sister.
8. My teacher is always patient me.
9. Is there sufficient cake everyone?
10. He is right thinking that the earth is round.


11. I am enthusiastic cinema, and anything to do with film-making.

12. She is too dependent others; she should try to be more independent.
13. I am fortunate my choice of friends - they are all great.
14. Don't sit so far me! Come a little closer.
15. I think he is very good his German lessons.
16. It is a good idea to be polite everyone.
17. I am very fond my aunt - she is a wonderful woman.
18. I am content what I have.
19. I am ready the next semester.
20. She was very curious his private life!

Four words or phrases, labelled 1, 2, 3, and 4, are given below the conversation. Choose the word or phrase that
will correctly complete the conversation.
1. I am slow to _____.
express my opinion
express my viewing
make my views
make my opinion

have enough
have it in
make in
make it in

7. I went to have my glasses _____.

fit on
fitted on

2. I have to have this report finished _____.

by Friday
until Friday
Friday before
Friday beginning

8. Mary's house is _____ the hair salon. Do you think

you can find it?
near to
next to

3. We were fortunate enough to visit the Grand

Canyon. It has _____.
beautiful scenery that is much
many beautiful landscapes
many beautiful sceneries
much beautiful scenery

9. The burning stick was very hot. He let _____ just in

alone it
go alone it
go it
go of it

4. The car was parked directly _____ the diner.

ahead of
in front of

5. The ski resorts are usually crowded. There are

many people _____ skiing.
that enjoying
who enjoy
who enjoying

10. Do we have _____ money to last us the week?

a lot of
plenty of

11. John decided _____ golf on weekends.

to begin
to commence

6. It is already 3 o'clock. Can you _____ time to catch

the bus?


to take up
to start up
19. They will be _____ at the party.
at present

12. It _____ to me whether we meet them or not.

makes no difference
makes not a difference
is indifferent
is not a difference

20. Will they go _____ this summer?

to swim
to swimming

13. We were _____ after all the hard work.

wear out
weary out
worn out

21. The New York police were very anxious _____

about the crime.
more learn
learn more
to more learn
to learn more

14. We saw _____ wild animals while on vacation.

quite a few
quite much
quite many
quite some

22. Many excited women could _____ at the

department store sale.
be seen
be seeing
be see

15. They are late as usual. I don't think we should

_____ them.
await for
wait for
await on
wait on

23. The sink in the locker room tends to _____ .

flow over
over flowing

16. Are you _____ the competition?

going entering
go to enter
going to enter

24. How long did the baseball game _____?


17. You had better _____ the tourist information

inquire at
inquiring at
inquire to
inquiring at

25. We must _____ the annual board meeting

attend to
attend in

18. Ireland was part of the UK, _____?

didn't it
wasn't it
hasn't it
weren't it


"I'm _____ as an administrator."
12. "I don't want to buy anything, do you?"
"Yes, I'd like to buy _____"
much pencils
any pencils
some pencils
13. We can _____ sports on Saturday if you'd like.
14. _____ the hotel rooms are reserved throughout
peak season.
Almost of
Almost all of
Most of all
"I worked only minutes _____ railroad track."
from the
16. "I don't think it will rain at all today, do you?"
"No, I _____ so."
think not
not think
don't think
do think not
17. We have only another five minutes. I think we
be hurry
to hurry
should hurry
18. Many fans showed up at the stadium. They were
_____ the big game.
anxious seeing
anxious to see
to anxiously see
to see anxiously
19. "Who did you meet at the community dinner
"I met many _____ people."
20. "John isn't sure that the meeting will be held
"But I _____."
am certain
am certainly
21. My brother loves to watch baseball; I _____

Four words or phrases, labelled 1, 2, 3, and 4, are

given below the conversation. Choose the word or
phrase that will correctly complete the
1. The subway station is _____ here.
near to
near from

