Burns Connection May 2015

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Burns Connection

Burns Connection

Happy Birthday

One bad thing about doing nothing

is that you dont know when to stop
If you and God know that you are right,
you dont have to convince anyone else.

The Married Couples Ministry

Your presence is requested at our Roundup to be
held immediately following church services in the
Fellowship Hall.
May 17, 2015 at approx. 11:45 AM
We want to share more information with you and
your spouse about our Ministry. Light refreshments
will be served. The Roundup will last about 30
minutes. We look forward to seeing you there.
Save The Date
Married Couples Game Night,
June 20, 2015
5 PM
Childcare up to 11 years old will be provided.

Trustee On Call May 2015

Linda Bell
419-8826 (H) 603-5567 (M)

United Methodist Men Update

May 9th
8:00 AM
Golden Corral


Carrie Murray
Harold Mitchell
Cameron Rumph
Fannie Carson
Avery Williams
Shana Charles
Thomas D. White
Wanda Beatty
Ann Hickson
Tommy Mack
William Robinson
Rhonda Washington
Sharee Washington
Maxine Riley
Kaizer Rogers
Edward Grant
Paulette Friday
Leroy Wideman, Sr.
Jalylin Murray


Marquis Benjamin
Beverly Richardson
Mary Johnson
Antonio Lloyd
Leona Alexander
Nancy Bradshaw
Gladys Gaillard-McBride
Edith Pearson
Destoni Truesdale
Jaylen Cobbs
Patricia Gunn
CliRae M. Bourke
Andre Burwick
Michael Wideman
Bianca Jean-Lopez
Gerald McNair
Betty Marshall
Gerline Mixon
Hannah Huggins

Happy Anniversary
3 May -- Kenneth & Bernice Kinney
13 May --Timothy & Tracy McDowell
13 May -- Murray & Martha Smith
19 May - Cephus & Pamela Thomas
20 May - Rev. Ernest & Gwen Etheredge
22 May - Antonio & Kimberly Williams
25 May Willie & Mary Howard
26 May Sam & Alfa Tisdale

To update your birthday or anniversary information,

contact Inez Benjamin at 736-1008 or
email ibeejamming@bellsouth.net

Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17. The

prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise
him up. ...The effective, fervent
prayer of a righteous man avails
much. James 5:15, 16.
Ms. Mardean R. Salley (Sister of
Ella Mae Burwick) Mrs. Ella
Mae Eaddy (mother of Karone

Safe Sanctuary Training ,May 21, 6 PM.

FBUMC Mission Statement: The mission of Francis Burns United

Methodist Church is to glorify God, to spread the Good News of
Jesus Christ and to make Christian disciples through worship and
praise, nurture, outreach and witness.

Persons 21 years or older who will be working will

children, youth and vulnerable adults and have
not completed the training and have not submitted
to a background check are required to attend the

FBUMC Vision Statement: The vision of Francis Burns United

Methodist Church is to be in covenant with God and to connect
with God's people through ministries that meet human needs.

Helpers 18-20 years old may attend the training, but

will not have a background check.

Francis Burns UMC

5616 Farrow Rd.
Columbia, SC 29203
(803) 754-1760

Volume 2015 Issue 5

Rev. Ernest C. Etheredge


Matthew 25: 35-40 states, For I

was hungry and you gave me
something to eat, I was thirsty
and you gave me something to
drink, I was a stranger and you
invited me in, I needed clothes
and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after
me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Then
the righteous will answer him, Lord, when did we see
you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you
something to drink? When did we see you a stranger
and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?
When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit
you? The King will reply, Truly I tell you, whatever
you did for one of the least of these brothers and
sisters of mine, you did for me.
The Youth Ministry is committed to mission work and
makes a point to show God's love to those in need
every opportunity it can. This scripture motivates us
to do good things for people who are in need. During
the 2014-15 school year, we helped feed 10 students
each month through Kelly Mill Middle School's
Backpack Program. Thanks to your help, we have
accomplished our goal each month since November.
Our next mission project is to help assist an
international hunger relief organization called Stop
Hunger Now.
We are joining with the SC United
Methodist Church Annual Conference to help with this
project. They are hosting a daylong meal packaging
event to help hungry people in desperate need of
lifesaving meal packets. They estimate that the cost of
supplies and shipping will cost about $86,000. The
4:12 youth ministry is helping by hosting a car wash to
help raise money to contribute towards the $86,000
goal. Also, some youth have already volunteered to
travel to Florence to package the meals.
As always, we need your help to make this a success.
Please support us in our efforts by bringing your car to
our car wash on Saturday, May 9th between 9 a.m.
and Noon. All proceeds from the car wash will go to
mission work so that we can help spread God's love
throughout the world.
Rachel Forrest

