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Augustine Church, Barberton, OH) - (May 17, 2015)

(Insert Graphic 2109-0119.tif) May 18-24
Monday, May 18 Easter Weekday
12:05 Sachiko Benya
6:00 Confessions
Tuesday, May 19 Easter Weekday
8:30 School Mass Craig Wilson
5:15 Justin Winebrenner
Wednesday, May 20 Easter Weekday
12:05 Richard McCulligan
Thursday, May 21 Easter Weekday
12:05 Gertrude Weaver
Friday, May 22 Easter Weekday
12:05 John Pastor
Saturday, May 23 Easter Weekday
8:30 M. Geraldine Witt
3:00 Confessions
4:00 George Kozarevic (Fr. Glaros)
Sunday, May 24 Pentecost Sunday
8:00 Richard Rist (Fr. Glaros)
10:30 Confirmation (Most Reverend Roger Gries)
5:15 The People of St. Augustine Church (Fr. Misbrener)

Readings for the Week of May 18


19:1-8, Ps 68:2-3,4-5,6-7, Jn 16:29-33

20:17-27, Ps 68:10-11,20-21, Jn 17:1-11a
20:28-38, Ps 68:29-30,33-35,35-36, Jn 17:11b-19
22:30; 23:6-11, Ps 16:1-2,5,7-8,9-10,11, Jn 17:20-26
25:13b-21, Ps 103:1-2,11-12,19-20, Jn 21:15-19
28:16-20,30-31, Ps 11:4,5,7, Jn 21:20-25
2:1-11, Ps 104:1,24,31,34,29-30, 1 Cor 12:3b-7,12-13 or Gal 5:1625, Jn 20:19-23, or Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15

Sunday Offering
Faith Direct Offering
Total Offering

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Stewardship -Time, Talent & Treasure
May 3

May 10



Weekly Budget to meet Operating Cost $

(Shortfall) Overage
School Support
Capital Support
St. Vincent de Paul
Parish Endowment
Philippines Mission
Earthquake Relief Nepal














(Insert Graphic 2109-0129.tif)Seventh Sunday of Easter

Jesus has ascended back to heaven. Before ascending, he commanded us to live and
preach the Gospel. We run a relay race of faith. Each family generation hands on the
baton of faith to the next generation, teaching by word and example who Jesus is and
how to live the Gospel. Dont drop the baton of faith!
Insert Graphic 2000-0047.tif) Please pray for our Sick especially: Karl Bartel, John
Betty Biagetti, Joseph Benear, Leonard Hamilton, Betty Bartel, Jack
Weigand, Lisa Gnap, Irene Lyle, Jenny Moslowski, Mike Macko, Eugene Van Oss,
Linda Plummer, Judy Kriston, Anne Trischan, Fred Kormanic, Shanon Johnson,
Sandra Lombardi, Tina Muren, Betty Morlan, JoAnn Mullett, Janet Dodson, Stephen
Deibel, Diolun Fletcher, Joanne Ramsay, Leroy Morlan, Jason Glaros, Ruth Williams,
William Bedford. Brittany Wunderle, Karen Gondor, Carol Garman, Chad Trischan, Pat
Shemuga, Alice Jovanov, Ted Myzwinski & Paul Suscinski
(Insert Graphic 2000-0010.tif)

Richard Borsos & John Somerick

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord!

320 Holy Hours were kept with Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration last week. "A Holy Hour in front
of the Blessed Sacrament is worth more than a thousand years of human glory." (St Padre Pio)
Please call Judy Soltis at 330-212-0926 for information on Holy Hour program.

WOMEN OF FAITH: The Women of Faith will hold their May meeting on Tuesday
evening, May 19 at 6:30pm in the school cafeteria. Join us for a spring Tea Party
complete with various teas and cookies to enjoy. Sandy Smith, local tea expert, will
share information on tea blends and herbs including even the religious significance of some
herbs used. Some of Sandys own tea products will be available for purchase. All women are
invited to attend wear your prettiest spring bonnet if you would like.

