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Neuqun City (2015) Volume 5 All Rights Reserved

News from northern Patagonia to the world and viceversa

San Martn de los Andes:

Awesome and unique destination
High tech
Life & Style
Arts & Media
Learn and fun
And more...

Hi everybody!!
Its been quite a long time. The beginning of classes has made me go
through the most hectic moment of my life since I got back to Neuqun.
Firstly, let me be playful and honour the child within. Today youll read
some work by Dr Seuss and I strongly suggest you should surf for more
in your free time. Its worth the time!
Secondly, lets be a little bit more serious and Id like to call on you to think about second
chances. Patagonia is a place where lots of people have come to grab one. No matter if its a
working offer, a new start for a new couple, a new life after a hard divorce or simply a new
shot in life. These fresh opportunities allow us to go from total despair to complete bliss in a
few days. This feeling of hope can lead us from the fog of oblivion to the proud recognition of
ourselves when facing our personal response to the challenge of getting on our feet again.
Some people may say that you have to learn to be yourself without relying on others, but lets
face the truth: we are gregarious animals and as such we dont live on isolated islands without
any sort of connection to the rest of the pack around us.
Personally, I must face my own verity and make this statement clear: I need my family and
friends, my loved ones. Without them, despite being a big woman, Im nothing but a wafting
autumn leaf in the wind.
What about you?

Looking forward to reading your answers at

Dir: Sarmiento 923, Nqn,

Tel/ Fax: +(54) 299 4486880
Cel:: +(54) 299 154 011143

Dr Seuss
The Sleeping Beauty and the Prince
Sleeping Beauty closes her eyes but doesn't sleep. She's waiting for the prince. And
when she hears him approaching her she simulates an even deeper sleep. Nobody has
said so, but she knows it. She knows that no prince walks past a woman with eyes wide
Antologa precoz, 1973, page215 -Marco Denevi
Translation: Mirta Castro
USA- 1880

San Martn de los Andes

San Martn de los Andes is one of the most beautiful
Andean cities in Argentina. Its architecture with stone
and wood, and its varied cultural offers makes it one of
the most popular places when planning a short
or long holiday.
On the shore of Lake Lcar and within the majestic
Lann National Park, the city is equally attractive in the
four seasons and visitors often want to stay forever.

Place to enjoy the whole year

Many approach it in the heat of summer to enjoy the

many recreational activities that can be done here,
including mountain biking, boating, horseback riding,
trekking, climbing and of course, fly fishing for trout
and salmon.

In winter, the city is perfect for skiing and snowboarding in Chapelco, a few kilometres from the centre.
You also can go walking in snowy woods or slide on a
sledge pulled by huskies.
Both fall and spring keep secret charms that burst in
a wide range of colours and attract people from all
over the country and from abroad, especially those
who love photography.
San Martn de los Andes is also one of the birth
places of artisan chocolate. For years it is a tradition
that major chocolatiers in the region installed here.
You cant miss the chance to go there for at least a
weekend!! You wont regret it.
Subsecretara de Turismo de Neuqun
Sitio Oficial San Martn de los Andes

Enjoy skiing in a wonderful landscape

What should I have

on my smartphone?

you have already installed the CM Security Applock and

Antivirus, as both have the same functionality.

Android has risen to become an ever-growing market in

which every day there are new and interactive apps being
released. It just pushes the developers to create useful android apps which make work and life more fun and easier.
Of course, there are countless apps in the Play Store, but
not all of them are crowd favourites. So, lets check out the
three most significant Android Apps of 2015 for your

One of the current favourites among Android users is the

ES File Explorer app. It assists in the easy accessing and
navigation of the files installed on the Smartphone.

1- The clean master app

Have you ever felt like you needed an app that can speed
up your phone and free up memory space? Then you need
to check out this app, one of the top android apps of 2015.
Not only does it protect the phone from various vulnerabilities and malicious applications, it also removes the unwanted junk files, boosts the speed of the CPU and can easily
be used to remove apps. You dont have to use it if

Portal de la Patagonia

2- ES File Explorer File Manager

3- News360 Personalized News

This is one of the most useful Android apps for people who
like to keep up-to-date with the news. It aggregates blogs
and stories around those topics that interest you. The Patagonian has not arrived there yet!

The 3 Most Popular Passwords of 2014:

1. 123456
2. password
3. 12345



Grilled cheese or something else?