May 2015
Renowned Song Writer
Eddie Robinson
to Conduct
FBUMC Music Workshop and Concert
Minister Eddie A. Robinson, noted song writer, choir
director and workshop clinician will conduct our 3 rd
music workshop on May 29th-30th, this year culminating
in a choir concert which will be open to the general
public. Workshop sessions will be held on Friday, May
29th from 7-9 PM and Saturday morning May 30th from
9:00 AM to noon. The concert will be presented at
5:00 that afternoon. Registration for adults will be $20
and $10 for youth, ages 13-17. There is no registration
fee for children under the age of 13.
If you are interested in attending you may download
registration forms online at www.francisburns.org or
you may pick up registration forms found in the church
lobby and place completed forms along with your check
or money order in the designated box, also found in the
lobby. On-site registration will begin 1 hour prior to
each workshop session. Registration packets and
refreshments (Saturday morning) will be available for
each person participating. All are encouraged to come
out and join us; this is NOT just for church choir
members or Francis Burns members but is open to
ANYONE interested in learning, singing and praising
God under the guidance of this great clinician.
The concert at 5:00 PM. on Saturday, the 30 th, will be a
culminating presentation of songs learned during the
workshop sessions.
We invite the ENTIRE church
congregation, whether you attend the workshop
sessions or not, to come out and bring your friends to
hear the concert and support your music department
and those who participated in this exciting event.
Francis Burns Music Department
Michael Felton, Director of Music

Page 2

Burns Connection

May 2015
May 3, Acts 8:26-40, Psalm 22:25-31, 1 John 4:7-21,
John 15:1-8
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 10, Acts 10:44-48, Psalm 98, 1 John 5:1-6, John
Ascension of the Lord
May 17, Acts 1:15-17, 21-26, Psalm 1, 1 John 5:9-13,
John 17:6-19
Day of Pentecost
May 24, Acts 2:1-21, Psalm 104:24-34, 35b, Romans
8:22-27, John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15
First Sunday after Pentecost
Trinity Sunday
May 31, Isaiah 6:1-8, Psalm 29, Romans 8:12-17,
John 3:1-17

2015 Budget Information

Council on Ministries
Committee on Finance
Board of Trustees
Total 2015 Budget


Weekly Amount Needed

Monthly Amount Needed


Amount Received in March


Thank You
Status And Role Of Women
By Teresa Holland
The Status and Role of Women was proud to host its
first Girl Talk series on March 29, 2015, at 5pm. We
were blessed to have in attendance 13 ladies of all age
ranges. The session was facilitated by Dr. Evelyn
Fulmore. The scriptural focus came from 2Kings:4:2.
When the widow asked Elisha for help, she half
heartedly offered her jar of oil thinking it not of much
value. This is how we see ourselves and our gifts at
times so we half heartedly use them thinking them not
of much value.
Dr. Fulmore spoke openly and
challenged each woman and girl on this thinking. The
attendees spoke freely and openly as we began to form
a covenant of love and support. Refreshments were
The next session will be May 31, 2015, at 5:00pm as
we continue our theme, What You Have Is Enough for
God as it relates to relationships. All women and girls of
all ages are invited to attend.
Our status and role in the world and our nation is
to be living testimonies of Christs love and

The Easter celebrations have

observances were filled with
good music, worship, and
fellowship and preaching.
We are in the season of
Easter and at the time of
your reading, the Easter
season will almost be gone.
However, as people of God,
we must remind ourselves that we must always be in a
state of praise and celebration. His word tells us that
God is with us at all times. In Isaiah 43:2, the prophet
reminds us:
When you pass through waters, I will be with
God is with us always. When we are not able to see or
feel his presence, our Creator and Lord is with us. We
were given a promise at His birth. Emmanuel, God is
with us, and after His death and resurrection Jesus told
His disciples.
Peace be with you.
In Our Daily Bread for April 2012, the writer states:
Yet in the midst of their sin and punishment, the
grace of God toward His people was never
exhausted. In grace filled exhortation, He said:
Sow for yourself righteousness; reap in mercy;
break up for fallow ground, for it is time to seek
the Lord, till HE comes and rains righteousness
on you. No Force is Greater Than the Power of
Gods Love.
Grace and Peace
Ernest C. Etheredge

Mission Possible's
End of School Year
VBS Kickoff
will be celebrated on Sunday May 31st
Please fill out registration forms for
students kindergarten-12th grade. No
report card needed. Please return
registration forms by May 24th to
mailbox labeled Report Card.
All students are invited
and encouraged to participate.

