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1. Have you got a good memory for the following things?

Names | Faces | Important dates | Places

2. What do you do if you meet somebody that you have met before
and you can’t remember his or her name?
3. Some people say that our memories are selective. What type of
things do you think people remember best?
4. Do you do anything to help you to remember things e.g. writing on
the back of your hand, changing a ring to a different finger, keeping
a diary, using post-it notes, making lists etc?
5. What are your earliest memories? How old were you?
6. It’s common to hear people say “I’ll never forget when …”. Explain
something that you will never forget.
7. What do you do to help you remember things when revising for an
8. What can you remember about the following things from your

Learning to swim Learning to ride a bicycle

Learning to read and write Holidays
Your school friends TV and music

9. Is there a particular smell or sound which brings back childhood

10. Do people ever have to remind you to do things?
11. Do you think it’s important that we remember important historical
events or is it better to forget them?
12. How do you learn vocabulary? Do you do anything to help you to
remember new words?

tefltecher /’tefəltekə/

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