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Week 1
Wednesday 20th November Maths
Today we had our first lesson, which was Maths. Each lesson is 50 minutes. The students have
recently focused on collecting data in order to respond to questions linking to terms like:
categorical data, numerical data, range, frequency, median, mode and mean. The lesson
required students to collect and interpret data found using fifteen different data cards. Each
card had different categorical data. My goals for the lesson were to set clear and concise
goals for the students and to speak confidently and smoothly. I think my voice was a little shaky
at times and I stumbled to get my instructions heard clearly. I really think this was due to my
nerves kicking in though. Larna has explained to us that she encourages us to move the
students to and from their desk as she finds them to be restless at times. We began the lessons
at the students desk and then completed the activity on the floor. Students utilized their study
page in their Maths book for definitions that they were unclear about. Overall, I think the
students really enjoyed the activity and it was good that I related the activity to a real life story
about the layout of stores. The activity was interactive and it was good to get to know the
students better. Students who learn kinetically benefitted from the activity.

Wednesday 20th November Reading

Students are continuing on with a triorama that they began in week 6. There was not much
teaching in this lesson instead I was just touching base with the students and focusing on their
expectations for the lesson. The students triorama was based on three pieces of text, one
being a novel, the other an information piece of text the third a text not from a book. This
could be a magazine or a movie. The triorama had three distinct areas that the students
created a displayed their knowledge gained from the three pieces of text. It is hard coming
into a class where students are just continuing on with independent work. As a preservice
teacher I find this difficult to work around only because I am disadvantaged by not getting to
plan a proper lesson. My experience is also hindered as well as I am just explaining instructions
for a lesson instead of teaching one. My two teaching focuses for the lesson was establishing a
re-group strategy and communicating clear objectives for the lesson. I wanted to establish a
re-group strategy, as I wanted to experiment which strategy would work best for me and for
my group of students. I understand that each group may need a different type of strategy. I
also wanted to feel like I have control over the class as well. I think I communicated my
objectives clearer than the previous lesson but I think it is only because I have prior knowledge
of what to do compared to the Maths lesson where I had to create and plan it from scratch.

Thursday 21st November Writing

Today the students did more independent work on their Memory Book. I guess in a way it is
good that I am beginning with lessons where students are just completing off work only
because it gives me more time to get to know them and also for me to build on my lessons
slowly. The students Memory Books comprise of memories from each year of their primary

school life with each year being written in a different style of text. The students have been
working on their books since the beginning of term, creating a plan, a draft, getting the draft
corrected to now beginning to type up their good copies. The Memory Book is similar to a
scrapbook. I made sure I explained the dead line of completing their Memory Book clearly and
I touched base with each student ticking their progress on my list. Because the entire group of
years sixes were completing their book it was hard to distinguish my students from the others. I
felt a little more confident than the previous lessons though I am not as challenged as I thought
I would be.

Thursday 21st November Maths

Today I taught a Maths lesson focusing on the terms mean, median and mode. Students have
heard of the terms before but are now consolidating their knowledge of the terms. Students
were given data and were to gather relevant data to the questions provided. Students were to
create a new study page on the definitions and went through a few examples of each on the
board. Larna encouraged us to support the students to refer to their study page throughout
the activity and urge them to use their fingers when counting and their timetable charts. I
thought it was a good strategy to support the students to do this but only because timetables
werent the focus of the lesson. Because the topic did not relate to the two strategies I thought
it was good to not hinder the students learning by keep away resources away from them.
Larna also gave another good tip which I thought was really good and that was to discourage
swapping books but instead re-group the task at each task and correct as a class as
correcting together is more purposeful and students will then have control of their own work. It
also allows the student/teacher relationship to not be missing a step in-between. Sometimes its
better to get feedback at that very moment rather than reflecting later on! I struggled in
particular with Maths when I was younger so strategies like this I would love to apply in my
classroom as it can either make or break a students ability to learn or reinforce learning.