Burns Connection
Christian Education Corner
Mind Games in a World of Images Melagne Yed
For thousands of years mankind has lived with an oral
tradition. Every idea, every principle, everything that
was considered significant and worthy of pursuit was
transferred from generation to generation and kept
very sacredly in an oral commitment. Around 1500
BC, the alphabet was discovered; and we moved into
a scribal tradition. In 1456, when Gutenberg invented
the printing press, mankind moved into the printing
tradition. In 1839, when photography came into
being, we were gradually moving into an image
tradition. In 1873, with the capacity to convert light
into electrical impulses, carry those impulses over a
distance, and then reconvert them into light, we were
entering the dawning moments of the electronic age,
and life has been radically altered since that time. We
are no longer transferring knowledge from one
generation to another just by oral means. Our
generation knows very little about the scribal
tradition. More and more we are knowing less and less
about the printed tradition. And as the electronic
images are being engrained upon the consciences of
millions of people, two things have happened in the
process. First, the ability of abstract reasoning has
considerably diminished in our time. When you initiate
a discussion starting with a minor premise, then a
major premise, build a syllogism, and enter into a
deduction, the average person loses you half way
through because he (or she) has already formed his
conclusions on the basis of images prior to your
conclusion. Second, as the French sociologist Jacques
Ellul describes it, our ability to perceive today has
become a process in which there has been a
humiliation of the Word, as the exaltation has now
become that of images. Hence the title of this
presentation: Mind Games in a World of Images.
We are very familiar with the passage in the tenth
chapter of Matthew where Jesus is being tempted
alone in the wilderness. First Satan comes to him
intellectually: If you turn these stones into bread, they
will follow you. Jesus rejects that by saying: Man shall
not live by bread alone but by every word that
proceeds from the mouth of God. Then Satan tries to
tempt him volitionally, appealing to his will: Why dont
you jump and see if he will give his angels charge
over you lest, as it is written, you dash your foot
against a stone? But Jesus immediately rejects that
temptation also saying: You shall not tempt the Lord
your God. The assault on the intellect hasnt worked,
the volitional appeal hasnt worked, so finally Satan
moves to the imagination: I will give you all the
kingdoms of this world if you shall bow down and
worship me. I strongly believe that in the first two
approaches, Satan is projecting particularly suggestive
images into the mind of Jesus, images of total
dominance and superiority of the Son over the
Godhead, to do his own will, and thereby derail the

Page 5
mission of the Son, had he yielded to the Devil. When he
was not able to get Jesus to succumb to the image
temptation, Satan moved to the only option left, the
invasion of the imagination: I will give you all of the
pleasures of this world if you would bow down and
worship me. English philosopher and journalist, Malcom
Muggeridge believes that this is the passage that best
addresses the media of our times. In his address to the
BBC, he called it the fourth temptation: Lucifer
Enterprise is offering to Jesus primetime to get on
television and speak to the whole world so that this
kingdom can be offered to him. And how Jesus would
have responded to the fourth temptation? Muggeridge
ends by saying very wisely: It doesnt say in the
beginning was video.
To be continued
Church Women United of Columbia
Annual Outstanding Young Church Woman
Honorees 2015

to Julia Benjamin and Stephanie Young for being
selected by Church Women United of Columbia as
Outstanding Young Church Women of the Year 2015.
Julia and Stephanie were among 19 young women
selected as outstanding church women. They were
both honored at a salad luncheon Saturday, April 11 at
Ebenezer Lutheran Church in Columbia.
Julia Benjamin, daughter of Inez Benjamin, gained a
spiritual foundation at an early age at Francis Burns
UMC where she currently serves as Usher and assistant
leader of the childrens dance and youth ministries.
This passion leads her to state: Our team focuses on
laying a foundation and providing an atmosphere for
Biblical interpretations of worship through dance
changing any negative into positive.
Stephanie Young, daughter of Bernice and Kenneth
Kinney, is a dedicated and committed leader in all that
she does at Francis Burns UMC. She is the founder and
leader of Girl Scout Troop 1348. She teaches VBS and
is a former leader of the Angelic Expressions Praise
Dance Team at Francis Burns UMC. She is the proud
mother of two, Donovan and Kailey.
The Outstanding Young Church Women United Award
recognizes the valuable contributions our young sisters
in Christ are making in the field of ecumenism, and
those young sisters who are working in different

Page 4

Burns Connection

Health Notes
April 2015
The Health and Welfare Ministrys/Healthy Eating and
Living in the Spirit (H.E.A.L.S) vision for the Francis
Burns Church Family is to become A Healthier
Health Moment: Lactose Intolerance
I didnt know the terminology at the time, but I knew
that I would get sick to my stomach after consuming
dairy products.
One memorable experience during
lunch in elementary school, I drank a carton of milk.
The experience was humiliating because within minutes
I threw up all over my favorite sweater. As the years
went by, I had the same sickening feeling towards
eggs, ice cream, and most recently cheese.
So what is lactose intolerance? Lactose intolerance
means the body cannot easily digest lactose, a type of
natural sugar found in milk and dairy products. When
lactose moves through the large intestine (colon)
without being properly digested, it can cause
uncomfortable symptoms such as gas, belly pain, and
bloating. Some people who have lactose intolerance
cannot digest any milk products. Others can eat or
drink small amounts of milk products or certain types of
milk products without problems.
Lactose intolerance often develops in the early teen
years, and is common in adults. It occurs more often in
Native Americans and people of Asian, African, and
South American descent than among people of
European descent. A big challenge for people who are
lactose-intolerant is learning how to eat to avoid
discomfort and to get enough calcium for healthy
bones. Calcium is most important for children, teens,
pregnant women, and women after menopause. There
are many nondairy foods that contain calcium,
including: Broccoli, okra, kale, collards, and turnip
greens; canned sardines, tuna, and salmon; calciumfortified juices and cereals; calcium-fortified soy
products such as soy milk, tofu, and soybeans; and
Many people who have gas, belly pain, bloating, and
diarrhea suspect they may be lactose-intolerant. The
best way to check this is to avoid eating all milk and
dairy products to see if your symptoms go away. If they
do, then you can try adding small amounts of milk
products to see if your symptoms come back. If you
think you might have lactose intolerance, talk with your
doctor. He or she can make sure that your symptoms
are caused by lactose intolerance and not by another
problem. Sometimes doctors order a hydrogen breath
test or a blood sugar test to confirm the diagnosis.
These simple tests check to see if you are digesting
lactose normally.
There is no cure for lactose intolerance. But you can
treat your symptoms by limiting or avoiding milk
products. Some people use milk with reduced lactose,

