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is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. Confucius

Vol. III, No. 20, 15 May 2015

Keep it Simple!

Education is as important as breathing to mankind. Our education starts at the moment we take birth.
Immediately when we take birth, the first thing we get from our parents is Our Identity. We get to
know ; Who are we, Whom we belong to, Where do we stay, what is our caste/religion, which
nationality we are known as and so many such things. Till this moment it sounds ok but when this
introductory lesson is extended to that so called Ammas Effect through which by just looking at
forehead of newly born child; the childs profession is decided, my feelings go cloudy. My grandmother
looked at my forehead 42 years back and said that I would be a Doctor. Interestingly, it was not
calculated interpretation based on some statistics. Dont laugh; there was no historical evidence
attached to that prediction as well. It was just like that foolhardy gutfeeling having good amount of
emotions attached to my birth in the family. Luckily, I am not a Doctor. It does not mean that no one
tried in my family. My family did their best to make me teach Chemistry & Biology but I could never
marry these subjects.

Here comes the point of concern; Parents being the first tutor of their child has a bigger role to play
than anybody. Emotionally, all parents want their children to be Engineers, Doctors, and CEOs whereas
rationally the child would follow his/her distinctive nature/competence and if it matches with these so
called tags, the child would become all that. But if it is not, then the parents should help the child
identifying his/her true potential within. I strongly believe here comes the role of education. Let us
understand; there is nothing to teach and learn in this world. I learn what I want to and I teach what I
have learnt. Both the aspects need to have a strong connect and this connect has to be created by our
education ecosystem.

Parents need to help their children identifying their potential; educational ecosystem need to facilitate
the children exploring & developing those areas further; It is not as simple as we said. It is very tough.
Just notice, we all grossly failed in keeping the things simple around us. We have created complications
all over; Be it relations, religion, education, profession, technology, society, nation, world or anything
all are full of complications. Education ecosystem needs to be strengthened to save the mankind from
these complications. Going back to my original thought; Parents need to be geared up. The future is in
your hands. Treat your child as future of nation; love what he/she likes ; water their dreams & make
them bigger; respect their choices; allow them to be what they love to be. Dont complicate their lives.
Our children are our future. Be a responsible Parent. Keep the things simple around, our future will be

By: - Dr. Sandhir Sharma

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