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Tips for 3rd year 2014

3rd year is much harder than 2nd year; you should know what to study and how to study because you usually got 3
quizzes a day. You need to prioritize the semestral subject if youre struggling, but if youre running for honors then go
ahead study everything. Classes are usually tiring. Classes usually start early and ends late; that is if you attend all of the
classes. You should know what to cut and when to cut. Time management is the key for you to pass 3rd year.
What to read in the summer?
Sec C and D- Medicine 2
Sec A and B- Ophtha, Medicine 2
Med 2
ID rheuma- 50% pretest, 25 % post test

Be sure to read the samplexes around 20% comes out but most are book based memorization especially the ID
part which ask dosage and specifics. Also take note who gives the test, some profs are samplex, some have no
mercy at all
Aim to pass all the quizzes
Although they curve the grades, still a lot of failures

GI Hema- 50 % quizzes

Quizzes are modified samplexes. They only change the wordings

Hema Onco is very difficult to understand be sure to just read the important topics, most quizzes are samplex
Long quizzes are difficult because they are specific and you should enumerate/ fill in the blanks
Curves quizzes

Cardio Nephro- 60 % quizzes

Quizzes are modified samplexes. They only change the wordings

Quizzes are copy pasted from the book, check it out
Read the powerpoint and handouts
Dont curve, expect to have a lower grade even the subject is not too difficult
Attend the lectures and workshops, dont miss it

Pulmo Endo- 50% quizzes

The most enjoyable module of all

Just listen to the lectures and dont skip classes
Attend the lectures and workshops, dont miss it
This subject is more important than ophthalmology so dont cut the lectures
Endo quizzes are 70 % samplex, 30% lectures
Pulmo quizzes are taken from handouts and lectures
Dont need the book

Gen Surg- 50% quiz 50% SGD (32% of surgery grade)

Most quizzes are samplex

Dont forget to recite (50%)
Dont take this subject likely as they have 20 remedials and 5 irremediables for 2013
Finals 20%- deadliest of all, in 2013 only 50% pass so they curve, 2013 samplex is around but only few students
have it and too bad it was not shared

Surgery subspecialty (48%)


Exams are the most difficult

Dr. Maglinaos class has post quizzes
Dr. Tan and Enrile have no attendance
3 Long Quizzes are from lectures and samplex

Plastic surgery

No attendance
Quizzes are samplex and lectures

Pedia surgery

Dr. Cua- the best prof, gives quizzes every meeting, no finals
Dr. Regal- reports, quizzes, finals


Pure samplex
Dont forget to recite (50%)


Read the donkey notes


Lectures and Samplex

Pedia 2

GI- ok
Neuro, Rheuma- difficult subjects, memorization
Pulmo, endo- ok
Nephro, Neonate- most difficult, a lot of memorization
Quizzes are modified samplexes
Bulk of the grade came from quizzes and LE
Long quizzes are case base matching type
Finals most are cases, dont need to memorize
PCC- difficult practicals, memorize the milestones, a lot fail in the practicals (15%)
Community- most enjoyable (15%)

Neuro and Behmed 2

Difficult subjects
No attendance, attend Dr. David because she likes making new questions
Read the samplexes and handouts
Usually 2 of 4 LE are not samplex
Finals is pure samplex
Remember short quizzes are 3% each while Long quizzes are 20% each

OB and Gyne

Difficult subjects (20+) remedials every year

Attendance and recitation around 10%
Usually the first 2 quizzes are pure samplex then theyll be merciless afterwards
Always read the samplexes before taking any quizzes try to also read the finals/ prelims because they just
jumble the questions
Bulk of the quizzes are made by the 2 Dr. Gonzales, so there class have high yield notes
Finals is usually deadly and ruthless

Prevmed 3
Have attendance, 95% samplex
Family Medicine

Sometimes the 20% quiz is given as surprise so take note of the date
Half of the class usually fails the 20% quiz
Read the book
Memorize a lot

Applied Epid

Computations and memorization

Grade is very dependent on the Faci (you can get a 90 or 70)
Finals is 50% samplex

Clin Epi 3

Random attendance
Try to attend to learn how the reporting works and how they ask questions
Study the search strategies
Always consult Dr. Alejandro if you want to pass
Dont expect to pass the 2 long exams, but try to get as much points as possible
Remedials usually less than 5 per year- Critical Appraisal


Lectures and Samplex

Read the book if you have time
Some topics are taken directly from the book, but most are samplexes
Sometimes have Post tests


Very dependent on the faci, it can be an easy subject or the hardest subject
It can go from 0 remedials in a class to more than 10 remedials in a class


This is the most overrated class in 3rd year; its like pharma in 2nd year
Dont piss off or complain too much to the facilitator because you might get what you want
14 quizzes- most are basic knowledge and they are extremes. Some are mostly samplex and some are very
Quizzes are multiple choice and true or false
Read the book as well as the handouts
Usually 2-4 quizzes are remove from the 14 quizzes
Long exams are terribly hard but they do give additional grade.
Dont memorize the book because youll end up frustrated if you fail and your seatmate got a perfect score just
by guessing the answers.
Dr. Sua usually gives the exams and they are the must knows questions
Usually around 3 quizzes are extremely hard, the rest are passable
Know the anatomy very well, almost every test there are related questions in anatomy


8 quizzes that are mostly samplex while around 2 quizzes are extremely hard
2 Long exams that are 40% book base and 60% lecture and samplex
No attendance


5 quizzes are mostly samplex and lectures

OSCE are basic questions and must knows
Know the Dermotome and Myotome pretty well
Finals is 50% samplex 20% hard questions


Quiz 1 and 3 are 95% samplex

Quiz 2 is made by Dr. Laygo, it also dictates if youll get exempted or not

Legal Med and Bioethics

Be morally and legally good to attend the classes

95% samplex
Dont worry about the post quiz at bioethics from Dr. Monzon

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