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Topic: Number Patterns

Key mathematical understandings
(2-4 understandings only; written as statements believed to be true about
the mathematical idea/topic):

Number relationships provide the foundation for

strategies that help remember basic facts

Combining knowledge of addition and subtraction

facts and partitioning aids computation.

Year Level: 3/4

Term: 4

Week: 9

Key AusVELS Focus / Standard (taken directly from AusVELS documents):

Content strand(s):
Number and Algebra
Measurement and Geometry
Sub-strand(s): Number and Place Value

Date: December 1st

Statistics and Probability

Level descriptions:
Demonstrating the connection between addition and subtraction using partitioning or by writing equivalent number sentences
Recognizing that certain single-digit number combinations always result in the same answer for addition and subtraction, and
using this knowledge for addition and subtraction of larger numbers
Recognize and explain the connection between addition and subtraction
Recall addition facts for single-digit numbers and related subtraction facts to develop increasingly efficient mental strategies for
Proficiency strand(s): Understanding
Fluency Problem Solving Reasoning
Understanding includes connecting number representations with number sequences, partitioning and combining numbers

Key skills to develop and practise (including strategies, ways of

working mathematically, language goals, etc.) (4-5 key skills only):

Whiteboard and whiteboard markers

Maths books


Using known information to logically determine an


unknown combination



Quiz worksheet

Using object counting or verbal counting to determine the


Memorization of addition and subtraction facts in


Key equipment/resources:

Reinvent or generate known strategies or thought


Key vocabulary (be specific and include definitions of key words appropriate
to use with students)

Addition: the act or process of adding or uniting

Subtraction: the operation or process of finding the

difference between two numbers or quantities, denoted
by a minus sign.

Equal: the same as, evenly proportioned or balanced.

Connection: association, relationship.

Computation: an act, process, or method of computing;


Possible misconceptions (list of misconceptions related to the

Key probing questions (focus questions that will be used to develop

Links to other contexts (if applicable, e.g., inquiry unit focus, current

mathematical idea/topic that students might develop):

understanding to be used during the sequence of lessons; 3 5 probing questions):

events, literature, etc.):

What strategy could you use to work out the missing

The equal sign requires students to carry out an operation

The number to the right of the equal sign is the answer

Enthralled ideas of the use of mathematical language

What processes are opposite to each other?

Inadequate part-whole knowledge for the numbers 0 to

What does the equal sign mean in an equation?

number in a sentence?

Learning strategies/

10 and/or an inability to trust the count

Considering options

(what you want the children to
come to understand as a result of
this lesson short, succinct

Session 1
Using reasoning
strategies to
enhance addition



(a short, sharp task relating to the focus of the

lesson; sets the scene/ context for what students
do in the independent aspect. e.g., It may be a
problem posed, spider diagram, an open-ended
question, game, or reading a story)

Present students with an

addition equation (4+2). Allow
the students to answer it and
discuss what other 2 numbers
added together would equal
the same as (4+2). Discuss the
role of the equal sign and how
the tuning in activity completed
highlights equivalence.

Locating information
Making choices
Note taking
Ordering events


(extended opportunity for students to work in
pairs, small groups or individually. Time for
teacher to probe childrens thinking or work with
a small group for part of the time and to also
conduct roving conferences)

Students will complete the

activity One More Than and Two
More Than with Dice and
Spinners. In pairs; one partner
will draw a circle with half
labelled 2 more and the other
half, 1 more, they will use their
pencils as spinners. Using a
dice the pair will alternate who
will roll the dice. The number
that it lands on becomes the
focus number in that whichever
side the spinner lands on the

Providing feedback

Recognising bias




(focused teacher questions and summary to draw
out the mathematics and assist children to make
links. NB. This may occur at particular points
during a lesson. Use of spotlight, strategy, gallery
walk, etc.)

As a class, we will share some of

the equations created and
discuss the strategies used
develop new equivalent
What strategies did you

Seeing patterns
Selecting information
Sharing ideas

- Enabling prompt
(to allow those experiencing difficulty to engage
in active experiences related to the initial goal
- Extending prompt
(questions that extend students thinking on the
initial task)

Enabling prompt:
Limit the range of options
on the spinner.
Extending prompt:
Is it easier to create
equations that equal a

use to create new

larger number than


smaller? Explain.

What new vocabulary

would you use to describe
2 equations that are equal

Visually representing
Working independently
Working to a timetable

(should relate to objective. Includes what the
teacher will listen for, observe, note or analyse;
what evidence of learning will be collected and
what criteria will be used to analyse the

Direct observation of how well

students were able to practice
and enhance their addition
facts completing the Spinner
and Die activity. Students
must show that they can
create an equation that is of
equal value to the one
created using the dice and

pair together will either add 2

more or 1 more to the number
Once they have created an
equation using the dice and
spinner they must create an
equation of their own that
equals the same.

Session 2
Using reasoning
strategies to
subtraction facts

We will recap the last session

and refresh the students
memory of addition facts
through the Near-Doubles fact
activity. They will need to put
the near double on the double
fact. This activity helps develop
reasoning strategies to support
them to move away from
counting but instead become
more efficient in recalling facts
quickly and correctly.

to one another?
If I changed the addition
sign to a subtraction would
the equation still be

Today we will be focussing on

subtraction facts. In pairs,
students will complete the
activity Subtraction as ThinkAddition. The idea of the
activity is that, it is modelled in
such a way that students are
encouraged to think. Students
will gradually use known
addition facts to produce the
unknown quantity or part. The
activity highlights the
relationship between parts and
wholes between addition and

As a class, we will discuss the

relationship between addition
and subtraction emphasized in
the Subtraction as ThinkAddition activity.

