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Cosmic Conditioning.

Ancient man was convinced that his destiny upon earth was ruled by the divine power that placed
the stars in the heavens; that every created thing was a result of this influence; and that the Sun was the active principle of
good, and the darkness of evil. The ancient concept was aptly expressed by Cowper, when he wrote:
God moves in a mysterious way,
His wonders to perform.
More recently, however, scientific research is beginning to reveal some of the ways in which Creation's miracles evolve.
We know that only a small portion of the Sun's energy radiations are transformed into light and heat, and that other
invisible hands supply to all living things the essence that imparts to the cells the ability to multiply by division, and that
stimulates the endocrine glands to secrete into the blood stream the hormones to which our emotions react, and whereby
each develops an individuality, in response to his own cosmic conditioning.
Thus one might say that God placed the Sun, the Moon, and the planets in the firmament, whereby every living thing
would be made "after his own pattern," and thus be distinct and different: thereby introducing into life the difficulties of
mutual understanding and self-control which if mastered will produce character, and if not mastered will destroy.
We must recognize that every planetary influence which results from radiation is a reflection from the Sun. It is not a
reflection of the Sun, because each reflector has a different chemical constitution which absorbs certain frequencies, and
thus imparts to each reflected ray a differently altered spectrum. The Moon and the planets in the signs must be recognized
as variants of the Sun influence, all aspects as blending of these variants, and all House positions as our personal relation
Furthermore, we must eliminate any consideration of the Sun's energy radiations from our appraisal of the sign positions of
the Sun, for the Sun is only the sign post whereby to determine the Earth's position in orbit, and conditions of gravitation
and momentum inherent in each arc of the orbit.
Sir Isaac Newton insisted on the solidarity of the Solar System, a concept which contemporary physicists have finally
confirmed, by likening it to an enlargement of the atom. The Sun is now generally recognized as a central controlling
source of positive energy comparable to the proton of positive electricity in the atom, surrounded by planets moving in
orbit, comparable to electrons of negative electricity, the number of which determine the nature of the clement of which the
atom was formerly believed to be the smallest component. In this concept the Earth-dweller occupies a position in one
electron, some ten miles below the surface of a gaseous ocean.
Because of their differing chemical constituents, each reflecting planet absorbs varying frequencies of the Sun's spectrum,
and thus the Earth's magnetic field is charged with a constantly changing set of frequency characteristics. The supposition
that reflected rays are so weak as to be ineffectual in comparison to the direct rays of the Sun fails in the presence of such
evidence as the relative minuteness of the vitamines and hormones to which extreme potency is currently ascribed. One
medical textwork on hormones goes so far as to state that if one drop of the hormone contained in a certain gland in the
human body were placed in the waters of Lake Eric, the drinking of a glassful of that water would produce death.
It is not unreasonable to suppose that the first day's growth of a newly born infant, in accord with the law of adaptability to
cosmic conditioning creates channels of receptivity that will circumscribe for life the individual's capacity for absorption of
the several frequencies which comprise the spectrum of cosmic stimulations. This would rule out the prenatal, since prior to
birth the blood is conditioned through the maternal receptivities; and an independent existence begins only when the
individual is compelled to condition his own blood.
In the light of recent discoveries in Endocrinology it is a reasonable hypothesis that cosmic energy radiation governs the
growth and functioning of the Endocrine glands, and the hormones these secrete into the blood stream are the stimulators of
the emotions, or are translated by the mind in terms of emotions.
The energy radiations direct from the Sun are probably responsible for the growth and functioning of one portion of the
pituitary gland. Whatever gland is stimulated by a planet which aspects the Sun, will be simultaneously incited at every
Sunrise and with every transit, thus accounting for the strong influence upon the native's destiny of any planet or planets
that are in close aspect to his Sun.
The food that enters the body through the stomach, and the oxygen that is extracted by the lungs, yields the material for
making cells; but only the electricity absorbed by direct and reflected radiation from the Sun is able to impart to the cell the
state of "livingness" that enables it to grow.
Cosmic Cross. Two planets in opposition, each squared by a third planet, resulting in what is termed a T-square or T-cross.
A fourth planet, opposing the third and squaring the first two, forms a Grand Cross. The T-square is a dynamic influence;

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