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Name of the delegate: Prabhmaan Singh Thapar

School: St. Johns High School, Chandigarh

Country: United States of America
Committee: United Nations General Assembly
Agenda: Global Terrorism and illicit trade of small arms across international
Our victory against terrorism wont be measured in a surrender ceremony at a
battleship, or a statue being pulled to the ground. Victory will be measured in parents
taking their kids to school; immigrants coming to our shores; fans taking in a
ballgame; a veteran starting a business; a bustling city street; a citizen shouting her
concerns at a President.
-Barrack Obama
United States of America has done almost each and everything possible to establish a
counter terrorism platform and prevent illicit trade in arms among small international
borders, though if arms are traded through borders it actually causes almost all
nations a lot of damage, the African Horn is the place where mostly these weapons
come against the world, USA has most of its oil coming from Saudi Arabia which
passes through the Somalian waters where many a times it gets attacked seeking fuel
Now coming to the Pakistan and Middle East problem, USA has done a lot, we have
sent our troops to fight and eradicate terrorism from the world, our strikes in ISIS hit
areas which to some extent have also contributed in making the world a bit peaceful
to stay in.
The illicit arms trade through the international borders is seriously the need of the
hour that needs to be discussed, USA has signed the treaty on UN arms trade, which
states that all states providing arms to the conflict areas that hinders the growth of the
nation will be held liable.
The UN was made to combat terrorism and maintain harmony in this world, we all
need to understand this and come to a consensus to resolve this issue and maintain
harmony throughout the globe.
USA is ready to help as far as it can to help the nations that face terrorism problems,
the Egyptians have asked for help, and we after discussing the matter in the
parliament would be sending troops to help them.
Following are certain solutions that USA feels are important to implement:
1) The weapons are used, as a means of violating human rights, including in
times of peace, in particular, through the resurgence of crime and armed
gangs as well as road blockers and mercenaries, so there should be Special
Forces made by the UN on every border.

2) Small arms and light weapons are also at the root of a new wave of crises
and conflicts that compromise any prospect of peace and security so they
need to be dealt with.
3) The possession of arms and any sort of bombs need to be done away with.
4) All sites need to be censored so that there is no sort of dealing in arms
mounting to terrorism through the Internet.
5) Terrorism a serious issue requires attention and hence certain programs
that are already in place should be refunded to increase efficiency and
those areas, which require these new forces should be sent there like in
Syria or ISIS struck zone.

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