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Postal Service, Telegraph and Telephone Law No.

(81) of 1963 amended

May 25, 2013
Name of the people
According to the constitutional law of the National Council for the leadership
of the revolution and the submission of the Minister of Transportation and
approved by the Council of Ministers and endorsed by the National Council of
the Revolution Command.
Ratified the following law: Article 1
This law is intended in the following expressions have the meanings shown
towards them:
Interest - Post, Telegraph and Telephone interest
Council - Board of Administration Author interest under this law
Minister - Minister of Transportation
Director General - Director-General of interest
Employee - every person entrusted to him a permanent post included in the
staffing of the private staff interest.
User - everyone should use interest in included in the permanent staffing
service users with the exception of the uses to meet daily wage cut in return
for payment or where these apply to labor law.
Article 2
1 - e Directorate General and lightning all its departments and institutions on
behalf of the interest become (e-interest and lightning and telephone) is
working on a commercial basis and be tasked with doing the services and
postal, telegraphic, radio, and telephone transactions provide mailbox.
2 - interest with corporate identity institution has the right to own and dispose
of movable and real estate money to achieve the purpose of public interest.
3 - interest linked to the Ministry of Transport.
Article 3
1 - be a capital interest of twenty million dinars and can be increased by a
decision of the Board of Directors and the endorsement of the Council of
2 - paid-up capital consists of interest: A - the estimated value of the properties operated by the Directorate-mail and
public lightning and net property and assets at the entry into force of this law.
B - amounts payable after entry into force of this law on interest expense of
economic projects of the plan or from any other account.
3 - may form the head of reserve money for the interest by fifteen million
dinars can be increased by a decision of the Board of Directors and the

endorsement of the Council of Ministers, after the capital scheduled to be

provided for in paragraph (1) of this Article, driven by a whole.
Article 4
This article was canceled under Article (1) of the Fifth Amendment to the law
Postal Service, Telegraph and Telephone No. 81 of 1963, numbered 177,
issued on 12/14/1968 and replaced by the following text:
1 - interest managed by an independent board of directors in the
administrative and financial affairs in accordance with the provisions of this
2 - Council shall be composed as follows:
President - Director-General or his agent.
Members - a representative from each of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural
Affairs and the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense and the
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and appointed by the Minister of
Transportation after agreement with the competent minister after cabinet
One or more representatives from the Ministry of Transport and appointed by
the Minister of Transport everything necessary after Cabinet approval.
President of the Association of Post, Telegraph and Telephone Workers
3 - two members appointed two reserve by the Minister of Transport to Enoba
miss all of the original members of the Council of Ministers after
4 - The membership of a member of the Board of Directors for - except,
Director General of interest - three years and be renewed three more years
and once again only.
5 - The Council meets twice a month at least and may be invited by the
President everything needed.
6 - Council meeting be true in the presence of more than half of its members
and decisions are taken by majority for all council members, including the
7 - gives each of the President and members of the Council allowances of $
120 dinars annually appoints the Board of Directors method of payment.
8 - Council shall appoint a secretary is preparing its curricula and organize its
decisions and communicated to the competent authorities.
Article 5
Canceled paragraph (1) of this article under Article (2) of the third amendment
to the law postal service and telephone and telegraph No. 81 of 1963, his
number 84 issued on 09/26/1966 and replaced by the following text:
1 - to the minister the right to object to the Council's decisions in the case of
not attending the meetings and within ten days of the date of registration of
the decisions in the office of the ministry.
2 - If the Minister objected to the resolutions of the Council restores Council to
consider the contested decision it insists on its opinion, the minister did not
agree to that command displays on the Council of Ministers within fifteen

