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McCabe, Janet[]
Bob Van Heuvelen
Sat 9/21/2013 12:21 :20 AM
Re: 9/25 Meeting Request for Biodiesel Executives

Hi Janet,
We'd really appreciate your help. These men are true industry leaders and classic good (and
smart) guys. They are committed to making the RFS work.
Hope this can work out. Thanks and have a great weekend!
Bob Van Heuvelen
VH Strategies, LLC
300 New Jersey Avenue, N.W.
Suite 601
Washington, D. C. 20001
Office: (202) 534.4920
(202) 384.2400
On Sep 20, 2013, at 11:42, "McCabe, Janet"


Janet McCabe
Acting Assistant Administrator
Office of Air and Radiation, USEPA
Room 5406A, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20460

From: Bob Van Heuvelen L~==~~~===='-''

Sent: Friday, September 20, 2013 11:34 AM
To: McCabe, Janet; Atkinson, Emily

Cc: John Bird

Subject: 9/25 Meeting Request for Biodiesel Executives

CREW FOIA 2014-006851-0001907

The Honorable Janet McCabe

Acting Assistant Administrator for the Office of Air and Radiation
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Dear Janet:
On September 5th, the executives of three of the nation's largest independent producers of
biodiesel wrote Administrator McCarthy regarding the 2014 RFS2 volumes for Advanced
Biofuels and Biomass-based Diesel (see attached letter). Pursuant to that letter, the
executives would like to meet with you to discuss the industry and the potential impact of
2014 volume requirements on their continued growth. They will be in Washington on
Wednesday, September 25 and would like to schedule a meeting with you.
The biodiesel industry is one of the true success stories of the RFS. It has met and surpassed
the biomass-based diesel volumetric requirement for 2012 and 2013, and has helped meet
the volumetric requirement for the broader advanced biofuels category within which the
biomass-based diesel category sits. In fact, in 2013, the domestic industry is projecting it
will have produced approximately 1. 7 billion gallons of biomass-based diesel, generating
over 2.5 billion RINs, nearly fulfilling the advanced biofuels requirement of 2.75 billion
gallons on its own, despite the shortfall of cellulosic fuels.
The biodiesel industry is set to exceed those volumes in 2014. Today the industry is
producing at a monthly rate of 166 million gallons, which translates to an annual rate of
nearly 2 billion gallons, and to more than 3.5 billion RINs; again, nearly enough on its own
to fill the statutory 2014 advanced biofuels requirement of 3. 75 billion gallons. The industry
has demonstrated its capacity to exceed even those volumes, and careful research shows
there is more than adequate and affordable feedstock available. Accordingly, the industry is
urging EPA to set 2014 volume requirements for biomass-based diesel and advanced
biofuels that reflect this capacity and current production. Absent such a move, production
will drop, layoffs will be required, and investment in future production will be limited.
We look forward to the opportunity to meet with you to discuss these issues and the role
biodiesel can play in the RFS and the nation's efforts on energy independence and reduction
of greenhouse gasses.
I have copied John Bird of my staff who will contact your office to follow up on this
request for a meeting on Wednesday, September 25.

Bob Van Heuvelen

CREW FOIA 2014-006851-0001908

Robert Van Heuvelen

Founder and CEO
VH Strategies, L.L.C.
300 New Jersey Avenue NW, Suite 601

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CREW FOIA 2014-006851-0001909

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