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commit tees:


Appr opr iat ions Subcommittee:

I Economic Growth

Agriculture/Natural Resources

Natural Resources
Co-Chair: iowa legislative
Vice Chair: house democratic

sportsman's caucus

r u r a I caucus

state representative
iowa house district 26

Dear Administrator McCarthy:

As a member of the Iowa House of Representatives serving on the Agriculture, Economic Growth, and
Natural Resources committees, I have seen first-hand how the biodiesel industry under the
Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) has positively impacted Iowa's economy. In Iowa alone the industry
supports more than 10,000 jobs, $400 million in wages, and $3.4 billion in overall economic impact.
Nationally, the renewable energy sector in general and the biodiesel industry in particular is driving
job creation, even when other employment sectors are slow to recover from the recent recession.
Yet recently the EPA proposed 2014 RFS requirements that would significantly reduce biodiesel
production next year. Following through with this proposal would be a mistake, and would carry
with it serious consequences for people in my district and around the country.
Biodiesel has been an unqualified success under the RFS. The industry has proven it is ready and able
to meet the requirements, increasing production to a record high of 1. 7 billion gallons and exceeding
the RFS requirement in recent years. Biodiesel standards have been successful in a number of
important ways. We have dramatically decreased our reliance on foreign oil. Our environment is a
big winner, as biodiesel reduces greenhouse gas emissions by anywhere from 57 percent to 86
percent when compared to traditional petroleum diesel. Reversing our course now would be a
mistake, putting early industry successes in serious jeopardy.
Over the past three years, the growing biodiesel industry has been a bright spot in an uncertain
economic landscape; one that people in my district, and around the country, has come to rely upon.
Maintaining current RFS biodiesel requirements at 1.28 billion gallons, despite record production of
1. 7 billion gallons in 2013, would dramatically curtail biodiesel production next year. Over 30 U.S.
Senators, including Senator Tom Harkin and Senator Charles Grassley, have already written to you
requesting that you set the RFS requirements for biodiesel at the current industry production level of
1.7 billion gallons. Please reconsider the 2014 RFS requirements for biodiesel and take action on this
important issue.
I, and the people of Iowa, am counting on you to do the right thing.


Scott Ourth
Iowa State Representative
House District 26

110 timber I a ne ackw or th i owa 50001 515.208.7281 scot t.o u rt wa.g ov

CREW FOIA 2014-006851-0001095

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