2. When we woke up, everywhere was _____ snow.

covered by
covered with
3. Do earthquakes _____ often in North America?
break out
happen to
4. We had better _____ before it begins to rain.
to leave
to leaving
5. A large crowd _____ in front of the train station.
to gather
had gathered
had gathering
6. In winter, driving accidents occur quite _____ on
the highways.
a few
7. Would you like to _____ to the United States?
8. Most people at some stage have a feeling _____.
of responsibility
to be responsible
9. This stadium can hold _____.
much audience
a large audience
much audiences
many audiences
10. When the mountain forests _____, there can be
large forest fires.
become dry
becoming dry
become drying
11. "What kind of work are you doing for that


prefer to watch
to prefer watching
watch preferring
preferring to watch
22. Many people are waiting for the news bulletin. It
will _____ soon.
be circulate
circulate around
come near
come around
23. I think our guests will _____.
be here shortly
shortly be here

here be shortly
here shortly be
24. Who _____ when John is likely to turn up.
do know
is knowing
25. The managers are _____ a new work schedule
arranging up
be arrange
to arranging

Four words or phrases, labelled 1, 2, 3, and 4, are given below the conversation. Choose the word or phrase that
will correctly complete the conversation.
1. His family keep asking him _____ smoking.
an appointment
give up
a pledge
giving up
a promise
to give up
a contract
to giving up
11. "Let's _____ a new movie tomorrow."
2. I plan _____ swimming twice a week from now on.
"Yes, let's."
take in
on do
take into
take to
to go
3. We have an exam next week. It is very necessary _____.
12. I will stay in the Golden Hotel in New York.
study hard
Why don't you guys _____?
to study hard
hard study
visit in
to hard study
drop in
4. They opened the door at noon. Some people were already _____.
call in
in line to wait
13. We will serve our guests soon. We had better ____ now.
in line waiting
have table set
line in waiting
set table
waiting in line
setting table
5. The theater performance _____.
set the table
14. He hurt his leg _____ in order to miss the exam."
at purpose
was success
for purpose
was a success
in purpose
6. I had _____ finding my way around New York when I first arrived.
on purpose
quite time
15. How is he _____ these days? I hope he is doing well.
a quite time
get along
a time quite
get to along
quite a time
getting along
7. Guess who I _____ yesterday. I saw my old landlord at the bank.
to getting along
into run
16. Are you going to _____ with your cousin while in town?
into ran
get in touch
ran into
getting in touch
run into
to getting in touch
8. The next bus will arrive _____.
have touch
three o'clock
17. We are going to _____ the Town Games for fun.
at three o'clock
part take in
on three o'clock
take part in
in three o'clock
take part with
9. He was _____ have a doctor's appointment today.
taking in part
18. Since the rainstorm came _____, it did a lot of damage in the area.
supposed to
supposing to
in hurry
10. "Why are you rushing?"
"I have _____ with my doctor."
19. I'll be home late. Please don't _____ me.


wait up on

wait up for


waiting up for
be wait up for
20. Who will _____ your dog while you are away"
look after
be look after
to look after
for looking after
21. The new teacher loves poems and makes us _____.
learn them heartily
heartily learn them
learn them by heart
learning by heart them
22. _____ I like to do something completely spontaneous.
every so often
every often so
very so often

very often so
23. Please _____ soon.
your mind make up
up and make your mind
make up your mind
make upon your mind
24. Taking photos here is _____.
out of question
out of the question
out for the question
25. My assistant John will be _____ in my absence.
on charge
in charge
for charge

1. "Have you had enough to eat?"
"I'd like _____, please."
one more
some more
any more
2. The woman was _____ someone might recognize
afraid of
afraid about
afraid for
afraid that
3. The organisation _____ 25 years ago.
was found
was founded
4. I wish I _____ with Ann.
would be
5. Please turn off all the lights when _____.
you leave
you will leave
you will leave left
you had left
6. Until last year, she was the largest ship that _____.
was ever built
has ever built
has ever been built
had ever been built
7. We lived there _____ ten years.
8. My grandfather _____ of heart failure in his sixties.
was died
was dead
9. They are rich enough to own _____.
not a helicopter only, but a yacht as well
not only a helicopter, but a yacht as well
only a helicopter, but a yacht as well