Formation in Faith Lecture Series - Bishop Richard Lennon, Bishop of Cleveland, will present two
lectures per month at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Cleveland immediately following the
Noon Mass. The 2015 Cathedral lecture series will feature presentations on the Right of Christian
Initiation of Adults. The next session will be Wednesday, May 20.
Funeral Luncheon containers have again stacked up at the rectory. Do you
happen to be missing any storage containers, platters, bakeware, etc?
Please stop into the rectory and take a peek at the varied collection
Maybe one or two are yours. If items are not picked up by July 7, they will
be donated.
You are cordially invited to a HOLY HOUR FOR PRIESTS, each Thursday
from3-4:00pm. Please join us as we pray the General Prayers for Priests,
Chaplet of Mercy, Rosary Meditations, Litany of Precious Blood and Litany of
Mary. All are invited and encouraged to attend as we pray for all priests,
deacons and religious especially Fr. David, Fr. Glaros, Fr. Mike, Deacon Adair and
Deacon Krause.
Join members of St. Augustine on Wednesday, May 20 for the first 2015 Parish Picnic Meeting
being held in the rectory at 6:30pm. Anyone interested in helping at the picnic this year, please
plan on attending.
Fr. Glaros is offering two prayerful opportunities on Sunday, May 17. Join him for a Holy Hour
with Stations of the Resurrection at 3:00pm in the Church and/or for a Charismatic Prayer
Group which will meet at 6:30pm in the Rectory Meeting Room, the topic will be Faith Study.
All are encouraged to attend. Reservations are not necessary.
(Insert Graphic 2122-0005.tif) St. Augustine Rectory will be closed for Memorial Day, Monday, May 25.
Mass will be celebrated at 9:00am there will be no confessions. The rectory will be open for business on
Tuesday, May 26.
The next round of Euchre will be Friday, June 5 beginning at 6:30pm in the
school cafeteria. Players of all ages are welcome to attend. Come and enjoy
an evening out with fellow parishioners.
Can you believe it, Vacation Bible School is almost a month away.
Be sure to mark your calendars for the week of June 22-26 and join
us for: Hometown Nazareth! Come experience a little bit of what
it would have been like to be a kid in the time Jesus was growing up.
Volunteers are always welcomed! If interested, please contact
Brianna Maloney or by calling 330-745-1080. Registration
forms can be found on the bookrack in the vestibule of the church.
(Insert Graphic 1101-0006.tif) 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration The
annual 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration will be held on Sunday, July 26 at the
Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. Bishop Richard G. Lennon, will be the principal
celebrant. Reservations are now being accepted for couples married 50 years.
Couples who are celebrating other significant anniversaries (55 or over) or have
missed previous celebrations are welcome to register and attend. Seating is limited
in the Cathedral. The number of guests will be determined by the seating capacity
and total number registered. Mark your calendars for Sunday July 26, Mass will

begin at 2:30pm in the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist.

rectory if you wish to register for this special event.

Please contact the

Remember St. Augustine Church in your will through Planned Giving. For
more information, please call Fr. David at 330-745-0011.

Be gracious to me God, for I am in distress (Psalm 31:9)

Join Deacon Robin Adair for a Grief Support Retreat being held at Loyola Retreat
House June 23 & 24, 5:30-8:00pm. We will explore and discuss the normal stages of
grief along with the emotional, physical and spiritual emotions and their impact on
us. We will also review practical ways to work through grief. Registration begins at
5:30pm, dinner will be at 6:00pm and the program will run from 6:30-7:30pm
concluding with closing prayers at 8:00pm. There is no cost to attend; a good will
offering will be taken. Registration forms can be found on the bookrack in the
vestibule of the church if you are interested in attending. Advanced registration is
requested in order to prepare food and materials. Should you have any additional
questions, please contact Loyola Retreat House at 330-896-2315 or email them at
(Insert Graphic 1105-0009.tif) Please pray for our Confirmandi making their Confirmations next
Sunday, May 24 at the 10:30 Mass.

Community Corner

Barberton Area Community Ministries item for the Month of May is Cereal.

Thank you again for all your support in helping us serve our brothers and sisters in need. All
donations can be placed in the bench in front of the giving tree in the vestibule of the church. Donations
are picked up on Monday mornings.
Winter storms made it difficult for faith-filled people to
respond to this years Appeal in their parish setting, therefore,
this weekend (May 16 & 17) all parishes will be conducting a
second in-pew appeal on behalf of Catholic Charities. Giving to
Catholic Charities transforms the lives of people in need and is a tremendous way to
respond to the bounty of Gods gifts in our lives.
Wont you answer the call of our beloved Pope Francis to open your hearts to
live joyfully and generously and support the Catholic Charities Appeal?
Gifts may be made by filling out an in-pew pledge form, responding to the
letter or email or telephone solicitations, or directly by contacting Meghan McGuan
at 800-869-6525 ext. 1049. Gift made on the in-pew pledge form or online at qualify for the $100,000 Challenge Grant
new and increased gifts will be doubled.
Thank you and may God bless us all with his enduring joy!
Come and join the parishioners of Immaculate Conception Church for A New
Perspective on Alzheimer's & Dementia Care, Monday, June 15, 6:30 7:30 pm, in Waldeisen

Hall. There is no cost, but please RSVP to the rectory (330-753-8429) for planning purposes.
Refreshments will be served. By attending this program you will learn:
*How and when to seek help from a physician
*The difference between Alzheimer's and dementia.
*How different parts of the brain are affected by dementia.
*A unique and positive approach to dementia care.
*Skills and techniques to provide effective care.

(Insert Graphic 2403-0090.tif Thanks to all who helped make the Right to Life
Flower Sale and Spiritual Adoption a success. Anyone wishing to adopt a
child can do so anytime, forms are available on the Holy Hour table. The
Culture of Life meets in the rectory the first Tuesday of every month following
the 5:15 Mass and Benediction. In addition, we hold a Holy Hour for Life on
the First Friday of every month at 11:00 am; following Mass, whenever 2 or
more are present, we witness and pray at the abortion clinic on Market St. in
Akron. For more information contact Lynn at 330-472-9452.
(Insert Graphic 1103-0041.tif) For those preparing to have a child baptized in the near future,
one requirement is that the parents attend a Pre-Baptism Class. The next class will be held at
St. Augustine Church on Tuesday, July 14 at 7:00pm in the rectory. For those interested,
contact the office at 330-745-0011.

(Insert Graphic 2406-0072.tif)

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