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Goffman, Joseph[]
Jack Gerard, API
Wed 6/18/2014 1:47:23 PM
RFS Summertime Blues

June 18, 2014

Dear Joseph,
Summer is the season for boating and mowing the lawn - but it can also mean trips to the
in engines that aren't
mechanic for consumers who accidentally use
designed accommodate them. Recent headlines warn consumers about the consequences of
using fuel that contains more than 10 percent ethanol (E10):
=~~=-'-'-'==~=~:::!!,,!="'-"'-'-'-"='-'"'-~=~"-"".==~~="" Mercury Marine
Vice President Marty Bass cautions: "We need to get this message in the hands of every
boater before they fill up because, if they don't know, they could damage their engine.
Most of these engine failures don't occur at the dock, but rather while you are on the
water, which then becomes much more dangerous."
=~!..c:::L~='-~~~~~=~=-'-'-""'-L=~=~-'=="- The Outdoor Power

Equipment Institute has launched a "Look before you pump" campaign cautioning
consumers against using higher ethanol blends in lawn mowers, power equipment, utility
vehicles, and boats. According to the article, "mixes with 15 percent ethanol and higher
burn hotter, which can ruin engines and possibly cause unintentional clutch engagement -like a chainsaw that suddenly powers up its chain."
Potential harm from the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is not limited to engine damage. The
mandate also causes economic harm:
=-'--'==~==~~=~="-'~="'--"""-=-= Two Chicago restaurant owners explain how

corn ethanol mandates under the RFS have raised full-service restaurant costs by 9
percent: "As the price for a wide variety of basic proteins and other staples increase,
restaurants - most often operated by small business owners - struggle to affordably
secure the products their menus rely on. Since the implementation of the RFS, wholesale
prices for beef have risen 47 percent, dairy by 23 percent, and eggs a walloping 70
And environmental damage:

According to the Environmental Working Group, the RFS has

diverted "40 percent of the nation's corn crop from feed and food to fuel," raising the price
of corn. As EWG points out, "Recent research by the EPA has estimated that ethanol
production increases greenhouse gas emissions by 33 percent, compared to gasoline."

_ _ _ _ and align its RFS mandates

with reality, it's up to Congress to repeal or reform this unworkable law.

CREW FOIA 2014-006851-0001977

Jack N. Gerard
President & CEO

The RFS and Food Prices

Families, restaurants and producers of poultry, pork
and beef are all feeling the impact of higher food prices
caused by unsustainable ethanol mandates.

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About API:
API represents more than 600 oil and natural gas companies, leaders of a technologydriven industry that supplies most of America's energy, supports 9.8 million U.S. jobs
and 8 percent of the U.S. economy, delivers $84 million a day in revenue to our
government, and, since 2000, has invested over $2 trillion in U.S. capital projects to
advance all forms of energy, including alternatives.

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Jack Gerard, API

1220 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005


CREW FOIA 2014-006851-0001979

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