or they substitute soy milk and soy cheese for milk

and milk products. Some people who are lactoseintolerant can eat yogurt without problems, especially
yogurt with live cultures. You can also take dietary
supplements called lactase products that help digest
lactose. In time, most people who have lactose
intolerance get to know their bodies well enough to
avoid symptoms.
By Sharee Washington, with excerpts from WebMD
H.E.A.L.S Updates & Meetings:
Monthly Meeting: Our next meeting is scheduled
for Monday, May 18th at 6 pm. Everyone desiring to
embrace a healthier lifestyle are invited to join this on
-going health ministry.
Free monthly blood pressure screenings w ill be
available the 4th Sunday immediately after worship
services in the Fellowship Hall.ealHHhh
Aim for Wholeness,
Health & Welfare Ministry/H.E.A.L.S.

June 1-5, 2015

Monday - Friday, 5:30 8:15 PM

VBS: Shining Star: See the JESUS in Me! Through

each lesson participants will: Discover the Bible as a
light for lifes path; Realize that each one has Star
Power in Jesus Christ; Have community fun
shining like stars for God; and Be encouraged to
believe that Jesus is the light that shines in them.
Registration forms for VBS and adult/youth
volunteers will be on the table in the Fellowship Hall.
To register for VBS, or to register an adult/youth
volunteer, please fill out the form legibly and place in
the Christian Education box in the hall..
Come Shining Stars
See the JESUS in Me!
At Francis Burns VBS June 1-5, 2015
Ollie Benners Christian Education

Page 3

Burns Connection

South Carolina United Methodist Church

Annual Conference 2015
A More Excellent Way:
Becoming Disciples GOD can use
Changes are on the horizon: The Annual Conference
Committee is presenting a resolution to move the 2016
Annual Conference to Greenville, SC. If the delegates
vote for the move, AC will be held in Greenville 20162017, then back to Florence in 2018-2019. The AC Future Site Committee will continue to explore other areas
of the state to hold AC. The AC Committee is excited
about the Greenville location because the facility is larger than the Florence Convention Center and offers more
space in one location to hold activities and events during AC. [Note: The 2016 AC dates are June 5-8. UMW
will travel directly from the SEJ Meeting in Charleston
(June 2-5) to the AC in Greenville.
Bishop Holston asked the AC Committee to ponder the
question, What is God calling our Annual Conference to
do and achieve? To rotate Annual Conference around
the state, more local churches will get to experience
AC; we can perform localized mission outreach, making
the AC more visible in communities around the state.
We want conference attendees to experience a sense of
excellence at AC that they can emulate in their local
church. AC should not be just about the business of the
church, but a worshipful experience. The theme scripture for the AC is Luke 9:59. The Bible Study Leader is
asking the entire SC UMC Conference to pray at 9:59
a.m. and p.m. daily for the AC.
For the first time in the history of SC Annual Conference, delegates will vote by electronic ballots. Delegates are asked to come with open minds and lots of
patience as we learn this new process together. Electronic voting is expected to speed up the voting process
tremendously, but is subject to glitches as with any new
Africa University Choir will be in SC for 10 days and will
participate in AC. The goal will be to get them in as
many different churches and geographical areas of the
state as possible. The hope is to garner support for
Africa University. They will stay in private homes while
in SC and interact with as many different congregations
as possible during their time here. They will sing at the
Opening Session of AC on Sunday Evening and the
Wednesday Evening Worship will feature the AU Choir
their music is a sermon.
Again this year, the service project will be STOP HUNGER NOW. Youth groups are encouraged to work the
third shift so they can then participate in the Tuesday
night Worship service which will be aimed at Youth.
The Worship Service is being coordinated by Rev. Tiffany Knowlin. Journey Praise Team and the Columbia
Korean Praise Team are providing the music. The Local
Church Mission Fair is on Monday.

Eight clergy and eight laity will be elected for General

Conference and eight more laity and eight clergy will
be elected for Jurisdictional Conference. To see the
various issues on the agenda for AC, a picture and bio
of the 51 lay candidates vying for the 16 delegate positions, to sign up to volunteer for the STOP HUNGER
NOW service project, to volunteer as an user (you do
not need to be a delegate to volunteer at AC), for a
list of hotels in the area, or to see links to the SEJ or
General Conferences, follow this link:
It has been my privilege and pleasure to serve on the
SC UMC Annual Conference Committee. It is my hope
that you found this article inspiring and informative.

