Chinese Bamboo Tree. It Has Such An Inspiring Growth That Has

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The Chinese Bamboo

I was scrolling through my phone and texting my friends when I felt

someone was watching me, observing every single flicker I made. It was in
fact, my mother, who is ever so suspicious of my activities on my phone.
So, whenever she peeked, I quickly turned off my phone or locked my
phone away. Yes, this happens to me and perhaps every other teenagers
all the time. My mother would do her best to unlock my phone. So One
day, when she finally noticed my wallpaper, she asked me, A plant as a
wallpaper..and not One Direction? I replied cheekily, Haha! Never judge
a book by its cover. Honourable judges and fellow audience, a very good
morning I bid to you.

Im sure all of you here are curious too. Whats the story behind my
wallpaper? That dull looking plant? Well , it is the Chinese Bamboo , a
humble plant which to the Chinese people, is a symbol of virtue that
reflects peoples souls and emotions. We use the Chinese bamboo tree for
beautiful hardwood floors, place mats, cutting boards, you name it. But
its not their versatility that inspires. Its the growing process of the
Chinese bamboo tree. It has such an inspiring growth that has
humbled me with invaluable lessons of patience , persistence and
humility. Why is it different from the other trees ? Simply because this
remarkable tree doesn't grow in the usual fashion.
When this little seed is planted, watered and fertilized, you would expect
great results from a it as it has been watered and fertilized, watered and
fertilized, watered and fertilized for a year. But to the contrary, nothing
happens! There's no sign of growth at all. The same thing happens - or
doesn't happen - the second year. And you wait Comes the third year,
after the tree has been nurtured without fail, still nothing shows. Nothing!!
If you havent given up yet, youre most definitely discouraged! The fifth
year you continue to water and fertilize the seed and thensuddenly it
seemsthe Chinese bamboo tree sprouts and grows to over NINETY FEET
IN SIX WEEKS (thats in just one growing season)! All the hard work and
dedication you put into its growth didnt go unnoticed. While you were
watering and worrying, life was taking shape UNDERGROUND!
couldnt see it, but life was certainly happening .At long last all the hard
work seems to pay off because the Chinese Bamboo tree has at long last

rewarded the farmer by not just growing normally like the rest of the
plants, but it grows astonishingly at super speed!
Now, you might be thinking: Did the small tree loll inactive for four years
and then just decides to grow dramatically on the fifth? I think the answer
is quite clear for us to see. The little tree was actually developing itself
underground by expanding its root system to make it tough enough to
sustain its impending external growth in the fifth year and even beyond.
Now, had the tree failed to build up a strong and able underground
foundation, it would be impossible for it to keep on growing when it is time
to sprout outside into the outside world..
If that Chinese bamboo farmer dug up his little bamboo seeds each year
just because he is curious or wants to make sure it was growing or what,
he could effectively stopped the trees growth. There are times when we
demand our little children to sit still and behave and be patient but big
lessons can be deeply taught once they are demonstrated in actions and
not just in words. This story is very much true in rearing our beautiful
children. As parents, we have to patiently exert efforts in teaching and
disciplining our children for them to develop right values and to adopt
strong character while at the same time defeat many difficulties and
different challenges.
This story is very much true about myself. I have now begun a new
chapter in my school life as I am no longer the snotnose lower secondary
kid but blossoming each day into a young adult but that is taking time to
grow. When I look at myself, I realize even I am a growth process! Im not
who I was last year and not who Ill be next year. Well I'm convinced that
life works in a similar way. You can toil for days, weeks, months or even
years on your dreams with no visible signs of progress and then, all of a
sudden, things shoot off. You managed to pass your most hatred subject
with flying colors or you go home with a trophy after a competition that
you've worked so hard on. Your business becomes more profitable beyond
your wildest dreams. Did all these come easily? Naturally, deep down in
our hearts, we know that all of these converges to one focal point - faith.
The farmers who planted the Chinese Bamboo tree have faith that if they
keep watering and fertilizing the ground, the tree will break through
eventually . The hardest part for most of us is that we tend to get excited
about the idea that has been planted inside of us that we can't simply wait
for it to bloom. Therefore, we become discouraged and begin to second
guess ourselves during the initial planting. Sadly, what we do not realize is
that pursuing your dream is a certain thing if you just do not give up and
keep your faith in it. So long as you keep watering and nurturing the plant,

it will come to fruition . It may take weeks, months and even years! But
eventually,the roots will take hold and your tree will grow, and when it
does, it will grow in a remarkable way. Henry Ford had to rise through five
business failures before he eventually succeeded with the Ford Motor
Company. If Thomas Edison hadn't failed, he would have not become the
most prolific innovator. He failed once, but he never gave up. He failed
twice, but he never gave up.
He continued his innovation not twice, but a hundred times without fail
and finally "Ping!" The bulb lighted up and so he finally succeeded in
inventing a lightbulb. Thomas Edison once quoted, "I have not failed. I
Had they discarded and eliminated the most dominant and integral key
to success , they would not have been honoured in the annals of history.
Had they given given up hope, their dream will always remain as a seed.
What is the dominant key you may wonder?
P-E-R-S-E-V-E-R-A-N-C-E!! Perseverance is to face life's hardships
difficulties with boldness and courage. Perseverance is failing 99 times
and achieving success the 100th time. What do you do when you fall onto
the ground? Do you stay there, crying? Or do you get up and brush it off?
When a child learns to walk, he stands up and keeps on trying. He falls
down again and again. But by nature and instinct he gets back up, and
tries to step forward again, although again he falls down. But ultimately,
he succeeds in walking. Perseverance is indeed the dominant key of
success. Without it, no great achievement is possible. Even if a person is
not very talented nor highly knowledgeable, he can still succeed simply by
perseverance. In this world, all the great things have been made or
constructed only through sheer perseverance. Success doesnt happen
overnight. Rome wasnt built in a day! Success takes time. But remember,
It wont grow if you wont sow
Your dreams, no matter how big, are not in vain. Just because you don't
see the signs of progress now, do not grow weary in continuing to build, to
give it everything you have heart and soul. Believe that growth is
happening underground. Just like the remarkable tree, a root system is
being formed within your life, the kind of roots that will outlast storms
because of the hard work and commitment, it's taken to stand in faith for
something it cannot prove. Well, each and everyone of you here have a
bamboo tree inside of you just waiting to break through.
Even my own heart is churning over new challenges that are being set
before me. When this happens old fears and doubts rise to the surface,

and I need to daily refresh my heart in what is truewhether I can visibly

see it or not. And when I get discouraged about my growth, I will always
take a lesson from the incredible story of the Chinese bamboo
tree. So keep watering and believing and you too will be flying high
before you know it. To end , allow me to quote Henry Longfellow, "
The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by
sudden flight. But they, while their companions slept, toiled ever
upward through the night."

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