days from the date of receipt of the second resolution to the ministry and the
cabinet's decision is final.
Article 6
Council manages the affairs of interest in general has a particularly following
functions: 1 - enter into contracts and agreements inside and outside Iraq in the manner
determined by the interest within the provisions of the budget and so reduce
the amount of fifty thousand dinars each spent must obtain the approval of
the Council of Ministers if it exceeds the limit the amount mentioned.
2 - the development of rules and conditions for bidding and tenders and
commitments and the way the purchase of materials and tools and sell them.
3 - report formations interest and its divisions and its departments and its
people under the owners according to the system.
4 - Appointment of service working in the interest of employees and users,
workers and measures of their salaries and allowances, remuneration and put
Bayevadhm own rules and discipline and training conditions and in
accordance with the system.
5 - Form committees and use of experts and consultants and engineers set
their tasks and wages.
6 - borrow sums not exceeding a total capital due to interest by ensuring that
the Ministry of Finance and Cabinet approval.
7 - money belonging to the investment interest as determined.
8 - rent and lease movable and real estate the way you decide.
9 - write off the money consumed or lost by not more than the value of their
purchase on the thousand dinars, and more than that Fbmuaqh Council of
10 - set wages and the way they meet for any service or work played by
interest and change these wages whenever necessary.
11 - for the issuance of postage stamps and identification of categories, types
and rules put their descriptions.
12 - setting for the use of postal franking machines automated rules.
13 - put the instructions and conditions for the transfer and distribution of
postal items.
14 - take the necessary decisions on matters concerning the agreements and
treaties and international postal, telegraphic and Telephone transmission.
15 - processing employees of official interest invaluable allowances or without
the price whenever necessary and as determined by the Board in each case.
16 - The Council authorizes the Director-General or any of the employees of
the interest or any committee or body or institution some of his powers to
carry out on his behalf.
17 - Council for the issuance of instructions and data relating to the
organization of work of interest.
Article 7
1 - The fiscal year of interest on April 1 and ends on March 31 and on the
Council to report to the Minister before the beginning of each financial year

estimates of interest budget to present to the Ministry of Finance and then the
Cabinet for approval and then legislation duly as a budget attached to the
general state budget.
2 - if not solved the financial year the budget has not been ratified as the
Board may issue up to work under the previous financial year appropriations
by 1/12 of them per month.
3 - In addition to the annual budget provided for in paragraph (1) of this
Article, the Council that regulates the budget for its Home for a period of one
year or more to be ratified by a special law.
4 - The provisions regulating the profits of the semi-official institutions Law
No. (83) of 1961 with respect to the annual budget and final accounts and
profit-sharing and deposit interest and drag them assets.
5 - Council approval of the Minister appoint auditors or legal auditors to audit
the annual accounts and interest inventory assets and the final ratification of
its budget with the lifting of an annual report on key business budget.
6 - interest accounts are subject to the supervision of the Comptroller
Article 8
Canceled paragraph (2) of this Article, under Article (1) of the Sixth
Amendment to the law Postal Service, Telegraph and Telephone No. 81 of
1963, his number 96 issued on 07.28.1974 and became a figure on the
Imports consist of the interest charged by the wages of postal, telegraphic
and telephone services and fees collected by the wireless communications
under the Act and other resources.
Article 9
1 - Director-General and the amount of his salary shall be appointed by the
Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Minister.
2 - linked to all stakeholders departments and branches Director-General or
his nominee who displays the issues on the Council and the implementation
of decisions.
3 - Director-General is representing the interest in all matters relating to
management and its business and affairs and has to appoint or depute other
in order to represent the interest.
Article 10
The Council of Ministers that has interest free Amiri land and buildings
needed for its purposes and for the benefit of the expropriate property in
accordance with the law.
Article 11
It is the interest of the debt outstanding debts and aggregated according to
the collection of debts owed to the government law.
Article 12
1 - applied to the retirement of staff and users in the semi-official departments
and institutions on the staff and users of interest fund law.