Meet the Choir

Name: Karol G. Rembert

Choir Section: Soprano
Occupation: Retired!!!
Hobbies/Interests: Traveling,
gardening and singing

Page 4

Burns Connection

Health Notes
April 2015
The Health and Welfare Ministrys/Healthy Eating and
Living in the Spirit (H.E.A.L.S) vision for the Francis
Burns Church Family is to become A Healthier
Health Moment: Lactose Intolerance
I didnt know the terminology at the time, but I knew
that I would get sick to my stomach after consuming
dairy products.
One memorable experience during
lunch in elementary school, I drank a carton of milk.
The experience was humiliating because within minutes
I threw up all over my favorite sweater. As the years
went by, I had the same sickening feeling towards
eggs, ice cream, and most recently cheese.
So what is lactose intolerance? Lactose intolerance
means the body cannot easily digest lactose, a type of
natural sugar found in milk and dairy products. When
lactose moves through the large intestine (colon)
without being properly digested, it can cause
uncomfortable symptoms such as gas, belly pain, and
bloating. Some people who have lactose intolerance
cannot digest any milk products. Others can eat or
drink small amounts of milk products or certain types of
milk products without problems.
Lactose intolerance often develops in the early teen
years, and is common in adults. It occurs more often in
Native Americans and people of Asian, African, and
South American descent than among people of
European descent. A big challenge for people who are
lactose-intolerant is learning how to eat to avoid
discomfort and to get enough calcium for healthy
bones. Calcium is most important for children, teens,
pregnant women, and women after menopause. There
are many nondairy foods that contain calcium,
including: Broccoli, okra, kale, collards, and turnip
greens; canned sardines, tuna, and salmon; calciumfortified juices and cereals; calcium-fortified soy
products such as soy milk, tofu, and soybeans; and
Many people who have gas, belly pain, bloating, and
diarrhea suspect they may be lactose-intolerant. The
best way to check this is to avoid eating all milk and
dairy products to see if your symptoms go away. If they
do, then you can try adding small amounts of milk
products to see if your symptoms come back. If you
think you might have lactose intolerance, talk with your
doctor. He or she can make sure that your symptoms
are caused by lactose intolerance and not by another
problem. Sometimes doctors order a hydrogen breath
test or a blood sugar test to confirm the diagnosis.
These simple tests check to see if you are digesting
lactose normally.
There is no cure for lactose intolerance. But you can
treat your symptoms by limiting or avoiding milk
products. Some people use milk with reduced lactose,

or they substitute soy milk and soy cheese for milk

and milk products. Some people who are lactoseintolerant can eat yogurt without problems, especially
yogurt with live cultures. You can also take dietary
supplements called lactase products that help digest
lactose. In time, most people who have lactose
intolerance get to know their bodies well enough to
avoid symptoms.
By Sharee Washington, with excerpts from WebMD
H.E.A.L.S Updates & Meetings:
Monthly Meeting: Our next meeting is scheduled
for Monday, May 18th at 6 pm. Everyone desiring to
embrace a healthier lifestyle are invited to join this on
-going health ministry.
Free monthly blood pressure screenings w ill be
available the 4th Sunday immediately after worship
services in the Fellowship Hall.ealHHhh
Aim for Wholeness,
Health & Welfare Ministry/H.E.A.L.S.

June 1-5, 2015

Monday - Friday, 5:30 8:15 PM

VBS: Shining Star: See the JESUS in Me! Through

each lesson participants will: Discover the Bible as a
light for lifes path; Realize that each one has Star
Power in Jesus Christ; Have community fun
shining like stars for God; and Be encouraged to
believe that Jesus is the light that shines in them.
Registration forms for VBS and adult/youth
volunteers will be on the table in the Fellowship Hall.
To register for VBS, or to register an adult/youth
volunteer, please fill out the form legibly and place in
the Christian Education box in the hall..
Come Shining Stars
See the JESUS in Me!
At Francis Burns VBS June 1-5, 2015
Ollie Benners Christian Education

Page 3

Burns Connection

South Carolina United Methodist Church

Annual Conference 2015
A More Excellent Way:
Becoming Disciples GOD can use
Changes are on the horizon: The Annual Conference
Committee is presenting a resolution to move the 2016
Annual Conference to Greenville, SC. If the delegates
vote for the move, AC will be held in Greenville 20162017, then back to Florence in 2018-2019. The AC Future Site Committee will continue to explore other areas
of the state to hold AC. The AC Committee is excited
about the Greenville location because the facility is larger than the Florence Convention Center and offers more
space in one location to hold activities and events during AC. [Note: The 2016 AC dates are June 5-8. UMW
will travel directly from the SEJ Meeting in Charleston
(June 2-5) to the AC in Greenville.
Bishop Holston asked the AC Committee to ponder the
question, What is God calling our Annual Conference to
do and achieve? To rotate Annual Conference around
the state, more local churches will get to experience
AC; we can perform localized mission outreach, making
the AC more visible in communities around the state.
We want conference attendees to experience a sense of
excellence at AC that they can emulate in their local
church. AC should not be just about the business of the
church, but a worshipful experience. The theme scripture for the AC is Luke 9:59. The Bible Study Leader is
asking the entire SC UMC Conference to pray at 9:59
a.m. and p.m. daily for the AC.
For the first time in the history of SC Annual Conference, delegates will vote by electronic ballots. Delegates are asked to come with open minds and lots of
patience as we learn this new process together. Electronic voting is expected to speed up the voting process
tremendously, but is subject to glitches as with any new
Africa University Choir will be in SC for 10 days and will
participate in AC. The goal will be to get them in as
many different churches and geographical areas of the
state as possible. The hope is to garner support for
Africa University. They will stay in private homes while
in SC and interact with as many different congregations
as possible during their time here. They will sing at the
Opening Session of AC on Sunday Evening and the
Wednesday Evening Worship will feature the AU Choir
their music is a sermon.
Again this year, the service project will be STOP HUNGER NOW. Youth groups are encouraged to work the
third shift so they can then participate in the Tuesday
night Worship service which will be aimed at Youth.
The Worship Service is being coordinated by Rev. Tiffany Knowlin. Journey Praise Team and the Columbia
Korean Praise Team are providing the music. The Local
Church Mission Fair is on Monday.

