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Project B

SIFA+ App project

Hlapanis Odysseas
Nikolaou Pavlos
2014 2015

This essay is about the project for the second semester of the 2nd High School of Kos.The
main purpose of this project is to let students know about programming and help them
understand technology. The studends have to learn some of the basics and then create their
own app using App Inventor 2. Our team decided to create an app about the SIFA+ project
with important information about SIFA and a questonaire with questions from SIFA+ website.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Unit 1st : Description of the product
Unit 2nd: Projects calendar
Unit 3rd : Usefulness

The members of these group are Pavlos Nikolaou and Oddyseas Hlapanis.We have
chosen this project, because, nowdays, every person uses a mobile phone on his everyday
life.This topic intrigued us, and we wanted to learn more about mobile phones and how to
program them. Moreover, this is the only subject that can give us more advanced knowledge
about technology. Haphazardly our trip to Sweden for the SIFA+ project was on the same
semester,when we have the assignment to do an application for phones.So we decided to
create a fun app about SIFA+ and internet usage and upload it on the official site.
There are many ways to create your own phone app, but as our teacher instructed us,
we used App Inventor 2.App Inventor is a block-based tool that allows everyone, even
novices, to start programming and build fully functional apps for mobile phones.Newcomers
to App Inventor can have their first app up and running in less than an hour, and can program
more complex apps in significantly less time than with more traditional langueages. The tool
has more than 100.000 active weekly users and they have build more than 7.000.000 apps.
This program is an open-source tool that seeks to make both programming and app creation
accessible to a wide range of audiences.

Unit 1st : Description of the product

We decided to create this app, for the SIFA+ meeting in Sweden.We begun by creating
4 different screen as the main screen, which will be the same on the phone screen.The 1st
screen was the main screen.The 2nd one is about some useful links,the 3rd one is for
information about SIFA+ and the last one consisted a questionaire similar to the one on the
SIFA+ site.

Then we proceeded to the blocks part.

There we have to put the right blocks in the correct order, in order to make the app
functional.We did the same for all the 4 screens,but with different blocks.

Unit 2nd: Projects calendar

We have spent many hours in making this app and we have done many lessons inside
the classroom in order to learn how to use App Inventor 2. Here is the calendar of the lesson
for the second semester.



Description of the


1-Introduction to the project

ion of the teams


2-Getting used to with App


Getting used to App Inventor

and doing some tutorials


3-Completing lesson 2

Presetation of a video about



4-Introduction to the app we

will make

Every team introducing their



- Teachers was sick.No




5-Finishing the 1st part of

the app

Every team must sent an

early version of the app


6-Finishing the functional

parts of the app

Every team must sent a

version of the app(40%+


7-Finishig the app

Presentation of the final

version of the app


8-Finishing the app,Start

writing the essay

Small changes to the final

app and every team must
start writing an essay about
the app


9-Finishing the essay

Finishing of the essay and

starting of the the
preperation of the


10-Showing the app to all

the classmates

Presentation to the whole

class only(8 mins per team)


Presentation to all school

Presentation to the whole


Unit 3rd : Usefulness

This app allows the user to test his knowledge on internet safety and awares him of
dangers that he may encounter while using his computer. The purpose of this app was just for
the group project for the second semester and was also used for the SIFA+ website, so the
students of the other schools can also test their knowledge on internet safety.


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