as well as a helicopter, not only a yacht

10. She _____ the letter on the office desk.
11. There wasn't a single person _____ at the beach.
in sight
on sight
to see
12. This sauce doesn't taste _____ it should.
where as
13. John was neither willing to go _____.
nor able go
nor was able
nor he was able
nor able to go
14. If one is to learn a language well, _____.
it must be spoken regularly
one must be spoken regularly
it must speak regularly
one must speak it regularly
15. I don't especially care _____ those types of
16. _____ me for a few minutes?
Would you to help
Would you helping
Would you mind to help
Would you mind helping
17. _____ to the beach on the weekend.
Let's go
Let's going
Let's went
Let's to go
18. "Did you give John his share of the money?"
"No, I _____ it to him, but I didn't have enough time."
was to have gave
was to have given


was to had given

was to had gave
19. Your taste in movies is very different _____ mine.
20. "You _____ think they'd be here by now."
21. I don't know _____ the rope, but hopefully it will
do the job.
how long
how long is
the length of
the long of
22. "Excuse me. Where is the post office?"
"It is _____ of the large blue hotel."
in the front

on the front
in front
on front
23. She's finally decided that _____ she's going to
study much harder.
after now
from this
now from
from now on
24. My brother _____ the university last year.
graduated from
was graduated
graduated of
25. We won't be able to go to the club _____ our
parents give us permission.

1. Why don't you try to come home _____ 9 o'clock?
9. How do you say "that's mine" _____ Spanish?
up to
2. My father _____ to the Golf Club for the past 25 years.
10. Our mother _____ scrub the kitchen walls and floor.
was belonging
had us
has belonged
had us to
has been belonged
us had
has belonging
us to
3. Portuguese is quite _____ Spanish.
11. "Could you do me a small favor?"
"I'm sorry. I really _____."
similar from
am hurry
similar to
am in a hurry
similar with
have a hurry
4. My youngest sister _____ last summer.
am hurried
12. Would you care for _____ cup of tea?
got married
got marriaged
was married to
one other
5. Paper is _____ wood.
some more
made by
13. I'm right this time, _____?
made of
agree with
made from
agree to
made with
6. He _____ take off his shoes before he entered the room.
agree about
14. _____ who look for trouble usually find it.
has to
have to
had to
7. You'd better go now, _____ you'll miss the next train.
if else
15. We have much to _____ today, so please concentrate.
or else
or not
discuss about
discuss over
8. He moved the TV antenna _____ he could get a clearer picture.
discuss with
because of
16. The sun _____ at 7 o'clock yesterday evening.
in which
so which
so that
has set


had setted
17. I _____ finish my work before lunch yesterday, so I went shopping.
able to
was able to
could have
18. _____ would you most like to have?
These of which
What of these
Any of these
Which of these
19. I'll finish my work by four o'clock and _____ home.
go to
go back
come to
come back to
20. My younger brother plays _____.
the piano very well
very good the piano
the piano very good
very well the piano
21. Lauren _____ in Singapore.
grew up
grown up
was grown up
22. What _____?
means this word
does this word meaning
is this word meaning
does this word mean
23. "Which horse came in first?"
"That tall black one _____."
24. I couldn't find _____ your last question.
an answer to
an answer
to answer
25. The electric light was invented in _____.
the nineteenth century
nineteen centuries
nineteen century
century the nineteenth

1. _____ Easter, kids receive lots of chocolate Easter
eggs in USA.
2. I wish you _____ me how to make such a sauce
last time.

have taught
had taught
3. How much money did he borrow _____ the bank?