Eight clergy and eight laity will be elected for General

Conference and eight more laity and eight clergy will
be elected for Jurisdictional Conference. To see the
various issues on the agenda for AC, a picture and bio
of the 51 lay candidates vying for the 16 delegate positions, to sign up to volunteer for the STOP HUNGER
NOW service project, to volunteer as an user (you do
not need to be a delegate to volunteer at AC), for a
list of hotels in the area, or to see links to the SEJ or
General Conferences, follow this link:
It has been my privilege and pleasure to serve on the
SC UMC Annual Conference Committee. It is my hope
that you found this article inspiring and informative.

Meet the Choir

Name: Karol G. Rembert

Choir Section: Soprano
Occupation: Retired!!!
Hobbies/Interests: Traveling,
gardening and singing

Page 2

Burns Connection

May 2015
May 3, Acts 8:26-40, Psalm 22:25-31, 1 John 4:7-21,
John 15:1-8
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 10, Acts 10:44-48, Psalm 98, 1 John 5:1-6, John
Ascension of the Lord
May 17, Acts 1:15-17, 21-26, Psalm 1, 1 John 5:9-13,
John 17:6-19
Day of Pentecost
May 24, Acts 2:1-21, Psalm 104:24-34, 35b, Romans
8:22-27, John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15
First Sunday after Pentecost
Trinity Sunday
May 31, Isaiah 6:1-8, Psalm 29, Romans 8:12-17,
John 3:1-17

2015 Budget Information

Council on Ministries
Committee on Finance
Board of Trustees
Total 2015 Budget


Weekly Amount Needed

Monthly Amount Needed


Amount Received in March


Thank You
Status And Role Of Women
By Teresa Holland
The Status and Role of Women was proud to host its
first Girl Talk series on March 29, 2015, at 5pm. We
were blessed to have in attendance 13 ladies of all age
ranges. The session was facilitated by Dr. Evelyn
Fulmore. The scriptural focus came from 2Kings:4:2.
When the widow asked Elisha for help, she half
heartedly offered her jar of oil thinking it not of much
value. This is how we see ourselves and our gifts at
times so we half heartedly use them thinking them not
of much value.
Dr. Fulmore spoke openly and
challenged each woman and girl on this thinking. The
attendees spoke freely and openly as we began to form
a covenant of love and support. Refreshments were
The next session will be May 31, 2015, at 5:00pm as
we continue our theme, What You Have Is Enough for
God as it relates to relationships. All women and girls of
all ages are invited to attend.
Our status and role in the world and our nation is
to be living testimonies of Christs love and

The Easter celebrations have

observances were filled with
good music, worship, and
fellowship and preaching.
We are in the season of
Easter and at the time of
your reading, the Easter
season will almost be gone.
However, as people of God,
we must remind ourselves that we must always be in a
state of praise and celebration. His word tells us that
God is with us at all times. In Isaiah 43:2, the prophet
reminds us:
When you pass through waters, I will be with
God is with us always. When we are not able to see or
feel his presence, our Creator and Lord is with us. We
were given a promise at His birth. Emmanuel, God is
with us, and after His death and resurrection Jesus told
His disciples.
Peace be with you.
In Our Daily Bread for April 2012, the writer states:
Yet in the midst of their sin and punishment, the
grace of God toward His people was never
exhausted. In grace filled exhortation, He said:
Sow for yourself righteousness; reap in mercy;
break up for fallow ground, for it is time to seek
the Lord, till HE comes and rains righteousness
on you. No Force is Greater Than the Power of
Gods Love.
Grace and Peace
Ernest C. Etheredge

Mission Possible's
End of School Year
VBS Kickoff
will be celebrated on Sunday May 31st
Please fill out registration forms for
students kindergarten-12th grade. No
report card needed. Please return
registration forms by May 24th to
mailbox labeled Report Card.
All students are invited
and encouraged to participate.

