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Peak 2015
LC Trieste

Summer Camp

Summer Camp is a National project that allows
Italian summer camps to host international
students in order to deliver non-formal education
through trainings and workshops on global issues.

Stakeholder: Summer Camps

Target Audience: children 5 15 years old

Summer Camp


encourage the development of global youth

entrepreneurial mindset, through growth and
awareness and proactivity;
Because we believe in diversity as an added
value and in the need of changing the
educational system, bringing it closer to the
global mindset;

Summer Camp


to young international motivated and

passionate students;
Teaching English in an interactive way, in order
to develop communication skills such as
listening and understanding;
Challenging and increasing the perspective of
the world of Italian youth through trainings and
workshops on global issues;

Summer Camp

Weekly activities

Weeks 1 - 2:
Introduction of the EP and his/her home country;
Analysis of prejudices & stereotypes of the EPs country and
where these come from;
Analysis of issues and opportunities in Italy and abroad.

Weeks 3 4:
Interactive activities with children on global issues and
different cultures all over the world.

Weeks 5 6:
Creative activities with children like painting, drawing,
singing, dancing, acting, etc.;
Support on daily summer camp activities; Join events;
Create a final report of the project explaining the learning
points for the children, for the city and for the intern.

Summer Camp

EP Profile

English level .
Open-minded, flexible and proactive people.
Experience on giving trainings and workshop to
young children ad teenagers are preferred.
People from sociology, psychology and
education sciences are preferred.

Summer Camp


Our peak will start on 15th June but in some LCs it

they will start by the beginning of July.
Projects last for at least 6 weeks.


Accommodation always provided.

Food often provided.
Transportation not provided.
Pick up provided at train or bus station in Trieste.
Lead program provided.

Help to Help

Help to Help is a National project that allows
Italian NGOs to host international students in
order to increase positioning and visibility among
the third sector through Marketing&PR activities,
fundraising, Education&Recreation activities, and
Stakeholder: NGO

Help to Help


marketing strategy with the

international mindset support;
Because we believe in diversity as an added
value and in the need of changing peoples
closed mind, bringing it closer to the global
Working in a multicultural environment.

Help to Help


Thanks to young international motivated and

passionate students;
Improving Italian no profit sector thanks to a global
Challenging and increasing the perspective of the
world of Italian NGOs through trainings and
workshops on global issues;
Promoting the collaboration among Italian NGOs
Improving visibility of Italian NGOs impacting our


Help to Help



Help to Help 1

Weekly Activities

Week 1:
Introduction of the EP and home country;
Analysis of prejudices & stereotypes of the EPs country and where
these come from;
Analysis of issues and opportunities in Italy and abroad;
SWOT Analysis of NGO and city;
Start working on website and group division with Italian volunteers
involving them in the strategy

Week 2:
Training on Marketing&PR Activities and Public speaking, to the
Italian volunteers;

Weeks 3 4 5 :

Creation of flyers, promo and Facebook event, finding


Week 6:

Global Village, final output of the work

Help to Help 2

Weekly Activities

Weeks 1 2 :
Introduction of the EP and home country;
Analysis of prejudices & stereotypes of the EPs country and where
they come from;
Analysis of issues and opportunities in Italy and abroad.

Weeks 3 4 :
Global trends analysis according to SWOT analysis of NGO made in
advance. How the NGO is dealing those issues and how to improve
the communication channels to improve their visibility and
positioning. Frontal lessons with powerpoint presentations.
English lessons to children that are involved in the NGO through

Weeks 5 6 :

Final event on the issue chosen, report of activities done.

Help to Help

EP Profile

English level
Open-minded, flexible and proactive
Experience on third sector knowledge are
Basic Italian is generally required

Help to Help


Our peak will start on 8th June but in some LCs it

they will start by the beginning of July.
Projects last for at least 6 weeks.


Accommodation always provided.

Food often provided.
Transportation not provided.
Pick up provided at train or bus station in Trieste.
LEAD program provided.
Buddy system implemented.

LEAD Program

Seminar given within first week

of arrival (Global Village Event, February


Village event for closing! (Global

Village Event, February 2015)


Knowing the reality


projects are volunteering projects

in smaller NGOs, nonprofits where every
member of the staff needs to be flexible
and participatory. Although the intern will
likely not gain hard skills from their
volunteering experience, they will gain
invaluable soft skills such as interpersonal
communication from working in a diverse
and high-impact environment.

We invite you to
come to




For video, follow this link: Friuli-Venezia-Giulia from the air!

Interns adventures in FVG!

Here are some FB albums of our interns
Global Village Event, February 2015
Internship Adventure, Winter 2015!
Induction Seminar, Winter 2015!
#InternsLIVE, Summer 2014!

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