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Mini TOEIC Test 3

In this TOEIC test, you will read 3 articles. In the articles, you will learn:

Grammar points

Article 1 traditional, convenient, addition, rent, profit

can/could/(be)able to

Article 2 surgery, operation, marketing, postpone, accounting

-ing -ed

Article 3 supplier, priority, expansion, representative, branch,

for, during, while
enthusiastic, adventurous, appeal, challenging, negotiation

Article 1
Before the Internet, people could only buy things from traditional stores. However, people can
now buy what they want without even leaving their houses, making shopping easier and more
convenient. Many online stores can now be found on the Internet, and they sell all sorts of things.
In addition, the things in online stores are often a lot cheaper than in traditional stores. This is
because online stores, unlike traditional stores, do not have to pay rent for the store, so they can
keep the prices of what they sell lower and still make a profit.

traditional (a.)

convenient (a.)

addition (n.)

rent (n.) (vt.) (vi.)


profit (n.) (vt.) (vi.)


Grammar point: can/could/(be)able to

can/could/(be) able to +
can (be) able to
We can see the sunrise from our room if the weather is nice.
Mary probably wont be able to overcome her fear of height after this incident.
2. can can could (be) able to
Jack hasnt been able to take a vacation.

I might not be able to come to your party.

could was/were able to
2. was/were able to managed to
The earthquake caused some missing population, but the rescue team was able
to/managed to save all of them.

Article 2

To all employees,
Our co-worker in sales department, Masso, had a car accident this Monday and is in the hospital.
He just had a surgery on Wednesday. Therefore, if you go to visit him, please do not stay for too
long. We believe that he needs to take a good rest after the operation. He may have to stay home
for at least one month, so the meeting scheduled for Friday with marketing department will be
postponed to next Thursday. Besides, we are planning to chip in some money for him. If you want
to join us, please contact Sally in the accounting department.
Sales Manager
Michael Dowson


surgery (n.)


operation (n.)

marketing (n.)

postpone (vt.)(vi.)


accounting (n.)

Grammar point: -ing -ed

Have you met the girl standing there?
The bridge connecting two cities is very old.
ed ( ed )
The girl injured in the car accident is now unconscious.

The letter written by Mark is heartwarming.

there is/there are ing ed
There is someone jogging in the park.
There is food left from last night in the refrigerator.

Article 3
Magic Gadget Technology Inc.
As the biggest computer parts supplier in Europe, it is our first priority to provide our
customers with the best service and products. With the expansion of the business, we are looking for
the best sales representatives for our new branches in Asia. Anyone who is enthusiastic and has the
adventurous spirits is welcome to apply for the position.
explore the potential market in Asia
maintain the positive relationship with customers
research and analyze customers needs
BA degree in related fields
Fluent in English, and any other Asian languages, such as Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, and
Familiar with the Asia market and cultures
Please send your cover letter and CV to the following address before July 30. The telecom
interview will be arranged on August 15. For more details, please visit our website at
Joanna Chen
171 Taiwan Boulevard Taichung City
July 2 2012
Miss Dianna Richards
Recruitment Manager
Magic Gadget Technology Inc.
Waterfront Square
London WC2C 8SE
Dear Ms. Richards,

I am a final-year student at Chung Hsing University in Taiwan majoring in Marketing, and

would like to apply for a sales representative position with Magic Gadget Technology Inc., as
advertised on
Sales representative position appeals to me because it is very challenging and it involves a lot
of negotiation and communication skills. During my time at Chung Hsing University, I had a few
part-time jobs involving marketing and sales, and was elected as the best salesperson in 2010. I am
very fluent in Chinese and English. I am enclosing a copy of my CV, and surely hope to be invited
for an interview.
Yours sincerely,
Joanna Chen

supplier (n.)


priority (n.)

expansion (n.)

representative (n.)(a.)


branch (n.)(vi)

(n.) ()

enthusiastic (a.)

adventurous (a.)

appeal (vi.)(vt.)(n.)


challenging (a.)


negotiation (n.)

Grammar point: for, during, while

for during
1. for +
Ive been learning English for 10 years.
Linda will stay in England for 2 months.
2. during + ()
We left during the middle of the movie.
Jack will leave for Australia during April.
I woke up during midnight. I was awake for three hours.

during while
1. during +
Lillian met her idol during her vacation in Japan.
2. while + +
Lillian met her idol while she was visiting Japan.

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