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Manager Interview



1) Is samruddhi a national company or international?

2) Which are international markets?

3) In which area companies distribute the product?

4) Companies have how many distributors?

5) What is the distribution channel used for distribution of your

a) Manufacturer-consumer
b) Manufacturer-Wholesaler-Consumer
c) Manufacturer-Wholesaler-Retailer-Consumer
d) Manufacturer-agent-Distributor-Consumer

6) From above which channel is profitable for company?

7) Does the company conduct proper induction program for new

channel member?
a) Yes

b) No

8) Are distributors satisfied with the profit margins they are


a) Highly satisfied

b) Satisfied

c) Neutral

d) Dissatisfied

e) Highly satisfied

9) How the distributors affect the price of product?

a) Cost of high

b) Cost of low

c) Remain equal

10) Do you think that your distributor play an important role in

product innovation?

a) Yes

b) No

11) Dose your distribution of production limits to India Company?

a) Yes

b) No

12) Dose international distributors are profitable then national?

a) Yes

b) No

13) Do you have the complaint about distributors above


a) Yes

b) No

14) What is your distributor channel type?

a) B2B

b) B2C

15) If both types from above then which are profitable?

a) B2B

b) B2C

16) Do you come across any conflict or

mismanagement/misbehavior from distributors ever?
a) Yes

b) No

17) You which of following auctioning are perform by your

distribution channel?

a) Information collection

b) Promotion

c) Contacting cost

d) Negotiation

e) Pricing

f) Maintenance

18) What are the future plans?

Distributors questionnaires



1) From how many years you are working as distributors for

Samruddhi Company?
a) 1 Year or less

b) 3 To 5 Year

c) 1To 3 Year

d) More than 5 Year

2) Which areas you are covering under your distribution

3) How much products you buy from manufacturer at a single


4) Is there any compulsion/restriction on quantity of product to

be purchased by you?
a) Yes

5) Who is your supplier?

b) No

6) Is there any regional distributor superior you?

a) Yes

b) No

7) Do you get discounts/concession on the basis of quantity of

product you buy?

a) Yes

b) No

8) Are you satisfied with the profit margin you get per product?

a) Highly satisfied

c) Neutral

b) Satisfied

d) Dissatisfied

e) Highly dissatisfied

9) Are you satisfied with companys services?

a) Highly satisfied

b) Satisfied

c) Neutral

d) Dissatisfied

e) Highly dissatisfied

10) Are you satisfied with sales efforts of the company?

a) Highly satisfied

b) Satisfied

c) Neutral

d) Dissatisfied

e) Highly dissatisfied

11) Do you have your own sales force?

a) Yes

b) No

12) Are you satisfied with the overall sales of the product of the

a) Highly satisfied

b) Satisfied

c) Neutral

d) Dissatisfied

e) Highly satisfied

13) Other than samruddhi do you have any other companys


a) Yes

b) No

14) If yes which companys distributorship you have?

a) Samruddhi

b) Others

15) How wide your dealers network is?

a) In city

b) In small town

c) Both

16) Do you have your retail sales counter too?

a) Yes

b) No

17) Are you satisfied with the credit policy of the company?

a) Highly satisfied

d) Dissatisfied

b) Satisfied

c) Neutral

e) highly dissatisfied

18) Dose the company shares the cost of your sales personnel?

a) Yes

b) No

19) Dose promotion of product is your responsibility?

a) Yes

b) No

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