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This article is going to cover the steps required to make changes to OTL Timecard Layouts.

Goals of this exercise are:

1. Add a new field on Timecard Entry page which will allow users to select State
value while entering the time. This location information should be stored as
Attribute1 of the OHUGLOCATION context in OTL Time Store.

2. Cost Center field is to be removed.

3. State location information should be available to the Approver on Mass Timecard

Approval screen and the Workflow notification page.

To keep the changes simple, In this entry I will cover only the steps required for the addition
of new Context OHUGLOCATION in the OTL Time Store and the further steps to create/add
the corresponding mapping component which will allow this value to get stored in proper place
in Time Store without any code change. As we are talking about cost center attribute, its clear
that it is a Payroll Time Card.

Before we start changes related to Time Card, have a look at the below image and understand
the basic parts of a Time Card.

Step 1. Define a new Context, Segment in OTL Information Type Descriptive Flexfield

Navigate to System Administration -> Application -> Flexfield -> Descriptive ->

Query for OTL Information Type in the Title field.

Unfreeze Flexfield Definition.

Create a new Context named OHUGLOCATION.

Create a segment with values

Name : Location Id
Column : Attribute1

Step 2. Generate Flexfield and Mapping process

From OTL Application Developer responsibility, run Generate Flexfield and Mapping
Information Process with the parameters

Delete Definitions : No
Effective Date : Current Date

Other parameters are optional.

Step 3. Mapping Components

Create a mapping component with values as shown in the screenshot

Step 4. Add Mapping component to Deposit Process

In case you want to save the new attribute information in the existing context, segment of the
OTL Time Store like Dummy Element Context or Cost Context, then above steps are not
required. Similarly, the mapping components can be modified to change the storage location of
the time attributes.

We will see the Time Card layout related changes in the next blog entry.

In the previous post Timecard Layout Modification, we saw the basic setup changes
required for the addition of new Context OHUGLOCATION in the OTL Time Store and the
further steps to create/add the corresponding mapping component.

Lets see now, how do we modify the timecard layout LDT files.

Step 1. Define the data source for New Location Field

OTL provides 10 custom view objects which save the effort of creating/managing new
database object.

Name : CustomXVO
Class Path : oracle.apps.hxc.selfservice.timecard.server.CustomXVO
View : HXC_CUI_CUSTOMX_V where X stands for 1 to 10

We will use Custom1VO for location choice list. Make sure that this view is not already in use.
create or replace view HXC_CUI_CUSTOM1_V as
STATE_NAME display_value,
Step 2. Define AK Attribute
This attribute will be used to provide the column heading for the location field on timecard.
OTL is not fully migrated to MDS and some aspects of it are still dependent on the AK.

Step 3. Layout Changes

Change the following layouts

Timecard : Timecard Entry Screen.

Review : Timecard Review Screen.

Confirmation : Timecard Confirmation Screen.

Notification : Notification screen as seen by the Approver.

Optional Layouts

Details : To capture extra details like DFF fields.

Export : For Disconnected Time Entry.

Approval Fragment : Used when multiple applications are used in single Timecard
like Project and Payroll.

Make the following changes to each of the seeded layouts mentioned above

Change the HXC_LAYOUT field value

Change the DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME field value

Do a Search and Replace All for the old DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME with the new name

To add a new Choice List, copy the seeded Cost Center component and paste below
Cost Center.

Comment off the Cost Center field. # sign can be used to comment out the lines from
layout files.

Ensure the following fields are set properly for the new component. These setting will change
based on the type of component used.

Component header name


Attribute_Code set to AK Attribute created above

Sequence : Determines the sequence of components on Timecard


Comp_Qualifier Header

Attribute1 : Custom1VO

Attribute10 : Custom1VO class path

Attribute26 : OTL Information Type DFF Context

Attribute27 : Corresponding Segment from the Attribute26 context

Attribute30 : Y for all the layouts except Timecard entry. A value of Y makes this component
as Read Only

Location component LDT entry should look like below:

BEGIN HXC_LAYOUT_COMPONENTS "OHUG Payroll Timecard Layout - Locationr"

SEQUENCE = "195"
"OHUG Payroll Timecard Layout - Day Scope Building blocks for worker
timecard matrix"
LAST_UPDATE_DATE = "2004/05/24"

BEGIN HXC_LAYOUT_COMP_QUALIFIERS "OHUG Payroll Timecard Layout Locationr"


LAST_UPDATE_DATE = "2004/05/24"
For a complete understanding of the above fields, go through the Timecard Configuration
Step4. Upload Layouts to Database
FNDLOAD username/password@DBNAME 0 Y UPLOAD
$HXC_TOP/patch/115/import/hxclaytlayoutsld.lct CustomLDT.ldt
After using the upload command, make sure to check the content of the log file generated
from the upload process. If anything is wrong with the layout structure, that will be displayed
in this log otherwise a success message will appear.

Step 5. Assign New layouts to User through Preferences

Step 6. Login as the user and verify the modification on each of the layouts.
Timecard Entry Page

Timecard Review Page

Timecard Confirmation Page

Mass Timecard Approval Page

Worklist Notification Page

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