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1. Jelaskan arti komunikasi, jenis komunukasi, communication flow & communication barrier!

Komunikasi adalah proses mentransfer sebuah makna/arti dari sender ke receiver

Jenis komunikasi :
- Verbal : menggunakan kata-kata
Terdiri dari :
o Indirect vs direct
o Succinct vs elaborate
o Contextual vs personal
o Affective vs instrumental
- Nonverbal: menggunakan gerak tubuh/ benda fisik
Terdiri dari :
o Chromatic
o Kinesics

Communication flow:

Downward : transfer informasi dari manager/ atasan ke subordinate

Upward : transfer informasi dari subordinate ke superior

Communication barrier :


Language barrier
Cultural barrier
Perceptual barrier

Jelaskan mengenai controlling process, tipe-tipe dari control, controlling

process di negara Inggris & Prancis!
Controlling proses adalah suatu proses mengkaji kinerja beberapa aspek
proses bisnis perusahaan menggunakan beberapa kajian metode dan teknik
Tipe control :
- Internal/ eksternal :
Internal : control proses internal perusahaan
Eksternal : mengkaji apa yang diinginkan konsumen
- Direct/indirect
Direct: face to face meeting
Indirect : report/form
Controlling proses di UK dan France :

Great Britain

Financial records are sophisticated and heavily emphasized

Top management tends to focus on major problem areas; not involved

in specific matters of control

Control used for general guidance more than surveillance

Operating units have large amount of marketing autonomy


Managers employ control systems closer to that of German than British

Control used more for surveillance than guidance

Process centrally administered

Less systematic and sophisticated than in German companies

3. Apa yang dimksud dengan motivasi? Sebutkan 2 asumsi motivasi! Jelaskan

teori goal setting!
Motivasi : a psychological process through which unsatisfied wants or needs
lead to drives that are aimed at goals or incentives.
Dua asumsi motivasi :

universalist assumption: Motivation process is universal; all people are

motivated to pursue goals they value
Content and process assumption
Content theories of motivation : Theories that explain work motivation in
terms of what arouses, energizes, or initiates employee behavior. Terdiri
dari : maslow theory, Herzberg theory, achievement theory.
Process theories of motivation : Theories that explain work motivation by
how employee behavior is initiated, redirected, and halted. Terdiri dari:
Equity theory, goal setting theory, expectancy theory.

Goal setting theory : Focuses on how individuals set goals and respond to
them and the overall impact of this process on motivation
Goal setting theory continually refined and developed over time (unlike some
of the other theories)
Considerable research evidence showing employees perform extremely well
when assigned specific and challenging goals in which they have a hand in
Most studies have been conducted in US; few in other cultures

4. Sebutkan & jelaskan landasan dalam kepemimpinan (leadership foundation) !

Jelaskan kepemimpinan dalam konteks international! BACA SLIDE CHAP 13

5. Jelaskan istilah expratriat, impatriat, repatriat!

Mungkin yg no.5 satu lagi yang soalnya, expatriate selection criteria (kalo gak salah).

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