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World History I Ruback: 09-10

Unit III: Ancient Rome including early Judaism and Christianity

500 BCE-500 CE
Test: Friday, February 12th

Unit Essential Question: How do the actions of leaders impact people’s culture, traditions
and beliefs?

3.4: The Origins of Judaism? (72-76)

• What are the origins, traditions and beliefs of Judaism?
• What factors contributed to its geographical spread?
Key Terms: Abraham, Torah, Moses, Exodus, covenant, monotheism

6.3: The Rise of Christianity (153-157)

• What are the origins of Christianity?
• How does the introduction of another monotheistic religion challenge civilization at the
• What impact did the Romans have on the development of Judaism and Christianity?
Key Terms: Jesus, Peter, Paul, Diaspora, Constantine, heresy, Edict of Milan, Theodosius

6.1 The Romans Create a Republic (141-145)

• How did Rome begin? How were they influenced by their neighbors?
• How did Rome evolve into a republic?
• What ways can we compare the Roman Republic to the US system of government?
Key Terms: republic, patrician, plebeian, tribune, consul, senate, dictator, legion, Punic Wars,
Hannipal, Scipo.

6.2 The Roman Empire Brings Change (146-152)

• In what ways did military success and economic prosperity create social problems in the
Roman Republic?
• What role did Julius Caesar play in the decline of the republic and the rise of an empire?
• How did the struggle for power after the death of Caesar affect the leadership of
Augustus, Marc Anthony, and Cleopatra?
• What were characteristics of the Pax Romana (think about PERSIA GEMS)?
• How did the Pax Romana allow ideas and goods to spread? How did the system of
government create stability in Rome for centuries?
Key Terms: First Triumvirate, Second Triumvirate, absolute ruler, Pax Romana

6.4 The Decline of the Roman Empire (158-162)

• What were some problems that Rome faced in the third centry?
• What actions did emperors Diocletian and Constantine take to slow the decline of the
Roman Empire?
• What caused the final collapse of the Roman Empire? What threat did the Huns bring
from Germanic regions.
Key Terms: inflation, mercentary, Diocletian, Constantine, Constantinople and Attila.

11.1 Byzantium Become the New Rome (269-273)

• Describe the accomplishments of the Emperor Justinian
• Compare and contrast the Byzantine Empire and Rome
• Describe the relationship between the Byzantine Empire and Christianity
• What were the reasons for the schism of 1054?
Key Terms: Justinian, Theodora, Justinian Code, Hagia Sophia, patriarch, icon, iconoclast,
excommunication, schism

11.2 Russians adopt Byzantine Culture (274-278)

• How did the Slavs absorb Greek and Byzantine ideas?
• What cultures defined the early history of Russia?
Key Terms: slavs, boyars, Olga, Vladimir, Yaroslav the Wise, Alexander, Nevsky, Czar

Test Format
• multiple choice
• identifications
• mapping/geography
• chronology
• open response writing

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