2 - is added to the employee and for the user who is in the service time of the
entry into force of this Act or the previous pension service usability to its
effective date to be paid pensions arrests of the Fund in accordance with the
provisions of the laws in force.
Article 13
1 - The staff and users of postal workers and the Directorate General and
lightning in all its departments and institutions in the interest of certain
salaries and wages they receive when the implementation of this law until the
Council decides otherwise.
2 - Council based on the requirement of necessity and the presence of
special qualifications awarded an extra one degree of the employee or the
user, combined with the approval of the Minister.
Article 14
E-separated Directorate General and lightning budget for the state budget
and continue to work under a temporary budget as interest until the annual
budget is organized according to this law and for the Council to increase the
appropriations earmarked in the interim budget after obtaining the approval of
the Cabinet.
Article 15
Move to interest automatically without any fee or allowance Amiri and real
estate funds and other property which is under the e-public works and
lightning Directorate or one of its departments or institutions at the entry into
force of this law or its disposal or management.
Article 16
When the entry into force of this law, the Ministry of Finance Btzlev interest
amount credited to the driver does not exceed 500,000 dinars (five hundred
thousand dinars) to reimburse this advance during a period not exceeding
one year.
Article 17
If the Board of its business, including the following: 1 - the appointment of a committee or committees to inventory and assess
the interest Akiem assets that have moved it under the provisions of this law.
2 - Appointment of a chartered accountant or more to lay the groundwork for
interest calculations on a commercial basis.
3 - open a checking account for an interest in the Central Bank of Iraq and in
the central treasury in Baghdad and in the brigades, districts and areas
outside Baghdad city coffers.
Article 18
1 - Interest replace e Directorate General and lightning in all its rights and
obligations and contracts and Mquaoladtha.
2 - substitute phrase (interest of Post, Telegraph and Telephone) replaces the
phrase (e Directorate General and lightning) and the words (Director General
of interest) replaces the phrase (E Director General and lightning) wherever
they appear in laws and regulations, instructions and orders in force.
Article 19

A - Work on the interest under the previous data and instructions and orders
which do not contravene the provisions of this law until replaced or modified.
B - may issue rules and instructions to facilitate the implementation of this
Article 20
This article was canceled under Article (1) of the law amending the Postal
Service and the telephone and telegraph law No. 81 of 1963, numbered 107,
issued on 09/08/1963 and replaced by the following text:
This law is implemented with effect from 01.12.1963. And empowers the
Ministry of Transport to take all necessary steps in preparation for putting it
into effect before this date.
Article 21
Minister on the implementation of this law.
Written in Baghdad in the atheist and the twentieth day of the month of zero
for the year 1383 which falls on the thirteenth of the month of July of 1963.
Marshal corner
Abdul Salam Mohammed Aref
Ali Saleh Saadi Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr
Deputy Prime Minister Prime Minister
And the Minister of Guidance
Talib Hussain Al-Shibib Salih Mahdi Ammash
Foreign Minister and Defense Minister
Izzat Mustafa Abdul-Sattar Abdul-Latif
Minister of Health and Minister of Transportation
Mahmoud Shit speech Mehdi Ataa
Minister of Municipalities and Minister of Justice
Mohammed Jawad Ahmed Abdel Sattar Alabbosi maids
Minister of Finance and Minister of Education
And Deputy Minister of Oil
Shukri Saleh Zaki Ragab Abdel Majid
Minister of Trade and Minister of Works and Housing
And Deputy Minister of Planning
Hamid anklet Saadoun Hammadi
Minister for Labour Affairs and Minister of Agrarian Reform
Social and Deputy Minister of Agriculture
Naji student accelerator narrator
Minister of Industry and Minister of State for
Federal Unity
Hazem Jawad
Minister for Presidential Affairs
And Deputy Interior Minister
The business e Directorate General and lightning has widened in recent
years, a significant expansion and met with difficulties and many obstacles

have limited the extent and affected the speed of implementation and was the
most prominent of these difficulties to be incapable of securing resources and
funds sufficient to ensure that traffic in the implementation of the Directorate
projects regularly and according to set her plan and is afraid to This
administration services of transportation telephone and wireless and postal
and telegraph closely linked to the needs of the public on the one hand and
all the government departments on the other hand, and the interests of the
country's main and its relations with other countries of the third party he has
and that's where the nature of the work of this institution have a commercial
character, and be subject to the restrictions and procedures usually in circles
Other government does not agree with the requirements of its work and is
preventing the completion of projects planned so it has become necessary to
make this Directorate interest with corporate identity and an independent
budget managed by an independent board of directors in the administrative
and financial affairs within the limits prescribed by law, similar to what is
observed in the railway's interest and the interest of ports in the Republic Iraqi
and similar to what the work is under way in many other countries and so this
administration can do its work and provide for the performance of its mission
as required to keep pace with the public's needs and keep pace with the
evolution of time and this initiated this law.

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