4. "How much sugar is left?" "_____."
Not some
Not one
5. _____ ended after 4 years in 1918.
World War First
World War I
First World War
World War the First
6. My brother loves music very much and has _____
of tapes.
a large collection
large collection
much collections
many collection
7. We couldn't enter the court. The police _____ let
us in.
shall not
8. "Have you ever played tennis?"
"Yes, I _____ played it."
have ever
have been
had been
9. Jane didn't go _____ this morning. She was at
no where
10. If I _____ you, I wouldn't do that.
had been
11. We don't travel to any country _____ crime rate is
known to be very high.
that which
12. By my 50th birthday, I _____ in my current
profession for over 20 years.
will be
will have been
would be
would have been
13. Finally John bought a _____ sedan.
green new 1988 four-door
1988 green new four-door
new green 1988 four-door
new four-door green 1988
14. My father taught me basic accounting and _____.
to type
how to type
how to typing

15. _____ my childhood, I studied in Paris.

16. Jane's hair is brown, and her eyes _____.
are green
was green
has been green
17. The children _____ do their homework while
watching TV yesterday.
was able to
were able to
could have
18. The English students _____ by that eccentric
teacher at that time.
were learning
were being taught
were being teaching
were being learned
19. "Hello! _____ John Smith speaking."
This is
There is
Here is
20. It is sometimes very difficult _____ in a second
to make oneself understood
for oneself to be understanding
understanding oneself
to understand oneself
21. The hero rode through the village _____ of a large
white horse.
over the back
in the back
on the back
22. This is the _____ curry sauce I've ever tasted.
more good
most good
most best
23. If Jane asks her mother, she _____ permission.
may have gotten
might have gotten
might get
maybe get
24. He fell from the top of the metal staircase, _____
breaking his leg.
25. My sister lived in France for two years and my
niece _____ there.
was borned
was born

1. It is very rude to point _____ someone in many



2. Was my child polite _____ you?
3. If our plans are carried _____ now, we will solve
that issue.
4. The neighbours didn't go on vacation, _____?
didn't they
did it
did they
didn't it
5. It _____ the day before yesterday.
was snow
has snowed
was snowed
6. Have you ever _____ on a horse? It is a wonderful
to ride
7. He is learning Chinese _____ Mr. Chan.
8. Students are supposed to sit attentively _____
their desks.
9. "Where is the library?"
"It's _____ your right."
10. Tom is very temperamental, and he _____.
always gets angry
gets always angry
always angry gets
angry always gets
11. "How many products did you sell?"
"_____ than we had expected."
12. It's not an easy task. However, please have him
_____ it.
to do
have to do
13. I would like to apply _____ the position of sales


clerk that you advertised in the Sunday newspaper.

14. It's often difficult for a young child _____ clothes.
to wear
putting on
to put on
15. This knife is quite sharp. We use it _____.
for to cut the bread
to cut with the bread
cutting with the bread
to cut the bread
16. I could have done it for you if you _____.
ask to me to
asked me to
had asked me
had asked me to
17. Joe _____.
likes football best
likes best football
best likes football
likes play football best
18. My sister went _____ yesterday.
to shopping
to shop
19. John is _____ soccer magazines.
interested in
interest in
20. I liked the job better than Bob _____.
has done
21. _____ my CDs are indie rock.
Almost all
Most of all
22. _____ are you speaking? I didn't catch the name.
Of who
Of whom
23. _____ will be invited to join us for lunch on
Whoever will come
Whoever come
Whoever comes
Whoever would come
24. _____ I hate getting up at six, I have to.
Much as
As much
So much as
So much
25. I'll give you another hour _____.
making your mind up
making up your mind
make up your mind
to make up your mind


1. _____ the floor manager, we don't need to work
this Friday afternoon.
According of
According from
According to
2. You _____ see the doctor if that back ache
better have
have better
had better
3. How long does it take _____ the nearest train
get to
to get
to get to
getting to
4. He likes his new job very much and _____.
works hardly
hard works
hardly work
works hard
5. Please fill _____ this online application form.
6. "I've never seen that movie."
"_____ have I."
7. "Haven't you been to New York?"
"_____ been there."
Yes, I haven't
Yes, I wasn't
No, I haven't
No, I have
8. "Where does Helen live?" "She lives _____."
in the Moore Street
on Moore Street
at Moore Street
on the Moore Street
9. Is your TV _____?
as large as mine
so large as me
as large as me
so large as mine
10. I've never seen _____.
such a tall man
so tall man
such tall man
as tall man
11. Please carry this box _____ the next room.
12. My mother didn't buy _____ food at that store.