Newen Pinot Noir

by Fin Del Mundo

If you are a local you should have tried the Provoleta a thousand
times and Im sure you have your own recipe. But perhaps if youre a
foreigner you have never tried it or, if you did, youre still wondering
how to explain this delicacy. Because its not only grilled melted
cheese, its something else and its really out of this world.
This is how a foreigner thinks about our traditional Provoleta!!!
To use the old adage 'a picture's worth a thousand words' would be
trite so race to the closest deli and ask for a one-inch thick slice of
Provolone cheese so you can make Provoleta as soon as possible.
I guess we could say that 'a picture is worth a thousand bites because just looking at this grilled cheese, you start to salivate, you can
almost taste the cheese; gooey, melty, savoury with a hint of oregano
and crushed red pepper. Imagine how it tastes spread across those
little toasted slices of bread, salty, with a hint of garlic and olive
oil. Thinking of the crunch of the crust when you bite into it, and how
you will keep devouring them until youre stuffed full of cheese and
toast, knowing that you really should share, but also knowing that you
probably won't! Grab a piece ASAP. (And, by the way, try it with the
wine I strongly recommend.)

Hails from the remote Patagonian region of Argentina. This

is surely the next great region for fruity complex Pinot Noirs.
The dry climate, low humidity and minimal rainfall provide
natural immunity from diseases. Add to this the pure glacial
waters and you get a delicious fruit driven wine with a deliciously long finish. Originally considered a risky venture the
wines have proven themselves over and over obtaining over
140 medals in the most important wine competitions in the
world. You simply have to try for yourself.

Jujuy 370 - (0299) 449616


Tag Heuer Smartwatch

House of

The sun did not shine.
it was too wet to play.
so we sat in the house
all that cold, cold, wet day.
I sat there with Sally.
we sat there, we two.
and I said, 'how I wish

Source: The Hill

A ReutersIpsos poll
conducted this
month found
out that while
only 46 percent of respondents across the US
had a favorable opinion of President Obama, a
whopping 82 percent gave a positive rating to
President Josiah Bartlet on "The West Wing"
played in the NBC's series by Martin Sheen,
and 89 percent approved of the job President
David Palmer, played by Dennis Haysbert,
made on the "24" in Fox. Another 78 percent
gave their stamp of approval on SyFy
"Battlestar Galactica" President Laura Roslin,
played by Mary McDonnell.
And even Underwood, the resident of the
executive mansion of Netflix's "House of
Cards", played by Kevin Spacey, known for its
devious schemes and murderous tendencies,
got a rate of approval higher than the
president of real life . The 57 percent of
respondents who had seen the show said they
had a favorable opinion of him.
Sixty percent of respondents gave thumbs up
to the presidential character of Tony Goldwyn
in ABC's "Scandal", despite the inclination of
Fitzgerald Grant's for affairs and booze.

we had something to do!'

Too wet to go out
and too cold to play ball.
so we sat in the house.
We did nothing at all.
So all we could do was to
Sit! Sit!
Sit! Sit!
And we did not like it.
Not one little bit.
And then something went BUMP!
How that bump made us jump!
We looked!
Then we saw him step in on the mat!
We looked!
And we saw him!
The cat in the hat!
And he said to us,
'Why do you sit there like
'I know it is wet
and the sun is not sunny.
But we can have
lots of good fun that is

Dr Seuss

Sevens rugby kicks off

Few games seem so well suited to the mores of the modern sports fan as rugby sevens.
With quick-fire matches, end-to-end action and points
galore, the speeded-up, pared-down version of rugby union
satisfies a 21st-century urge for smaller, faster, flashier
A newcomer to the sport might reasonably conclude that
the game seven-a-side, seven minutes each half was
the result of a recent refashioning of the 15-man sport, but
it traces its roots back to the late 19th century. English
public schoolboy William Webb Ellis is famously credited
with inventing the game of rugby itself in 1823, but the
abbreviated version was the brainchild of a butcher from
Scotland called Ned Haig. When his local rugby club in the
town of Melrose was casting around for ideas to improve its

All Blackss sprint

ailing finances, Haig, together with his boss at the butchery,
David Sanderson, came up with an idea that would change
rugby forever.
On April 28, 1883, Melrose Football Club hosted the
world's first sevens tournament at its Greenyards ground.
Hundreds of spectators turned up to cheer on the home
side as they did battle with six teams from neighbouring
Scottish Borders towns.
Fittingly, it was the Melrose team, which included Haig,
who went on to win and receive a silver cup donated by
local ladies.
Barring two interruptions for war, the "Ladies Cup" has
been presented to the winning team every year since,
keeping up a proud tradition and ensuring a place on the
world sporting map.
Argentinas Seven team (Pumas) new shirt

The announcement by the International Olympic

Committee in October 2009 that rugby sevens, along with
golf, would be included in both the 2016 and 2020 Summer
Olympics has provided the sport with a priceless boost.

Write with us!

Be part of The Patagonian.
Send us your articles,
suggestions or pictures.
Come on!

The Patagonian- Ao 1 - No. 5.

La nica publicacin norpatagnica de aparicin
quincenal y distribucin gratuita en ingls. Depsito legal fijado por Ley 11.342 de Propiedad
/Editor responsable: Mirta Castro /
/Proofreader: Simon Neil Ong (UK)/
/ /
/(+54) 0299 15 576 5654 /


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