Friday 22nd November Maths x2

I had my first double dose of Maths today. 100 minutes went by pretty quickly. Because I
though it would take me longer to finish the activity with the students I decided to make one of
my teaching focuses time management and ensuring that the lesson ran according to
schedule. I end up finishing 5-10 minutes early but I thought that it was okay only because Id
rather be under time than over especially if it was one of my focuses. We began a Investigation
activity that incorporated a variety of topics that the students have focused over the few
weeks. Every time I begin a new topic or end a topic I like to either brainstorm or recap what
we have either learnt or what we can learn from the lesson. I think at times I spoke to quickly
when I gave instructions and did not pace myself when speaking. I think I really need to speak
more loudly and at times maybe when bringing the lesson to a close I can use my normal
voice. I gave students examples of timetables but I probably could have enlarged the table
better only because it may have been difficult for them to see. I liked to think I am good at
roving and enjoy getting to know each students individually and supporting him or her
individually as well. For task 2 I probably should have also created an example similar to the

timetable because some students were confused after I gave the instructions. It is evident with
the questions that they ask me afterwards.

Week 2
Monday 25th November Reading
I finally got to organize my own reading lesson as the students finally finished their triorama.
Larna wanted us to introduce the students to oral presentations. We were to assist them in the
planning, rehearsing and presenting elements of the presentation. I started off the lessons with
clear expectations and I think the students really enjoyed watching a demonstration of an
effective and ineffective oral presentation. They were very engaged and it allowed them to
compare the two and highlight the features of the presentation. I think I roved the classroom
well and I was always there to offer individual assistance and with this being done it urged the
students to be on task when I was to walk passed them again. I am still developing a re-group
strategy but it is a little difficult as I am constantly being moved into different groups of students
and group by ability. It is evident with this class not much discipline is needed as they are at the
higher end of the spectrum. The students are very independent therefore as a teacher the only
thing left to do is give clear and concise instructions and making sure the students understand
what is expected from them.

Monday 25th November Maths

Todays lesson we were continuing from task 2. This time focusing on issues of area and
perimeter. We went through a couple of examples on the board and I think this really helped
the students learning and understanding what they needed to do. When drawing on the
board I made sure to include the gridded squares like the ones in their book and urged them
to utilize the squares in estimating the perimeter and area of the room where the Graduation
was to be held. I try to break up each question and once one is complete I try to re-group so
that we can go through the answers together because this group of students is in the middle of
the spectrum. I like that my group is all in time with one another and at the same page. Going
through the answers together also supports students in sharing their answers and learning
different methods to find answers as well. I really enjoying working with a tight knit group as it
allows me to be more personal with their learning and I am not solely focusing on disciplining
them rather work is more productive and fun!

Tuesday 26th November Reading

Today our lesson was still focused on the oral presentations. Students had a little more time to
finish of what they wanted to include in their presentation in the summary plan and were then
to begin narrowing down only the main ideas that they actually wanted to present. We
encouraged them to only include ideas and dot points on their cue cards and to not read off
them. We focused on using cue cards appropriately today and gave examples of what to
include. Though with that being said the examples were a little small on the board so that is
something that I need to reconsider next time. If I want my class to refer and use my examples
it should be visible for them to do so especially if I am referring to it. Voula the teacher
supervising me also gave me some good tips on how to show the class examples through the

interactive whiteboard and if the text is small allow the students to come up and look at
instead of going through it on the board. As this lesson was continuing from the previous, I
thought it was important for me to give the students a recap of the work from the previous and
to let the know what we expect from the students in this lesson. At times when I initiate
discussion with the whole class it is important for me to begin that discussion. I think I shouldnt
be too hesitant in directing questions to particular students or just stating Im going to ask for an
answer in the mean time. Just so that I am aware that the students are paying attention and
are frantically focusing so they can come up with an answer and look attentive.

Tuesday 26th November Maths

We began the lesson recapping what happened in the previous session. We continued on with
task 3 with the organization of the Graduation. Students were to calculate the amounts of food
necessary for the guest. The activity may have seemed a little hard but the students then
began to pick up a pattern on how to calculate the food. When we re-grouped we discussed
and compared the different methods that were used to answer part B. I think this helped
students who still felt unease or did not know which method worked for them best. I did not get
much feedback from the observing teacher. I think it is difficult building a bond with a teacher
who is not my AT. At times I felt that she was forced to watch us teach and she really didnt
give me feedback that I could work with. I find this teacher in particular very cold and not as
welcoming as the other teachers though Im not sure if that is just what she is like normally. I feel
because I am teaching in a learning environment like this just because my AT is just responsible
for me does not mean I should not get any support from the other teachers in the area. The
feedback that I did receive did not link with what my AT has spoken to me about. My AT
encouraged me to allow students to work wherever they wanted and to support students into
having their own freedom whereas this teacher though that they should all be bunched up
together. Throughout the lesson I urged students to come up to the board to write their answers
I think they really enjoyed this as they got to share with the class.