13. "How often do you play tennis?"
"I play _____."
two times in a month
two times a month
two months a time
two times of a month
14. John started his current job _____ October 10.
15. Would you go with us if you _____ the money?
will have
would have
16. There hasn't _____.
been a concert like this before
been a concert like before this
a concert been like this before
before a concert been like this
17. You had better stay _____ home and get rid of
your cold.
18. "Whose cell phone is this?"
"It's _____"
the cell phone of my friend
my friend's
belong a friend of mine
one of my friends
19. "How do I use this tool?" "Hold it _____."
on your right firmly hand
in your firmly right hand
firmly in your right hand
firmly on your right hand
20. It's really hard to believe _____.
he would say such a terrible thing
such a terrible thing he would say
to say he would such a terrible thing
would he say such a terrible thing
21. "Did you fully understand what I meant?"
I think so
So I think
I so think
So think I
22. Jane is the woman who is standing _____ my
to the front of
in front of
front of
23. _____ the audience safely left the theater through
the fire exits.



Every one
Every member
Every member of
Every all of
24. He _____ he was going to visit his sister in Ohio.
spoke that
talked that

said that
told that
25. We _____ our favorite team's performance.
were disappointed by
were disappointed of
were disappointing
were disappointing in

I. Five sentences have been removed from the following passage. Choose from the sentences (A-F)
the one which fits each gap (1-5). There is one extra sentence which do not need to use.
Gwen Crowley likes to borrow clothes from other people. She also buys clothes from celebrities
such as Cher in order to sell them in her second- hand clothes shop, Star Wares , in Los Angeles.
Cher tends to get rid of a lot of her things each year and we just go over with a truck and pick
them up. Ive met her a few times , although Ive never been wearing any of her clothes at the time. (1)
I love Chers style. I have her shoes, her jewellery, and even some of her furniture. Many of my
customers dont wear the clothes they buy and just keep them as souvenirs. (2)
I also had a denim shirt which I bought from Mel Gibson. I wore it all the time , even when I was
decorating the house. (3)I really liked that shirt and it was great fun telling people which famous person
owned it before.
Although my husband doesnt share my passion , he was delighted when I bought him Cary
Grants silver cigarette case for his 40th birthday. (4).Its wonderful to have a part of someone that you
admire, that you can actually hold, look at and wear. At the moment Ive got my eye on a very special
costume from my favourite TV programme. (5) Its not the sort of thing you can wear to the shops, but
it would certainly attract attention at a fancy dress party!

If it was something I really liked, though, I would buy it, no matter how much it cost.
I got paint on it and all sorts of other stains , but it broke my heart when I finally had to throw it
Its in a cloth bag and has the actors name inscribed on the front.
However, I like to enjoy my clothes and I alwayd wear Chers things until theyre worn aut.
Its Dr McCoys original tunic from the Star Trek series.
Im not sure how shed react if she saw me in one of her old sweaters or skirts.

II. Use the word given to complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. Do not change the word given .

1. Unless she starts doing some work, shes going to fail the exam.( if) / Shes going to fail the
examdoing some work.
2. They have built a science lab for our school. (been)/ A science lab.for our school.
3. Dont try to call me up! Paul said to me. (told)/ him up.
4. I made a mistake by not reporting the incident to the police. (have)/ Ithe incident to the police.

