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Originally appeared in

June 2008, pg 150. Posted with permission.

HPIN Control

Y. Zak Friedman, Contributing Editor

Condenser hot vapor bypass control

columns operate day in and day out at constant pressure, there
What is the worst mistake? It is the one that is repeated in
may be some seasonal changes, and the configuration in Fig. 2
practically every refinery, and yet, we havent managed to learn
might save the operator one minute or so upon changing colfrom it. I have chosen to discuss the very simple distillation column operating pressure. In any case, this is a tiny DCS change,
umn pressure control by partial flooding of the condenser. This
so why not do it?
method is used often when the column
Because this tiny DCS modification
overhead vapor is totally condensed into
creates a not-so-tiny change of loop
the accumulator.
interaction pattern. In the previous conAs illustrated in Fig. 1, a valve is placed
figuration, upon an increase of column
on the condenser outlet to create a flow
pressure the bypass valve closes, but with
restriction and build up liquid level inside
this new Fig. 2 configuration, when colthe condenser. As level rises, condensing
umn pressure goes up, the bypass valve
area shrinks and then the column presFC
would open. That is, as the column
sure starts trending up. And vice versa,
pressure controller is trying to drain the
upon draining the condenser, condensing
condenser, the bypass control acts to
area increases and pressure starts trending
increase accumulator pressure, preventdown. This control method must allow
ing condenser drainage. That interaction
some hot vapor to bypass the condenser
Fig. 1 Condenser hot vapor bypass control.
makes the control loops next to imposto control accumulator pressure. Hot
sible to tune. I must have seen at least
vapor coming into the accumulator con100 Fig. 2 configurations and none of
denses on the subcooled liquid surface,
them worked. Invariably the hot vapor
and hence, the hot vapor flow is always
bypass was operating manually, and the
unidirectional. Accumulator pressure
good intention of avoiding the nuisance
should be set somewhat lower than colLC
of changing two setpoints instead of one
umn pressure to permit proper operation
has caused a much bigger nuisance of
of the condenser outlet valve.
having to change the hot vapor bypass
This system in Fig. 1 works well and
position manually, and experiencing freis easy to tune. Accumulator pressure is
quent pressure disturbances.
tuned fairly tight, whereas the column
Fig. 3 offers a way to have your cake
pressure is tuned slowly, much like a level
controller. That makes sense because in
and eat it too. Use pressure difference
response to a change in outlet valve posifor controlling the hot vapor bypass, but
tion, uncondensed vapor keeps accumuinstead of the actual column pressure, use
Fig. 2 Improved hot vapor bypass control.
lating and the pressure acts like a pure
the column pressure setpoint. Another
integrator. While these two control loops
tiny change of DCS structure will now
interact, they interact in such a way as to
restore the favorable dynamics of Fig. 1
Pressure setpoint
help each other. When column pressure
while maintaining the intended convegoes up the accumulator pressure connience of Fig. 2. Do please try that and
troller would shut the bypass and the colsee the magic of an impossible-to-tune
umn pressure controller would open the
loop becoming a cinch. HP
condenser outlet, and both these actions
go in the same direction of reducing the
Y. Zak Friedman is a principal consultant in
column pressure.
advanced process control and online optimization
In the enhanced system in Fig. 2,
with Petrocontrol. He specializes in the use of firstFC
principles models for inferential process control and
the accumulator pressure controller is
has developed a number of distillation and reactor
replaced by a pressure difference controlFC
models. Dr. Friedmans experience spans over 30 years
ler. It is a minor DCS change with a very
in the hydrocarbon industry, working with Exxon
good intention. In the configuration of
Research and Engineering, KBC Advanced Technology
Fig. 3 Another tiny change of DCS structure
and since 1992 with Petrocontrol. He holds a BS degree
Fig. 1, when the column pressure is to be
will now restore the favorable
from the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) and
dynamics of Fig. 2 while maintaining
changed the operator must change the
a PhD degree from Purdue University.
setpoints of both controllers. While these

Article copyright 2011 by Gulf Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Not to be distributed in electronic or printed form, or posted on a Website, without express written permission of copyright holder.

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