Burns Connection
Christian Education Corner
Mind Games in a World of Images Melagne Yed
For thousands of years mankind has lived with an oral
tradition. Every idea, every principle, everything that
was considered significant and worthy of pursuit was
transferred from generation to generation and kept
very sacredly in an oral commitment. Around 1500
BC, the alphabet was discovered; and we moved into
a scribal tradition. In 1456, when Gutenberg invented
the printing press, mankind moved into the printing
tradition. In 1839, when photography came into
being, we were gradually moving into an image
tradition. In 1873, with the capacity to convert light
into electrical impulses, carry those impulses over a
distance, and then reconvert them into light, we were
entering the dawning moments of the electronic age,
and life has been radically altered since that time. We
are no longer transferring knowledge from one
generation to another just by oral means. Our
generation knows very little about the scribal
tradition. More and more we are knowing less and less
about the printed tradition. And as the electronic
images are being engrained upon the consciences of
millions of people, two things have happened in the
process. First, the ability of abstract reasoning has
considerably diminished in our time. When you initiate
a discussion starting with a minor premise, then a
major premise, build a syllogism, and enter into a
deduction, the average person loses you half way
through because he (or she) has already formed his
conclusions on the basis of images prior to your
conclusion. Second, as the French sociologist Jacques
Ellul describes it, our ability to perceive today has
become a process in which there has been a
humiliation of the Word, as the exaltation has now
become that of images. Hence the title of this
presentation: Mind Games in a World of Images.
We are very familiar with the passage in the tenth
chapter of Matthew where Jesus is being tempted
alone in the wilderness. First Satan comes to him
intellectually: If you turn these stones into bread, they
will follow you. Jesus rejects that by saying: Man shall
not live by bread alone but by every word that
proceeds from the mouth of God. Then Satan tries to
tempt him volitionally, appealing to his will: Why dont
you jump and see if he will give his angels charge
over you lest, as it is written, you dash your foot
against a stone? But Jesus immediately rejects that
temptation also saying: You shall not tempt the Lord
your God. The assault on the intellect hasnt worked,
the volitional appeal hasnt worked, so finally Satan
moves to the imagination: I will give you all the
kingdoms of this world if you shall bow down and
worship me. I strongly believe that in the first two
approaches, Satan is projecting particularly suggestive
images into the mind of Jesus, images of total
dominance and superiority of the Son over the
Godhead, to do his own will, and thereby derail the

Page 5
mission of the Son, had he yielded to the Devil. When he
was not able to get Jesus to succumb to the image
temptation, Satan moved to the only option left, the
invasion of the imagination: I will give you all of the
pleasures of this world if you would bow down and
worship me. English philosopher and journalist, Malcom
Muggeridge believes that this is the passage that best
addresses the media of our times. In his address to the
BBC, he called it the fourth temptation: Lucifer
Enterprise is offering to Jesus primetime to get on
television and speak to the whole world so that this
kingdom can be offered to him. And how Jesus would
have responded to the fourth temptation? Muggeridge
ends by saying very wisely: It doesnt say in the
beginning was video.
To be continued
Church Women United of Columbia
Annual Outstanding Young Church Woman
Honorees 2015

to Julia Benjamin and Stephanie Young for being
selected by Church Women United of Columbia as
Outstanding Young Church Women of the Year 2015.
Julia and Stephanie were among 19 young women
selected as outstanding church women. They were
both honored at a salad luncheon Saturday, April 11 at
Ebenezer Lutheran Church in Columbia.
Julia Benjamin, daughter of Inez Benjamin, gained a
spiritual foundation at an early age at Francis Burns
UMC where she currently serves as Usher and assistant
leader of the childrens dance and youth ministries.
This passion leads her to state: Our team focuses on
laying a foundation and providing an atmosphere for
Biblical interpretations of worship through dance
changing any negative into positive.
Stephanie Young, daughter of Bernice and Kenneth
Kinney, is a dedicated and committed leader in all that
she does at Francis Burns UMC. She is the founder and
leader of Girl Scout Troop 1348. She teaches VBS and
is a former leader of the Angelic Expressions Praise
Dance Team at Francis Burns UMC. She is the proud
mother of two, Donovan and Kailey.
The Outstanding Young Church Women United Award
recognizes the valuable contributions our young sisters
in Christ are making in the field of ecumenism, and
those young sisters who are working in different

Page 6

Burns Connection

Burns Connection

Happy Birthday

One bad thing about doing nothing

is that you dont know when to stop
If you and God know that you are right,
you dont have to convince anyone else.

The Married Couples Ministry

Your presence is requested at our Roundup to be
held immediately following church services in the
Fellowship Hall.
May 17, 2015 at approx. 11:45 AM
We want to share more information with you and
your spouse about our Ministry. Light refreshments
will be served. The Roundup will last about 30
minutes. We look forward to seeing you there.
Save The Date
Married Couples Game Night,
June 20, 2015
5 PM
Childcare up to 11 years old will be provided.

