Present Perfect

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Present Perfect

For affirmative sentences
Subject + have/has + past participle + complement
For negative sentences
Subject + have/has + not + past participle + complement
For questions
Have/has (not) + subject + past participle + complement
1. Giving or asking for news or recent events.
Fred Meyers has had excellent profits this quarter.
The class's understanding has increased greatly this
Have they finished the report yet?
2. For expressing past actions that have results in the present.
The study of irregular verbs has improved test scores.
They have bought a new car.
I've already eaten lunch.
3. When talking about life experience
She's traveled in many parts of the world.
Have you ever been to France?
They've never seen a mountain.
4. In case of unfinished actions (action still in progress).
He's lived in San Francisco for 10 years.
How long have you worked for this company?
They've studied English for 3 years.
She hasn't traveled abroad.
Complete the sentences with the present perfect of the verbs in

1. A cell phone is so convenient. I (want) __________ one since they

were available for sale.
2. I quit eating meat when I was in college. I (be) ____________ a
strict vegetarian for several years and feel very healthy.
3. We got a dog because we live in an isolated area. She (be)
____________ a wonderful watchdog for us.
4. We (fly) ____________ that airline many times because the service
is excellent.
5. Our neighbors (pick up, not) ____________ their mail yet. They
may not be back from their trip.
6. Vivian (change) _____________ her hair color so many times that
nno one can remember her natural color.
7. Our teacher (correct, already) ____________ our tests, but she
(return, not) ____________ them yet.
8. A: Jose left two messages on my answering machine. I wonder
what he wants.
B: Maybe he just wants to talk. He said he (talk, not) ____________
to you in a long time.
9. My parents (need) ____________ a new car for several months.
They (look) ____________ in lots of car showrooms, but they cant
agree on what kind of car to buy.
A: (you, have) _____________ your flu shot this year? I got
mine last week.
B: No, but I will. I (get) __________ one every year for the past
three years. My doctor sais its a good idea after the age of 50.
Complete the dialogues with the given verbs and any words in
parentheses. Use the present simple and present perfect.
1. Eat
A: (you, ever) _________ pepperoni pizza?
B: Yes, I _____. I _________ pepperoni pizza many times.
2. Talk
A: (you, ever) ________ to a famous person.
B: No, I ________. I (never) _____ to a famous person.
3. Rent
A: (Erica, ever) ________ a car?
B: Yes, she ______. She ________ a car many times.

4. See
A: (you, ever) ________ shooting star?
B: No, _______. I (never) _______ a shooting star.
5. A: (Joe, ever) _______ a big fish?
B: Yes, he ______. He ________ lots of bog fish.
6. Have
A: (you, ever) _______ a bad sunburn?
B: No, I _______. I (never) ________ a bad sunburn.

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