Wednesday 27th November Reading

I didnt begin the lesson with a recap but instead I gave the students a rundown of what was
going to happen in todays lesson. I also introduced them to the criteria and the rubric that
they would need to fulfill. As some students did not finish their cue cards I gave them a little bit
of extra time but I made sure that this time was to be used productively. I made sure that they
understood the more time on their cue cards the less time they had to rehearse. I allowed
them to finish the cue cards, rehearse with a partner and then come back to meet on the
floor. I think the students really enjoyed rehearsing time I they made sure to include the features
needed for a good oral presentation. I also encouraged them to get feedback from their
partner I think they really benefitted from this as it is someone else who is giving feedback and
someone with less authority, like a friend. When I regrouped the students I introduced them to
the rubric, I did this deliberately so that they could go off again and rehearse coincide with
what was expected in the rubric. I also highlighted that during an oral presentation it is also
vital to be a good audience. Meaning being attentive and showing the speaker through

listening your body language. This was also done deliberately so that students were cautious
that I was watching not only the speaker but also them during the presentation. The students
did really well with their performance and Im so impressed with them. I hope they realize that
oral presentations get better with practice!

Wednesday 27th November Maths

The students had a small test on what theyve learnt about during Maths over the term. I think
the students did not understand how the concept of the tuning activity got to do with the test.
They enjoyed working on the floor together to find out answers and saw it as a competition
therefore they were keen on learning. We revisited definitions before we began the test and
together as a class went through a couple of examples which I think benefitted the students.
There was not much teaching involved in today lessons but instead much more supervising.

Week 3
Tuesday 2nd December Reading/SA Spelling Test
We got told by our supervisors to work our ACU schedule around our placement school;
therefore it led to our full days being scheduled for the beginning of the week instead of the
end. Though with that being said our half days are not really comprised of lessons but instead a
whole heap of testing! We had reading first where students who had not get to present in the
last lesson got to do so today. My group is so well behaved! The last group of students did a
great job and I could not be more proud of them. Its so good to finally begin a new topic with
a class and to see the finish product. I still liked breaking up the lesson with broken and small
instructions. After each student presented we had question time and I felt pretty bad when
some students didnt have any questions. I think as a teacher I need to step and come up with
questions in order for students not to be left out. Larna gave us a great tip about using counters
as something of value and they had to use their counter in the lesson therefore the counter
could have represented a question. I also need to begin using personal stories and relating it to
the activity in order for students to feel that I can relate to them more. The SA Spelling Test went
over three lessons one with each class. I read way too fast at the beginning and I think
because I see these words as easy and I know that the students do too I think that its okay to
read quickly. I really need to slow down at times when my nerves kick in. It was my first time
giving instructions while moving around the room though it is critical for me to make sure my
back is not facing towards anyone as my voice is not projected across the whole class room.
There were a few missing instructions that I could have included but I completely forgot, it goes
to show that I probably still need to use my individual lesson plans or create a running sheet. I
think because it was my first full day I thought I would do okay just using a weekly program but
in reality I probably should use something simple like a running sheet.

Wednesday 3rd November Maths Diagnostic Test/Comprehensive Assessment of Reading

Today was another day full of testing and again not much teaching. The students must hate
my guts right now with all this testing. Makes me feel like teachers use us preservice teachers to

do odd jobs that no one wants to do! The diagnostic test, tested students with everything
theyve learnt about the most recent topics. I did not go through the test myself and I probably
should have! When it came to roving I found it difficult to explain to the students how to work
out particular things. I quickly decided to do a refresh of the different topics that the students
may have had to learn during the term and they found it easy to remember them all. I
encouraged them to look through their Maths Books in particular the study pages relating to
the topics on the board. I think that benefitted them greatly. I would have liked to be more
prepared for the test and I probably should have actually completed one myself. The students
behaved pretty well during the test. We had the CARS test today, which tested the students
reading strategies. After correcting them, I am really impressed with the class. It was evident
from the marks that students who completed the test first tend to get a lower mark and the
ones who focused on the quality of test did really well. The class worked silently and I think it
was better to do a longer introduction and leave them to follow through with productive work
after stating their expectations.

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