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Week: 24

Period: 47

Date of preparing : 11 /03/ 2015

Date of teaching: 18/03/2015


(Section: Listen)
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to complete summary sentences and
talk about solar energy.
II. Language content: 1. Vocabulary: roof (n), solar energy (n), solar panel (n), store (v),
effective (a).
2. Grammar:
III. Techniques: Eliciting, Brainstorming, predicting, completion, retelling
IV. Teaching aids: laptop, speakers, projector, handouts.
VI. Teaching procedures:
1. Warm-up: When the music stops (5)
To arouse Ss interest and to activate their
How to save natural resources?
previous knowledge.
- go to school by bike instead of motorbike
- Give the rules: You are going to pass the rabbit - take the bus
to your friends. If you are holding a rabbit when
- prepare the food well before cooking
the music stops, you will have to stand up and
give out one way to save natural resources.
- Play the music.
- Control the game.
- Theres one more way to save energy/natural
resources. Its a very good way. Lets listen to a
text passage and find out that new way. Before
you start, Ill show you some new words.
2. Presentation: 7
* Pre-listening:
Pre teach vocabulary:

- Play the recording to help Ss listen for the main

What is the way to save natural resources
mentioned in the recording? using solar
* While listening: (8)
a. A/B statements prediction
- Deliver handouts. Ask Ss to read and guess
whether the statements mentioned in the recording
are A or B.
- Give feedback
b. Listening and checking:
- Have Ss listen to tick A/B.

*New words:
Solar(a)thu c v m t tri
Solar panel (n) pin m t tri
Roof (v) mi nh
Store (v) = keep
effective (a) hiu qu

A or B
1. A. Are you looking for a cheap, clean,
effective source of power that doesnt cause
pollution or waste natural resources?

- Compare their previous guesses.

B. Are you looking for a cheap, clean,

enormous source of power that doesnt cause
pollution or waste natural resources?
2. A. Look no further than nuclear energy from
our Sun.
B. Look no further than solar energy from our
3. A. At present, most of our electricity comes
from the use of nuclear power.
B. At present, most of our electricity comes
from the use of coal, gas, oil or nuclear
4. A. This power could be provided by the Sun.
B. This power couldnt be provided by the
5. A. One percent of the solar energy that
reaches the Earth is enough to provide power
for the total population.
B. One percent of the solar energy that
reaches the Earth isnt enough to provide
power for the total population.
6. A. No countries are already using solar
B. Many countries are already using solar
7. A. Solar panels are placed on the floor of a
house and the Suns energy is used to heat
B. Solar panels are placed on the roof of a
house and the Suns energy is used to heat
8. A. The energy can be stored for a number of
days so on cloudy days you can use solar
energy, too.
B. The energy can be stored for a day so on
cloudy days you can use solar energy, too.
9. A. England has advanced solar energy
B. Sweden has advanced solar energy
10. A. There, all buildings will be heated by solar
energy and cars will use solar power instead
of gas by 2015.
B. There, all buildings will be heated by solar
energy and cars will use solar power instead
of gas by 2050.
1. effective
2. pollution

c. Gap fill:
Have Ss look at exercise 4b on page 60 and guess
the words in the blanks.
Give feedback.
Have Ss listen to the tape again and fill in the gaps



not cause pollution
solar panels/roof
store/a number of days
already use solar energy
instead of coal, gas and oil
cloudy days

* Post-listening: (15)
4. Production: Car Rally Race
To improve Ss speaking skill.
- Dividing the class into 2 teams: Red and Blue.
- Giving instructions:
Ill give you some words/phrases. Youll make
sentences about solar energy using them. For each Eg. Solar energy is an effective source of power.
correct answer, youll have one go. The team
finishing first is the winner.
- Having Ss discuss in groups.
- Getting feedback.
- luxuries, necessities, computers, product,
- Giving comments.
account for, energy-saving
5. Homework: (2)
- Learn by heart the new words.
- Prepare READ.
* Experience:

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