Trustee On Call May 2015

Linda Bell
419-8826 (H) 603-5567 (M)

United Methodist Men Update

May 9th
8:00 AM
Golden Corral


Carrie Murray
Harold Mitchell
Cameron Rumph
Fannie Carson
Avery Williams
Shana Charles
Thomas D. White
Wanda Beatty
Ann Hickson
Tommy Mack
William Robinson
Rhonda Washington
Sharee Washington
Maxine Riley
Kaizer Rogers
Edward Grant
Paulette Friday
Leroy Wideman, Sr.
Jalylin Murray


Marquis Benjamin
Beverly Richardson
Mary Johnson
Antonio Lloyd
Leona Alexander
Nancy Bradshaw
Gladys Gaillard-McBride
Edith Pearson
Destoni Truesdale
Jaylen Cobbs
Patricia Gunn
CliRae M. Bourke
Andre Burwick
Michael Wideman
Bianca Jean-Lopez
Gerald McNair
Betty Marshall
Gerline Mixon
Hannah Huggins

Happy Anniversary
3 May -- Kenneth & Bernice Kinney
13 May --Timothy & Tracy McDowell
13 May -- Murray & Martha Smith
19 May - Cephus & Pamela Thomas
20 May - Rev. Ernest & Gwen Etheredge
22 May - Antonio & Kimberly Williams
25 May Willie & Mary Howard
26 May Sam & Alfa Tisdale

To update your birthday or anniversary information,

contact Inez Benjamin at 736-1008 or
email ibeejamming@bellsouth.net

Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17. The

prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise
him up. ...The effective, fervent
prayer of a righteous man avails
much. James 5:15, 16.
Ms. Mardean R. Salley (Sister of
Ella Mae Burwick) Mrs. Ella
Mae Eaddy (mother of Karone

Safe Sanctuary Training ,May 21, 6 PM.

FBUMC Mission Statement: The mission of Francis Burns United

Methodist Church is to glorify God, to spread the Good News of
Jesus Christ and to make Christian disciples through worship and
praise, nurture, outreach and witness.

Persons 21 years or older who will be working will

children, youth and vulnerable adults and have
not completed the training and have not submitted
to a background check are required to attend the

FBUMC Vision Statement: The vision of Francis Burns United

Methodist Church is to be in covenant with God and to connect
with God's people through ministries that meet human needs.

Helpers 18-20 years old may attend the training, but

will not have a background check.

Francis Burns UMC

5616 Farrow Rd.
Columbia, SC 29203
(803) 754-1760

Volume 2015 Issue 5

Rev. Ernest C. Etheredge


Matthew 25: 35-40 states, For I

was hungry and you gave me
something to eat, I was thirsty
and you gave me something to
drink, I was a stranger and you
invited me in, I needed clothes
and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after
me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Then
the righteous will answer him, Lord, when did we see
you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you
something to drink? When did we see you a stranger
and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?
When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit
you? The King will reply, Truly I tell you, whatever
you did for one of the least of these brothers and
sisters of mine, you did for me.
The Youth Ministry is committed to mission work and
makes a point to show God's love to those in need
every opportunity it can. This scripture motivates us
to do good things for people who are in need. During
the 2014-15 school year, we helped feed 10 students
each month through Kelly Mill Middle School's
Backpack Program. Thanks to your help, we have
accomplished our goal each month since November.
Our next mission project is to help assist an
international hunger relief organization called Stop
Hunger Now.
We are joining with the SC United
Methodist Church Annual Conference to help with this
project. They are hosting a daylong meal packaging
event to help hungry people in desperate need of
lifesaving meal packets. They estimate that the cost of
supplies and shipping will cost about $86,000. The
4:12 youth ministry is helping by hosting a car wash to
help raise money to contribute towards the $86,000
goal. Also, some youth have already volunteered to
travel to Florence to package the meals.
As always, we need your help to make this a success.
Please support us in our efforts by bringing your car to
our car wash on Saturday, May 9th between 9 a.m.
and Noon. All proceeds from the car wash will go to
mission work so that we can help spread God's love
throughout the world.
Rachel Forrest

May 2015
Renowned Song Writer
Eddie Robinson
to Conduct
FBUMC Music Workshop and Concert
Minister Eddie A. Robinson, noted song writer, choir
director and workshop clinician will conduct our 3 rd
music workshop on May 29th-30th, this year culminating
in a choir concert which will be open to the general
public. Workshop sessions will be held on Friday, May
29th from 7-9 PM and Saturday morning May 30th from
9:00 AM to noon. The concert will be presented at
5:00 that afternoon. Registration for adults will be $20
and $10 for youth, ages 13-17. There is no registration
fee for children under the age of 13.
If you are interested in attending you may download
registration forms online at www.francisburns.org or
you may pick up registration forms found in the church
lobby and place completed forms along with your check
or money order in the designated box, also found in the
lobby. On-site registration will begin 1 hour prior to
each workshop session. Registration packets and
refreshments (Saturday morning) will be available for
each person participating. All are encouraged to come
out and join us; this is NOT just for church choir
members or Francis Burns members but is open to
ANYONE interested in learning, singing and praising
God under the guidance of this great clinician.
The concert at 5:00 PM. on Saturday, the 30 th, will be a
culminating presentation of songs learned during the
workshop sessions.
We invite the ENTIRE church
congregation, whether you attend the workshop
sessions or not, to come out and bring your friends to
hear the concert and support your music department
and those who participated in this exciting event.
Francis Burns Music Department
Michael Felton, Director of Music

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