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Positions in Blue are easy to do from home – great for parents who work
outside the home or have small children at home!
Positions in Red are great for folks new to volunteering for the PTO


Positions for those who have been involved in the PTO and are willing to
attend one Executive Board and one General Board meeting per month

President – Runs the PTO meetings, acts as primary contact with the school,
represents the PTO at outside meetings including attending monthly PTO
Presidents’ meeting with Superintendent, oversees the entire PTO
Vice President – Assists the President, acts as Parliamentarian, maintains
and updates the bylaws (as necessary), oversees PTO Operations (which
includes landscaping, audit, membership, directory) and chairs the
nominating committee
VP – Disbursements – Oversees the process of soliciting disbursement
requests, making recommendations to the board and voting on the requests
VP – Fundraising – Oversees, coordinates, and organizes all fundraising
events. Specific events have included fall fundraiser, giftwrap sales, online
auction, etc. Also oversees fundraising committees such as spirit shop and
community partners
VP – Programs – Oversees student programs, parent programs, yearbook,
math masters, library buddies, Dragons Giving Back, and any
committees/programs benefitting OUES students and/or parents.
VP – Volunteers – recruits and coordinates parent volunteers and oversees
Care Committee, homeroom parent coordinators, teacher lunches, teacher
snacks, and special events.
Secretary -Prepares agenda and records minutes of all PTO meetings, sends
out communications relating to PTO, assists with PTO Bulletin Boards at
OUES to promote communication.
Treasurer – Keeps records of all the expenses and income of the PTO,
prepares financial reports and pays out monies as needed.
Helping the PTO fund school programs and needs

Fundraiser Chairs - Help plan the school’s special fundraising events. You
can help with committees specific to each fundraising event. Committees
will be organized by event. Committees may include Online Auction, Grade
Level Special Party events, Fall fundraiser, Gift Wrap or other sales event.
Sub-committees could be established to include: event (finding the location,
entertainment, etc.), operations (financial matters related to the event) or
donations (soliciting for donations to be auctioned at the event).
Community Partners- Help establish, communicate, and sign up reward
programs in our community, including scheduling restaurant nights.
Community Partners – Organize and coordinate special fundraising
projects available through partners in our community. For Example, Staples,
Kroger, Spirit Halloween, etc.
Spirit Shop – Help run the school’s spirit shop by organizing volunteers,
ordering merchandise and keeping financial records

Keeping PTO members informed

OUES PTO Website/Electronic Communication – Help write, edit and

publish the PTO Website.
Marquee – Post messages on the marquee outside the school
Directory – Advertising – Contact advertisers for the PTO directory using
lists from previous advertisers
Directory – Database – Generate the annual PTO Directory using the
previous format with updates with new information
Audit – Review monthly bank statements to ensure the PTO is keeping
accurate financial records

Help keep OUES programs running smoothly

Library Buddies – Work with the librarian to coordinate the Library Buddy
Student Programs – Research and coordinate programs for the students of
OUES and seek grants to subsidize the costs of these programs
Parent Programs – Research and coordinate programs of interest to parents
of OUES students
Yearbook – Help prepare the OUES yearbook including sales of yearbooks,
photography, proofing, layout, and distribution
Math Masters - Coordinate the Math Masters Program including setting up
files, coordinating with Teachers and Coordinating Parent Volunteers for the
day to day running of the program. The program is designed to encourage
students to learn and master their math facts through timed drills. The
drills are administered by the teachers in the classroom on Tuesdays and
Thursdays each week. Parent Volunteers grade the drills.
Dragons Giving Back – Organize charitable activities for OUES parents and
students, including Christmas is for Children

Homeroom Parent Coordinator – Make sure each teacher has a homeroom
parent, help “train” homeroom parents (one time presentation), work with
grade level coordinators to plan parties, assist in scheduling volunteers for
Care Committee – Extend hospitality/care to families new to OUES or
families/teachers in need
Special Events - Help plan “boo-hoo breakfast” for incoming kindergarten
parents, donuts for dads, volunteer appreciation breakfast and Teacher
Appreciation Week (which is in May 2012)
Teacher Luncheons – Help plan menu, decorations, and coordinate volunteers
providing food for monthly teacher lunches.
Teacher Snacks – Coordinate snack/snack volunteers for monthly after-
school teacher’s meetings

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