Enabling prompts:
What aspects of the activity

Students can share what they

learnt and how the activity
enhanced their learning of the
Did you notice that you

One partner will create a

subtraction equation.
13 5 =
1. Count out 13 counters and

between addition and

2. Count and remove 5,
keeping these in view.
3. Think: five and what

were using both addition

and subtraction? How so?

made subtraction easier?

that total to 10 or less.

the Subtraction as ThinkAddition and session 1.

Extending prompts:
Did you realize that you
were incorporating both
processes together

showed the relationship

Would this activity be

suitable for larger

Make connections
between the modelling of

Do you think this activity


Focus on using numbers


Did the activity challenge

you to use mental thinking
strategies and then
concrete materials?

The teacher will observe how

well students were able to see
the connection between
addition and subtraction
through the activity. That is,
they were able to
comprehend solving
subtraction questions actually
challenged them to use
addition strategies instead.

makes thirteen? 8 is left.

13 minus 5 is 8.
4. Uncover. 8 and 5 is 13.

Session 3
quantities in

Pose the following task: if you

did not know the answer to 8 +
5, how could you figure it out
without counting? Encourage
students to come up with more
than one way. Students will
Think-Pair-Share (ELLs and
reluctant learners benefit from
sharing their ideas with a
partner and then with the
We will discuss some of the
strategies used that supported
students to figure out the

Session 4
Using reasoning
and visual
strategies to
enhance addition

Model using two ten-frames on

the board. Without letting
students see, place counters on
each for example, six on one
and seven on the other so that
the top row is full (five
counters) and the extras are in
the next row of each ten-frame.
Flash (uncover) for about 3 to 5
seconds and recover. Ask
students how many counters
they saw. Then uncover and
have students explain how they

Independently students will

complete the activity Take from
the 20. Students need to roll a
10-sided dice and the number
that is rolled becomes their
answer to their equation. The
equation will look like this:
20 (?) = ? (the number they
Students must identify the
second number in the equation
to make the equation true.

As a class we will complete the

activity Move It, Move It.
Students will work
independently using a two tenframes. Flash cards are placed
next to the ten-frames, or a fact
can be given orally. The
students cover each frame with
counters to represent the
problem (9 + 6 would mean
covering nine places on one
frame and six on the other). Ask
students to move it to

In pairs, students will test their

partner using the equations
they created and solved. They
will read out their equation
without telling the missing
number and encourage their
partner to solve it.
In the same pairs, students will
share one thing that they learnt
from the activity.

As a class we will discuss how

Move It supported our
understanding of visually
representing the counters to
utilize our number facts to
become more efficient at
By moving the counters
how did it enhance your
addition facts?
How did the ten-frames
support your learning?

Enabling prompts:
Limit the starting number
to 10 instead of 20.
Extending prompts:
What do we notice about
all the answers?

If we used addition instead

The teacher will rove amongst

the groups of students during
the session and listen in on
the discussion of the
processes they used when
solving the equation. They
will check this against their
assessment checklist.

of subtraction would the

answers be greater?

How do you know this?

Enabling prompts:
Limit the amount of
counters used.
Extending prompts:
By moving the counters on
the ten-frame how did it
enhance your learning
visually? What number
facts did you use?

The teacher will observe the

students when we complete
the task together. I will look
for the use of number
strategies and visual
strategies on how and where
the students placed the
counter on the ten-frames.

saw it.
Discuss how this activity
supports students to recall
addition facts.

decide a way to move the

counters so that they can find
the total without counting.

How did you make the

connection between the
old equation and the new?

Students will explain what they

did and connect to the new
equation. E.g. 9 + 6 may have
become 10 + 5 by moving one
counter to the first ten-frame.
Emphasize strategies that are
working for that student (5 as
an anchor and/or Make 10
and/or Up Over 10).

Session 5
Use equivalent
addition and
subtraction to
find unknown

As a class we will discuss what

we have learnt throughout the
unit. Using the students
responses we will create a
concept map.

Students will complete a mini

quiz that highlights the
relationship between addition
and subtraction. The quiz
encompasses number
sentences separated with an
equal sign and students are to
fill in the blank spaces with a
number that will make the
number sentence true.
There is also a question for
more advance learners where
they have the opportunity to
create their own equivalent
number sentence.

Students will reflect on the

importance of using both
addition and subtraction facts
in mathematics and discuss
how it enhances our learning.

The teacher will collect the

students test sheets for
correction. It is important for
students to show both an
understanding of addition
and subtraction isolated but
also vital for them to see the
correlation between the two
processes when creating
equivalent number

Appendix A:
One More Than and Two More Than

Appendix B:
Near Doubles Fact

Appendix C:
Subtraction as Think Addition

Appendix D:
Move It

Appendix E:
Name: ___________

Fill in the Missing Blanks Activity

5 + ___ = 10 2

3 + 7 = 17 - ___

9 + 6 = 20 - ___

4 + 3 = 7 - ___

12 + 3 = ___ - 3

8 + 1 = ___ - 3

15 + 4 = 20 - ___

13 + 4 = ___ - 1

Create your own in the space below:

___ + ___ = ___ - ___

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