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Mccarthy, Gina[]; Beauvais, Joel[]; Ganesan,

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ,

Arvin[Gan~?.9_o _6.rvLo@~.Ri'L


Ex. 6 - Personal Privacy

i Ex. 6 Personal Privacy i



Fri 1/3/2014 5:27:22 PM
Biodiesel and the RFS

Dear Administrator McCarthy:

My name is Phyllis Weeks and I live in Knoxville, Iowa, which is located in rural Marion
County. In the past four or five years, biodiesel has emerged as one of the most promising
alternative fuels on the market and one of the most important industries in my home state. Your
agency's current Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) has helped drive domestic energy production,
improve the environment, and reduce our reliance on foreign fuel. Unfortunately, the most recent
proposal on the RFS requirement for biodiesel would effectively reduce production next year and
directly threaten sustained growth in an industry that has already proven successful.
In 2013, the biodiesel industry has performed exceptionally well, reaching record high
production levels of 1. 7 billion gallons and laying the foundation for continued growth well into
the future. Beyond the record production, the RFS has spurred local and national economic
growth. This year, the biodiesel industry is supporting more than 62,000 jobs nationwide. In fact,
here in my state of Iowa, the biodiesel industry supports more than 10,000 jobs and produces
more than $3 billion in economic impact. The industry is paying at least $628 million in federal,
state, and local taxes, all of which support key ongoing projects. The RFS plus other smart
policies like mandatory conservation compliance are proven to be effective in long-term
environmental improvement and economic development.

At a time when economic recovery still seems precarious, we cannot afford to slow progress in
renewable energy production. Maintaining current RFS biodiesel requirements at 1.28 billion
gallons, despite record production of 1.7 billion gallons in 2013, would have the effect of
drastically curtailing biodiesel production next year. This could have significant consequences
on local economies with a strong rural presence, such as ours. A group of more than 30 U.S.
Senators, including Senator Tom Harkin and Senator Charles Grassley from my home state, have
already written to you requesting that you set the RFS requirements for biodiesel at the current
industry production level of 1.7 billion gallons. Please reconsider the 2014 RFS requirements for
biodiesel and take action on this important issue. As an Iowan who follows environmental issues
closely, I thank you for your attention to this matter.

CREW FOIA 2014-006851-0001096


CREW FOIA 2014-006851-0001097

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