5. Cant you do any better than that? (best)/ Is can do?
6. Most students usually wake up early before an exam. ( used)/ Most students are..before an exam.
7. Well done! You raised the most money, said Angela to us. (congratulated)/ Angelathe
most money.
8. You will never forget that you saw this play tonight. ( remember)/ You..this play tonight.
9. Anna got married six months ago. ( since)/ Its Anna got married.
10. Why havent you told us the truth? his parents asked. (know)/ His parents wanted to..the truth.
III. Fill in ONE suitable word in each blank. There is one example (0).
Its a fact that 0- nowadays many young people become involved (1)crime. (2)work alone
and others sre members of gangs. The (3)for this are unclear. Some (4)society is to blame, others
believe that the change in family life is at fault.
One boy who (5)broken into numerous houses and robbed the owners of (6).possessions was
arrested recently for his crimes and held at the police station. He (7).appear in court shortly and, if he is
found guilty, he will be sentenced to time in jail. His parents are worried about the effect jail will have on
him. Perhaps they should have been (8).interested while he was growing (9). And then, he might (10)
.be in this situation now.
IV. For questions 1- 15, read the text below and decide which word A,B,C or D best fits each space.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
Every year, the village of Pettineo (0) A.its unique arts festival. For a few days each summer,
artists from all over Europe (1).at this village near the north coast of Sicily to (2)the creative
atmosphere. (3)their stay, the artists get together with the local people to paint a one- kilometre long
picture that runs the (4)of the high street. (5)the painting is done, each visiting artist joins a local
family for a big lunch and, (6)the meal, the family receives the (7)of the painting that the artist has
painted. As a result, (8)few villagers are rich, almost every home has at (9)... one painting by a wellknown European artist. Visitors to the village are eagerly (10)into homes to see these paintings.
The festival was the idea of Antonio Presti, a local businessman who (11)it up several years
ago. Since then , Pettineo has (12)a sort of domestic art museum in (13)any visitor can ring a
doorbell, go into a house and (14)a painting. In addition to this exhibition (15)paintings in peoples
homes, for those who have time to spare, there is an opportunity to wander through the display of huge
sculptures in the village square.

A celebrates

B shows

C honours

D demonstrates

A group

B crowd

C gather

D combine

A amuse

B enjoy

C entertain

D delight

A During

B In

C While

D At

A size

B measure

C length

D area


A Just

B Once

C Soon

D Only

A in addition to

B in place of

C in

A partition

B section

C division

D region

A though

B despite

C since

D even

A less

B last

C least

D most


A persuaded

B invited

C requested

D attracted


A set

B put

C got

D had


A become

B advanced

C grown

D increased


A what

B where

C whom

D which


A wonder

B stare

C admire

D respect


A at

B on

C of

D in


D in exchange

V. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. If the line is corect, put a tick ( ). If it has a
word that should not be there, write this word on the line, as in the examples.

Are you one of those who jump at any occasion to visit the shops?

Are you an unredeemed bargain hunter who ever walks through the

00 ever

markets armed aut with your trusty credit card? Shopping can be

the best way to begin or end a difficult day. And by this we dont mean

just hitting against the stores, emptying your wallet. We also mean

to browsing through a good bookshop for something that will take you

to destinations , buying a gadget spotted in a window that is just

the own thing to brighten up your desk, choosing a small treat for yourself

or a gift for a friend , deciding on to something from Gucci or Armani.

Shopping can be lots of things, a combination of those moments

after that give you a lift : visiting the shops, having coffee with a friend,

opening the bag at home, experiencing the pleasure of that special purchase.



VI. Read the text and use the words given in capitals to form words that fit in the numbered gaps.
The words are given in the order in which you need to use them. There is an example at the
Modern art has become rather (0) the North- East of England, and large metallic
(1).are now fairly commonplace in the region. The (2)known of these is the 200-ton steel figure,
Angel of the North, erected in Gateshead at the (3).cost of 800,000 pounds. Many local people were
horrified at the (4)to spend such a large sum on a 65- foot metal structure. Nevertheless, the Angel is
(5)one of the most frequently viewd artworks in the world, seen (6).by almost 100,000 passing
motorists. A number of (7).in Hartlepool were similarly upset when they were greeted one day by the
(8)of 15 giant, metal balls on a traffic roudabout in the town centre. They described the payment of
70,000 pounds for the spheres as (9)and felt the money could have been spent on something more
directly (10).to the local population.


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